
Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World

Author : Tappei Nagatsuki Subaru Natsuki is a NEET who is suddenly summoned to a fantasy-like world. Just after arriving, he is killed while trying to help a young half-elf he befriends, Emilia, who is a candidate to become the next ruler of the Kingdom of Lugunica, only to revive some hours in the past.

KyoIshigami · Fantasy
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467 Chs


"The fact that Lady Emilia is not with you must mean affairs in the Sanctuary are not yet settled, I take it?"

After relocating from Rem's bedroom, the pair sat down on sofas in the reception room. Spread out between them was a table and cups of freshly poured black tea. Having finished setting the table, Frederica made the first comment. Subaru confirmed her inference with a "Yeah," nodding as he gazed at the steam wafting up into the air.

"I'm grateful for you coming out and saying that you understand what's going on…especially after I had to talk with a guy who apparently knows everything but won't be straight with you about any of it."

"When you say that, Master Subaru, I believe we have the same person in mind."

"I'm sure you're also thinking of a certain…hard-core eccentric who won't let his makeup slip even when he's badly hurt."

Subaru's sarcastic reply brought an "Oh my" out of Frederica as she met his words with amusement. After that exchange of minor jabs, Subaru leaned forward quite a bit as he got directly to the point.

"—When we were setting off for the Sanctuary, you deliberately withheld a fair bit of information, but…that was the vow at work, right? And that's still in effect even now?"

Frederica had told Subaru and Emilia about the Sanctuary, but she had hidden a number of facts from them, saying "I cannot speak of it." Frederica had strenuously insisted that this vow of hers was the reason why.

When Subaru questioned whether that yoke was still on her neck, Frederica shook her head side to side.

"Unfortunately, I cannot respond as you wish me to. The vow is still in effect…in the first place, unlike a pact or a covenant, a vow has no compulsory power by itself. This is simply what my heart has settled upon."

"If there's no compulsion, then can't you bend it just a little? Even if it's against your beliefs, you understand the situation we're in here, right?"

"—Ten years, seven months, thirteen days."

As Subaru pleaded his case, Frederica suddenly rattled off those words. The span of time didn't mean anything to Subaru. While he was thoroughly perplexed by this tidbit of information, Frederica gently brought her cup of black tea to her lips and explained.

"That is how long it's been since I left the Sanctuary and began serving Master Roswaal. That is also when the vow went into effect… Master Subaru, are you asking me to throw all that time aside?"

"…Ram was just talking to me about time, actually."

Scratching his head over the quiet statement, Subaru took a single, deep breath before pressing on.

"—If it's necessary, then yeah, throwing it aside is exactly what I want you to do. I'd like to respect the time and emotion that went into keeping your vow. But if it's in the way of something truly important, I think it's something that should be broken and tossed."

"You say that rather lightly."

"I'm not saying that you should be super-excited to break your vow and throw it away. But if you're up for doing that…"

Subaru made a paper-ripping gesture, which made Frederica's jade-colored eyes tense up. With neither side willing to concede any ground, this was nothing but crashing their opinions against one another. No one would call this a negotiation. Subaru knew nothing good could come from continuing this. Accordingly, he came at her from a different direction.

"…I get that you're dead set against the idea. Let's try talking about something else, then. Frederica, please look at this."

"What is it, Master Subaru?"

Putting a hand into his pocket, Subaru presented Frederica what he had been given: the blue, glimmering crystal. Her first glimpse of it only made Frederica put on a questioning face, but soon enough, she realized its identity.

"That is…the crystal I handed to… No, it's not? That necklace… Ah."

"It looks just like that one but it's different. Take it and see for yourself, please?"

Frederica blinked, her hand trembling as she accepted the necklace. She stared at the crystal resting in her palm, feeling it in with her hand over and over, after which…

"This is…Garf's stone, isn't it?"

"Yeah, that's right. When I was heading out, he… Well, technically, he handed it to Ram, but…"

Garfiel no doubt had never intended for Subaru rather than Ram to hand it to Frederica. No way am I telling him about this, Subaru firmly decided in his heart.

