
Re: That Time My Mother Got Turned into a Monster!

“In “That Time My Mother Got Turned into a Monster!” Adam Hunter, a young boy with an unusual passion for the mysterious and miraculous, has grown up with a deep connection to the natural world. However, he never could have imagined that one day he’d find himself entangled in a horrific magical mishap. Adam Hunter tells the story of his mother’s supernatural transformation into a terrifying creature that occurred during a magical accident. As he watched his mother being turned into a monster, something inside of him snapped. What once were loving glances and caring words were now replaced by the snarls and growls of a savage beast. From a young age, he resided with his mother, father, and brother in a seemingly flawless household. They are closely related and have strong ties with his father’s brother, a married man with two daughters. The Hunters live in relative peace and harmony as a family. However, a wise and gentle witch near the edge of a small village is far removed from society. On one fateful day, his father performed an unknown ritual whose purpose was obscure to Adam and his brother, and a terrible accident occurred. The spell becomes corrupted and disturbed halfway through. As a result, Adam’s mother was transformed into a wretched creature with claws and fangs. Terrified but determined to help her, Adam’s older brother Allen embarks on a harrowing quest to save her from both the curse and a dangerous group of dark sorcerers. In a desperate attempt to save the mother he knew and the woman who had loved him unconditionally, he set out to find a way to change her back. At age 20, Adam Hunter embarks on a harrowing journey through a dangerous but intriguing world of magic and mystery. As he struggles to find a way to reverse the curse and save his mother, he must navigate the dangerous world of magic and confront his fears and limitations. Though his journey is filled with challenges and trials, Adam Hunter never wavers in his determination to save his mother. Through it all, he discovers a deep inner strength that only arises in the face of dire adversity. Along the way, Adam Hunter uncovers dark secrets as he faces powerful adversaries but ultimately finds a way to overcome the curse and restore his mother to her human form. He had been through hell and back, but Adam’s perseverance had paid off in the end. But this is only the beginning of Adam’s journey, as he soon realizes that the darkness, he has seen is simply the tip of the iceberg. As his quest for a cure leads him deeper into the underworld, influential figures attempt to sway his heart and mind. Adam is faced with several choices that will test the limits of his morality. Through his journey, he will meet many people, some kind and some not, some who believed in him and some who wished only harm on him. He finds others who have succumbed to the same fate as his mother, which only serves to fuel his desire to find a cure for all those afflicted. Ultimately, he learns that true power comes not from magic but from the strength and dedication of one’s self. And with this newfound strength and determination, he can save his mother and the others he cares deeply about, bringing her and them back from the brink of madness. And although the curse had been lifted, Adam soon realized the true, unaltered truth about the cost of his actions.

Bellstory101 · Fantasy
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Re: That Time My Mother Got Turned into a Monster! – Chapter Three

Sister Diane and Sister Rachael paused for a long moment a few yards behind the person in white. I couldn't tell who the person was or what they looked like from behind. Whoever it was seemed to be praying in front of a giant gold and silver cross on display. I couldn't tell what faith the person believed in. Crosses were a part of many religions. The Holy State didn't adhere to any one faith or religious practice. That's what the order was known for. It's why people from all backgrounds and species were allowed within their Holy Halls. Suddenly, the sisters kneeled and clasped their hands together, and it appeared they were praying too. 

I couldn't help but notice the shapely plumpness of their derrières. Their peachy rumps were on display, and I could almost swear they wore no undergarments. My heart raced at the succulent sight, and I had to muster all my resolve to avert my eyes. I certainly didn't want to get lectured by Sister Diane or Sister Rachael again. After a few minutes, the sisters stood, and so did the figure in white. The person turned to face us, revealing a gorgeous brunette woman. She appeared to be in her late twenties or early thirties. The woman's eyes were a sharp green that was captivating and alluring. She had a heart-shaped face, straight eyebrows, a dainty nose, and prominent cheekbones. 

Her most impressive feature was her oversized buxom that threatened to burst from her garments. As for her wardrobe, she wore an all-white tunic with gold trimming, a matching Scapular, and a veil. The woman was barefoot like many of the other nuns I had seen. She wore no stockings or pantyhose either. Her child-bearing thighs, ballerina-toned legs, and perfectly manicured feet captivated me. The woman bows before the sisters before they hand her the letter. Before opening it, she studies the seal Allen had pressed upon it. 

As she opens the letter to read the contents, Sister Diane begins whispering in her ears. A long moment passes while Sister Diane and Sister Rachael both take turns whispering to the woman. I was starting to think that something was wrong. Or that I was in deep trouble for coming here. I pushed those thoughts out of my head. The Holy State was no friend to Monster Hunters or the Ephorian Kingdom. I knew I could be safe here, and Mother could be safe here, too. This had to work for Mother's sake. I didn't care what happened to me. The woman folds the letter back up and returns it to the envelope. Then, her eyes met mine. I'm lost in her vibrant green eyes for a moment, and only her words bring me back to reality.

