
Re:Zero Tortured

A fresh take on Re:Forgotten Subaru a boy forgotten by the world has reached his lowest point. His contracted spirit betrayed him. Tortured by his own friends And wants to die But when a few witches decide to help him his rise has finally begun.

Lemonman12 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Great Spirit Subaru

Apologies to those who read yesterday.

I uploaded the wrong chapter :[

And yes I have already pre wrote a lot of my chapters.

Sorry if the story seemed like a jumbled mess

Anyways back to the correct chapter


Subaru had done it

After so much struggling, training and pain

He had cast one of the forgotten spells Echidna gifted him

At first, nothing happened

Subaru stood in his circle of Lolis waiting for something to change

Then his spirits started to glow

Their glow was bright and enhanced their personal colours

Aqua illuminated a blue colour hue

Toph emitted brown

Aeolus shone with green light

Blaise seemed to ignite with a powerful mixture of Orange and Red

Eon let off a blinding white light

And Shami seemed to be a black hole that consumed near light

Then the lights emitting from the spirits began to slowly move toward Subaru's heart

No, their very mana... their life essence was being pulled into Subaru

Subaru then began to glow a brilliant colour of the rainbow

Subaru could feel a powerful tingling inside his very soul as he slowly began to change

But this wasn't a painful experience for Subaru or his spirits

For Subaru, it was a tranquil feeling

A feeling of being completed then added onto, a feeling like completing a video game you love after months of playing only to find out a post-game exists allowing for even more playtime

And for the spirits

They felt no pain

But they did feel empty

Like they were slowly being drained of everything they had

But they trusted Subaru

They believed everything would turn out all right in the end

As more, and more mana was being put into Subaru he glowed brighter and brighter as his spirit glow started to die down

And when his Great Spirits seemed to almost run out of mana


A massive shock wave was produced from Subaru as a large pillar of light erupted from him

This light pillar seemed to stretch to the heavens itself and was visible across the entire planet

Everyone from Emperors to Sun princesses, to Sword saints, to royal candidates to normal civilians could see this Pillar of pure light and energy

And at the very heart of it, the voice of a young man could be heard screaming to the heavens

"Gahhh nnnnnhaaaaa. Haaaaaaaa."

While the initial experience was tranquil, this sudden light pillar that appeared from him was scorching him alive

Strangely it only seemed to affect organic matter since Subarus clothes didn't burn

Subaru looked to the sky still in the energy pillar and began to scream as tears leaked from his eyes but evaporated quickly

Then it all seemed to stop all so suddenly as the Pillar grew thinner and thinner

And when it subsided Subaru fell to his knees feeling lightheaded and burnt all over

"Ahh ahh, what Echidna didn't warn me about that."

But as quickly as the pain came it vanished

No, it was being replaced

Subaru looked at his body

The light pillar he was in scorched his body making it grossly red

But his skin his flesh was

Repairing itself

All of this was happening so fast

Subaru struggled to prosses it

His body felt so different

It felt like when he regenerated using cursed dragons blood

However, instead of a rubbery feeling, it was a natural feeling

His skin healed his body temperature dropped to the right level

Subaru slowly stood up still looking down at his hands which had almost fixed themselves

"What is this feeling?" Subaru asked confused

"It is powerful... yet scary... I feel odd."

"M-maybe it's because your one of u-us now."

Toph weakly spoke

Subaru looked up to see around him each of his spirits laying down fading in and out of existence

"W-what g-girls are you ok?"

Subaru ran to each spirit checking their conditions

"Y-your... what's happening to you?"

"Subaru we are d-dying."

Eon spoke

"NO! I-I... c-can't let you die... If you die... I won't let you die. I will do anything I can to save you! (Even if I must use that ability again)"

"Ha...ha even *pant* even as a Great Spirit my contactor is still foolish as ever..."

"What are you saying?"

Shami laughed

"We can survive but it may weigh on you for a while."

Subaru quickly turned his head to Shami

"What can I do?! TELL ME!"

Aqua sat up

"There are two possible options, one is a special gemstone that can hold spirits while they regenerate mana naturally over time... but you don't have one... so option two."

"Stop wasting time and speak!"

Subaru said with tears flowing out of his guilt-ridden eyes

"By allowing us to rest deep within your soul. Your spirit affinity is so unnaturally high that your very soul welcomes us into it... but doing so will weigh on you."

"I don't care."


"I don't care about consequences I won't let you die... do whatever you must."

"W-wait... the cost of this will be six great spirits will be feeding off your mana constantly. You will be constantly weakened, and we don't want that. As spirits, we feel that our jobs of helping you are complete... if it means you survive, we are ok with death."

"...No that is not an option. Under order from your contractor... GET INSIDE ME NOW!"

The six great spirits looked at each other and back at Subaru

"Your far too kind dear Subaru our one and only contractor. I hope that one day we can express our true passions upon this world together... thank you"

Blaise unmanifested and entered Subarus soul

"Subaru... you're much greater than before. I pray that you stay out of harm's way while I am away... I wonder if I will remain conscious while in your soul."

