
RE: Vampire Progenitor

Old title: I reincarnated into the primordial era?! The World suddenly decided to reincarnate 100 souls from this place called earth. These 100 souls were given randomized wishes and whatever race they wanted to pick. The world given them a mission. Populate the world and survive. Thus, Watch how these 100 souls suddenly arrive in the primordial era of a world and begin its civilizations. Especially the one who became a vampire as he will start the eternal kingdom of night! And become a God of Blood! *** Novel will be similar to stuff you have watched/read But it will start of as that only as I will transition it into my own. It will have some anime elements inside of it. Mainly bloodlines though. You will know what I mean when you read it.

Spabsta · Fantasy
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17 Chs

The River King!

[Blood Core: A core that all vampires have, it is the heart of a vampire and if it is taken out they will die or lose all their powers. A great item for alchemy. If that vampire is strong enough it will be able to regenerate.

Since you are the progenitor you can install a bloodcore in anyone you want and yours will regenerate almost instantly.]

"Hmm, hmm I see. The perks of being a progenitor is really good it seems then huh? Although it didn't tell me how to level it up or anything, I got a feeling it will soon."

Alucard decided to go back and sleep until the next day and then he will go back and catch some more delicious fishes!

[Day 5]

After a nice long sleep of around 9 hours, I headed silently towards the river. I made sure that no birds were peeking at me this time and started to wander around the River until a big fish began to follow me around. It was yellow this time and had whiskers on its face.

"Mm? It looks a bit different compared to the ones I have killed earlier, is it perhaps an evolved kind of monster? I wouldn't be surprised to see monsters evolving in such a world but am I even strong enough to fight against it?" Alucard started contemplating.

Just as I started to ponder the danger of the situation the big fish jumped out of the River shining brightly with its yellow-colored scales and majestic whiskers. Its body was way bigger than what it looked like on the inside of the river and it had two pairs of strong limbs to walk with, it was completely different from the other Walking Fish I had seen.

"This fellow is huge!"

Alucard suddenly started running back the usual route to trick the fish but he suddenly saw that despite its huge size, it was fast!

"Damn, it really wants to eat my tender meat and savor my blood."

The big fish gulped at me several times trying to grab me creating a terrible sound every time it closed its mouth. I was barely able to even dodge each of its bites.

"This bastard really wants to eat me?! Fine you asked for it ugly thing."

Alucard suddenly stopped running and faced the big fish.

"I am a vampire, how could i cower in front of a mere fish that ill end up frying and eating? If those other fellows heard about this I'm afraid the vampire race will have a bad reputation."

Alucard used his blood claws to try and stab the fish but when he made contact it barely did anything, somehow its fish skin was too thick.

"You gotta be kidding me?! Are you so damn fat that I can't even go through you?" Alucard cursed.

"Gebhaa?!" suddenly enraged by what i said the fish opened its mouth and launched what seemed to be a big blob of spit.

"Damn what is this stuff? It's so sticky and I can barely move!" Alucard looked at the pile of spit on him and felt his movements slow down a little.

Seeing that this stupid vampire got hit with its spit the fish slowly walked up toward Alucard and was about to bite his head off when alucard somehow managed to unfree himself and used the golden eagle claws and rapidly inserted his fist in the fish's stomach. Injuring it.

"Gloup?!!" The fish decided to fight to its last breath so as it saw alucard running it gave chase.

"Heh bastard watch how i make sure you die!" Alucard said before finding himself close to his home.

He suddenly spotted a rock he could throw at the fish.

"Although I doubt it can do much but with enough force it can do some damage right?" Alucard said, picking up the rock.


Seeing the fish come closer Alucard decided to throw the rock with all his strength and as soon as he did it made a 'WAAAgh' sound and hit the fish in the head knocking it down.

Seeing that the fish is down, alucard instantly went over to it and was ready to kill it.

"Glup Glup" The fish looked on in fear at the incoming death.

"Yeah that's right, fear me, the great almight vampire! Mere Fis-" Before ALucard could finish his sentence the fish suddenly bit his foot, tearing it off.

"GAAAAH!" Alucard cried out, experiencing this type of pain for the first time.

Alucard instantly got enraged and used his claws to stab into the head of the fish multiple times until it died.

[You've gained: 544 XP]

[You've gained: 3 level]

[Level 8/10 XP 9/300]

[Your HP has recovered]

Seeing that he leveled up, Alucard saw his foot regrowing from the stem.

"A bit odd seeing it grow back like that but thankfully i got my foot back despite it growing later." Alucard moved around his new foot.

"I should probably eat it before a bird suddenly swoops down again.."

Alucard started to eat the fish like a monster.


Alucard moaned at the taste of this fish, compared to the others that tasted like supreme meat.

After spending a bit eating the fish alucard finally finished, not sparring even the eyes or bones.

[You've obtained a new title; River King]

[You've learned the following skills]

[Silver Belly]

[River King Strong Body]

[River King Strong Claws]

[River King Strong Bite]

[High Water Elemental Affinity]

[Water Shot]

"Amazing.. These skills are from an evolved monster, theyre really great!"

"Hmm? Water shot.. I finally got a long range attack! This must've been what the bastard spit at me."

After thinking about that stupid fish, I checked out my new skills, it seems that the big fish was actually the River King.

The [River King Strong Body] Skill is actually an active buff that I can apply using 200 Mana. It will boost my max HP, Strength, and Defense by 100 points for an hour.

The [River King Strong Claws] and [River King Strong Bite] Skills are very strong attacking skills, so they can be ignored. If anything I guess it'll make my bite and claws stronger.

With these skills, I can be more confident in close quarters combat… But I still like [Water Shot] more, I have never been someone that likes fighting in close quarters anyways. Afterall the farther away I am the less likely I am to die.. Plus who doesn't want to throw a huge fireball at someone?

I started testing the [Water Shot] Skill on some little rocks around my place.

And it was actually good!

It creates strong little lethal bullets made out of water! For some reason the fish didn't use it correctly since all it did was spit on me and made my movements slow down.

The water bullets surprisingly only cost little Mana each, how convenient. After practicing for a while, I realized that my two [Water Elemental Affinity] related skills increase the power of my bullets to almost double its power. After practicing I decided it was time for a good night's rest.

I never expected to fight the river king today, was it because I was killings its kin? I don't really know. Let's hope another one does not come though.


<NAME: Alucard

Race: Vampire progenitor

Level: 8/10

Blood core rank: Vampire



Strength: 500

Defense: 500

Vitality: 1200

Agility: 50

Skills gained;

Blood manipulation

[Group Command]

[Attack Command]

[Defense Command]

[Golden eagle Claws]

[Golden eagle bloodline]

[Silver Belly]

[River King Strong Body]

[River King Strong Claws]

[River King Strong Bite]

[High Water Elemental Affinity]

[Water Shot]


[First kill in this new world]

[River king]

[Progenitor of vampires]

I wonder what my titles do… Do they give passive abilities or stats? They seem to do nothing at all and every time I check them nothing shows up. Maybe I have to be a stronger being to make use of them?

It seems I'm close to level 10. Will I perhaps evolve like the rest of the monsters? It's interesting to think about, I've been in this world for a few days but it feels longer.

I guess i'll reach it tomorrow, for now ill go to sleep and have a nice sweet dream! Evolution here I come!



Phew, another chapter down. Im surprised im pulling out so many chapters but i'm doing it! I have so many ideas for other novels that I might just write alot at the same time.

Recently I've seen these families making isekai novels which seem cool. So I may end up making one of those.