
Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World

Author : Tappei Nagatsuki Subaru Natsuki is a NEET who is suddenly summoned to a fantasy-like world. Just after arriving, he is killed while trying to help a young half-elf he befriends, Emilia, who is a candidate to become the next ruler of the Kingdom of Lugunica, only to revive some hours in the past.

KyoIshigami · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
467 Chs



Subaru was half in tears as he yelped at the fresh wound, wet with red blood.

Ram, engaged in the same work right beside Subaru, narrowed her eyes as she watched him wave around his bleeding left hand.

"That is what thoughtlessness gets you. Basuru, do you know the meaning of improvement?"

"But this is the first time I've dealt with any tableware that's not chopsticks!"

Subaru stuck his cut finger into his mouth as he complained, his cheeks puffing as the metallic taste filled his mouth.

They were in the kitchen, shortly before noon. After wrapping up in the garden with Ram, the two returned to the dining hall to help Rem prepare. That being said…

"I understand me, but making your big sister peel stuff, too? I mean, where's the dignity?"

Ram was quick with a counter.

"We have worked and lived together a long time, so we divide work by our specialties. This is not my place to shine."

"I thought I heard earlier that she's better than you in every area, though?!"

He'd heard earlier how Ram came in behind Rem at cooking, cleaning, washing, sewing, and pretty much every other chore. Ram did seem pretty experienced at peeling veggies, though.

"Are both of you going to be done soon?"

Rem spoke, seemingly wide-eyed at the two she'd entrusted the peeling to as she put them to shame with her ferocious meal preparation. Rem's practiced hand was far beyond the norm, making her cooking feel like a type of highly polished performance.

…Completely unlike the other two, doing menial work off in a corner.

Rem looked back as she poured ingredients into a huge frying pan and mixed them. Silently looking over her big sister peeling and Subaru bleeding, Rem nodded like nothing had happened.

"As usual, Sister, the sight of you peeling vegetables is worthy of a painting."

"Your favoritism is so obvious, it's refreshing! I'd love a comment for the work I'm doing, too!"

"I feel sorry for the farmer who grew those vegetables."

"Stop, you're wounding me!"

Rem was looking at the atrocious wreckage of the vegetables Subaru had peeled. The potato-like vegetables had been cut down roughly halfway, yet, skin remained on them. Furthermore, fairly deep cuts to his hand had left the table wet with blood.

Ram, peeling her potatoes very prettily, glanced at the still-bleeding Subaru and offered advice.

"You handle a knife poorly, Barusu. You're cutting yourself because you're moving the knife, not the vegetable. When peeling, keep the knife steady and rotate the vegetable around."

Her form was excellent; her peelings had no interruptions from head to tip. She continued, "I will have you know, my specialty is steamed potatoes."

"You actually looked proud when you said that! Damn it, just watch. My beloved blade Shooting Star will put you in your place!" Frustrated, he picked up the knife and tightly grasped the wooden handle. It was a completely ordinary knife for peeling, but from that day onward, it would be Subaru's precious Shooting Star.


Raising his voice, he hunched over and held the knife steady, rotating the vegetable just as Ram had advised. The first cut was still rather deep, but he was surprised inside at how smoothly the rest went.

When he glanced over, he saw Ram looking proud of Subaru doing as she had instructed.

Genuinely grateful, Subaru concentrated on peeling without a word, when suddenly—

"…What? If you stare at me like that I'm gonna start blushing."

Subaru looked up when he realized it was Rem who was staring at him. Rem looked slightly taken aback as she tried to counter. But whatever she was trying to say, Ram's words interrupted.

"—She is staring at how pathetic you look, Barusu. In particular, your head is quite lacking."

Her words made Subaru tilt his head.

"I thought this haircut was a lot better than it used to be, though…"

"At the very least, it deserves a failing grade, given that you are a servant… Right, Rem?"

"…Ah, yes. I suppose so. It does seem just a tiny bit lacking."

"Looks like it really bothers you! Geez, sorry!"

Their plainspoken low assessment of the work he'd taken some pride in put Subaru down a bit. As Ram watched Subaru, she made a hmph noise through her nose.

"Incidentally, Rem handles people's hair here at the manor. She dresses me and does my hair every morning, you see?"

"Yeah, that's how you twins are the spitting image of… Wait, that sounds wrong?"

The way she said it just then made it sound like Ram did all the work by herself. But faced with Subaru's retort, Ram folded her arms and boldly replied.

"It is exactly as you think, Barusu."

"Help out your little sister a bit, geez!"

Ram's boldly declaring herself to be the good-for-nothing older sister made Subaru shout with a look of feigned shock. Then, Ram stroked the pink hair that Rem had combed, looking at her younger sister.

"Rem, would you mind giving Barusu's hair a little cut?"

"Now hold on, having a girl playing with my hair is really gonna throw me off here!"


Ram's sudden suggestion threw off both Subaru and Rem. Ram trained her red eyes on her sister's questioning look, slightly lowering the tone of her voice.

"…You were looking at Barusu because of his hair, yes?"

"…Yes, that is correct. A little combing and styling would make it look much better."

"You should let her do as she says, then. Rem's hands are heavenly, I assure you."

"That makes it sound like a kind of perverted request, you know…"

It seemed like the older sister was giving Rem the excuse to indulge in her unexpressed interest.

Maybe it was an issue of personalities. Unlike Ram, already giving Subaru no quarter, Rem apparently hadn't decided yet how she should act toward him. Subaru agreed with the need to close the distance, but…

"If you don't want to, then you don't have to. I kind of hope you do, though!"

"No, not at all. It is true that it bothers me slightly, very slightly, just a little."

Knowing that it was really bothering her, Subaru lost more confidence. He thought he was just indulging in his individuality—but with such thoughts on his mind, three voices sounded as one.


The edge of Shooting Star shifted from a potato to Subaru's thumb. Subaru yelled out as he shallowly peeled the wrong kind of skin.

"Whoaa! Oh man! It took off a little—!"

"It seems it is displeased to be called your 'beloved knife.' Since your love is so one-sided, perhaps you should try calling it your favorite knife instead?"

"Sister, the water is boiling, so let's put in the vegetables you cut—"

"You two love hazing the new guy, don't you?!"

Their prioritizing of the work was admirable, but Subaru lacked the mental strength to praise it.