
Aren't Friends Supposed to Light Up Our World?

I can't exactly say that music class was great, to be honest, it was boring. The same stuff: Introductions and getting used to the new class. Right now we're walking back to our class in a straight line, this was pretty ordinary and common here just to keep the hallways and classes organized.

Once I walked into the classroom, nothing much changed, there was just a single piece of paper on each of the desks. 'I wonder what are those pieces of paper for.' I thought. Ms. Fujiki instructed us to stand at the back of the room, away from the desks for a moment while she called each students' names out and pointed to where they were going to sit for the next 4 weeks. I jolted up when she called me, I quickly looked over to where I was going to sit, surprisingly, it was to the right of where Aikawa Harumi sat. As I sat down, I grew more anxious, worried about the possibilities if I made a mistake in front of the class. "Hi, my name Aikawa Harumi, what is your name?" She suddenly asked, staring at me curiously. Was it my first impression? Or was it my clothing style that stood out to her?

"H-hi, I'm Itsuki Asuka." I nervously replied, "Do you want to be friends with me?"

"Sure, I don't see a reason why I shouldn't." Her smile was extremely bright, but the thing that stood out to me was her front teeth, they stood out like how a beaver would look like, but I obviously didn't want to point that out rudely, so I kept quiet. Sitting in front of me and Harumi were two boys, I recognized them from second-grade, but their names just didn't pop up into my head at the moment, so I sat there, ever so daydreaming

Later on in the day, Harumi introduced me to three new people, I suspected that they were nice, so I didn't hold a grudge against them. "This is Itsuki Asuka, she's my new friend." Surprising, Harumi was kind enough to introduce me to them, probably because she could hear a hint of nervousness while I was introducing myself.

"Hi, Asuka. My name is Carissa." Carissa said, her voice dripping like honey. "This is David," She pointed to the boy, "And this is Katsuki. I hope we all become good friends."

And yet this is only the start of the mess I've gotten myself into.