Aqua unmanifested and entered Subaru's soul

"You know Subaru most of us would have been happy dying if it meant you would have had the best chance of survival. But I trust in your judgment your smart... maybe even smarter than me."

Eon faded and entered Subaru's soul

"You dummy always putting our well being over yours... what did we do to deserve such a kind-hearted contractor like yourself... Subaru I will be cheering you on even inside your soul... till next the time."

Aeolus entered Subaru's soul

"Well Subaru I may not be as emotional as the others... but I know you're going to rock the socks off your enemies... you have my good wished."

Toph entered Subaru's soul

Leaving one Yin great spirit left

"Su-Subau... I can't believe how much you care for us... I am truly upset that when you first called for us it was in such an unfortunate situation... but seeing you at this moment, it's like you have become so much more."

Shami looked at Subaru's eyes with her Butterflies eyes

Subaru stared back with his... Butterflies eyes

"I only made it this far... because of Aqua, Blaise, Toph, Aeolus, Eon and of course you Shami. You all helped me grow ad helped me realise my full potential. For me to let you die now... would be nothing less than a betrayal of our friendship and family love."

"...You truly are one of a kind Subaru."

Shami entered Subaru's soul

Subaru was now alone

He felt immensely guilty that he had almost killed his spirits

If he knew the spell had such a heavy cost... he probably wouldn't have cast it

Subaru thought about the other spell

"What price must that one carry... no, it is just her wand It won't do anything besides destroying the wand."

Subaru noticed something interesting on his arms


Subaru had healed back both his scorched flesh and seemed to have grown a little extra

Subaru clenched his fist as he felt the mana flow through his very body

"Am I truly a Great Spirit?"


'In the Witches Tea Party

At the Witch's tea party Echidna sat down elegantly crossing her legs with a proud smirk on her face

She had just observed Subaru mutter those ancient words, words never spoken by a human before

But don't think she was proud of Subaru for overcoming his obstacles and becoming far more powerful

No, she was not proud of Subaru, she was proud of herself for being so smart that without proper testing she could create new spells.

And by giving Subaru knowledge of these spells, would create events and possibilities that would help satisfy her infinite and ever-growing greed for more knowledge

Subaru's actions were all so unpredictable... yet she could help but try to guess his every move like a fan watching their favourite show trying to connect with the main character to the point where they can guess every action they take

Yet she still struggled to predict Subaru's actions... and this pleased her greatly

And all this was possible because the jealous whore simply had to save her beloved... but regardless of how she felt about Satella herself.

Echidna was very pleased that Satella made a small deal with her.

The conditions greatly favoured her and all she had to do was give Subaru some knowledge


Echidna prepared another pot of her special 'tea' just in case a guest found their way to her.

When a single guest did arrive

However, it wasn't anyone she hadn't seen before

It was just Typhon the Witch of Pride

After she had given Subaru that knowledge Typhon had been asking her questions frequently about Subaru's powers

Echidna had a feeling that this time would be no different, and while she should just wave her off and peacefully continue to enjoy watching Subaru

The Witch of greed will answer almost any question asked

"Heyy Eda Eda." Typhon called cheerfully and innocently

Echidna sighed as the Witch approached her

"I have told you to address me by my title or name."

"Aww but Subu gets to use those Friendship names."

"Simply because you are one of the only things I can talk to does not mean we are friends... I loath to consider you associative."

Typhon in response poked her tongue out taunting the Witch of Greed

Echidna not fazed by this mild disrespect just got to the point

"Enough, I know you visited me to ask me about Subaru Natsuki. Just ask quickly before I lose interest in you."

Echidna said boldly trying to give Typhon the impression that she had anything better to do in her eternal stay

Typhon looked to Echidna with excitement in her child's eyes

"Well... you told Subaru about this spirit transformation thing... what exactly does it mean to become a spirit?"

Echidna let out a laugh

"Simply he will share similar properties to my daughter."

"That's vague and you know it. Tell me more, more, more!"

Typhon stomped her feat upon the grass

Echidna sighed

"Very well but I won't go into special 'details'."

"Why not, I won't tell anyone I promise."

"If you want to see all the details you need to be patient."

"I have waited two months already I can't wait anymore."

"That's not my problem"

Echidna couldn't help but smirk as Typhon pouted childishly at her response

"Now then about Spirit Subaru... His blood will constantly be supercharged with mana, meaning his body will be able to naturally heal itself from most wounds quickly. While I haven't tested it, I believe his healing abilities should be weaker than the Demi-human who tortured him but better than his inexperienced water spirit. His blood itself may hold healing properties. Being charged with mana it may or may not be able to heal others upon contact."

"So, Suba becomes a powerful healer?"

"In a way, yes, but it goes much further than a simple healing trick. Being part spirit means his life expiration extends greatly."

"How long will Suba be around for?"

"... Maybe forever."


"That's correct seeing that he is part spirit... as long as he has mana, I don't see age killing him soon or ever."

"That's incredible, Suba is like me."

"Remember Pride, besides the whore we all died one way or another."

"I'm still here so that death doesn't count."

"Stop this child's play, your centuries old. So, act your age."


"*Hmph* Well then maybe I won't tell you anything else about Subaru."

