
Reach Out

Not everyone lives a good life, where there’s always happiness and love. Many people too, experience sad and horrible things. We go through petrifying times that scars us. We have open wounds that is always constantly being rubbed with salt. Does time really heal wounds? Nakamoto Ayumi is an average 17 year old girl who’s a junior in high school. She lives through pain yet fakes a smile everyday to show everyone she’s doing just fine. However, that all changed when she met a boy, named Kimura Sanyu. He too, experiences such horrifying and saddening things. He can feel her emotions, and wants to keep her happy. Ayumi learns from Sanyu that it is okay to cry, to show how you really feel deep inside. With shattered hearts due to dark secrets they keep to themselves, slowly together, they tried to mend their hearts, to heal their open wounds. They fell in love in each other without even knowing it. Secrets spills, drama begins, rumor spreads through the school, and love slowly starts to bloom. “What a sad and hard life you’ve been living...” “Please save me!” “I want to be there for you.” “I will do anything to protect you, even if it costs my life.” “You will never leave me..right?” “I like you.” ** of course this story isn’t going to be all dark, there’s gonna be a lot comedy in here too! Just to lighten things up and melt your heart with warming loving scenes! I will update chapters when I am not busy! Please look forward to this story! **

Mystickeo · General
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59 Chs

Prepare For The School Festival!

The students began going out to stores after discussing their plans. Some of them went to go buy wood, some went to buy curtains, some went to buy glowing stars, and some went to go find a huge star and galaxy projector.

Sanyu and Ayumi went to go buy paint together and Kaya and Yuuto went to go buy the art supplies and other necessary things for the festival. When all the students gathered together again in the classroom after buying their supplies, they began building and setting things up. Sanyu grabbed some of the huge wooden boards and walked towards Ayumi, "Lets start painting?" She grabs the art supplies, "Sure!"

Yuuto runs over to Ayumi, "I'll help you paint too, my love~!" Kaya grabs him by his ear and drags him away from them, "You should help me out with setting the glowing stars on these boards!" He yelps as he's getting dragged across the floor. Sanyu starts painting a jet black color into the wooden board, "We will need the room to be as dark as possible..." Ayumi thought of the word 'dark' and slowly paints along.

He suddenly remembers them looks at Ayumi precisely, "Will you be okay? It's going to be quite dark?" She forces a smile as she paints, "As long as you're here with me..I think I'll be just fine. You said you'd protect me at any costs." Sanyu's face becomes red and steam suddenly appears from his head. He looks away the places his hands over his blushed face while his heart beats uncontrollably. "An-anyways! I don't think it'll be THAT dark.. the star projector and other bright glowing things will be enough light for us to see in the room.." he awkwardly says.

Ayumi lets out a quiet laugh, "That's right."

Yuuto sticks the stars and other glowing stickers on some already painted boards with Kaya. "Say, do you really actually like Ayumi? Or are you only liking her just for fun?" Kaya asks him out of the blue. He honestly answers back, "I like her..a lot actually. I'd like her to become mine soon too. She means a lot to me, don't know why, but I just feel like..I have to protect her.. I love her."

Kaya looks at him closely, "You like her that much?" "More than 'that' much," he replies. She's surprised, "WOW~" then she speaks in her mind, 'However, Sanyu too, likes Ayumi. Should I confess my love as well? I've been holding it in for quite awhile now..'

The students continued preparing for their school festival. "We would like to prepare it quick! The school festival starts in 4 days!" The class president Izumi announces to the class.

As everyone left home, the students continued working on their festival preparation at home together in groups. Yuuto, Kaya, Sanyu, And Ayumi walked together. "Ah, Ayumi will be staying in my house to finish up painting," Sanyu tells Yuuto and Kaya. Ayumi remembers, 'That's right.. no one knows that I'm living with Sanyu.'

"Then! I should go to Yuuto's house!" Kaya eyes brightens up as she looks at Yuuto. "What?! Hell no! You're not coming in my house!" He yells back. "It's just working on our preparation together!" She yells back at him. Yuuto grabs her by the collar of her uniform, Kaya grabs hold of his hair. Together they clashed. Sanyu and Ayumi stares at them blankly.

The two ended up going to Yuuto's house to work on their preparation. Sanyu laughs as he walks with Ayumi.

"Who is this young beautiful lady you brought in our house?! Is she your girlfriend Yuuto?" His mom asks as she greets Kaya. He turns his head away as he slightly blushes at the word 'girlfriend' ,"That's no girlfriend mom! Just a FRIEND!" Kaya nervously laughs, "Yeah? Just .. just friends!"

In Sanyu's house, they continue painting the boards. Ayumi gasps as she has an idea, "Should we buy some glow paint? I think it'll make the plain black boards prettier!" His eyes widens at her idea, "That's a good one! Let's go buy it right now!" He smiles at her.

Ayumi is happy, she grabs her sweater and puts it on then grabs her wallet. Sanyu cannot stand her cuteness within her, however he tries to control his happy heart from being too jumpy. Together they walk to the store.

Kaya sticks the glow stickers onto the boards. She blows her hair to keep it away from her face as she works. Yuuto reaches his hand out and tucks her soft thin hair behind her ear. Kaya stops working and looks at him with a slight blushed face. Their eyes meets each other. "Ah! Don't mind what I did! I was just trying to help you see better!" He turns away from Kaya as his heart races.

Sanyu and Ayumi meets some of the students at the art supply store. "Oi!! Sanyu! Ayumi! What's up??" Kanji says to them. They wave back and smiles. "What're ya here for?" Lola asks them with a smile. "I thought of something! Like we can use glow paint to paint stars and galaxies on the boards instead of using so much stickers! It's an easier way and faster way to get it done!" Ayumi happily tells them. Sanyu doesn't speak back, he just smiles happily as Ayumi talks.

The students all gasps at her idea, "AYYY that IS a good idea!" "As expected of our Ayumi!" "We should do that!" Sanyu finds a variety of different colored glow paints, "Ayumi which one should we get?" "The universe mostly has some pink, purple, light blue, green, yellow, orange..and a bit of brown!" Ayumi tells him. He nods his head as he grabs each color she just mentioned.

After they paid for the glow paints, they continued to work on their painting together.

"Okay..let's stop being so damn awkward now and just continue working normally Delinquent," Kaya tells him as she nervously places the stickers onto the board. "You're one to talk," he turns around to continue working as well. She laughs, "shut up." He smiles.