

Before Lee Han could speak, the woman approached him with a smile. 

"Let me explain again, Adventurer Lee Han. You are now in the Elindor Kingdom, specifically in District Ten. Beasts and undead have been attacking this Kingdom for quite some time. We need your help—"

He already knew the following words this elf princess would say. As an adventurer, he had to help the Kingdom defeat the monsters and undead, receiving a quest and rewards upon completion. 

Although he is in his flesh and blood with complete awareness, Lee Han is convinced he is inside the game as this beautiful NPC, Princess Seraphina, speaks to him. But something troubled him.

If this place was inside the game, why was the location identical to the city near his town?

Lee Han felt confused once more. It was hard for him to believe all this. 

"Do you understand what I'm saying, Lee Han?" Seraphina asked, noticing his distraction.

He didn't answer. Instead, he asked, "How did I end up here?"

"I cannot answer that," Seraphina replied. "I told you earlier that you are in District Ten. Anything else you wish to ask?"

"Are you an NPC named Princess Seraphina?"

The elf frowned slightly.

"I didn't understand 'NPC,' but I am Princess Seraphina."

Lee Han sighed deeply. He no longer knew if this was a dream or reality. 

For a few more minutes, silence filled the air. 

They just looked at each other without anyone speaking, as if they were having a staring contest, breaking only when Lee Han asked, "So what should I do now?" He needed to plan how to survive.

"It's up to you. Fulfill your quest and claim rewards upon success."

"Uh, I mean, how do I start?"

Seraphina didn't reply immediately. Instead, she summoned a tablet, typing on it before approaching Lee Han.

"Place your hand here," she instructed, gesturing toward the tablet. 

Lee Han's suspicion grew as he eyed the tablet.

"What is this?" Lee Han asked cautiously. He didn't remember this woman asking him to do this in beta tester.

'This is different,' he thought.

Maintaining her calm smile, Seraphina's eyes betrayed her annoyance at the bewildered man. 

'How can they say he's the chosen one!?' Seraphina couldn't help but doubt this person's abilities.

"You only need to place your hand here to verify your data. To activate your... system!" 

"A system? Like my game panel?" 

After minutes of conversation, Seraphina's emotions surfaced. Locking eyes with Lee Han, she snapped, "Adventurer Lee Han, this is not a game, as you insist on calling it!"

Lee Han remained silent. 

"Please place your hand. You're wasting my time with unnecessary questions!" 

Observing Seraphina's frustration, Lee Han spoke cautiously, not wanting to anger this pretty princess further. 

"Princess, I apologize if I offended you. Well... I never wanted to come here. Someone forced me. Can you send me back to my world!?" He said softly, hoping Seraphina would not be angry. Unfortunately, Lee Han's hopes were dashed.

Seraphina became even more annoyed at his words. She took a deep breath silently while her eyes stared sharply at him. 

"Adventurer Lee Han, I cannot provide you with an answer," Seraphina responded angryly. "However, I could only suggest you... Verify your identity now and obtain your system. Nightfall approaches. You will struggle to survive in this place without it."

Lee Han, "...."

"Listen, Lee Han, I cannot afford to wait any longer. I have to go, so please—"

"Alright, alright, I will—"

Lee Han was well aware of the horrors that awaited in this game world during the night. This place will turn into an ice city. Nightfall temperatures drop drastically.

As he placed his hand on the tablet, warmth enveloped him, and a flash of light blinded his eyes.

After a few more seconds, a familiar game-like panel greeted him when he opened his eyes.

[Welcome Lee Han,]

[The World is dying.] 

[Monster and Undead took over the Elindor Kingdom.] 

[You have been chosen to become an adventurer and save Elindor Kingdom.]

[Lee Han, would you like to take on the role of Adventurer?]


He didn't hesitate; he chose [YES]

"Now what?" Lee Han mutters.



[Would you like to enable voice mode?]


Confusion hits him. As Lee Han remembers, there was no voice mode in his game panel when he played beta tester for this game. 

After a few seconds of thinking, he selects [Yes].




Suddenly, a cheerful, girlish voice echoes in his mind. The cuteness is reminiscent of an anime girl speaking.

'Welcome to the Elindor Kingdom, Adventurer Lee Han. You can call me Lara. I will assist you with your system,' The girl's voice said happily. 

Just hearing her voice so cheerfully, Lee Han could imagine this girl looking at him with her beaming eyes.

"Hi, Lara. Thank you..." Lee Han responded loudly with a smile. He felt weird because he smiled at no one. But later, he remembers Seraphina, the sulking elf princess.

He immediately turned his gaze toward where Seraphina had been standing. To his surprise, no one was there; the place was empty. He did not even see the portal he saw earlier.

"Huh!? Where did she go? Why did she leave without a word?" He was suprised. 

Lee Han looked around the rooftop, but there was still no trace of Seraphina.

He was alone.

For some unknown reason, Lee Han felt disappointed when he realized he was alone in that place. 

He did not expect that a princess as beautiful as Princess Seraphina actually lacked good, royal manners. He thought Seraphina should at least say goodbye to him before leaving.


Lee Han felt disappointed because he could no longer see Princess Seraphina. However, he immediately put those feelings aside.

He felt a sense of urgency as he remembered what would happen later in the night — this place would become as cold as the North Pole.

Casting his gaze towards the sky, he noticed the colors shifting, signaling the approach of nightfall.

Next chapter