"Noooo I'm sorry."

Echidna turned her head away from Typhon

"No, you upset this poor maiden and now you will suffer the ultimate punishment of being stripped away from knowledge."

"Please Eda, I'm sorry tell me more about Suba."

"Fine you may ask me one more thing for today"

"When Suba used the spirit spell his spirits suffered from it, what is the price of casting the oni spell?"

"... The price of using the Oni spell is very, very heavy... the price is-."


Subaru continued to stare at himself in Disbelief

Everything felt so surreal to him

"Y-yes, I truly have become a great spirit... girls... I hope that we reunite soon."

Subaru started to look around trying to figure out his next move

When he noticed Halibel who was looking at him dumbfounded

Halibel then slowly looked back at the cigarette he was holding

"What did I just smoke?"

Halibel asked in a confused tone

Subaru looked to Halibel with a serious expression

"Halibel... please be serious... I am not in the mood for jokes."

Halibel was quiet for a moment as if compilating his next move

Halibel threw his cigarette behind him

"Sorry Su-san... wanted to liven the room's mood... I can tell you're upset."

"Halibel did you see what happened to my spirits?"

"Yes, I did."

"... What d you think I should do now?"

"Now hmmm? Well, it's clear that you are distressed after seeing your spirits do that. I think the healthiest thing you could do now is to come and rest. While your body certainly looks like you've lifted heavy weights for three years... mentally you must be exhausted."

"Y-yeah... I mean the best thing I can do for myself, and my spirits are rest."

"How does that help your spirits?"

Halibel asked

"They're not dead... to simply explain their resting inside my soul."

"... Is that possible?"

"Well, all six are inside me so yes."

Halibel at this moment wanted to say a naughty joke... but decided against it seeing that Subaru was probably a tad mentally unstable after almost killing six of the most important people to him

"Heh, you know what? Maybe this is just a small setback... I have my Spirit form... and If I take it easy, useless mana and just live quietly, the girls will be back in no time at all."

"Hey, now there's a positive mindset. Well, Subaru if you intend on taking it easy, I could help you get a non-mercenary job... you can keep the alias Neo if you want."

"Y-yeah that sounds nice. (I can complete Echidnas plan later... the girls take priority.)"

"Say Su-san... mind if we talk about... this"

Halibel gestured his hands at Subaru

"What is there something on my face?"

Subaru asked holding back a small chuckle

"Su-san you may have not noticed but... Your mussels have grown, your body seems to be completely clean and healed... and your eyes... why are the Pupils butterflies that change colours."

"My eyes do what?"

"Red, green, blue, Brown, glowing white err creepy and black."

"... I mean those are the colours that represent the girls... but for the butterflies... I don't know."

"Well, all your great spirits had animals or things replacing their pupils... I take it you're a great spirit now so guess you do too."

"But why butterflies?"

"Well your Yin spirit held Butterflies and your gate is the Yin affinity so maybe that's why?"

"(Hold up Beat... My last Yin spirit held Butterflies in her eyes... perhaps it is just a Yin spirit thing... But I hold the power of... wait."

Subaru looked to Halibel

"H-Halibel... may sound odd but... I think my gate is now compatible with each affinity... it no longer feels like mine... but a larger and far more powerful gate spewing with mana from each element."

Halibel put a hand on Subaru to check

"Interesting, very interesting I can feel it. Your gate seems to have adapted each element... this reminds me of a very rare divine protection of Sorcery... during my time as an assassin I have only ever met one person with that power... and I've heard a Mr Roswaal of Lugnica also holds it."

"Yeah... heh guess that means in more ways than one I'm just like him now."

Subaru thought back to when Roswaal told him they were alike in the Sanctuary

"Su-san I may not be an expert in this topic... but it feels like your gate wasn't just added upon, it feels like it was taken apart and built upon from the ground up. In other words, be careful when using magic for a while."

"Oh... I can guess what happens if I use an untrained gate... will my mana just all spew out at once?"

"Usually that would be the case... however this isn't a normal case. You're an experienced spell caster who can stand up to me in a fight. If I were to guess lower-level spells should be fine."

"Lower-level spells... that's all I had anyways."

"Not much nothing will change then."

"I mean guess not... but for the girls' sakes... I won't be testing that theory."

"Oh? Young spell casters would usually jump at the opportunity to cast spells with the amount of potential firepower you possess now."

"Well, the fewer spells I cast the faster the girls re-manifest."

"Very well I respect your choice."

"So Halibel do you mind showing me the way home now?"

"Very well..."

Halibel jumped into the air above the trees gaining a sense of direction

"Ok follow me."

Subaru rolled his eyes and followed


Subaru and Halibel were casually walking through the forest that was once filled with ma beasts

Halibel points at certain areas and talks about them nostalgically as if they happened years ago

"Ahhh yes Subaru, see that destroyed tree? I remember when you knocked it over trying to hit me... and see that scorch mark? That's where a goa attack hit. Oh, look a Ma beast corpse... isn't this fun?"

"Halibel this all happened hardly a day ago..."

"Ha-ha I know you're having fun... anyways I was wondering if you wanted to have a cigarette?"

