
Re: The Last Rose

When the first 2 gods descended, they fell in love at first sight, and the moon god created several roses to gift to the sun god as a sign of his affection. Those same roses were then passed down to their descendants, mortals, to take care of them. Roses are usually red, but the first roses exist in different colors, and whenever a mortal pluck one of the original roses, they are blessed with unimaginable power. A few of the roses have been found, and several others are waiting for their chosen one, but one, in particular, has never even been spotted, the black rose. **************************************************************** P.S. Yes, as the tags said, there will be romance, but this is also action and comedy. All characters' art will be posted in the paragraph comment. All arts are AI-generated. **************************************************************** Disclaimer: Disclaimer: This novel contains depictions of various views, beliefs, and ideologies that are solely for fictional and narrative purposes. They do not necessarily reflect the personal views, beliefs, or opinions of the author. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to real events, persons, living or dead, is coincidental. The author's intent is purely to create a work of fiction and not to endorse or promote any particular viewpoint or belief. **************************************************************** Created a Ko-fi account: Any dono is appreciated: ko-fi.com/perseus_silver

PerseusSilver · Fantasy
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551 Chs

Chapter 488: Revenge (2)

Perseus POV

I flew over to Cain and saw him being wrapped and stuck in between thorny vines with blood all over his body that constricted around him like serpentine tendrils. Without hesitation, I descended beside him, determined to free him from the prickly grip with an even more deadlier attack.

I then kicked his chest so hard right in the middle of the chest that my foot went through it and 'killed' him. I then made the vine release him before I swung my leg and had his body fly away and crash hard against a giant piece of rock.

The forceful collision momentarily subdued Cain, but I knew the respite would be short-lived. True to my expectations, the momentary lull in the battle was disrupted as Cain's regenerative powers surged into action. From the wreckage, I witnessed the miraculous reconstruction of his chest. The shattered pieces of bone and flesh began to knit themselves together with an unnatural speed.

Cain summoned his magic-enhanced suit, the air crackling with energy as he transformed into an imposing eight-foot figure. This giant machine suit armor then hummed to life, and with a surge of power, he advanced, surrounded by the crackling aura of unleashed magic.

I flew right at him, a streak of magical energy tearing through the air as I closed the distance with unprecedented speed. My fist, charged with the raw force of my magical prowess, surged forward in a powerful haymaker aimed at Cain's metallic defenses.

Cain, caught off guard by the sudden acceleration, attempted to respond, but my strike was too swift. The haymaker connected with the suit, creating a thunderous impact that reverberated through the battlefield. Sparks flew as the force of the blow sent Cain staggering backward.

I was denting the suit and sending vibrations through its structure. Yet, as fast as I dismantled it, the suit reconstructed itself due to these advanced nanomachines working tirelessly to repair the damage.

As the battle raged on, Cain, realizing the dire situation, summoned an arsenal of advanced tools and weaponry from his suit's nanomachines. In a desperate attempt to regain control, he conjured energy blades, plasma cannons, and technological weapons imbued with magic, each designed to counter me.

With each swing of his energy blade or discharge of a plasma cannon, I seamlessly avoided the onslaught, closing the distance with uncanny speed. My blows were a combination of magical strikes and powerful physical assaults, dismantling his creations with ease. The once-impressive tools now lay scattered and broken, unable to withstand my overwhelming strength.

Lloyd shot a barrage of large and powerful spells from my right, I could see his bruised and battered body still fighting the vines in order to attack me, I then shot a spell back and the clash of the spells created an explosion, I charged at his direction and kicked the side of his head and have him crash against the jagged ground with a thunderous crash.

I then soared toward Cain again, whose suit's earlier broken weapons were breaking down and rejoining the main suit again.

The battlefield crackled with otherworldly energy as I faced off against Cain, his nanomachine-forged arsenal at the ready. The air vibrated with anticipation as he conjured an energy sword, its gleaming blade humming with power. With a swift motion, he lunged forward, the blade slashing through the air with lethal intent.

I caught it with one hand and it managed to cut through my mana armor and cut into my skin a bit, but I then crushed the sword and destroyed it entirely before he formed one with the other hand and tried to cut me with it.

I reacted with precision, effortlessly dodging the slashes and parrying the strikes easily. Cain, momentarily taken aback by my seemingly supernatural agility despite his suit was built to counter me and catch up with me somewhat from the looks of it, but he just intensified his assault.

He unleashed a barrage of plasma cannon fire, the searing beams lighting up the battlefield once he got some distance. I weaved through the energy blasts, evading each of the attacks as the explosive impacts scattered debris around us.

After the cut earlier, I thickened the mana around my body to act as an even tougher shield. His attacks now, whether a giant mechanical fist or a barrage of energy grenades, seemed to have no effect.

With each passing moment, Cain's frustration grew palpable as I pressed forward, my movements a great blend of offense and invincibility of a defense. but he got a bit to create as he then created a blast and shot the ground where he was to blow himself away.

I used the air pressure and intensified it to the point where I crushed it inward toward him, but he sent the nanomachines away with a small portion of his hand which he regenerated out of as his initial body was crushed into oblivion and the leftover bits of flesh fall onto the jagged rocks.

Cain, in a last-ditch effort, conjured a colossal railgun, its barrels pulsating with ominous energy. The air crackled with anticipation as the immense weapon materialized. With a sinister grin, he aimed the railgun directly at me, charging it with a devastating burst of energy.

The atmosphere grew tense as the railgun hummed, preparing to unleash its destructive payload. In an instant, the railgun unleashed a blindingly fast projectile, hurtling toward me at speeds that seemed to defy reality. The battlefield became a blur as the projectile streaked through the air with unparalleled velocity.

Time slowed down right in front of me as I knew that the blast was so fast and strong that I couldn't dodge it.


Imagine though...but I then turned it into my Satan form. I summoned the dual forces of light and darkness, gathering them within the palms of my outstretched hands. The air crackled with opposing energies merged and intertwined.

With a resolute gesture, I released the concentrated energies in a breathtaking blast that soared through the battlefield. The mingling forces of light and darkness tore through the air, creating a dazzling display as they traveled toward the remnants of Cain's railgun shot.

The shockwave of the clashed energies rippled through the surroundings, sending debris and shattered nanomachines scattering in all directions. The shockwave expanded sending everything in its path hurtling through the air. The ground trembled beneath the sheer magnitude of the clash before my attack eventually overpower his and tear through his body at an unrivaled speed.

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