

A guy that has been reborn as a legend within the dragon ball universe... With a system of course :). Update schedule: This series is for fun, so when I get time. Depending on how well it does.

Aaron_Chong_6689 · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

72 'The Ultimate fusion' P.1

~Omni Pov~




Two figures stepped out of the time chamber, but to Kami and Popo, it might as well been an instant transition from when they stepped in a mere moment ago.

As both the figures walked out, with both Kami and Popo readying themselves, especially Popo.

He was curious as to what the saiyans would do now once they received what they have. He wasn't as open Kami when it came to potential threats like this...

"You all seem tense... We won't harm you guys, in fact. We came to thank you for your help in assisting us with the chamber, truly." The taller of the two saiyans spoke, with the younger one simply wearing a small smile.

Kami looked at his compadre' slightly, before saying. "It... Was of no issue, really. Will that be all?" Kami asked, being as respectful as he could be.

Both of the saiyans smiled, while the taller of the two nodded as well.

"Alright, teleport us to our planet. We have a party to catch, remember Kakarot?" The older Daiko asked. However the younger saiyan looked a little hesitant.

"Ah! We used a ship to get here, I wonder what we'll have to do with that?" The older saiyan also added.

The younger of the two began smiling, saying, "I have an idea, wait here for a minute." He said, quickly puffing out of existence...



"Huh? What was that!?" Mr. Brief said. Knowing that the sound came from outside, he prepared to go there.

On his way there, he saw his wife and daughter.

"Step away from the entrance, it might be dangerous..." He said firmly to his family. He inched closer and closer to the entrance of his own home...

As he gripped the knob, he looked back towards his family, then grabbing the nearby standard firearm pistol he had made years ago.

As he armed himself, he slowly turned the knob, opening the door peaking outside. However what he saw baffled him...

'A, ship?' He thought curiously.

As he opened the door more, the then saw a giant note of the front of its glass...

Bulma, being a curious one, slowly sneaked up behind her father as well, joining him at peaking too. However, when she saw the note, she read its contents from afar, then she slowly saw the name...




The younger saiyan returned, with a smile on his face.

"Ready to go?" His older self asked.

"Grab on." The clone responded. 

With that, both of them vanished from Kami and Popo's sight. 





"And I said. 'I can tell ya where she's at! She's right up your ass!'. Hahahaha!!!"

"Hahahaha!" The tall saiyan laughed

"Man, this guy is hilarious" Another saiyan chided. However, the one being the center of the joke didn't have much to say...

"Dick move Kaku, dick. Move." The saiyan said with slight anger.

"Ahhh! Don't be such a party pooper, ya wife won't mind, would she?" He asked.

However, as he paid closer attention to the saiyan in question, he realized his friend looked a little, nervous...

"...She's behind me, isn't she..." The saiyan asked, sweat pouring from every hole of his being.

His friend on the other hand, simply nodded,. 



Dishes fell over. Alert and now angry because most of the food fell into shambles the saiyans looked, they saw two people standing on the table, a rather tall one, and a shorter one...

However, when they took a close look, they felt that the two saiyans felt extremely familiar.

'Where did you teleport us?' The taller Daiko asked mentally, looking towards his younger self. However this surprised the younger clone immensely.

'He can use, telepathy? How? He doesn't have any ki!' the smaller clone thought. But he brushed it aside. He needed to explain the situation at the moment.


"Wait a minute... Is that you, Daiko?" The saiyan woman asked...

"Yeah... It's, us. We came back yesterday..." The younger clone corrected.

"Holy shit... It's really, you, you's?" The saiyan male said, being a little confused about having two Daikos...

"Yes..." The clone replied.

"Wait!" The tall saiyan asked. 

"That isn't possible. Your too weak to be Daiko." He said. As if saying such was taboo, the older clone looked towards the older saiyan, not with anger, but sternness. Causing the saiyan who asked to step back a little.

He then continued. "I can't sense any ki from you, but you're, uhm? So called smaller self, yeah! I can sense his power." The large saiyan said finished, not wanting to look weak Infront of his companions.

"...Really?" The taller Daiko added.

As he said this, the air in the atmosphere felt, colder... Even his younger clone felt the sudden shift. But the older clone, he just slowly smirked.

"Let's test that theory, shall we?" The older clone said. The large saiyan swallowing whatever spit he had held in.

The younger clone looked towards his older self with curiosity, wondering what he would even do.

Instead, the larger saiyan took a curious stance... But one oddly familiar to his younger half...

'That looks like... A karate stance, but what is he going to use it on?' The younger clone thought. Wondering what his older self was scheming.

"you see that red planet over there? Watch it carefully" The older clone suddenly said. Compelled, the rest of the saiyans present listened. As if they were, supposed to...

As they looked, Daiko's muscles suddenly flexed, his stance going even lower, he slowly cocked his right fist, pulling it back as if he was charging it.

"Watch carefully... This is how you throw a proper punch..." He said with a tone, barely over a whisper.

And for a moment, nothing but silence followed. Until...








A shockwave erupted from the taller clones punch that seemingly fazed out of existence, now quickly reappeared after it was launched.









A hole perfectly carved hole was now ingrained in the planet... Leaving not only planet Vegeta in disarray, but also the saiyans present utterly speechless...