"No, I prefer my lungs in mint condition at all times."

"Firstly, there's no proof that these are *cough* unhealthy in any way. And secondly, even if such things were true, can't you just heal from it?"

"... probably could, and yet I still don't want to."

"Su-san you're missing out I tell you. Watch ill prove these are harmless."

Halibel proceeded to take out five cigarettes at once ignited the ends of each and smoked them all."

"*cough cough* see harmless *cough*"

"You're coughing quite a lot over there."

"*Cough* So what? I've been coughing for years."

"...Halibel, I don't want to smoke."

"Fine *cough* more for me."

Halibel continued to smoke the five cigarettes as he and Subaru continued to walk

That was until Halibel stopped walking

Subaru turned his head backwards confused

"What's the wrong Halibel?"

"It is just... I trained you to be an expert at shinobi arts, you're a power full magic-user and now you're a great spirit."

"Yes, what about it?"

"Look most people back at home know I've been training you... so whatever you do, do not become an evil spirit."

"You don't want me to become evil?"

"Yep... do you understand what that would do to my reputation? I would be the old fool who carelessly trained a huge danger and allowed him to gain more power than any local mage... or state mage... or almost any mage, in terms of mana that is."

"Don't worry about that, I just want a quiet life. I promise you won't have to deal with Subaru Natsuki the rampaging great spirit who turned evil because... reasons."

"Good... If you were to turn evil, I may not be able to stop you after all haha."

"Muhaha that's right... but no I don't want to be evil."

"Good, good."

Halibel and Subaru continued to walk nearing the end of the forest

And as they walked casually, Subaru had no idea of the absolute panic his 'retrievers' were in


Roswaal was sweating profusely

The pillar of light alone was concerning, but the raw power it emitted was of top concern

Roswaal didn't understand how something could even come to be

A man who has lived for centuries still being surprised

And Roswaal had a small suspicion on who was behind that massive pillar

However, Roswaal was not the only one who felt that

everyone had felt it

And it scared or upset a lot of people

The self-proclaimed goddess felt that no being under her boot should possess the power so great

The Sword Saint Reinhard felt concerned that this new power may be one he would have to battle (He was worried that it might put Felt in harm's way)

The greatest knight of knights was scarred, Julius felt like an ant compared to that massive power. He just hoped Subaru was ok

And Felix the greatest healer was worried, was Subaru hurt? Did that beam of light envelop him? Felix having failed Subaru once didn't want to do that again

No matter how far away you were the pillar was visible

And when it all died down Roswaal was left staring out a window where the Pillar once drilled itself into the heaves

"Ohhh teacher... how I need your guidance so much... for I am ever so uncertain of my next move."

Roswaal who once controlled the destinies of those around him failed to comprehend how these events could have even come to be

Was it Subaru? Was it not?

If it was Subaru, then what would that mean for his goal.

And if Subaru is alive and they met... would The Half-Elf be enough to seduce him back to his side?

Roswaal continued to ask himself more and more questions, questions that were never answered

Until Suddenly Emilia burst into his private quarters

"Roswaal! Great spirit Beatrice just called for an emergency meeting."

"I u~understand."

Roswall spoke with his accent

Roswaal stood up looking behind himself once more assuring himself that the Pillar was truly gone

Emilia grabbed Roswaal by the cloak urging him to hurry up since this meeting was urgent

When they arrived at the meeting table they set up, Beatrice herself, Rem, Ram, Julius, Felix, Wilhelm, Crusch, Anastasia and Garfeil had already arrived

"This is enough people I suppose." Said Beatrice worried

"Great spirit-sama, what's the meaning of this, what was that large light pillar?" Asked Crusch

"That's what I have called you all here for... to discuss the energy beam I suppose. Firstly... I suppose It may be dangerous and perhaps Subaru may be endangered."

Beatrice said while trying to sound knowledgeable

Emilia in response put her hands to her mouth

But Anastasia being an experienced negotiator could tell when someone was confused or trying to bluff her

"Spirit-sama with all respect, do you know what that light beam did or will do?"

"I-I do not know... maybe if I heard the spell name, I could accurately guess what it did... but for now my only guess is it's a powerful yang user."

"But why would a Yang user capable of such incredible magic ever need to shoot so much mana into the sky?"

"Perhaps they are trying to send a message?" Crusch stated

"*sigh* I wish we had the Sword Saint with us now." Anastasia said knowing that his use would be helpful if this 'yang user' turned out to be a threat

"B-but does that mean my Subaru is in danger?"

Emilia said both worriedly and possessively

"That dam Yang user better stay away from mah capn'n, less I tear their heads off!" Garfeil yelled angrily at the possibility that he may not be able to protect his captain again

"...Subaru-kun... we must go back into that forest."

Rem urgently requested

Roswaal put his hands up

"Now nowwwww Rem, I understand you are worried about our dear Subaru~kunnn but we need to stay behind to make sure these royal candidates are safe from this possible Yang user."

"But Roswaal-sama... we went in bef-."

"That was when the only threat was Ma-beasts and one aggressive Subaru-kun. Before we do anything, we need to learn more about this new threat. After all, if any of the r~oyal candidates get hurt then we could never forgive ourselves."


