
Re: zero True oni

A guy dies and the next moment he opens his eyes he sees [Game over]. While being a soul he creates his character and starts his new life. WARNING My grammar isn't the best I will make mistake while writing.

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65 Chs


But, for some unknown reason, Subaru decided to speak up, making everyone look at him. "Hey, apologies to Emilia-tan right now!" Subaru shouted while clenching his fists, as hard as he could. He couldn't just stand there and do nothing, after all, he saw Kaji questioning the so-called wise men, but there was one thing he didn't take into account.

He didn't take Kaji's and his own standing differences into account when he started shouting at the so-called wise men. After all, Kaji had strength, and most people of higher ranking knew of him, and most wouldn't want to have any kind of conflict with him. But, unlike Subaru, who in their eyes was nothing but a commoner. And the only one who didn't know this difference was Subaru even though he could have figured it out easily if he tried.

"Subaru, It's alright! Stop this!" Emilia tried to talk him out of speaking any more, after all the one to most likely get hurt, would be him.

But Subaru didn't want to relent; he wanted to prove himself, to show Emilia that he was capable of something. Subaru had many different feelings welling up inside him, and instead of thinking properly, he started acting on his feelings, such as anger. But even though he was angry for Emilia's sake he didn't understand how this looks, when someone speaks out of line and doesn't have the status to do so, after all, this wasn't his world, this was a different world with many different cultures and beliefs.

"No, I won't. Apologies to Emilia!" Subaru said before shouting at the old men.

"Subaru!" Emilia shouted once, making the boy calm down a bit, before she turned to apologize to the counsel of the wise men. But before she could bow, Kaji stopped her.

"Emilia at this moment you are Superior in status if not equal with the old baldies, so there is no need for you to bow or apologize to some bald old men." Hearing Kaji's words, Emilia wanted to speak up but was interrupted by a shout.

"How dare you!" A bald man with blue eyebrows shouted.

But it took one look from the red-haired one to shut the old man up. Roswaal on the other hand, was grinning from ear to ear. But one of the men from the counsel of the wise men, smiled slightly, before deciding to ask a different question altogether.

"Then, might I inquire who this young man is?" An old man asked while pointing his hand towards Subaru.

And like expected Subaru introduced himself as Emilia's knight. And this didn't change much from the original story, as the knights didn't take well to Subaru proclaiming to be a knight. Julius was the one to call him out on what he had done, and in front of all, of the best knights of the kingdom. And while Saubru and Julius talked about some things that Kaji had no interest in, the Oni looked at the bald old man with blue eyebrows, before speaking up once more.

"So will you offer up your head on a platter, or will you gut yourself with a sword?" This sentence made the old men shocked, but especially the man that these words were directed at.


"Did you not hear me, old man? I said you should apologize by offering your life, meaning I want you to kill yourself as an apology for insulting a possible future ruler of Lugnica. Or is your brain incapable of understanding words anymore old man?" Kaji asked one more.

"Kaji-san please stop, there's no need for that." Emila tried to stop Kaji from making the old man kill himself as an apology.

"Emilia, do you understand the severity of what you just said? Because right now you don't sound like a proper ruler of a kingdom, you sound like a child that's lost in a big place. You need to understand that, requesting his life because he insulted you is proper for your status, and you just letting it go shows everyone that you are unworthy of becoming the next ruler of this kingdom. You need to get yourself together and act like a ruler if you want to be one. Sometimes a ruler is kind, sometimes a ruler is cruel, but they must make the right decisions in the, and right now. No one from the so-called royal candidates deserves to rule this kingdom." Kaji spoke before turning around and leaving the hall, he started having a headache, he didn't take into account that Emilia was still a child, without proper education in these matters.

And after Kaji left, Subaru managed to insult the knights, things were all over the place, and everyone was tense. And it all ended up with Julius challenging Subaru to a duel so as he could keep his honor as a knight, and protect the honor of every other knight.

Kaji, on the other hand, left the hall and smiled, he knew that soon he would be able to encounter some of the sin archbishops and he had made all the preparations he needed to take them down. And all that was left to do was to wait.