

Mana... The so called source of everything Ever since the gates of monsters had appeared, society had been plunged quickly into great dismay. Yet, it was also blessed with unimaginable wealth and new opportunities, Humanity had been granted the gift of magic and its endless potential. However, the cataclysm occurred. As the whole of humanity was driven to extinction by monsters, one man stood alone as he faught a hopeless war by himself, when it was his time to die, he couldn't begin to imagine what he saw in front of him. "what da fuck..." *** Cover not mine, just comment and I'll remove it

Random_Asian · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Grudges 7

"I think i'll have a word with all of you"

"everyone fucking kill him!"

Everyone suddenly came straight at me with their blades pointed straight to my head and throat, though it wasn't my first time getting into fights like these.

"take this!" one of the bandits shouted in his face as he tried to ram his dagger into Ferris's throat

However it was immediately blocked, the bandit's eyes couldn't follow what just happened in that split second but all he knew was that the dagger on his hand was somehow pointing away from his original target. He took his time to processes what the hell just happened in the few splits seconds he still had, little did he knew there was already a flaming ball that was about to slam on his face.




How should I describe what happened to his face? Well, it was certainly terrible as the rest of the bandits stood there with a breathless expression as the body collapsed to the ground. It was no longer a simple robbery on a road in broad daylight, it was going to become a full on fight that's ganna go a bit too far.

Ferris didn't waste his time waiting for them to attack, he went to the nearest bandit and quickly took him out which made the rest of the bandits regain what little focus and confidence they still had.

One by one they fell like flies as Ferris pushed his mana into overdrive so that each blow was deadly enough for each hit to be fatal, not only that of course as he also blasted their faces with a fireball at point blank range. Sooner or later, there was only one of them left.

"w-wait spare me! we didn't even do anything to you!" he pleaded with his face dyed in red

"can't understand anything, but I'll guess that your pleading for your life no?" Ferris said

He placed his leg on top of the bandit's chest as he glared at him.

"imagine the amount of innocent travelers that encountered you guys, actually now that I think about it" his expression suddenly went dark despite the sunlight surrounding them


"it's because of people like you, that made Earth fall harder than it should've... when law and order was gone, the people I knew turned against each other, fulfilling their own petty revenge for shit that was laughable and some rape... and senseless murder..... oh who am I kidding, you can't even understand what I'm saying"

he pointed a finger gun towards the last bandit, it was an unfamiliar gesture for the bandit but it quickly became obvious as a ball of fire formed in mere moments at the tip of Ferris's finger.




(they managed to sneak a few stabs into me... I pushed myself more than I did with the wolf fight..)


Every new coming hunter was given a full week course of how to survive before going into gates and It was common knowledge that removing a knife stuck on your body is a stupid idea, despite the training he receive he plucked the knives out one by one.

(I need to take my coat out before it gets drenched by my own blood... thankfully the storage is undamaged.... ah.. I'm starting to faint.. I need to hide on top of the trees incase a passerby sees this mess I left) Ferris said as he staggered towards the deep forest while trying his best not to get his coat dirty


[Mana boost successful, you have leveled up to 7}

[strength greatly increased]

[mana output greatly increased]

"still alive... " he mumble with a not so surprised face, he jumped out from the tree branch he was laying on and went back to the dirt road

He was knocked out cold for a a couple of hours so it was already afternoon, he checked his wounds which has already been healed however, his clothes were now littered with torn holes along with some bloodstains that were thankfully not that visible unless you squint your eyes a bit to look at them.

(I'm hearing something... is that a carriage?)

Ferris hid behind a large tree trunk with only his head poking out to view the situation. It was a crowded sight as a couple of people were examining the dead corpses on the road, behind them was a long carriage that looked like it was solely made for transporting a lot of people at the same time, much like a bus in the modern world.

"hey look at this! he has the same face as this dude here in this wanted poster!" a middle age man said to his friend while holding up a poster

"but he's dead tho"

"you numbskull! it says dead or alive! and the reward is 5 gold coins!"

"but... what if the bounty hunter who killed them is taking a pee break?-

"... just get the bags ok?" he said, with a face saying that he was done arguing with his friend

As the two continued to argue over what to do, Ferris stood there like a lifeless statue, behind the shade of the dense forest.

(they look oddly happy... seems like the paper on that persons hand is a wanted poster)

After they took in the bodies, the passenger carriage continued its journey along the dirt road. Ferris began to trail them closely as he made sure to hide his presence as much as possible.

(since it's just the medieval version of a bus, these guys should be able to lead me to a city)


"this is ganna be a long walk" he exclaimed as he stretched his arms into the air



Random_Asiancreators' thoughts