"Sister please, Barusu... does not take priority over Emilia-sama. It pains me to say it but we must handle this problem slowly."

"Rem... Rem will go by herself then."

Ram in response to hearing this grabbed Rem's arm and looked her in the eyes

"Please Rem stay for me."

"...Very well sissy."

Roswaal seeing that this meeting wasn't going anywhere for a lack of knowledge decided to propose a possible theory he had about the light pillar

"Sa~yyyy what if Subaru~kunnn was the cause of that light Pillar?"

"Subaru-dona causing that?"

Wilhelm quietly questioned himself in disbelief that Subaru could have possibly been the cause of that Pillar.

"My Subaru causing that... Julius."

Emilia said that the last part with venom

"Y-yes Emilia-sama?"

Julius asked trying his best to sound elegant

"You were upsettingly the last person here to interact with my knight. Tell me does he seem capable of this?"

"... Emilia-sama, I do not know. Subaru was undoubtedly powerful for a normal spirit arts user... however for him to be the cause of that is unlikely."

"Wouldn't Cap'n being the cause of tat Light Pillar be a gud thin?"

Garfeil asked

"Howwww sooo Garfeil~kunnn?"

"Well'a ya see, if its mah Cap'n whos ultra-powerful, then we don't haveta worry about da princesses' lives."

"Yes the beast boy is right, Bettys contractor would never harm Emilia or any of the other royals."

"But we must consider, he attacked Julius rather brutally. Who to say he isn't just lashing out at anyone he sees?"

Crusch asked

"Nyah could knock him out with water magic?"

Felix suggested

And his response was a cold glare

"Felix you're here only to heal us in case of one of us getting fatality injured. You are forbidden to touch Subaru."

Felix's ears drooped as he retreated

Emilia spoke up

"The answer is simple, and the solution is in front of you. Beako and I-"

"Only Subaru may call me by that name I suppose."

"Beatrice and I will talk to Subaru, show him how much we truly all care and love him. He once told me he loved me when I was at my lowest... now it is my turn to repay the favour."

"And if that fa~ilss?"

"... In that case we can assume my Subaru is suffering mentally and needs help. I'm sure he wouldn't mind if using our resources, we 'forced' him back."

Emilia said with a possessive look in her eyes

"Well, we do have many powerful mages and fighters here. The best of course is Roswaal-sama. Barusu will come back... and receive help."

The table seemed to agree now

If Emilia and Beatrice failed to persuade Subaru to come back, use force. Or if Subaru was in danger from a new threat save Subaru and neutralise the threat.


Subaru and Halibel were walking through the destroyed forest passing pile after pile of ma beast corpses

"Jeez, Subaru you did go all out genocide on those poor dogs. There's no, living beast insight"

"Haaaalibellll, don't tell me that you've grown sympathy towards the witch of gluttony's creations."

"Witch of Gluttony? No, no Envy made the Ma-beasts everyone knows that."

"Nope that's a misconception, Daphne made these dogs, I think it was originally a way to end world hunger or something... when she died her entire project backfired and now we have to deal with thousands of killer dogs, bat things... oh yeah that the black serpent is still out their somewhere doing... things."

"Well, everyone likes doing... things."

"That's right."

The two continued to walk trying to find ways to pass the time

"Say Su-san after you get your spirit girl army back, what will you do?"

"What will I do?"

Subaru thought about the plan and Rams wand

"I will probably continue trying to grow stronger."

"Ah, I can respect that, I spent many, many years of my life training as well. So I can appreciate someone like you who works hard towards a goal and doesn't take shortcuts."

'Y-yeah... right."

"So Su-san what are your skills?"

"In what way?"

"Well not like your fighting skills but your everyday skills. I'm asking to see what job might suit you the best."

"Ohh well... I can cook pretty well."

"A chief huh? What can you cook?"

"Ummm Mayonnaise?"

"What is this... Mayonnaise?"

"It's a white sauce you put on food to add flavour?"

"White sauce?"

"Oh, I can also make Ketchup and mustard."

"What's that?"

"Red and yellow sauce."

"So, you can make the white sauce, red sauce and yellow sauce?"

"Well, I can make other things but if I ever became a chief and sold my items, these three would probably sell the best."

"If you say so... then you better make some for me... I'll try the red and yellow stuff."

"Sure, but why not the Mayo?"

"Well Su-san, I don't feel confutable consuming this white sauce you talk about."

"... dirty dog."

"Oh really? You can't blame me for thinking like that."

"Whatever, I will prepare some Ketchup and Mustard for you when we get home."

"Is it expensive to make?"

"Not really."

"What's in it"

"The recipe will be a secret till my grave."

"Aww, I won't steal it I promise."


"Well, if it's so secret, then it better taste nice."

"Remember, you add it to other food to enhance the taste."

"Right... does it work with cigarettes?"


"Ha-ha, well it seems I won't need to wait too much longer to taste this new Ketchup and Mustard."

"Oh, your right... I can see the end of this forest... it's about time."

"Finally, feels like it's been weeks since I last bathed."

