
Re:Zero Starting Life in Another World as a Slime!

A high school student with a fascination for stories dies due to an incident but reincarnates in another world as a Slime. How will he fare in a world filled with witches, artificial spirits, and beasts that can destroy everything in their path? - This FF are translated using my poor knowledge and DeepL.

BeixuanLovell · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

In "Another World."

- Chapter translated using my poor knowledge and DeepL

Now I find myself in front of a pond, a small Slime in this vast world. The water's surface reflects the blue sky and the surrounding trees, creating a serene and tranquil scene.

Can I absorb the water?

<[Correct. Depending on how you absorb and what you do afterwards, you can develop new abilities.]>

With curiosity, I approach the pond, cautious yet filled with excitement about what I might discover. The gentle breeze caresses my surface, and I can feel the freshness of the environment.

I pause for a moment to observe my reflection in the water, seeing how the sunlight highlights my gelatinous form.

Without hesitation, I dive straight into the pond. Due to my density as a Slime, I sink to the bottom of the water without being able to float. But fortunately, the lack of buoyancy wasn't a problem for me since I couldn't drown, although getting stuck here would be an issue.

I move with curiosity at the bottom of the pond, exploring the aquatic environment in a different way. I watch as bubbles rise to the surface, and the water plants sway gently with the current.

Suddenly, a question comes to mind: Can I spit out the water I've absorbed?

I decided to test it out. Gathering strength within me, I release a small stream of water.


It was just an initial stream, but I was pleasantly surprised to see how it expanded, propelling me through the water with great force.

The stream of water propelled me forward, allowing me to move through the pond with speed and agility. It was as if I had become my own aquatic propulsion engine.

<[Ability acquired: Water Pressure Propulsion.]>

Wow, impressive.

I decided to try a new idea: swimming by propelling myself. I emerged from the water, no longer being propelled by the stream, and prepared to dive again.

With determination, I plunged into the water once more, but this time, I tried to stay in motion without sinking to the bottom.

I moved my Slime body in a coordinated manner, attempting to mimic the swimming movements I had seen in other aquatic beings.

With each movement, I felt the resistance of the water challenging me, but I didn't stop. I propelled myself forward, undulating my body and moving my Slime "arms" to propel myself.

Although I didn't have a conventional physical structure, I managed to maintain a steady rhythm of movement in the water.

<[Ability acquired: Water Movement.]>

This is easy. I just need to experiment, and I'll gain new abilities!

After swimming and exploring the pond, I decided to try something different. I focused my energy and absorbed all the water from the pond.

As the liquid flowed into me, my Slime body remained unaffected.

It was amazing to see how I could contain and retain the water without changing my shape or increasing my size.

After a while, when I felt ready to experiment further, I decided to try a new ability. Concentrating my energy once again, I attempted to shoot a jet of water from my exterior.

The water shot out with force, taking on a sharp shape as it pierced a nearby tree.


<[Ability acquired: Water Sword.]>

<[Water Pressure Propulsion, Water Movement, and Water Sword combine into the extra ability: Water Manipulation.]>

Now I can defend myself a little if I encounter something dangerous.

* * *

As night fell, I decided to venture into a nearby cave. It wasn't that I needed it as shelter, but rather to observe the creatures that sought refuge there during the nights.

If given the chance, I planned to interact with one of them to acquire their unique properties.

As I walked through the dark passage of the cave, I hummed a soft song to keep myself calm.

Each step echoed in the stillness of the environment, and gradually, the moonlight faded as I delved deeper into the darkness.

While proceeding cautiously, I intentionally made some sounds to attract the attention of the creatures in the cave.

At one point, I moved a small stone, creating an echo that resonated throughout the cave.


At that precise moment, I heard the sound of fluttering wings approaching in my direction. I wondered if it was a bat.

With curiosity and some apprehension, I waited for the flying creature to come into my range of vision. To my surprise, I found myself face to face with a pack of winged rats, quite literally.

However, before I could react, the flying rats lunged at me. Instinctively, I jumped backward and started to flee.

Wait. In fact, they should be the ones fleeing from me.

I remembered my ability to control the water I had absorbed.

I turned towards the flying rats and, with a powerful exhale, released the water I had absorbed in a forceful manner.

The water shot out with impressive strength, forming a liquid wall throughout the cave. For the rats, it was like crashing into a highly resistant stone barrier. Due to their speed, they couldn't avoid the impact.

The force of the impact doubled due to their flying speed, combined with the speed at which I launched the wall.

The water wall continued its path, leaving the cave wet. I could see the lifeless bodies of the rats on the ground.


This is a bit disgusting...

Honestly, I don't even want to feel them inside me, but I suppose it's for survival.

I approached the pack of flying rats lying on the cave floor. With a gentle yet decisive motion, I absorbed all the rats into my Slime body, expanding my form to accommodate their presence.

As I absorbed them, a momentary feeling of disgust overcame me.

However, that feeling of disgust didn't last long.

<[Analysis complete. Abilities acquired: Strong teeth, High resistance, Echolocation, Wing propulsion, and Night vision.]>

That's great, but none of them were really necessary.

Thanks to my magical sense, I could clearly see in any direction I looked. It was a special ability that allowed me to have a wide and detailed vision of my surroundings, no matter how dark or complicated they were.