"I am Mother Superior Euphemia Nefer Liebenberg the Third, Mother Superior of the City of Siciopolis's Holy Hall. Your brother, Allen von Yeager is a brave and honorable member of the Holy State. He has served with great recognition and diligence. I shall grant his request and conscript you, Adam von Yeager, into the Exorcist Branch. Know that the path of an Exorcist is not an easy one and shall bring upon you great trials and tribulations. As for you Mother, I shall see her myself once you have met certain requirements," Mother Superior Euphemia explained.

The Mother's words took me by surprise, and I was unsure how to respond.

I had hoped that the conversation would go towards healing my Mother, but instead, I found myself unexpectedly conscripted into the Exorcist Branch.

"Mother, if I may know, what are these requirements that I must meet before you see my mother?" I asked, trying to remain calm and composed despite the unease gnawing away at my insides.

"Please follow me to the sub-basement, Apprentice. Your journey to become an official State Exorcist starts there," Mother Superior Euphemia stated.

She did not answer my question; instead, she simply smiled. I was even more confused as she said our destination was the sub-basement, wondering what exactly this journey would entail. The Hall was more like a castle or fortress, and I was apprehensive about entering the bowels of such a fortified stronghold. After all, the Hall was the last bastion of our world's demonic monsters joined forces to drive humanity and the other races to the brink of extinction. I had so many questions running through my mind, but it seemed I would just have to wait until we reached the sub-basement to get my answers.

They were a standing testament to humankind and its allies that we'd stand and fight to the bitter end against the darkness of the night. These walls could sustain thousands, if not a bustling city's worth of occupants, for countless decades or possibly centuries. The Halls had everything life needed and could be considered self-contained. The underground springs and many cavernous caves could grow food indefinitely. I felt the nerves creeping up my spine with every step I took. 'What exactly was waiting for me down here?'

A jingle of bells brings me out of my thoughts. That is when I become aware of the many tiny bells the Mother Superior is wearing on her garments. 'How did I miss that detail?' The fact that I'd missed such an obvious detail was troubling, but my thoughts became distracted. My focus is on the three otherworldly gorgeous women in front of me that, despite my efforts, I cannot keep my eyes from ogling over their beauty and apparent seductive area.

I watched the Mother Superior lead in front while Sister Diane and Sister Rachael followed close behind her. I, too, follow the three women, trying to ignore the slight jiggling of their tushes as they walk with a sultry swaying of their wide feminine hips. Such a mesmerizing sight is inescapable. I began directing my gaze elsewhere to keep my hidden desires in focus. As I marvel at the decor of the halls, I realize this isn't the path the two sisters took to get to Mother Superior Euphemia. She led me down a flight of stairs that wasn't accessible to ordinary people outside the Holy Order. 

I follow closely behind the three nuns down the descending flight of stairs. We seemed to walk for an hour before reaching the bottom. Two figures in black hooded robes holding halberds stood beside massive double doors made of cold iron. The two hooded guards bowed before Mother Superior Euphemia, then turned and pushed the enormous doors. Inside, it was dimly lit. Only the torches lining the walls illuminated the corridor. 

The air was thick with dust, and the only sound was the dripping of water from the ceiling. The walls were covered in runes, and the floor was sleek. The light coming from the torches casts long shadows on the walls. As I ventured further into the dark corridor, it appeared to stretch endlessly. A feeling of apprehension crept over me, but my curiosity grew. I couldn't help but wonder what kind of trials and tribulations lay ahead and how my brother Allen had earned himself this distinction.

Soon, we came to a tremendously heavy steel door. Mother Superior Euphemia turned to me with a look of solemnity. "Be prepared, Apprentice. What you are about to see will not be for the faint of heart."

I can only nod in response.

We passed through the great doors into a large circular room. Doors lined the walls, the circular space on either side, and each entry was adorned with a large rune. It was a dark and windowless chamber with only a single pillow with many oil lamps to provide light for the vast, spacious chamber. The walls and floor were lined with small, square holes, and the damp air reeked of mold and decay. My footsteps echoed off the bare stones, and a strange, low buzzing filled my ears.

By my count, there were fifteen doors in all, and each door looked like the entry to prison cells. However, I sensed a dreadful aura emanating from each and every one. Each entry was protected by a multitude of locks and runes. I was suddenly filled with dread as I saw that each door we passed in the dark sub-basement looked like a prison cell. A thick aura of foreboding hovered over them as if whoever might be locked away on the other side was not meant to be disturbed.

I knew enough about runes to know those were barrier runes used to seal something away. On occasion, I had to use one on my own Mother. Though this rune was exceptional, I had created it just for that purpose. I slowed my pace as we approached each door, hoping to catch a glimpse through the barred windows of the cells beyond. Mother Superior Euphemia, Sister Rachael, and Sister Diane halt before a distinct cell that differs from the others.

I heard the jangling of keys as the locks and runes guarding the entrances were undone, one by one. Finally, Mother Superior Euphemia opened the door, and a shudder ran down my spine. I shivered, wondering if it was just my mind playing a trick on me or if something sinister was hidden within that cell. The door opens, and I can see nothing but darkness inside as if the light itself is being sucked into a black abyss.