"Either way, the only people who call him Garf are people close to him. That's true whether it's Ram, Ryuzu…or you, Frederica. Though I kinda figured you two were related, even without that revelation."

"…Then it isn't as if you heard about it from Garf."

"I can tell from your faces that you're related by blood. Besides, you give me the impression of an older sister. In the end, it was just my intuition based on your attributes."

"I am uncertain what attributes you might be talking about, but you are correct. There's no mistake, for I am Garf's…Garfiel's older sister by blood."

With a wry, pleasant smile, Frederica lightly touched the corner of her eye with a fingertip. Subaru averted his eyes because the gesture seemed like she was wiping away a tear, which made him feel like he was watching something he ought not to.

"My, Master Subaru, you are unexpectedly timid."

"Sheesh, any man has it tough when he makes a girl cry. Here's a handkerchief to wipe that off."

"A different handkerchief than the one Petra gave you… How surprisingly gentleman-like."

Walking around with a handkerchief was a habit he'd learned from when he lived back with his own family. Thanking his mother for having instilled the practice in him, Subaru blushed when Frederica teased him about it as she accepted the handkerchief.

She was dragging the conversation in an odd direction, but the last thing he wanted to do was simply go along with it.

"Anyway! I didn't expect the necklace to change anything. In the end, I only wanted it to trigger a different conversation. I'll get to the crucial point."

"A crucial point, you say?"

"Yeah, the main thing I wanted to discuss— What did you set up a teleport trap in the Sanctuary for?"

—Plunging straight into that topic was a large gamble on Subaru's part.

The crystal Frederica had handed them had triggered the teleportation upon Emilia's and his arrival in the Sanctuary; in other words, it was proof that Frederica had intentions of some kind regarding Emilia. Frederica was familiar with the Sanctuary, so she surely knew that Emilia would lose consciousness once she came in contact with the barrier.

What was she scheming, teleporting Emilia when she was unconscious? Subaru cut straight to the meat of his interrogation.

"Answer me, Frederica. Or is it that you can't talk about this either 'cause of the vow?"


"Even if that's the case, I can't let you be quiet about this. I'll make you talk, no matter what."

The moment he said that, he felt the interior of his mouth instantly run dry.

The tension in the air sped up his heart rate. With his gaze, he pinned Frederica where she sat, assessing her every move and gesture.

He knew it was a risk to approach the crux of the matter without Ram present, but Subaru was seen as weak and underestimated by many. At the very least, if he could wring out a little information so he could piece everything together—

"—Master Subaru."

While Subaru studied her, stiff all over because of his enormous gamble, Frederica curtly called out his name.

Subaru's only response was to watch her even more intently.

His black eyes met her jade eyes head on, when—

"…What do you mean by 'teleport'?"


The sincerity of Frederica's question made it seem like a question mark floated above her head. Her reaction left Subaru flabbergasted.

"E-even if you look at me like that…I honestly cannot tell you something I do not know."

"Wait, wait, wait, you can't fool me! If you don't know anything, then my whole premise goes out the window! Dunno if I should call them the conservative faction or the stay-at-home faction, but you're cooperating with people from the Sanctuary, right?!"

"Conservative? Stay-at-home? What…are you talking about…? Could you please explain from the beginning?"

"Me, explain to you what's happening with the Sanctuary?!"

For Subaru, seeing Frederica not understanding a single thing he had mentioned so far was truly a thunderbolt from a clear blue sky. To begin with, the whole point of this conversation had been to question Frederica about various things in the Sanctuary that she had to have known. And yet, Subaru realized their positions were reversed.

"Th-this isn't…an act…right?"


Seemingly clinging to hope, Subaru stared at Frederica, but she shook her head with a look of pity.

Her gesture destroyed the last footholds Subaru had remaining. Of course, he couldn't take everything Frederica said at face value. But even with that in mind, it really didn't seem like she was lying at all.

"—Barusu, meeting Frederica one on one without Ram suggests you truly have no need for your life."