"Same... however my skin doesn't seem to have any dirt on it."

"Might as well bath regardless, it helps you relax and unwind."

"Yeah, that's right... I could use some time to just relax and unwind. No magic fights or intense training... just my time."

"Now you're speaking my second language Su-san."

"What's your first?"

"Doing cool shinobi stuff."


So, Subaru and Halibel made it to the very edge of the forest

Subaru looked onwards and saw a small village, one he spent most of his time hiding and training

It would be a lovely place to retire

All he had to do to reach it was cross a flat grass plain

So Subaru and Halibel walked quietly the rest of the way

It was peaceful

The birds were singing

While the flowers bloomed

It is a lovely day for a game of catch

Subaru had finally made it back into the city of Bannan

He looked around once again taking in the beautiful sight of the Japanese styled buildings and architect

Subaru smiled softly feeling nostalgic... even if he struggled to remember all the details... this place felt like home in a weird way.

"Halibel... thank you for all your time and training. I will make you the Ketchup and Mustard tomorrow."

"Aww thanks, Su-san, now then remember. I don't want to hear any reports of a rampaging great spirit anytime soon... so just stay good... like you are now."

"Ha-ha promise I won't."

Subaru gave Halibel a thumbs up who gave one back, then Subaru placed his hoodie over his head and headed off home

So Subaru started navigating his way home

He passed many citizens who were all still shell shocked at the light beam he made in the forest

Many asked if he knew anything about it since some had seen him leave the forest

But he just waved them off by saying he was checking it out and found nothing.

Subaru eventually made it to the retail he had been living in ever since he left that prison cell

Subaru walked to the door and slowly opened it


Subaru entered the building looking around

As he expected all his Appa had begun to rot away... but that was no problem since Subaru ignored it

He went into the kitchen reminiscing about the times he and the girls cooked... Tatoes

"We didn't cook very much... I have all this food knowledge and yet I made nothing but Tatoe soup... I'm such an idiot... but at least when the girls come back, I'll know to make more creative stuff. I wonder if they also like sweet things?"

Subaru was done exploring his small kitchen

Subaru decided to go to his bedroom and explore his bed now

So, Subaru walked over to his bedroom

It was just as small as Subaru remembered

One small bedroom with white sheets, a cupboard to store clothes and a single-window with flower curtains... Halibel has taste

As Subaru approached his bed, he noticed something off

"Where is my one pillow?"


"HAHA ok, that's a little funny. I told Halibel someone might steal my bed, but I didn't expect someone to do it"

Subaru laughed genuinely at his situation

"*Sigh... I wonder if Halibel owns any spare pillows"

Subaru casually walked out of his house

"*Sigh* I don't want to bother Halibel after spending so much time together... but he probably won't mind... he will just laugh at me."

Subaru looked around before realising something

"I don't know where Halibel is... oh whatever I'll just find a store that sells pillows, that way I don't disturb Halibel, and I get myself a new pillow. I wonder if they have orange ones?"

(Thirty minutes later)

"Great just Great!"

Subaru was walking towards the merchant road

"Nobody sells pillows?! How why? Wouldn't there always be a demand for such an item? Curses, why must my only source of pillows be from a travelling merchant?"

Subaru found the path a shop owner told him about

"So, I just have to wait huh... well I suppose waiting can be relaxing... kinda *yawn*"

Subaru couldn't help but feel tired

He hadn't gotten a good night's rest in forever

"*Yawnnn* Maybe... the merchant will come faster if I... close my eyes... for a few... seconds."

Subaru felt himself become at ease as his body started to rest

Peaceful was a good word to describe how Subaru felt


Subaru was about to drift off when he faintly sensed something behind him


Then he could sense more and more things

"(What the? Either there's a lot of merchants or a group of bandits are trying their luck with me... let's give them a small warning.)"

Subaru slowly opened his eyes still facing away from the 'Bandits'

He then turned around to see who was behind him


Subarus's smile and greeting faded away as he saw who was in the group





Emilia called out


Subaru who still had his hoodie on turned away and spoke in an emotionless and unfamiliar tone

"Sorry ma'am ... my name is Neo, I have never heard of this Subaru in my life."

Crusch's divine protection was set off

But she knew saying anything wouldn't matter

Emilia didn't need her to say anything


"I told you mama I am no-."


Emilia began to cry as her face quickly turned from white to red


"S-Subaru I am so, so sorry!"

Emilia moved closer to Subaru as tears started to form in the corners of her eyes

"I... I should have listened... to you... I am... I just *gck*"

Emilia struggled to speak

So Beatrice decided to step in not wanting to wait any longer

"Subaru... Betty is sorry."

Beatrice spoke in a softer tone than Emilia not finding the strength to yell or apologies

"This is m-my fault... you begged me to listen and yet I...I failed you when you needed me the most."

Beatrice moved in front of Emilia

"It was I who reported you as a-a-a Cultist... and I who... broke our contract. B-but ever since I remembered who you were... there wasn't a single day I spent without c-crying."


Subaru still said nothing

He wasn't aggressive or doing anything they expected him to

He just stood back and turned against them

"If Betty she could change time itself to s-save you... Betty understands if you h-hate her... but please talk to me... I AM SO so... sorry."

