

I've just died. Unlucky, you might say. But that's not the worst part. The worst part is that I've reincarnated into the body of a minor character from a novel I had read in my previous life. A character whose only role is to be the villain of the story. I already know my fate, and I don't like it at all. So, I've decided to change things. To overturn the script. Since then, I've been working to be the hero who saves this world... Wait, why are things getting so confusing?

Shadlight · Fantasy
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85 Chs

A Chapter Begins

In the heart of a city plunged into chaos, the inhabitants, whether monsters, police officers, paramedics, or civilians, all found themselves frozen, their eyes fixed on a single point of interest.

The violence that reigned in the streets seemed to vanish in a breath, erased by the imposing presence of this celestial phenomenon. Everyone watched this unprecedented spectacle, captivated by the unusual light piercing through the nocturnal darkness. It was both beautiful and terrifying.

Far away, outside the chaotic city, a woman of remarkable stature stood alongside other uniformed officers.

Her gaze, filled with determination and perplexity, was fixed on the luminous star that illuminated the metropolitan night sky.

Clad in military attire, she recalled the conversation she had earlier with the enigmatic silver-haired man, just before he rushed into battle against the monsters invading the city.

The words of this mysterious man still echoed in her mind.

In the past

The door of a cabin slowly opened, revealing a man with silver hair. Clad in a shiny military uniform, he stood there, full of presence and mystery.

The woman in military attire approached, a slight smile on her lips.

She joked, "The uniform suits you quite well. You should consider joining Senkaï; you would fit in perfectly with us."

The man returned her smile. "I am touched by your offer. But joining your guild would constrain me from fulfilling my mission."

The woman raised an eyebrow, curious.

"And what is this mission?" she asked, seeking to pierce the veil surrounding this mysterious man.

The man paused, his eyes becoming serious, his tone filled with solemnity. "I seek to give this world the hope it lacks. I aspire to bring joy into hearts, to become the symbol of peace in this world in ruins."

The woman was somewhat surprised to hear such words coming from a mercenary.

As she was lost in her thoughts, the man turned on his heel and headed towards the ruined city, his steps echoing on the rubble.

"In no case should you divert your eyes from this sky, for from there hope will shine like a star," he said, leaving behind these last words.

The woman watched the man disappear into the devastated streets, her heart filled with a mixture of hope and curiosity.

And so, she kept her eyes on the nocturnal sky, awaiting the hope promised by the man.

In the present

The woman in uniform returned to reality, her resolute gaze fixed on the luminous star dominating the sky.

A sudden gust swept through the ruined city, sweeping away debris and embracing brave souls.

The officers instinctively drew closer, united by fear and mixed optimism.

A solemn silence enveloped the devastated city as the luminous star reached its zenith.

Its blinding glow radiated, illuminating anxious faces.

The shadows temporarily disappeared, replaced by a strange, almost magical atmosphere.

Something grand was about to unfold.


Zeref stood high in the skies, overlooking a city plunged into chaos.

The cries of terror and alarm sirens echoed in the stifling atmosphere.

Yet, despite the disastrous situation unfolding before his eyes, he displayed a serene face, an unsettling tranquility.

His piercing gaze settled on the smoking rubble, evidence of the conflicts ravaging the city.

He then recalled his encounter with one of the original protagonists of the novel, a precious moment, laden with memories he wished could linger.

"Who would have thought I would meet this guy here... I regret having to pretend as if nothing happened," he murmured in a deep, almost imperceptible voice.

His fists briefly clenched, a sign of temporary frustration.

However, he reassured himself that he would soon have the opportunity to meet them all, these protagonists who had become a part of his new reality.

A fleeting smile illuminated his face as he refocused his attention on the suffering city.

The wind blew, carrying fragments of paper and broken glass with it.

Zeref's eyes then rose to the nocturnal sky.

The turmoil of the city, the distant cries, all faded away to leave only a silent harmony in its place.

As his mind wandered, he couldn't help but get excited about the responsibilities weighing on his shoulders.

He was the key player in this event. And it was only the beginning.

Soon the world would see only him and him alone.

In Magic Chronicles, a unique power system reigned supreme.

This system was based on the acquisition of extraordinary abilities, talents that allowed for unimaginable feats.

Within its framework, a mysterious energy, an omnipresent essence, governed all things.

This energy was known as Ether. It dwelled within every individual and everything, vibrating deep within their essence.

However, only a few privileged individuals among humans, despite their ordinary appearance, were born with the innate ability to see and feel this energy.

This extraordinary ability then allowed them to acquire supernatural powers, catapulting them beyond the limits of ordinary mortals.

These individuals, with their unique character, were dubbed mages, beings apart who defied the laws of this world.

The history of Magic Chronicles largely rested on these mages. Their existence was one of the major pillars shaping events, fueling the novel's intrigues.

Mages can use ether to influence their bodies and environment through ethereal flows called spells. There are infinite possible spells, but they can be classified into five major types.

Elemental spells. They allow for the creation or control of natural elements, such as water, air, earth, fire, lightning, sand, etc.

Psychic spells. They allow for action on the essence of all things, such as mental manipulation, space-time control, telekinesis, telepathy, etc.

Summoning spells. They allow for the summoning of things or beings that do not exist in the world, such as animals, objects, spirits, demons, etc.

Enhancement spells. They allow for the modification of an object or person's state, by strengthening, altering, transmuting, or degrading it.

And finally, heterogeneous spells. They include spells that do not fit into any of the previous categories, such as seal spells, necromancy, analysis, etc.

The possibilities seemed endless, exploring the boundaries of imagination and reality.

This had become Zeref's new reality, suddenly finding himself plunged into the fantastical world that had once inhabited his dreams.

As a big fan of the work, his first realization was to test this power that fascinated him so much, a power that had the potential to change his life forever.

It was as if someone had given him the toy he had long desired.

The character he now embodied was called Zeref Darthen, a major antagonist in the story and one of the most powerful mages in this universe. Nicknamed, the genius.

His impatience could not be contained at the thought of exploring and mastering this extraordinary power.

So he embarked on a series of experiments, familiarizing himself with the different ways of using ether, the life energy at the heart of all magic.

There were three main ways to use ether.

The first was to draw on the energy already present within oneself, that which was assimilated by our bodies.

The second way was to use the ether present in nature, manipulating the forces of the environment.

Finally, there was the possibility of combining the two approaches, creating an infinite range of possibilities.

For Zeref, his use of ether manifested through his ability to shape his environment, to create phenomena and concepts.

In the original work, he was recognized as the greatest summoning mage, capable of materializing almost anything thanks to his mastery of ether.

Unfortunately, his premature death at the hands of the hero had prevented him from reaching his peak.

Now, it was he who embodied Zeref and he was determined to surpass the limits reached by his predecessor.

With the memories gained, his acquired experience, and his knowledge of the novel, he had not only reached, in just a few months, the level of mastery of his character before his death, but he even hoped to surpass it.

All that was lacking now was a real challenge to put his new power to the test.

And here the opportunity presented itself before him.

A stimulating challenge that would finally give Zeref the opportunity to demonstrate his newly acquired power.

His heart was pounding with anticipation as he prepared to surpass himself.

It was the beginning of an extraordinary adventure for the silver-haired man.

"Flow Zone," Zeref whispered these words, in a reverent tone.

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