The door to the reception room opened in grand fashion at the same time they heard that remark. Crossing the threshold was Ram, haughtily folding her arms. After sighing slightly, she addressed an astonished Subaru.

"In the end, your speculation was wildly off the mark. You are so pathetic, I can barely stand to look at you."

"Yeah, sorry about… Hey, wait! Didn't that wild speculation about Frederica maybe cooperating with the stay-at-home faction in the Sanctuary come from you to begin with?!"

"I said it was a possibility, nothing more. You really should find more constructive things to do than fixate on finding fault in others."

"It just ain't fair!!"

Subaru clutched at his head, forcibly trying to sweep away his embarrassment, but Ram paid no heed whatsoever. She boldly sat at Subaru's side, bringing his untouched black tea to her lips.

"…It would seem that your skill at making tea has not improved in my absence."

"My, even though pouring tea is my specialty. What an uncharming girl you are."

"I do not need to be charming. Ram is plenty cute enough. Any more so and the world would be imperiled."

"Truly, your tongue is as sharp as ever! Goodness…how very like you."

Though she showed her fangs as she shouted angrily, Frederica's final words oozed with softness. And while Ram's face was unchanged from always, it was instilled with just a faint whiff of affection.

This conveyed to Subaru how they had been colleagues for a long time, or perhaps it reminded him more of people who had been friends from a rather young age.

"Though you may not have been away for very long, you are still in good health?"

"Yes, Ram is always… I suppose I cannot lightly say that this day."

"…Did you spend enough time with Rem?"

Frederica lowered her voice to a whisper and posed a question that was no doubt difficult to ask. Subaru wanted to know the answer, too. To these paired gazes, Ram slightly lowered her head as she said, "It's mysterious. Just as I heard from Barusu, that girl is the spitting image of Ram. When I touch her forehead, I know that blood of the same tribe flows through her, and yet…"


"Inside of Ram, that girl's existence is still nothing but a blank."

Suppressing her emotions, she strove to speak in a normal tone of voice to maintain her normal, steady self.

—The loneliness and desolation Ram carried, the sadness that made her voice tremble; her attempts to hold them in check made their effects on her stand out all the more.

It was not Ram's fault. Of course, it wasn't Rem's, either. Fault lay with the sinner that had consumed Rem's very being, tearing her away from the world. If, beyond that blasphemer, there was anyone else to blame—


"…Barusu, why are you apologizing?"

"I didn't…want to make you meet Rem like this. But…"

Subaru was insufficient. He was fatally, idiotically insufficient.

That was why he was helpless to help the sisters meet except this way.

If Ram was hurt as a result, it was none other than Subaru who ought to bear that blame—

"So I'm sorry. It's not something that you'll forgive even if I apologiiiiii-iiiii-iiiiiiiiiii?!"

"Stop making such a suspicious face. It degrades an already almost worthless man, though I suppose I am too late to do anything about that."

Mid-apology, Ram's hand stretched forth and mercilessly pinched Subaru's cheek. When Subaru let out a lament at the amazing pain, Ram snorted "Hah!" and let a laugh slip out.

"Do not go making that face. It is as if you decided you were something important to Ram and Rem, lowly Barusu."

"Y-you said it yourself. I really am a lowly…"

"Ram has no interest in Barusu's feelings of guilt. At the very least, she doesn't blame Barusu in the slightest. Do not insult Ram and her little sister by wallowing in tragedy all by your lonesome."

Thrusting a finger at his forehead, Ram made a truly Ram-like statement as Subaru's mouth flapped open and closed.

"…Y-you don't even remember her, but you act like Rem's older sister all of a sudden?"

"It is quite mysterious. Though I have no memory of her, I am very firm about holding such a position. It would seem Ram is an elder sister much respected and loved by her younger sister. This is natural, of course."

"That way of thinking is seriously Big Sis of you!"

Even though Rem's existence had fallen away, Ram's authority remained undaunted. Subaru, conflicted as he was about whether this was a happy or a desolate thing, admired Ram's nobility of spirit regardless.