Beatrice bowed her hand as tears began to fall onto the grass

Subaru realising, she had finished turned around and lifted his hoodie off his head allowing everyone to see his face


Beatrice felt a string in her heart snap as Subaru emotionlessly referred to her by name... it seemed the days of fun happy nicknames were gone.

Subaru tilted his head down meeting her eyes with his

"S-Subaru... your e-eyes?! Are you ok what happened?!"

Subaru didn't answer the question he just blankly looked at her before speaking

"So, your sorry?"

"Y-yes Betty is extremely sorry!"

"Good then please leave me alone."

Subaru said with zero hesitation

"w-what I don't understand."

"Beatrice, I don't mean to be rude, but I'm not interested in a reunion between us."


"It's as you said... I begged and cried telling you something only to be ignored... and your choice has led us here."

"Subaru... why aren't you anger... why aren't you lashing out and yelling every profanity known to man?"

Beatrice couldn't understand Subaru's passive natural expressions his eyes despite being filled with so much colour seemed so... empty and dead.

"If you are done here... please go away."


"I don't want to talk... just go back to forgetting me... at least then it wouldn't hurt telling you to leave."

Beatrice fell to her knees

Subaru had completely defeated her

Not with actions or insults

But with a passive-aggressive request

Beatrice tried to deny that Subaru didn't want her anymore but

It was becoming harder and harder to deny reality


"That's enough Subaru Natsuki!"

Someone called from the back of the group

"No way"

Subaru felt a sudden tinge of emotions at the voice

Inside the no longer felt dead... no he felt... mad

"Subaru! How dare you show such disrespect to a great spirit and a royal!"

The crowd was looking behind them in panic as someone who was supposed to stay quiet couldn't help themselves but speak

Some had noticed Subaru clenching his fists

"Subaru... we came all this way for you... will you not properly hear our pleas?"


Subaru said with gritted teeth

He was trying to not do anything keeping his spirit girls in mind

But with every word Julius spoke he felt reminded of his torture his pain... HIS ENDLESS SUFFERING

"Subaru please... let's talk old friend."

Subaru's eyes twitch in a non-elegant way unbefitting of a great spirit


Subaru said coldly

"Yes... my dear frien-."


Subaru couldn't hold back any longer

Wasted mana erupted from Subaru as he powered up


Before anyone could react, Subaru charged at Julius

His speed surprised even the fastest among them as in a mere second, he had gone from idle standing to launching and grabbing Julius, tackling him across the plains.

Before Julius could react, his back was being scrapped across the grassy surface of the meadows.


Julius said in pain

Before Julius could get his water spirit to start healing him

Subaru yelled a basic goa spell at him forcing him to block

"Subaru wait please *gck*"

Felt a metal blade enter his side

Subaru using his Shinobi skills quickly dashed behind him and stabbed him in a non-vital spot

Julius looked down at the blade


"Julius my dear friend"

Subaru pulled the dagger out of Julius causing him to fall in pain as he tried to heal himself up

"Please don't die just yet get up."

Subaru kicked Julius across the face brutally making sure to hit his nose


Subaru shot Julius's left knee with a beam of light that priced through him effortlessly


Julius let out a scream of pain


Subaru started to stomp on Julius not caring for any blood that was getting on his clothes


Subaru stomped on Julius's mouth breaking his jaw

"*Pant pant*"

Subaru took a deep breath admiring his work

"Something's missing..."

Subaru grabbed Julius's arm

"*cough cough* wait please."



Subaru snapped Julius's arm easily breaking the bone

"It's a benefit of being part spirit you see, my physical strength is so much GREATER"

Subaru then stomped on Julius's legs crushing them

"Does this feel familiar!?"

Break stomp Break

"No nothing? Well, it reminds me of something."

Subaru brought his face close to Julius

"In case you forgot this is how you treated me. *Hya*

Subaru smashed his head against Julius causing his skull to crack

"Julius... you deserve this... but for you, I have some mercy."


"Be glad you're not Felix."

Subaru lifted his arm aiming toward his throat

"We are done here."


Julius tried to speak anything

He tried to yell his apologies and regrets to Subaru

Shame Subaru wasn't interested in listening


A wind blade was shot towards Julius cutting his throat wide open

"(So, I have failed as a knight, failed my lady and now failed as a friend... I... I... wish I had a... second... chance...)"

As Julius's life slowly drained, he thought about his failures and regrets

And when was all said and done...


Subaru said coldly

"Maybe this will help me forget the torture you opposed upon me... I hope you get forgotten."

Subaru turned around as he wanted to make his way back to the group

He had a feeling that if Julius was here

Then why not Felix


The group looked on in horror as blood covered Subaru approached them

He held a slightly mad expression on his face yet also an expression of relief

A huge contrast to when they first saw his face... maybe emotionless was good in comparison



"Where is he?"

"Who do you refer to?"

Crusch asked while trying to hide Felix

"Felix of course. I want to express my emotions and passions upon him."

Subaru said imitating Blaise

"You will have to do that another time for he is not here."



