
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasy
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716 Chs

Cracks On The Statue

Standing behind the Statue Xelfia didn't exactly know what Xilo wanted her to do there but getting an answer out of him at this point probably wasn't going to happen. From her point of view it already looked like he was trying to hold in his screams of pain with each passing second. "Plus we're both practically moving on adrenaline at this point." She was almost positive they would have collapsed before this happened if not for that fact. "Our bodies probably hate us at this point....Never mind I don't have time to worry about that now." Scanning the Statue's back she tried to figure out what she could possibly do to help.

"Maybe....?" However it didn't matter what she thought as she stared at it's back. There was simply nothing she could think of but if she didn't do anything soon Xilo was going to lose. "Ahhhh fuck it." Giving up thinking she went back to her style as she began to pound into it's back with her fist in hopes of accomplishing something. With a bit of desperation behind every attack Xelfia tried to hit any area she could to help. "Well not exactly what I had in mind." Watching in the corner of his eye Xilo saw Xelfia panicking a little bit but he knew that was partially his fault.

"I didn't exactly explain myself well but this works regardless." Each time Xeflia's fist struck near its weak point the Statue slightly flinched as it staggered which was what he was after. Most likely it didn't feel any pain but that didn't mean its balance was the same as before. With each hit in the right spot it would be forced to move along with the force of the hit thanks to them already destroying the weak spot. Each time it happened he was able to slowly inch his blade forward while also feeling it's grip loosen more than before while it tried to stop itself from falling. At this point he was almost sure it was just a matter of time.

Ignoring the feeling of his bones being crushed the best he could, Xilo gritted his teeth hard to keep himself from making any noise as he inched forward little by little. He was slightly worried about not having enough force behind his blade but if he got lucky and found the same spot that he hit before on it's back then he shouldn't have to worry too much about it. In fact he would have finished it off from the back before but he was almost positive his blade wouldn't be able to get deep enough in time to completely pierce through so he took this gamble instead. Feeling sweat run down his back he kept himself as focused as he could waiting for the next bump to continue moving forward.

Thankfully during this whole time the lights and fire had stopped appearing around them as they were locked in their struggle which was one of the big saving graces though they might just be getting lucky. "Just a little more." Staring at it's chest he tried to make sure he was in roughly the same area as his blade finally arrived close to it's chest. "This'll be the final push and for that...I'll need a good amount of room but that would require me to coordinate with Xelfia. I don't know if I can but i'll try." He was afraid speaking now would ruin his entire concentration and focus but if he wanted to end this it was a risk he would have to take. "If I can even speak that is." All he could do was hope as he took a second struggling to get any air he could to calm himself down before opening his mouth.

"X-Xelfia, land one big hit on it-"

However he couldn't finish his sentence as the urge to scream climbed up his throat while his body threatened to fall over forcing him to stabilize himself again. He just had to hope Xelfia got the hint now. "She's smart so I'm sure she did." Readying himself he prepared to attack one last time and finally finish this fight while Xelfia was still a little lost hearing his voice. "Land one big hit on what exactly?" With some frustration at this situation it took her a second before she set her eyes on it's mangled weak spot. "This is the only thing I can think of so let's hope it works." Repositioning herself she tried to make sure she could do as much damage as possible while she got ready to hit that area. "I hope this works." Taking a breath she shouted at Xilo.

"Xilo, Now!"

With that as his signal Xilo pushed with every single muscle and piece of Astral Energy in his body hoping for the best. Feeling the grip on his arms loosen more than anytime before he felt like smiling as his full body went into pushing himself forward right before he watched his blade pierce straight into its chest with ease causing cracks to start forming from that area as the Statue went still again. Holding his breath Xilo watched every single part of the statue refusing to miss anything this time around but his worry wasn't needed. Soon after the first cracks appeared they began to spread all alongside it's chest before eventually breaking apart with the top part of it crumbling to the ground.


Only once he saw that did he finally exhale as he stared at its body as an eerie quiet washed over the room only filled with the sounds of their accelerated breathing. Staying like that for a minute Xilo almost didn't believe it was true as he felt his body start to unstiffen a little bit.



Unable to even finish his sentence, Xilo couldn't even feel joy at finally being done with this test. All he wanted to do now was collapse and sleep for an eternity it felt like but they still had to escape from these ruins before he could even contemplate doing such a thing. "Is that?" Before turning around to try and find an exit a flash of light caught his eye as he turned to look at the Statues body again. "It is..." Walking up to it's chest area from before he bent down and picked up two crystals though one was a bit different from the rest. While the brown one looked the same as the rest they had picked up throughout the tests the other purple one was completely circular in shape with a couple cracks unlike the smooth diamond like shape of the others.


Seeing Xilo pick up two crystals Xelfia was slightly surprised but at this point she could barely get her voice out.

"No clue.."

However he still shoved both with the rest as he ignored the body.

"For now let's just find the exit and get out of this place as fast as possible."


Waiting for Xelfia to be beside him while catching his breath they both started to walk towards the opposite side of the room in hopes of finding something that would lead them out. All while a silent shadow that was forgotten watched them a slight smile of approval before vanishing from the room just to appear somewhere else waiting.

Better week for me so far....


Thank you for reading...

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