
The Legendary Monster... P.1

~ Omni Pov... ~




Frieza, King Cold, and Pybara looked toward Daiko... They could immediately tell that this wasn't the same person they were acquainted with mere moments ago.

The towering saiyan simply looked emotionlessly at them, as if both studying and analyzing its prey...

Unconsciously, Pybara gulped. Every fiber of his being was telling him to get as far away from the planet as possible, yes, an entire planet away... But even then he knew that wouldn't help one bit...

"His power... It's... It's maddening... And it won't stop increasing..." Frieza said with newfound worry.

King Cold began sweating as well, he then responded.

"Frieza... We need to leave... We can't beat him... I doubt even your ascended form could match this, this monster..."

He said.

Pybara heeded the advice greatly, but unfortunately, they were at the saiyan's mercy...




Daiko on the other hand, looked towards them. His ki rose indefinitely as he stood still.

Amazing even him.

The saiyan felt his power coursing through his veins without any intention of slowing down, on the contrary, it was increasing, never dropping a single bit, always remaining at maximum...

Seemingly done with his self-analysis, he slowly, yet quickly launched hundreds to multiple thousands of blows in mere nanoseconds worth of time.

The three watching him, however, only felt a swift gust of wind, no. A shockwave from absolutely nowhere, not even seeing what had just transpired...

Being slightly blown back, Frieza especially was extremely weary.

He felt the Shockwave coming from the only logical source he could think of, and that, was Daiko, but he didn't even see the saiyan flinch...

Given his large stature, it would be impossible for the saiyan to be that agile...


'... What even was that!?... I'm sure that monkey did something just know, but what? Could it be he is simply THAT, fast?...' Frieza thought.

He clenched his teeth at the mere thought of that. But with the power he was sensing, he doubled back on it. This was something unnatural...

He didn't like it...




Daiko then heard a familiar sound trigger...


[Congratulations host! You have achieved the form of legends... The true 'Legendary Super Saiyan 1/Lssj-1 form...]




[The Lssj-1: The True form of the legend has been achieved, this powerful transformation is acquired once the user's base strength exceeds 10 Sextillion and extreme rage is gained. The user now has an overwhelming multiplier, of 5,000,000 times their base strength...(Can be stacked with Ikari...)]




[PL: 280+Octillion and rising steadily...]




The saiyan simply ignored the notification as if it didn't exist. He had tested his new strength for now...

However, he then looked towards the three once more and settled on one, Frieza.

Alerting the next two. Daiko sadistically grinned at the Arcosian tyrant, saying...

"YOU! FRIEZA!... YOU WILL BE THE FIRST OF MY VICTIMS... HAHA... MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" He laughed loudly, his tone now psychotic and deep.

However, this was unnerving for the two...

Both Pybara and Cold's eyes widened at the sudden shift in behavior and temperament, not even a second ago, he was calm and relaxed, but now...

He was now a madman with a heart out for blood...

'*TCH!* We can't possibly fight this monster! He'd kill us in an instant if he wanted... And his power keeps rising too!' King Cold thought. He felt as if he was going to faint from the pressure alone...

Frieza simply prepared himself.

However, Daiko did not look amused.


Folding his arms in the process.

However, both Cold and Frieza were shocked. Not at the fact that he knew about the transformation, but simply the fact that he would let him ascend at all...

But this wasn't good. Frieza, although in a desperate situation, couldn't stand the fact that his opponent was mocking him. Not only that, he was asking for his full power.

The same opponent that he had in his clutches mere moments ago.

"This... Pathetic... MONKEYYYY!!!!!" Frieza shouted angrily.

He forgot everything fear he was feeling mere moments ago, and now it was replaced with utter hatred for the being that stood before him...

"HYAAAHHHH!!!" Frieza screeched in. His power rising astronomically compared to before... His body shrunk a little, reaching 7 feet flat. His spikes lessened...