"Yes, yes. It is quite clear, even to me, that you two get along very well."

Frederica, intervening in the pair's exchange, offered Ram fresh tea as she said,

"I, too, think an unchanged Ram is a happy thing… But the main issue at hand was something else, yes?"

"I suppose so. Let us return to the conversation that strayed due to Barusu—the issue of the teleport."

"The one Master Subaru was speaking about just earlier, I take it?"

The atmosphere had been relaxed, but with one word out of Ram's mouth, it tightened anew. Seeing the grave look on Frederica's face, Subaru pointed to the blue crystal she was holding.

"Let me get to details, then. The crystal you gave to Emilia reacted to the barrier, triggering a magic teleport in the dragon carriage…one that rather conveniently launched its victim directly to the tomb."

"Teleport to the tomb…?! A-and was Lady Emilia all right?"

"Fortunately, she was, thanks to Subaru's sacrifice. A noble deed by his standards."

"…In other words, I was teleported in Emilia's place. I'm all right, though."

Ram accepted more tea as Subaru did a little dance on the spot, demonstrating that he was in good health. The sight made Frederica forget to cover her mouth with her hand, openly displaying the shock on her face.

With this, it was finally established that Frederica really hadn't been involved with the crystal causing the teleport.

"But if that's so, what'd you give her the crystal for? According to Roswaal, what you need to get into the Sanctuary is the correct path. Having an object doesn't make you qualified."


"You can't speak because of the vow, I figure? If so, that is a poor excuse, Frederica."

Anticipating Frederica's hesitation, Ram unleashed words so cold, they made Frederica bristle. But she immediately nodded.

"—It is true, as you say. That is not a topic of conversation that may pass from my lips."

"So you chose to rely on that poor excuse anyway— Still that cannot be the end of the matter."

"H-hey! Ram, wait!"

Frederica stubbornly refused to relent. Seeing Ram's reaction to this made Subaru nervous.

After all, Ram had stood up, her hand gripping her cane. It was short and slender, apparently made of wood. The cane was her weapon, which she lovingly employed when she was casting magic.

"Don't get ahead of yourself! We were just talking peacefully… What gives, all of a sudden?!"

"You are too lenient, Barusu. Frederica will not respond to the question. Her rebellious intent is clear."

"Frederica wouldn't do something that stupid! And you're the one who said that!"

Her conclusion was too hasty to be called decisive. In fact, it was Ram herself who had most trusted and defended Frederica's nature as a person.

"Then why are you…"

"We shall restrain Frederica and bring her with us to the Sanctuary. By doing this, we shall flush out the one giving Frederica instructions. Actions are more certain than words, and produce faster results, too."

"Well, you've got a point, but you can't think it'd go that smoothly…"

With an unyielding posture, Ram was essentially saying, we'll tie her up if that's what we have to do to find answers. But if Ram resorted to such measures, Frederica would surely resist. If it came to that, it might not be the way he'd imagined it, but they would indeed be unable to avoid an undesirable battle nonetheless.

Faced with Frederica's silent posture, a part of Subaru wanted to do just that, but—

"Even so, I don't want any bloodshed! Frederica! Your being quiet is part of the p—"

"If you wish to take me with you to the Sanctuary, I shall not resist."

"You see! Even Frederica's saying stuff like…er, wha?"

Subaru, his face pale from the explosive situation, was flabbergasted at what had just entered his ears. However, to an astounded Subaru, Frederica calmly kept her posture straight, as she explained further.

"I am saying, I shall yield to Ram's judgment. If you wish to take me to the Sanctuary, that is fine. Though I do not understand how this would accomplish your objectives."

"Y-you won't resist…? Why? What's the meaning of…?"

"Quite a slow learner you are."

Standing beside Subaru and bewildered to a comical extent, Ram sighed, pointing her rod at Frederica before continuing.

"Frederica cannot break her vow of her own will. Therefore, if Barusu drags her off by force, it cannot be helped… Such an excuse is required."

