
Re: The Last Rose

When the first 2 gods descended, they fell in love at first sight, and the moon god created several roses to gift to the sun god as a sign of his affection. Those same roses were then passed down to their descendants, mortals, to take care of them. Roses are usually red, but the first roses exist in different colors, and whenever a mortal pluck one of the original roses, they are blessed with unimaginable power. A few of the roses have been found, and several others are waiting for their chosen one, but one, in particular, has never even been spotted, the black rose. **************************************************************** P.S. Yes, as the tags said, there will be romance, but this is also action and comedy. All characters' art will be posted in the paragraph comment. All arts are AI-generated. **************************************************************** Disclaimer: Disclaimer: This novel contains depictions of various views, beliefs, and ideologies that are solely for fictional and narrative purposes. They do not necessarily reflect the personal views, beliefs, or opinions of the author. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to real events, persons, living or dead, is coincidental. The author's intent is purely to create a work of fiction and not to endorse or promote any particular viewpoint or belief. **************************************************************** Created a Ko-fi account: Any dono is appreciated: ko-fi.com/perseus_silver

PerseusSilver · Fantasy
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551 Chs

Chapter 525: The End?

|The main story will end here, but I will include epilogue chapters, and they will include more of Ruka, Maple, and Dawn as they didn't have as much screen time. Thank you for reading this far, my writing is far from perfect, but I'm grateful for everyone who stayed with me on this journey.|

Maple POV

As I slowly stir awake, the first thing I notice is the warmth of the morning sun streaming through the curtains, casting a soft glow across the room. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, my eyes adjust to the gentle light, and that's when I see him.

Perseus was facing the other side, peacefully sleeping and hugging Ruka, the scene made my heart flutter, even in the early hours of the day. But as I gaze at him, a wave of shyness washes over me, and I can feel my cheeks heat up with embarrassment.

I can't help but feel self-conscious as I lie here, disheveled from sleep, with my messy hair and probably less-than-graceful sleeping positions.

But instead, here I am, feeling like a bumbling mess next to this perfectly peaceful being beside me. I shift slightly under the covers, trying to gather some semblance of composure, but it's futile. The more I try to appear composed, the more awkward I feel.

I wonder if he notices if he's ever woken up and thought about how unkempt I must look in the morning. The thought makes me cringe inwardly, the memories of what we did and what I said last night were coming back to me, and I just want to bash myself in the head to forget.

My phone then rang, and I picked up the call.

"Maple, that's your ear." Lilith said from the other side


It was a video call?!

I scrambled to turn off the video, but Lilith saw what happened and her eyes got wide open.

"Maple?" she said in a questioning tone and then rubbed her eyes, "Please turn on the video and tell me what I saw wasn't true."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Didn't you say that you were saving yourself till after marriage?"

"Hmm, sis, I don't know what you're talking about." I replied and repetitively poked Perseus' cheek to wake him up

He did, and instead of moving, he just pulled me down and hugged me from behind. I made a slight shriek and Lilith heard that.

Lilith POV

I knew that I should have followed them on their trip, damn my own procrastination, my Maple's purity has been sullied. I'm happy for her, but this is a very confusing time.

"Hey, Lilith." Perseus greeted me as the video turned back on and I saw him wrapping his arms around Maple as she held the phone

"Did you push her into it?"

"It was the other way around."

"Was it Ruka's influence?" Leilah said as she hugged me from behind.

I pushed her away, but she sat by me and joined in the call anyway.

"I guess so." Perseus answered, "Do you guys not want to come?"

"I'll go with you later, just enjoy whatever you're having."

"Maple, if he's too energetic, just escape."

"Don't worry, I'll- Ahn~ Wait, Perseus, not ther-"

I ended the call because I already knew where they were going. Seriously, he did it on purpose, but it's those two's fault for letting the beast loose, the guy has amazing control over his lust, but if you get him going, he'll keep going.

"Hah~, I'm quite envious." Mom said from the kitchen

"Who would have thought that we'd all be sharing the same man..." Leilah giggled, "Mom, what are you going to do with Lust? That woman is very dangerous, you know?"

"Don't worry, I'll have Bridget handle her." Mom replied, "You 2 should start calling me by my name, you know? When I also marry Perseus, we'll have the same status as his wives, and we also don't want our children to think too much of our very complicated relationship."

I'll have no problem with that, I don't really see her as a mother, so calling her by only her name should be easy by then.

And it'll also be good for everyone, it'll be hard for the kids to ask whether they are my mother's grandchildren or children after all.


*Several months later*

After enduring what felt like an eternity of labor pains, each contraction a relentless assault on my senses, there is finally a shift in the atmosphere. The tension in the room heightens as Dawn and Beek signal the imminent arrival of the babies.

Summoning every ounce of strength left within me, I push with all my might, and then, in a crescendo of cries that pierce through the air, they are here, my twins, a boy, and a girl.

The relief that floods over me is immense, washing away the exhaustion and pain, I love my children, but I seriously am not going to do this again, I'll just have the others carry our other children.

2 tiny bundles are then carefully placed in my arms.

"Congrats." Leilah said as she carried her...our firstborn.

Our firstborn was only born about an hour ago, which is weird since I definitely got pregnant first, but I got twins, so that's probably why mine is later. This harem relationship is still weird to me, but I got used to it. Leilah then handed Jasmine, the firstborn to Perseus and asked to hold one of the twins.

"Who did Rylee name?" she asked

"The girl, Nyra named her Lillian. And I named this one Orion."


"I don't plan on being pregnant again, and Orion is a great name."

"With the amount of sex you plan on having, isn't pregnancy really hard to avoid?"

"Shut up."

"Leilah, Jazz is hungry." Perseus then handed our daughter to Leilah and held the twins, "Lily and...hmm, should I go with Orion or shorten it to Ryan?"

"Just go with Orion and Lillian please."

"Should I call you Lily then?"

"No, call him Orion and you can call her Lily."


Leilah POV

As the centuries passed, I wandered through dreams of all sorts of scholars and warriors in search of a lord, a champion. I watched kingdoms rise and fall through dreams, and civilizations crumble into dust, all the while clinging to the belief that somewhere out there, my champion awaited.

Loneliness had been my constant companion through the ages, a shadow that trailed behind me wherever I roamed. In the vast expanse of time, I had grown accustomed to its weight, resigning myself to a solitary existence as I searched endlessly for a glimmer of hope.

And then, he appeared. At first, I dared not believe it, for the disappointments of the past had taught me to guard my heart against false promises, but he provided the companionship that I longed for.

But as much as he was my beacon of hope, I too became his. In the depths of his despair, I was his guiding star, leading him out of the abyss and into the light. Together, we forged a bond that transcended the boundaries of time and space, each of us grateful for the other's presence in our lives.

As we faced the unknown future together, hand in hand, I felt a profound sense of gratitude for the journey that had brought us together, a journey that had finally brought an end to my centuries of loneliness.

For in him, I had found my champion, my lover, and my husband, and I, the last rose, had finally found my bloom.

Check out "Assistant hero" as it is the prequel to everything, you'll get what I mean if you read the special chapters and learn of my identity that an idiot leaked

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