
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasy
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716 Chs

A Very Angry Woman

Everyone went down from their platform to congratulate the twins for their performance. They had done way better than anyone had expected, even Zilan. Grabbing both of their hands Zilan pulled both in for a big hug. Sarin felt a little embarrassed with himself as they hugged. "I lost to Darain." Inside of his head he kept blaming it on his loss of concentration, he knew that wasn't the truth though. That girl Aelia was incredibly strong and his brother had done his all for that victory. He had to give recognition where it was due even if they were competing against each other. "Next time." Assuring himself of that he felt Zilan back off as they all talked together.

"Once again, congrats you two. You did very well. I think they'll be giving out your rewards with everyone else at the end of the day as a little send off. For now the next competition is starting that Marie will be competing in. So let's head over now, Are you coming as well Xilo or have other plans?"

Looking to his side Zilan had an idea of Xilo's answer.

"The next event is medicine right? If so we'll be going. I know Tearia wanted to join in on that even if she's still a little tired. Though you can sit out if you want Tearia."

"I'll be fine, I don't plan on going crazy this time. I just want to see what it's all about and how I compare a bit, especially to Marie."

Tearia and Marie were both people who worked in medicine over the years. They had been talking a little bit about it while they were watching the Twins event and that got Tearia kinda curious about her skills. So she decided to participate along with her in the next event. "I'm going to do awfully." Tearia knew her energy was still low so she wouldn't be able to go all out, still she wanted to try. Their large group made their way to the opposite side of this giant place and took their seats. Looking around the place the crowd and people actually doing the event was very small compared to the last event.

"So little people..."

Thinking out loud Tearia leaked that out.

"Medicine isn't a very popular thing to learn nor is it very exciting. So most people have probably chosen to go and watch the over event starting soon, Which I think is a longer range precision event. From my memory of the list of events it said people will be using bows and other weapons like that to aim at targets far away. It's a lot easier to feel results and have a broader audience with that kinda thing. Everyone that is here though is probably an expert or a student in training to one in return."

Calmly explaining things Marie smiled at Tearia.

"Yeah I can get that, so what will I be doing in this exactly?"

"Each person will be making the same thing, after everyone will be tested for speed and effectiveness. Effectiveness will be weighed the most in the end, so try not to rush. No point in going fast if the medicine ends up useless after all."

Marie had been in quite a few of these kinds of competitions so she was used to the rules even if they were a bit more simple this time around. Some medicinal experts were very tedious and precise with their contests so this was a nice break. Tearia and Marie continued talking as everyone took a seat and waited for it to all start. There was two hours between each event to give people time to eat or prepare in any way they could so their group had time to waste. Time ticked by as they played silly little card games to pass the time and talked. From stuff like what they did yesterday to some good spots to training they just kept going. With the time coming up on them soon they were forced to stop as Xilo noticed someone approaching from the corner of his eye.


Trying his best to hold his tongue Xilo waved hello at the man as he walked by with a young boy he didn't recognize. "I wonder if he's new." There was also a good chance Xilo just straight up forgot who it was but it didn't matter. Watching them walk up to the stage, Xilo was a little intrigued that they would be competing. Some extra friendly competition was always nice to have so he was happy with that until he saw Hazel lurking off to the side as well. "She's here." Trying his best to act like he didn't notice her, he watched the two girls get up on stage along with the one from Hazel's group. "She looks pissed." He could feel her energy freaking out from here and her somewhat beautiful face was turned into one nasty snarl.

"She looks like she wants to rip Tearia to shreds."

With a bit of worry, Xilo wondered what she had planned for this event. His leg was still numb from the last event and he was sure more was coming to bite them. "How do we deal with them?" He had been tossing around ideas in his mind for the past couple hours. In the end though it all just came back to being stronger than them and that annoyed him a bit. "Surely there's another way." He refused to believe that was the only answer, he didn't want it to be. "Strength isn't always the answer." Feeling Relia's arm rub against his suddenly he looked down at her cute twin tails while breaking out of his thoughts. It was rare for Relia to get so close to him nowadays so he wasn't used to it.

"What's up Relia, anything on your mind or is it something else?"

Her and Kirel had gotten quite close which was nice but Xilo knew she was still avoiding him even if it pained him a bit to admit.


Her body was on fire though as sweat filled her forehead, she kept her face hidden as best as possible as she grabbed onto Xilo for support.


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