
Visitors pt. 1

"Welcome, dear guests."

The three of us turned towards the person who spoke out of the blue, almost giving us a heart attack. There, standing behind the wooden counter, was a woman. She was wearing a serene smile that made her look young and beautiful.

We then blinked at the same time and after gaining back our composure, returned her greeting.

"Good evening…"

The woman looked at us, "Can I help you in any way?"

Gwen politely turned down her offer.

"I'll just look around first."

"Me too…" Bea meekly seconded.

Both of them then went together to look around as they said. That leaves me and the shop owner.

"How about the miss? Any book you fancy? A genre? The author you like perhaps?" She fired on.

I was overwhelmed by her tirade of questions that I was a little taken aback. 

I was a little skeptical to turn her down as well. I mean, she's being friendly and I don't want to let her efforts go to waste.