
Re: Zero His Wives From Another World!

What 'If' Subaru's wife and child meets his parents? (Different stories for each wife) Inspired by Re: Homecoming and Stars That Form The Future. 1st Emilia 2nd Crusch 3rd Priscilla 4th Ana 5th Vote and more

Charlottes · Anime & Comics
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Crusch Krasten

Before we start, I'd like you to know the OC's, they are both Subaru and Crusch son and daughter.

Title: The Son Of Lion

Name: Leo Karsten Natsuki

Age: 18

Height: 5'7ft

Weight: 147.5 lb (66kg)

Appearance: A dark green hair man, with amber eyes like her mother, his genetics mostly came from Crusch rather than Subaru.

Title: The Daughter of Lion

Name: Andromeda Karsten Natsuki

Age: 9

Height: 4'5ft

Weight: 65.0 Ib (29kg)

Appearance: A darker green hair girl, you wouldn't be able to tell if it's green when you're not close enough, her eyes are black like her father with an exception of her father's scary feature, she had the face of her mother.


Inside the castle of Lugnica, the queen and her daughter were having their weekly fun time, since the Queen of Lugnica Crusch Karsten Natsuki is usually busy with the paperwork, if it wasn't for that she would surely spend her time with her children everyday, sadly she could only have one day in a week to have a break.

It wasn't that she was complaining at least, she had time for her children rather than working for a full year without break, she promised that she won't neglect her duty as a parent, and it also applies to her husband Subaru Karsten Natsuki, but sadly today he had an important business to attend so it was an expectation, she wishes her husband's good luck for this business, she always does whenever he goes.

Back then, she remembered meeting him on the streets of Lugnica, beaten by some thugs and as a person with heart, she had to help him and she did, she brought him to her mansion and let Ferris/Felix heal him.

Crusch's plan was just originally to let him stay in her mansion for a few days and let him go, but that changed because she began to notice how different he is compared to the others, and it made her feel slightly interested in the boy who she took from the street.

The way talks, his manner is different from the rest, it was neither for nobles and commoners, it was between, a commoner would normally respect her knowing that she's noble, but he didn't even knowing that she's one, he never treated her differently, it was the same for others he was different.

And he knows.

Her interest began to grow day by day, she began to notice that the old mansion from before is now different, it was like it wasn't her mansion, but because of him, the people that were working in her mansion became lively with his presence.

Like the way she smiles at his antics, the life in her mansion was now filled with happiness, a month later, she only began to realize she smiles more often than before, Natsuki Subaru never fails to make her smile every time.

By the way, he also works at the mansion now, as a butler at first but then she noticed his talent for tactics and she promoted him as her tactician, it wasn't because she favors him, he truly has a knack for being a leader, and she had to admit that he just needs experience, but it was no issue he would learn it due to time.

Aside from being a tactician of the army, he also had a lot of good and interesting ideas, but she wasn't a merchant and she didn't try to capitalize on his ideas.

She also noticed that glances he made from time to time, whenever she wasn't looking but was aware of his glances, it was no harm so she didn't pay much attention, and he would also turn red whenever she touched him or got too close. Crusch couldn't understand why he would act like that.

At least in the past, she was dense and unaware of the feelings of the others unless they say it to her directly, like Ferris/Felix but too bad she doesn't see Felix as a romantic partner, she only sees him as her knight and a close friend that's it.

A few months later, she couldn't count how many adventures that she and Subaru went to, but there was a major one, the White Whale, one of the 3 great demon beasts, and surprisingly Subaru was the one who found the exact location of the whale. Crusch didn't know how but she trusted him.

They fought the White Whale. It was a very tough battle, probably the toughest one in her entire life. What her tactician did was breathtaking, he was just supposed to be the one who commanded the soldiers like her, but he fought alongside them, boasting the soldiers' morale and ultimately winning!

This would likely be passed from generation to generation, she was proud of what they did, and that day she realized her feelings for him, for Subaru Natsuki, she doesn't see him as her tactician, but as a man worthy of her affection.

As a serious, honest and straightforward person, she wasn't the type to wait or hide her feelings for her dear tactician, but she was no fool to confess directly her feelings. She needed advice and she asked Felix and Wilhelm how to approach him.

Felix wasn't too shocked by this revelation, as he noticed it quite some time ago but it doesn't change the fact that he's quite jealous of this but for the happiness of his mistress who would be willing to comply it hurts but he had to do it, and as for Wilhelm he nodded approvingly of her choice selecting a man, as Subaru already had his approval, he treats him as his son after all.

Crusch's first move was to ask Subaru to a date, and the way she invited him was way too formal like she wasn't asking to have a date rather a formal meeting, knowing what she did Felix couldn't help but facepalm at his mistress action.

But the good news is Subaru got it, he knew that she was asking to have a date with him knowing her, and it made him extremely happy that he wanted to run across the kingdom of Lugnica, as Subaru already has feelings for her, he accepted it without hesitation.

And their first day was a bit awkward but it was unforgettable, for it is their first date together, and as soon as the first, the second date happened a week later, then 3rd, 4th and so on, until Crusch asked him for marriage which the guy usually does, but did it anyway.

Crusch was unlike any other girl, she'd rather be the one to do it.

It was quite a shock to Subaru but he accepted it with a big smile on his face, saying that it was the greatest moment of his life to be proposed to by her. Crusch was glad of his reply while she is confident she still has some insecurities inside, but it went well.

After that night, they celebrated their engagement with everyone from the mansion, some were sad about the engagement, and most of them were happy.

Before their marriage, they fought with the Archbishop of Sloth Petelgeuse Romanee-Conti, it was easier than the White Whale extermination, by no mean it wasn't easy either they had to kill 10 of his fingers before realizing that the bastard is a spirit and completely killing him.

Because of their achievement of exterminating both the White Whale and Archbishop of Sloth it greatly boosted their chances of candidacy, and the fact that there are only 4 who are now participating because the Emilia Camp was now destroyed, they were slaughtered by the witch cult.

And a year after, due to their relentless efforts, Crusch Karsten won and was crowned to be the next Queen of Lugnica, and the very next day she was crowned, the marriage between her and Subaru happened and everyone from any class we're to witness their eternal promise to be together for better and for worse, in sickness and health they shall be together forever.

After the vow was made, they kissed each other and everyone cheered at the birth of a new husband and wife.

Everyone except a few was drunk at the event, at that very night their first honeymoon, they had sex, both of them were first-timers while it's awkward it didn't stop them from continuing and they both enjoyed themselves.

A month later, Crusch was declared pregnant and 9 months after their first child was born. Leo Karsten Natsuki, and many years after Andromeda Karsten Natsuki followed, while they were busy they never forgot to spend time with their child.

They are a happy family until that which separated them.