Furthermore, my Slime body already possessed great resistance, providing me with natural protection in different situations. I didn't need strong teeth to feed myself or wings for propulsion since my Slime form allowed me to adapt and move with ease.

<[Now you can mimic the Blackwing Rat.]>

Well, I guess I'll try that.

My body changed shape with just a thought, as if it were natural.

Wow, this feels strange...

I attempted to fly and succeeded with ease. A sense of excitement and freedom washed over me as I soared through the air. It was a new ability that would allow me to move faster and explore the environment with greater agility.

With a playful smile on my face, I ventured deeper into the cave, taking advantage of my newly acquired ability. Each flap of my Slime wings propelled me forward, allowing me to move swiftly and gracefully through the dark passage.

That's when I encountered a creature called Arkalb, a beast resembling a cobra snake. I felt an internal urge to consume it and obtain its unique abilities.

Without hesitation, I lunged at the Arkalb and consumed it. As I did so, a sensation of change and fusion coursed through my Slime body. Suddenly, I acquired new abilities from the creature.

Now, I could see through heat vision, allowing me to detect heat radiation and discern targets even in the darkness. Additionally, I developed resistance to poison, providing me protection against toxic substances.

I also gained the ability to spit venom, an additional defensive tool, and a high-speed crawl, allowing me to move swiftly on the ground, which was useful for my Slime form.

* * *

As I continued delving deeper into the cave, I finally reached its deepest point. However, there awaited a creature that seemed to have come straight out of legends.

Seeing its imposing appearance, my Slime body trembled slightly.

With the head of a lion, the body of a horse or goat, and a serpent-like tail, this creature was of such immense size that it could block a wide passageway. Its purple fur and red eyes only added to the range of features that made it even more intimidating.

I wondered if I was facing the devil himself. Doubt and fear seized me as I cautiously observed the creature.

Despite my uneasiness, I decided to test my newly acquired ability. In my Rata voladora form, I exhaled a cloud of venom in hopes of affecting the creature. However, to my surprise, the creature seemed completely unaffected.

Without paying much attention, the creature struck me with its tail, knocking me to the ground and reverting me to my Slime form.

I felt a significant hole in one of my sides, but immediately, my regeneration ability kicked in.

I observed the strike and noted that, although I had sustained physical damage, I felt no pain. It was a strange sensation, seeing the impact without experiencing the associated discomfort.

Allowing the fear to dissipate, I realized that the strike hadn't affected me significantly. This pushed me to consider devouring the strange creature before me.

The creature paid more attention to me upon realizing that the strike hadn't killed me, even though it was always enough to finish off any other creature in the cave.

Transforming once again into my Rata voladora form, I threw a water sword at it with the intention of quickly severing its head.

However, the creature managed to dodge the attack, although it was clearly surprised by my abilities.

In response, the creature began to cautiously walk around, expecting my next move. Meanwhile, I gathered a large amount of water in my mouth and released it, flooding the cave once again.

The creature became trapped in the flood and, unable to do much against such force, started running to escape the cave.

Taking advantage of the situation, I delved into my own flood and reverted to my original Slime form to move faster in the water and catch up to my prey.

The encounter with this formidable creature had awakened a survival instinct and a thirst for power within me.

As I drew closer, I could feel the excitement and adrenaline flowing through me, urging me to press on.

I feel superior.

The creature managed to escape the cave before being caught in the water current and quickly realized that I would pursue it.

It decided to flee into the forest, utilizing its knowledge of the terrain to gain a strategic advantage.

Once outside the cave, I transformed into my Rata voladora form and went in search of the creature.

However, once we entered the forest, the creature seemed to have the upper hand. I could sense it trying to hide its presence and move stealthily.

The creature would likely have won the battle if it were any other creature or even a human. But unfortunately for its luck, I had a sensory ability that clearly put it at a disadvantage, and I closed in quickly.

The creature realized this and started fleeing again. Although I felt somewhat frustrated by its cowardly behavior, I didn't stop and continued to chase it, determined not to let it escape.

As we ventured deeper into the forest, a clearing came into view in the distance. The creature knew that if it exited the forest, it would be in an even more unfavorable situation.

However, it didn't have much time to think, as its head was severed by a water sword I launched.


I found it frustrating that it had acted so carefree and arrogantly before, only to flee the moment I confronted it decisively.

Without concern for the location I was in, I decided to consume the creature.

<[Analysis complete. Abilities acquired: Concealing presence, increased strength.]>

The creature had abilities that I already possessed previously, so I guess I don't get a bonus for acquiring two identical abilities or anything.

<[Now you can mimic the Guiltylowe.]>

What a name...

I sighed and returned to my original Slime form, taking a moment to reflect on what had just transpired.

I observed the clearing where I stood and was amazed by the beauty of the landscape that stretched before me. It was a magical place, surrounded by statues that seemed to depict elves.

If I had eyes, they would surely widen at the sight of those frozen elves.

I was perplexed and fascinated by the scene unfolding before me. How had they ended up there? What had happened to petrify them in that form?

Unable to contain my curiosity, I approached one of the statues and extended a gelatinous appendage to touch it.

I felt the coldness of the stone and wondered if there was any way to reverse their state, to restore their freedom and life.

Although I had no answers at that moment, I decided to explore the area further and search for clues about what had transpired.

Perhaps, along my journey, I would find some hint or be able to unravel the mystery behind these statues of frozen elves.