"The part about me dragging her off by force sounds unlikely, but…you're fine with this?"

The suddenly cooperative attitude that had sprung up between Ram and Frederica had thrown Subaru for a loop. After all, until just moments before, Frederica had done a fine job of setting her heart on that "vow," speaking as if leaving it unbroken was a question of her beliefs. And yet—

"With the excuse that she was forced, she's not going against it… Is that it? To be honest, there's an opposition party inside me complaining that's too arbitrary of a plan to resolve things, but…"

"Then simply silence that voice. This is the best of all possible plans to put this matter in order."

It didn't sit well with him. But it would be meaningless for Subaru to whine and groan about it. Just as Ram had said, this was a three-person consensus. He need only shut his ears to the moderately discordant sounds in the background.

But he did want to say just one thing about it.

"Even though you didn't arrange it in advance, you two sure were on the same page…"

"But of course." "We have known each other for nearly a decade."

Hearing those perfectly matching replies, Subaru completely took his hat off to them.

And with that, the situation had well and truly been sorted out.

First, barring the possibility of her being an actress of exceptional skill, it seemed that Frederica had absolutely no involvement with the teleportation incident. Her circumstances for remaining silent because of the vow would surely become clear if she went to the Sanctuary. In so doing, they would also be able to expose the mastermind trying to infiltrate through cracks in the camp's framework.

"Hiding the teleportation and then instructing you to keep it secret… When I put it like that, the guy you made a promise to has the worst personality ever."

"I…suppose so… Even I cannot willingly obey instructions that make a fool out of me to this extent. It is said, 'The Empire makes you carry lead as heavy as your deceits.'"

"…What'd you say?"

"It is a Volakian Empire saying. It expresses that nation's cold view toward decep— What is it?"

"Nah, it's nothin'. Just thought that blood will tell, huh."

Frederica seemed proud of her knowledge, but Subaru's reply was only accompanied by a lukewarm expression. He felt like he'd gotten the answer he wanted, if not quite in the way he had intended.

"Either way, getting Frederica's cooperation…even if in a roundabout way, is a big win for us. Thanks to that, I think I can toss away the extra misgivings I had inside of me."

"Extra misgivings?"

"Ahh, basically, I thought that if Frederica did turn out to be hostile and the mansion was under attack, that'd be a huge disaster."

Frederica inclined her head, looking like she had not the faintest idea pertaining to this "disaster" he spoke of.

That state held, with nothing of the disaster—not even "E" for Elsa—escaping her lips. Based on the reaction of the Frederica before his eyes, it seemed safe to assume there were no ties between her and that butcher.

If that was so, they had to get away from the mansion with all haste and draw up a plan to deal with that black-robed butcher.

Subaru knew her attack was coming. That would let him seize the initiative, giving them time to concentrate their forces, encircle her, and take her down.

"That's another reason I want to pull out of the mansion. There's no time to lose. We march Frederica along, grab Petra, and go. And if we pick up Rem and one Beako whose current location is unknown, then…"

At least for the moment, they could escape the peril that was about to befall the mansion.

Seeing that beacon of light, Subaru felt like he'd found a compass pointing a way out of the darkne—

"—Oh my, I would prefer if you weren't so cold."

Right as Subaru was counting on his fingers the various things he ought to do, a glossy voice violently brushed against his eardrums.

Instantly, Subaru's heart beat louder, accompanied by pain that made it feel like his heart was being rent asunder. Looking like he'd been slapped, he turned toward the reception door entrance—and there stood a figure he knew well.

She had black hair in a triple braid, lavish black clothes that exposed a scandalous degree of skin, and deep, captivating jet-black eyes that seemed to pull you in—black, black, black; she was the very epitome of pitch-black bloodlust.

Her familiar beauty, and a devilish face he'd never wanted to see again, suddenly blotted out the light of day with her dark presence.

"Now, let us fulfill our promise, shall we?"

These words spoken, the Bowel Hunter charmingly licked her red lips, a prelude to the slaughter to come.