
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasy
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716 Chs

First Real Fight


Staring down at the projection showing on her hand showing two numbers along with the location of the stage she would be fighting at as tension filled her body. Looking up from her hand she was about to start walking towards her location when someone bumped into her pushing her backwards causing her to trip and fall without being able to catch herself.


Looking around she saw a girl on the smaller side passing by her completely ignoring everything around her as she marched off in the direction of the stages. Watching her walk off Tearia got up and dusted herself off as she stared in the girl's direction.

"Strong and absent minded as well it seems."

Shaking her head she stopped thinking about it as she made her way to her location while the announcer's voice continued to ring through the whole place with basic pleasantries along with the rules and basics of this competition. Quietly listening Tearia made sure all her information was right as she walked checking her hand whenever she needed to.

"No outside weapons eh? I guess that makes sense."

The only defensive or offensive things people were allowed to use were the ones that came with alongside their Astral Rings which Tearia was a little grateful for. If someone was rich and brought some kind of treasure along she and a lot of others would instantly be in an awful position so she assumed this rule was to keep balance amongst the fighters as much as possible. "Well not like I have a weapon anyway." Tearia's ring did something a little bit different.

"And of course the grand prize of this entire competition is..."

"Well that confirms that information is true."

It seemed the stuff her Grandfather told her about this competition was true. "So they really are looking for a marriage partner. Probably to gain strength just like Grandfather said but for what?" Though she didn't know a lot about the big clans either so she couldn't speculate to much nor did she care for the first place prize so she drowned out the rest of the announcer's voice as she finally made it to her location thanks to the help of the stamp she received earlier.

Walking up the steps she entered into a stage on the smaller side that was completely white with no added effort anywhere while she watched her opponent enter from the other side. Meanwhile the hundreds of stages that surrounded her were also going through similar things as she stared at her opponent to see who she would be fighting. However from what she could see he seemed to be wearing clothes that were somewhat similar to her training outfit but he had a small logo on his uniform that most likely signaled that he belonged to some kind of clan. Yet what irked Tearia as she stared at his face was the relaxed look he carried while his green hair blew slightly in the wind while he kept his hands in his pockets.

"He's acting like he has nothing to worry about no matter what." With a slight twitch of her eye that pissed her off a small bit but she kept it hidden away. She knew he had a right to be as arrogant as he wanted so she dropped it as she calmed herself down but before she could a voice entered her ears.

"You seem a little tense there, You should relax more."


"I'm guessing this is your first time? Well I do feel a little bad for you. I can take it easy on you if you want?"

With a smirk plastered on his face and a mocking tone along with it he had already seen through Tearia a bit. "Just don't let it bother you..." Her Grandfather had taught her that one of the most important things was to not let your opponent get to you and since the man had already seen through one of her weak points there was nothing she could do now. Thankfully the announcer was finally ending her speech so she wouldn't have to listen to his annoying voice anymore. Taking a deep breath she watched in the corner of her eye as a Referee came to their stage to watch over them.

"Maybe I'll be able to control my emotions one day but for now...." She had always been an emotional person her entire life and while sometimes that lead to stupid mistakes she had been getting better at keeping herself in check lately so she took a deep breath and settled herself "I shouldn't let such basic things bother me anyways." Second later the shout of the Referee beside them along with all the others echoed through the place as the sounds of fighting began.


Hearing that a bit of excitement lit up in her eyes as she rushed forward. Fighting against her Grandfather she almost always had to be on the defensive and now that she was finally given the chance to fight someone else she wouldn't let the same pattern continue. So with speed that shocked her opponent along with even herself a little bit she dashed into his face aiming right for his smug smile. But just like she thought he began to move out of the way with some surprising reactions. "So he wasn't just full of it." Seeing the speed he reacted to her she knew he wouldn't be weak but that excited her a little bit.

She didn't want her first real opponent to be someone who just fell over without her even getting to try. Following his movement she chased him with her fist but aimed for his stomach this time as she began to concentrate a small bit of lighting into the tips of her fingers and collided with his body this time. Feeling her hand hit flesh she quickly sent shock waves through his body as she pulled back not given him time to even breathe and punched again doing the same thing while he was still dealing with the electricity in his body. But unfortunately for Tearia she punched a little hard this time around as she knocked him back a couple meters without being able to do the same trick again as well as giving him time to recover again.


Surprised at her strength shock flashed through her eyes seeing something that had never happened before but she didn't have much time to think about it as her opponent finally got himself back on track as anger flashed through his face that Tearia didn't miss.

"I guess this fight really begins now."

Preparing herself Tearia dashed again.

I made a small mistake near the end of the last chapter that I somehow missed. No clue how that happened but But I changed it now.

Worse Changed into First,

so it's "I'll be fighting First." Etc.


Thank you for reading...

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