"Oh well, that is a shame."

Subaru turned around and began walking away


Crusch did not expect this to go so well

Suddenly Subaru turned around with a creepy expression on his face

"I can feel the air molecules move around you, I can make out details from a distance... I can sense a humanoid shape with cat ears."

"Felix run! I will stop him!"

Felix hearing this took off

"Why Crusch do you defend that DISEASE!"

"Subaru, Felix will be dealt with in the court, you are not the judge or executioner."


Subaru charged at Crusch who was standing her ground

"Back me up here *Gurk*"

Subaru sucker-punched Crusch in her gut

"Stay down."

With Crusch out of his absolute way Subaru began to hunt Felix

And to Subaru's delight, Felix was slow

Very slow

Subaru thought about his time in prison with Felix

Then Subaru frowned

"Felix... today you pay for your sins."

Subaru launched himself at Felix and grabbed him by the back of his neck

"Ahh, please... It wasn't my fault, it was gluttony's."

"I knew you were low, but this is even lower than what I first imagined."


"Felix... I hope you can take what you give."

Subaru raised his other hand placing it on Felix's back

"What are you doing- Ahhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhh ahhhhhh

Suddenly Felix was consumed with agonising pain it felt like... no it couldn't be

"Felix... my great spirit aqua, she would never use healing magic to harm another living creature... not for any reason. However, this isn't Aquas magic... this is my power."

"W-who is A-Aqua?"

"The best healer I ever had... speaking of which."

Felix to his surprise felt some relief spread across his body

"Your... healing me why?"

"... Because it's what you did to me."

Subaru said coldly

"Oh no, no, no wait a sec- Gahhhhhhhhhh!"

Subaru still holding Felix by the neck started to fry his body

"It's a cycle, Felix."

"Tear apart, Fix and repeat until nothing remains."

"n-no s-stop it... someone helps please."

"Nobody came when I said those words, nothing different for you."

Felix felt himself heal again

"Subaru stop this madness."

Subaru in response brought his mouth close to Felix's ear

"Ohhh man, I bet you wish you brought Reinhard right about now."

Subaru said with an evil grin

Subaru then continued to fry and heal Felix for a while

Until he got bored

"Felix your screams are becoming softer and softer with each fry."

"I *huff* can barely *puff* breath."

"Maybe it's because frying your nerves is too merciful of me... Julius was simply beaten and slain like the rabid dog he is, but you... you're not getting it off near as easily"

Subaru suddenly grabbed Felix's arms

Put his foot on Felix's back and kicked him hard

This caused Felix to fall downwards

"You know Felix, I understand there's no point in killing you. Until I can use spells like Al Shamak, I can't permanently kill you."


"Don't get the wrong idea, I do plan on killing you at least once. But I want that moment to be special."


"Yes, after I cause as much pain as you caused me, I will remove one of your lives"

"You don't have to do this... what would Emilia think?"

Subaru emotionlessly answered

"I don't care what Emilia thinks."

Subaru then began to beat down on Felix

He punched


Threw spells

And sliced Felix

All with the intent to harm

And when all was said and done Subaru stood over Felix his shadow enveloping Felix's body

"Felix I think we're about done here... there's nothing left to do except to take this final step."

Felix was too beaten and injured to respond

He was barely conscious

Subaru raised his hand charging a Yang spell

"Goodbye Felix"

But before Subaru could end Felix

A massive ice flower bloomed to benefit Felix killing him in a brutal fashion

"What the?"

Subaru surprised by this had to step backwards

Subaru looked towards the group and saw Emilia approaching him

Her eyes were so possessive that they rivalled Envy herself.

"Su~baruuuu I have had time to think after Gluttony's death."

Compared to earlier Emilia had no stutter in her voice

Her words were of complete confidence

"Subaru... my charming, dear Subaru, you must know that at Reinhard's party, I was about to reveal my true feeling for you. I have hated every single second I have been forced to spend away from you... my charming and lovable knight. When I consider where I am in this world when I consider who I am. I am a witch look-alike, cursed to be alone and hatted forever just because I was born like this. But you."

Emilia's facial expressions turned to that of a blushing yandere

"You never saw me as the witch... never saw me as some monster to fear, no you saw me for me. And you said you loved me... so Subaru I think its time I say what needs to be said."

Emilia put her hands together and smiled a genuine smile, a smile that was soft and caring

"Subaru... my one and only knight, my hero, only you have made my foolish heartbeat for a few purposes. Subaru, I want you to marry me... I LOVE YOU!"

As Emilia said this final line, she outstretched her arms as if expecting Subaru to run into them




Subaru said emotionless

"Y-yes, my dear Subaru?"

"Subarus face suddenly became blushed red as he smiled a happy smile."

He began to remember how warm the Half-elf made him feel. How she alone saved him from complete self-destruction and gave his life a purpose. How she was his only beacon in a dead world. Subaru couldn't help but give Emilia his truthful and only answer.


Subaru said beaming his happiest and most genuine smile towards Emilia


Emilia said excitedly to see Subaru's positive reaction, with Felix and Julius dead, the two now have a perfect and happy future ahead of them



"I Love Satella"