
Princess Rouen

I heard a voice calling out to me.

"Your Highness, wake up... "

I turned away my head, but the sound of his voice did not disappear, instead it became even louder.

'Damn it! Can't he get the hint that I'm still sleepy? Five more minutes.'

Then I felt someone gently tug on my sleeve.

"Your Highness, my Royal Princess!"

I was super annoyed that I can't help clicking my tongue as I immediately opened my eyes to an unfamiliar scene. There were rows of small brick houses, the round public square was crowded with people, and a door-shaped gallows was erected in the middle of the public square.Even though I was seated on an elevated platform from across the square, the cold and hard iron chair did nothing to improve my mood, including the gazes that were fixed upon my form.

'Are they trying to provoke me?'

I glared daggers on the few young women who were dressed as medieval ladies who were busy giggling among themselves.

"Your Highness, please announce your verdict soon."

The speaker was the one who quietly tugged on my sleeve. His face was old, seemingly in his fifties or sixties, and wore a white robe. At first glance, I saw little resemblance to Gandalf from The Lord of the Rings or maybe Dumbledore from Harry Potter? Meh, who cares?

"Verdict, what verdict?"

The people in the public square caught my attention. While some of them were waving their fist and yelling out loud, some were throwing stones at the gallows.

The ancient instrument of death where one was supposed to be hanged left her speechless.

'Seriously, its like I'm a regular patron of strange dreams. I should really go on vacation.'

At the same time, I noticed the felon who was hooded and his arms were tied behind his back.His shabby gray garment was akin to a piece of rag. His body was so emaciated that his ankles - the only part of his body which was exposed - seems like they could be broken by pinching them.

'He doesn't have boobs, so he's a male right? Unless she's super flat-cheated girl.'

He shivered terribly in the cold wind, yet he was observably trying hard to maintain his straight posture.

"Alright then", I mentally scoffed and rolled my eyes to this ridiculous situation, "exactly what crime did this man commit that so many people are waiting with indignation for him to be executed?"

'Shoot! I felt like the Red Queen from Alice in Wonderland... Off with the head!'

As I pondered, memories suddenly came flooding back, and the answer to my question abruptly appeared.

He was a witch.

'Huh!? When did a male became a witch? Is this world screwing with me? They should have been called a wizard or a warlock. Who's the brain dead fucker that decided to call them that?

"Your Highness?" 'Gandalf!/Dumbledore urged cautiously.

Once I glanced at the old man, I recalled that he's actually called Barov. He's the Assistant Minister of Finance, and was sent here to assist me with government affairs.

As for myself, I'm the Fourth Princess of the Kingdom of Graycastle, named Rouen, and I'm in charge of this place called Border Town.

My memory answered every question I had indiscriminately. It was as though this bout of memories was derived from my personal experiences, rather than knowledge I had gained from my extensive reading.

'How confusing. Can a dream be this detailed? Have I travelled back in time to the dark ages of medieval Europe and become Rouen?'

Albeit this piece of territory seems barren and backward, I've never seen the name 'Kingdom of Graycastle' in any history book.

'Hmm~ So what should I do now? Ah, right. I really need to end this circus. Honestly, the civilization before always blame the disasters and misfortune to these pitiful individuals. I really could not accept that they had to be executed just to satisfy the dark desires of the audience.

'Screw them!'

I snatched the formal written orders from Barov's hands, tossed them on the ground, stretched my arms and said languidly, "I'm tired. The judgement shall be postponed to another day. Court's dismissed!"

Well, I did not act recklessly or without thought. Instead, this was in accordance with my memory's detailed recollection of the way the princess behaved, and all I did was reenacting her willful manner. The Fourth Princess, Rouen, was indeed this screwed up and abominable, and did whatever she wanted. Certainly, it was impossible for a twenty-something unruly princess to be well-cultivated.

The members of the noble who sat with me seemed unsurprised, but a tall man wearing a suit of armor stood up and argued. "Your Highness, this isn't a joke! All witches should be put to death immediately upon being identified, or else, what can we do if other witches attempt to save him? The church will get involved if they know of this."

'The hell!? Stop calling them witches! Do you want me to strangle you? Ugh... I need to persevere or I might end up strangling this piece of eye-candy.'

Carter Lannis. This handsome man is my Chief Knight.

I frowned at him and replied, "Why? Are you scared?" My voice, which was full of blatant mockery, sounded natural. How could a man, whose arms were thicker than a normal person's body, be worried about their kind breaking into our prison? Does he really think that these individuals are the mouthpiece of the devils? "Won't it be better to catch a few more of them? "

Supposedly, I do not intend to continue this fic. However, I saw four people who chose to put it in their collection and felt bad. I know the feeling when you are interested in a story but the author never intended to continue it always left me disappointed. That is why I've decided to continue this to show my appreciation to these individuals. Thank you! Updates will be every Saturdays/Sundays.

Haizeacreators' thoughts