
Re:Zero-God’s Blessing On These Horrible Deaths!

Ever wonder what it’d be like if Natsuki Subaru was reincarnated into the world of Konosuba instead of the world of Re:Zero? Still having the power to return by death on hand he will go through the world of Konosuba and die in dark or comedic ways. This story will keep the essence of what made Konosuba enjoyable and add the darkness that covers the Re:Zero series leading Subaru to experience both funny and horrific deaths. This story is in no way connected to my universe that I’ve created for my original works, this is a stand alone story and in no way affiliated with any other of my works. Artwork belongs to the respective artists, I do not own the artwork used for the cover of this fanfic.

SixSenses · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 25: Kazuma, The Fellow Other Worlder

Subaru parted from Darkness and Megumin as he heads back to the build site.

'That's three down…Only one left to go…I'm still not sure if it's the other three but since he's the last one…Does this mean he could be the one who I have to kill…?'

He arrived at the work site, the pain in his chest returning just as it had in the previous loop.

'Here goes nothing.'

He walked around the work site looking for Kazuma and after nearly an hour he found him fighting with Aqua again.

'Geez. I'll have a heart attack when I see you getting along I know it. It'll be too scary…'

He walked over to them and pulled Kazuma aside while the other workers pulled Aqua the other way.

"What do you want Subaru?"

"Just want to ask some questions. Let's find a place to sit down."

They walked to an area in the build site where there was no one there. A perfect place to ask questions.

'I don't want it to be you. You're like me, just some shut in brought to another world…You're probably the person I'll get along with best…So please answer correctly!'

Subaru adjusted his sitting position to face Kazuma.

"First I'd like to ask if you know anything about a cult around here."

"A cult? Of course I don't, what kind of question is that?"

"Okay. What's your opinion of me? I guess that's the best way I can put it…"

"You're a friend. We both come from the same world so I guess I can relate to you in some ways."

"…So you don't want to kill me, right?"

"Is something going on? Why would I want to kill you?"

"Just asking for reasons…Reasons I can't say yet…"

"So is there anymore questions?"

Subaru asked a few more miscellaneous questions related to everything going on and he was satisfied afterwards.

"Thanks for answering."


Subaru stood up and left to walk around for a bit. He could feel the pain in his chest grow more and more until he saw the man who had told him about the witch cultist among his friends.

He once again couldn't talk or move because of how severe the pain was.

"So did you have fun with your little investigations? You think you found out who it is yet? Hmmmm?"

Subaru was forced to shake his head.

"Oh my lord! Are you positive you don't know who it is yet?! How can this be?! Did the goddess really send down someone so stupidly idiotic?! What's the meaning behind this?!"

He got up into Subaru's face. He was visibly angered until he started laughing.

"I'm just messing with you! Come on laugh with me! It's funny! Of course you don't know who it is! It's only certain you would be incapable!"

He wrapped his arm around Subaru's shoulder as he continued to laugh mentally.

"Do you want me to tell you who it is? Come on, I'll tell you the truth if you want me to. So do you?"

Subaru was forced to shake his head.

"Are you serious! You want to continue on this quest alone! Oh how noble!"

The man's nails scratched Subaru's neck as he pulled his arm away leading to a slight amount of blood to begin dripping.

"Are you sure you want to do this yourself? No help at all?"

Subaru was forced to nod his head.

"This has really improved my opinion of you! I love those who are noble, loyal, devote! It's just so attractive! But as you are a man I must respectfully decline if you wish to make a move on me. Even if you were a woman I would never have romantic involvements with you or any other version of you as my love is all poured out to my and our true goddess. Ah, I hope one day she'll accept my love full heartedly!"

'…Okay then? Why was he suddenly talking normally there?'

"Well, I have come here for a reason. If you wish to learn what is truly going on come to our temple, the home of the cult. The door opens itself to new members every year and tomorrow is the day it opens itself again. I hope you'll show up!"

He began waking away before turning around again.

"Oh and this time you don't have to pretend I wasn't here, isn't that grand! I can make the other members jealous of me for befriending the goddess's chosen one-even if I don't agree with her decision! Anyway, this is farewell, Natsuki Subaru."

The man disappeared and the pain had returned to what it was before the man had appeared. Subaru didn't know what to do anymore.

"I guess…I'll go…"