
Get Well Soon

Janus bent down and with his index finger, pointed to the center of Nadia's chest which was where her mana core was located. Slowly and with precise control, his fingers sank, penetrating the flesh. There was no blood and the whole process was smooth. Like dipping a finger on a dough.

After touching the surface of the unstable core, he then removed the remaining traces of magic binding on it. Janus then contained the raging mana in the air into a sphere, wrapping it with his own. The chaos inside the room dwindled as the azure turbulence was being swallowed by a thin layer of golden light and had shrunk into the size of a marble. 

With a hum, he carefully grasped it with his left hand and then stared at the sleeping figure of Nadia. Now that the storm was resolved, without the unstable mana going wild, her body started to unfreeze itself.