His transformation was almost finished. As Frieza continued, his once golden aura now had a layer of blood red around it, whilst his once purple jewel changed, now having a magenta hue instead...

Frieza had now finished transforming...

His power is now a thousand-fold as it was before...




Frieza looked on... His power was eclipsed by the saiyan before him, but the difference wasn't nearly as bad as before. But it was still jarring, even for Frieza.

He had a power level of over 29 Octillion, whilst Daiko had a power level of 350+ Octillion, and still rising as time elapsed...

"THAT TOOK A WHILE!... YOU ASCENDED... GOOD, HOWEVER..." Daiko said creepily.

He then disappeared from everyone's vision, including Frieza's...

As Frieza noticed the giant was suddenly gone, he looked around quickly, only to feel a tap on his shoulder...




"TOO BAD YOU'RE GOING TO DIE NOW! HEHEHAHAH!!!!" Daiko smiled as he decked the Arcosian through the air...

King Cold and Pybara then not long after registered what had happened, seemingly instantaneously for what felt like hours to Daiko...

King Cold spoke first, breaking the silence...

"That Saiyan! He's too strong for us all!" King Cold shouted, not knowing what to do at the moment, he was outclassed here by a large margin...

The fight between Frieza and Daiko resumed, but this was more of a one-sided match...

Daiko flew up to where Frieza was, and slammed him downwards, making him smash into the planet...

"*Coughs* Gah! He's fast!" Frieza said.

He then looked up to see Daiko smiling sadistically...


Frieza, angry charged Daiko launching multiple ki attacks, letting the area explode.

He then flew towards Daiko once more, however, the saiyan grabbed his head, smashing him into the planet, creating a 100-meter crater. Causing both King Cold and Pybara to wince, while Frieza coughed more blood...

Daiko then flung Frieza away from himself, then quickly flashing the Arcosians blood off of his hand...

"PATHETIC... TO THINK I WAS EVEN LOSING TO YOU?" He said, disgusted...

Frieza on the other hand struggled to get up from the floor...

'THIS PATHETIC MONKEY!!! I'LL KILL HIM!!!!' Frieza thought angrily. He got up, steadying himself. He then released his strongest attack, the 'Death Ray Barrage'...

As he launched the attack, the saiyan suddenly smiled, not moving a single muscle...

And for what felt like an eternity, Frieza continued his onslaught of ki blasts...







As he finished his volley of ki attacks, he slumped down, drained from it all. As he patiently waited until the smoke cleared...

However, what he saw shook him to the core... He witnessed it...




He saw the saiyan's silhouette. Then the towering figure himself...

'Impossible... IMPOSSIBLE!!! He's unfazed! My attacks didn't do a thing!' Frieza thought incredulously.

Daiko simply smiled at the Arcosian's reaction... He loved it.

He then held out his finger, telling Frieza to come forward.

The latter quickly complied, though frustrated at what was going on. Of course, he would be. He had never tasted defeat like this in his life.

As he charged toward the humongous saiyan.

He began delivering a flurry of blows. He struck his abdomen, kidney, ligaments, and chin.

He even went for the Saiyan's pressure points, but to his dismay, NOTHING fazed the monster before him...

Attacks that should have bypassed his defense were rendered utterly ineffective...

The saiyan simply tilted his head, in a bored fashion saying...

"EVEN PRINCESS VEGETA HITS HARDER THAN YOU, OH AND..." Daiko said, he paused, then swiftly got into a stance, hitting all of Frieza's pressure points instantly. Paralyzing the tyrant in mere moments.

"I'LL BE TAKING YOUR TECHNIQUE NOW, HAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!" He laughed psychotically once more, his voice resounding throughout the planet.

Daiko then charged an energy beam, which warped the atmosphere once more...










Blasting the paralyzed Frieza to smithereens, killing him instantly.

Unfazed, Daiko then brushed off his clothing, then turned towards the two close by, saying...











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