Marcus James died, with his death leading to an unknown yet powerful entity. He has wishes, goals and dreams. Can he fulfill them? Or will he suffer in his second chance at life? Follow him along his journey to becoming the ultimate ZET-MAN! Warning! None of the characters and universes are owned by me or are my ideas. I only use them as a tool for entertainment for myself and others.
A large explosion rattled me towards a nearby tree, almost snapping it in half. Slowly, I opened my eyes, trying to get out of my shock, then the blur faded, seeing a large set of smoke around me.
'What did Jin just do!?'
I was now worried... extremely so. My son must have been hurt, too. Getting up, I tripped for a second, but I caught myself just in time, then I realized that I tripped over to what looks to be a creator, a rather large one...
I was a little more than 10 meters away from Jin when he launched his new attack, yet this creator formed all the way to here?
"Jin! Can you hear me, are you OK?"
I called desperately, hoping me son was in decent condition as I was...
"Yeah dad... I'm fine, just a bit of pain to deal with" jin responded.
'Thank goodness. At least he is somewhat fine...'
As we finished that small talk, slowly the smoke was clearing up, I saw jin's figure a couple meters away, so I ran towards him to see of he was truly ok.
But a part of me already knew that it wasn't going to be the case...
As I ran, I slowly got closer to jin I realized how deep the crator was, but I ignored it for now, closing the distance in mere moments.
I knew jin would be hurt given his tone and what he said, but I wasn't prepared for what I was about to see...
Looking at him, as soon as I saw the wound, I felt myself gagging for a split second, something I was sure I was incapable of, especially after my copious amounts of training...
However, I swallowed whatever I was about to let out... before responding.
"Oh god!... Jin... your arm... it's..."
"I know, it's as painful as it *he huffs* looks..."
His bones... were somewhat splintered, his flesh looked as if it was ripped off on all sides, with the rest of his arm purple, almost black and mangled beyond belief, but luckily, he had his regeneration, and it was potent, since it was healing at a visible pace.
Without another moment, I ran towards jin, hugging him.
Before, I eased my embrace, looking at him sternly.
"...jin... never do this again, under NO circumstances must you do this move. DO YOU UNDERSTAND!!"
Jin looked at me with a bit of surprisein his eyes, but quickly shook his head in response.
I never shouted at him before, so it makes sense why he is a bit startled by my reaction.
With a couple more seconds passing, the smoke in the area fully cleared up, and I was even more shocked as to what I saw...
~Jin's Pov~
' I definitely won't be using this move again for a while... my arm almost got completely blown off because of the drawback alone.'
My energy reserves are completely empty too, which makes sense, given the size of the creator, but I think looks like the move didn't go as planned... it looked like it backfired on me instead.
The notifications were going haywire too, but I'll ignore them for now...
Turning to look at Bruce, I realized he looked shocked now?
'Was something behind me? Why does he look as if he has seen a ghost?'
I turn around too, seeing what he was looking at...
'Holy... did I do this?'
As the smoke cleared, I saw what made Bruce so shocked, and I couldn't blame him... the mountain before us... it was almost... gone, the middle of it was eviscerated completely, leaving only a circle like pattern going through it...
it was clear to me in that moment that the move I performed was immeasurably stronger than me and my zet form combined...
the cost was tolerable if this was the damage I could do with it. Maybe... it's a good time to check what I gained...
New ability unlocked, 'Zet Thrust' (HAX) lvl-0/25: A move similar to that of Yami Sukihero's 'black thrust'. It is capable of releasing an attack that is up to 500× the users base strength, the cost is 105 EP, cooldown is 15 seconds and it depends on level of the skill and how fast the user's EP replenishes, this move requires extreme amounts of vitality and strength to use, if utilized prematurely, the user may DIE or face serious repercussions. Also take into consideration that this move is within the 'special' category, and is also considered 'HAX'... (Each level increases attack potency by +50× and reduces the cooldown by .5 seconds)
To say I was stupefied would be an understatement. This was incredibly broken, this technique was WAY above my pay grade, and its cost was as little to none, other than the physical cost...
'How can the system give me something this broken so casually...?'
As confusing as it was, this made sense to me, even if it was a bit unbelievable... the move was obviously based on the original, which was EXTREMELY powerful, but usually, systems would make moves like this at most 10× stronger than my base, but for it to be 50 times that, is insane!
I kept pondering over this, but then, I finally saw the 'HAX' Tag beside it, which was new.
From what I remember about hax moves was that they were usually far beyond a character's tier, and would usually bump them a tier up when used, but since the character doesn't have AP on that range consistently, it's dubbed as 'HAX' regarding a cheat like ability... and I could see why...
If I was in my zet form, the mountain would have disappeared completely, and I probably wouldn't have almost lost my arm...
Still, in the future, it's almost scary to think a move like this can be spammed...
I'm terrified of myself, but at least I know how realistic the system was, it doesn't nerf techniques like the original system, rather; it boosts them according to their actual strength. I think...
If I was a saiyan, my transformation multiplier would be 50× with how this system is, but with the regular systems, it would most likely be 5× instead... at least, that's all I can hypothesize for now...
Looking back at Bruce, who was still shocked. It seemed as if he was getting around it. I haven't showed feats even close to this level yet.
*Sigh* I feel like my life is gonna be a bit tougher than before...
~At present~
The last couple have days have been a bit crazy... But it was fun. Bruce is back to normal. Though I should hurry and get ready for Barbar-
'...Speak of the angel. She's here a little early.'
Me and Richard both invited Barbara over to play with us, since she was cool to hang out with. Though she was over an hour early... which is cool and all, since it didn't really matter much.