

I've just died. Unlucky, you might say. But that's not the worst part. The worst part is that I've reincarnated into the body of a minor character from a novel I had read in my previous life. A character whose only role is to be the villain of the story. I already know my fate, and I don't like it at all. So, I've decided to change things. To overturn the script. Since then, I've been working to be the hero who saves this world... Wait, why are things getting so confusing?

Shadlight · Fantasy
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85 Chs

Nightmare's Dance

In the opaque darkness of the night, a once vibrant urban city now found itself plunged into chaos and horror.

The wails of police and ambulance sirens echoed through the abandoned streets, adding a sinister symphony to the unfolding carnage.

Wild monsters, with patchwork flesh and distorted faces, spread terror among the dilapidated buildings. Their heavy footsteps reverberated on the pavement, leaving haunting echoes in their wake.

Their long claws grazed the concrete walls, leaving ominous marks as they passed by. Their savage growls filled the air with an oppressive atmosphere.

The rundown streets were littered with flaming cars, their smoldering carcasses emitting an acrid smell of burnt rubber. The raspy honks barely audible, drowned out by the demonic roars of the monsters.

Storefronts were reduced to a million sparkling shards, offering a macabre scene of shattered glass and looted goods. The wild creatures, clad in tattered rags, moved with terrifying agility, leaping from rooftop to rooftop like malevolent shadows.

Their eyes gleamed with intense red, their sharp teeth grimacing in a sadistic appearance. Their long, slender arms swung with bestial aggression, reducing everything in their path to debris.

Some of these humanoid monsters attacked survivors with insatiable ferocity. Their jaws descended upon frightened heads, tearing flesh and bones in a macabre dance of destruction.

The screams of agony echoed at every street corner, leaving behind a trail of terror and pain.

But the true nightmare was the giant monster that loomed amidst this devastating chaos.

It shook the ground with its mighty steps, reducing everything in its path to dust.

With a single colossal punch, it demolished the already weakened buildings, reducing them to smoldering rubble. Its deep voice resonated like unleashed thunder, emitting guttural sounds of perverse satisfaction.

Its powerful arms wielded vehicles with twisted roofs, hurling them with indescribable force against the already battered walls of the ruined city.

The shards of glass and metal mingled with the falling rain, creating an even darker and more oppressive ambiance.

Debris flew under its steps, windows shattered into a thousand sparkling fragments as the giant monster advanced.

Flames licked the buildings, spreading like a sea of destruction.

The black sky was illuminated by the orange and glowing reflections of hellish fires that now burned mercilessly.

Begging cries mingled with the monsters' howls and the crackling of flames. Every dark corner of the city was filled with palpable fear, with imminent death.

In this nightmarish hell, the souls of the innocent twisted in agony and terror. The air was saturated with rage, pain, and the delicate scent of spilled blood.

The humanoid monsters and their colossal leader toyed with this city, relishing in the pain and despair they wrought.

Suddenly, the thunderous opening of the gray, dilapidated doors of an abandoned building interrupted this icy carnage.

Two men emerged from the darkness.

The first, dressed in a slightly worn black suit, exuded an aura of confidence and power. His gaze burned with intensity as he surveyed the horror around him. His broad shoulders betrayed a raw strength ready to be unleashed. His square jaw was clenched with unwavering determination.

The second man, clad only in a tropical shirt and shorts, stood in stark contrast to his companion's elegance.

Despite his humble and frivolous appearance, his sculpted and solid muscles betrayed formidable endurance. His face weathered by time was marked by fierce determination.

Like a ballet of destruction, the monsters swirled around the two men, their menacing presence casting sinister shadows on their bodies.

It was our duo. Harold and Nife.

The creatures, drawn by the glow emanating from the two men, rushed towards them with insatiable ferocity.

With precise and swift movements, Harold unleashed a powerful punch that sliced through the ranks of monsters with surgical precision. Each blow was accompanied by a burst of dust and a deafening growl. His movements were a deadly ballet, a macabre dance in which he was the sole choreographer.

On his side, Nife channeled an inexhaustible energy that seemed to flow through his veins. His raging fists cut through the air, striking the monsters head-on with titanic power. With each blow, crackling sparks erupted, illuminating his face with an almost supernatural glow.

Their cooperation was perfect, a destructive ballet infused with brotherhood and synchronization. Their movements were fluid, almost graceful despite the brutality of the fight. They seemed to dominate the monsters with disconcerting ease, as if their unyielding determination was their greatest weapon.

The monsters fell one after the other, felled by the lightning of their fists and the brilliance of their combined energies. They moved with an almost supernatural ease, supporting each other in every movement.

Nife, agile and fast, leaped and skillfully dodged enemy attacks, while his partner, with brute strength, struck with devastating precision. They sowed confusion among the monsters with their synchronized movements, eliminating the enemies one by one.

Nife leaped into the air, delivering acrobatic kicks in all directions, sending the monsters flying backward, while Harold seized the opportunity to strike them violently.

The monsters' blood splattered around them, while the furious cries of the creatures clashed with the determined growls of the two intrepid fighters.

The battle raged on, their fluid and efficient movements leaving no room for hesitation. They covered each other, filling in each other's gaps and exploiting every opening with pinpoint precision.

Their attacks were powerful, shaking the ground beneath their impact, and the monsters fell one after the other.

In the midst of the chaos, Nife, a mischievous smile on his lips, teased his companion in the black suit. His gaze fell on the large tears in the suit's precious fabric.

"Well, my friend, your suit looks a bit worse for wear," he said with a playful wink. "You're not twiddling your thumbs as much as I am, it seems."

Harold glanced at his tattered attire, a mixture of frustration and amusement tinting his intense gaze.

"I'm more concerned with putting an end to this ruthless horde than worrying about my wardrobe, my dear," he replied with a hint of sarcasm.

Their exchange was brief as they faced a new group of monsters that attacked them mercilessly.

Their fists soared through the air, their energy unleashed in destructive waves that shattered the creatures in their path.

But just as the tide of monsters seemed to weaken, a deafening roar reverberated through the air.

The ground trembled, and an imposing silhouette emerged from the darkness.

It was the giant humanoid monster, the boss.

The eyes of the two men widened at the sight, but instead of being overwhelmed by fear, a spark of excitement lit up in their eyes.

"Look at that, Nife, the pack leader has made his appearance," Harold declared with an amused tone.

Nife, instead of being seized by fear, burst into laughter, filling the tense atmosphere with contagious energy.

"Ha! I was starting to get bored of his little minions!" he exclaimed, excited by the prospect of an even greater challenge.

They exchanged a knowing look, a tacit connection that expressed their mutual trust.

Without a word, in a formidable surge, they charged headlong towards the colossus.

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