

A man dies of old age. Living his best life and leaving a small legacy. But for him, a new adventure is starting... WARNING: This story will NOT be for the faint of heart, mc will go through countless struggles through his journey that will change him for better or for worse. COPY-RIGHT: ALL RESPECTIVE ORIGINAL MATERIAL AND IDEAS GO TO THIER RESPECTIVE OWNER/S. MY TAKE ON THE CHARACTERS, AND ANY OC'S WILL BE ORIGINAL! ALL IMAGES USED BY ME BELONG TO THIER RESPECTIVE OWNERS UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE!

PettiaMius_6689 · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Haguro.... P.11

~ Omni Pov, The next day ~

Akira woke up, seeing Rivera next to him snoring soundly. But, for some odd reason, he felt a little different from usual, but not inherently bad. Still, he brushed it off quickly.

Turning to around, he faced a sleeping Rivera laying there soundly...

'... She's actually pretty cute when she's asleep...' Akira thought. Akira then got up to get ready for class again. He brushed his teeth, bathed and ironed his clothes and went to school. The usual...

Arriving at school, he got the usual stares from both students and teachers alike, even the whispers remained...

In typical fashion, he ignored them completely. Setting his sights on something new after the school was over. However, just as he was about to enter into the classroom, he stopped...

'What the? What is this...' Akira thought.

He saw lusters of white energy surrounding the school for some odd reason... He was a little confused by it.

On closer inspection, he saw the white streak coming towards him. Seeing this, he tried to stop it with his hand, however, as he did so it entered into his body...


[...+25 max Aura gained...]

'?... I just absorbed aura?...' However, as he thought about it. He suddenly remembered what the system said about his energy and what he had to go through to even utilize it...

'So this is how I gain energy... Interesting.' Akira thought, smiling internally. He then continued making his way to class...


~ A few hours later ~

Class was the same as yesterday. However, akira realized that Akiko wasn't ignoring him as much as yesterday. While Ryuuko remained the same, just a little less grumpy.

'I swear... women are weird as hell,' Akira thought.

Chiba was in a much better mood than yesterday, too.

Seeing this, Akira decided it would be best to check up on a certain someone later today.

However, the same thing happened earlier was happening again...


[...+32 max Aura gained...]

Hearing the notification go off for the 7th time for the day. He realized that he was passively absorbing the areas surrounding energy into his body...


~ After class ~

Akira packed his things to head home. Ryuuko stopped him.

"Ryuuko? Can I help you?" Akira asked.

"... Follow me..." she whispered.

Seeing that she was looking a bit solemn, he decided to hear her out.

"Sure... lead the way..." Akira said.

Shortly after, Ryuuko walked ahead, and he followed.

Akiko took note of this. But she didn't say anything, and so did the other girls...


"So... why did you bring me to the gym's storage room?" Akira asked.

Ryuuko closed the door behind her, locking them both in.

Akira, seeing this, was a little weirded out, but didn't comment on it...

"I need you to close your eyes..." Ryuuko asked.

"Eh? Ryuuko... If this is one of your little jokes, I don't have time for it." Akira said.

"Just close them Akira!" She yelled a little. Surprising him.

"... Just hurry and get this over with..." Akira said. Closing his eyes, wondering what kind of bs she would pull this time.

However, with only 2 seconds passing. He felt a warm sensation on his lips. Then something making his way into his mouth. And something touching his member right after...

Immediately, he opened his eyes. Seeing Ryuuko kissing him and her hand there.

"The actual fuck Ryuuko? Why do you always pull shit like this!?" He raised his voice, his cheeks a little tainted too from the ordeal...

But Akira pushed Ryuuko away from him...

'*TCH!* The hell is wrong with me!? Why is my body reacting like this?!' Akira thought. Unsure why his mind and body were behaving this way...

"... Knowin' yer reaction... I guess ya' do see me as a woman... anyway... remember that favor you owed me? Yeah, you can guess what is, can't ya?" Ryuuko said. Her breath was slightly haggard...

"Fuck this! I ain't having sex with you. Ask for something else." Akira stated with finality in his tone.

Ryuuko, hearing this, got a little upset...

"So you see me as a slut too, don't you..." Ryuuko said.

Akira, hearing this, rubbed his nose bridge.

'The hell is this bitch on about!? How is this even... *SIGH*... Is this why she was so grumpy?' Akira thought,

"... No. We are both 15 Ryuuko. We are kids. Meaning, we don't fuck each other at these ages. I don't know what kind fucked shit you've been doing, but this isn't normal." Akira said.

However, as if Akira hit a land mine. Ryuuko looked even more frustrated...

"Then what else?... What else Am I supposed to give you? The only thing I have is my body... that's why I've been sizing you up this entire time. I'm not sociable and I'm not smart either, Akira. I... I like you, and it's fucking eating me up inside to know I can't offer ya' anything meaningful!" She responded, shouting...

Ryuuko finally released all her frustrations... She was huffing with exhaustion, her mind in turmoil from what she had just said and done.

Akira, hearing this, thought for a moment before saying.

"Ryuuko... do you want to change..." He asked simply.

"Of course I do!... But it's too late for someone like me... I'm selfish Akira, I'm sure you've realized that. I'm not pure either. god knows how many men I've fucked in my life. Hell, I've lost count after the 20th guy!" Ryuuko said, tears threatening to fall from her eyes...

"I... don't really care about all that..." Akira said.

Ryuuko, hearing this, looked up and stared into his eyes.

"R-Really?..." she asked in a low tone...

"Yes... I think that a person who does those things and doesn't want to change are far worse than someone who wants to change and turn over a new leaf... Your life isn't over, Ryuuko. You are young, fairly pretty. You could be a model if you wanted, given your looks. And, you aren't dumb either, you just don't care to study... But, what I'm to get at is, if you want these things to change, you need to do the opposite of what you are doing now." Akira said.

Ryuuko, hearing this, thought to herself for a minute.

'Maybe I can change... maybe I can become something he's actually worthy of... I have to do it, I can't remain like this forever.' Ryuuko thought.

"... Will you help me?" She asked.

"Of course. Just don't quit on me." Akira said, chuckling.

Ryuuko began crying. It was the first time someone saw her as a genuine person... someone who cared, even if it was a little, and it was even someone she fell in love with...

Ryuuko walked forward, then wrapped her hands around Akira.

Seeing that the mood was awkward. He simply hugged back...

~ After a minute of hugging later ~

"So Ryuuko... when are ya going to let me go?" Akira asked.

With her faced planted in his chest, she responded.

"With a body like this, It's hard too..."









