

Our MC has been losing his interest in life but wants to live if he is given a second chance . He will meet the Omniverse god or Known as GodKing. He will get wishes . PLEASE SUPPORT AUTHOR:- PLEASE SUPPORT ME. AND I DON'T OWN THOSE ANIMES AND MOVIES

DaoistNexus · Others
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4 Chs

RE:START Second Chance and wishes

Chapter 1: Second Chance and wishes

In a Dark room , void of things there a small soul of a human opened his eyes. If anyone looks in his eyes he can see black with a hint of brown in his eyes.

Sandeep(MC): How many years has it been after death, one , hundred, thousand, ten thousand, hundred thousand, millions, billions or more. He looked around saw nothing, only darkness ever he looks he only saw dark not even a single speck of light.

In a another room .

Omni God:" At last all work completed", as it turned towards the dark room he saw a soul. It thought the soul would have been gone if he didn't checked. It saw the past, present and future of the soul and started pity him.

He went toward the soul and said.

In the dark room , our MC suddenly saw a huge amount of light and heard

Omni God:" child, You died"

In the dark room , our MC suddenly saw a huge amount of light and heard

Sandeep (MC): "I know I died. And you must be God or ROB of our universe."

Omni God:" no I am not a ROB of any universe or any multiverse. I am God King or also known as Omni God or ROB of the Omniverse "

Sandeep(MC): "I never thought I would have a chance to see you, A God King. So, are there any wishes or direct heaven hell."

Omni God: "You do know how to go to the straight point . There will wishes with no limits or restrictions."

Sandeep (MC): "Ok are there any restric.... Wait did you just said no limits and no restrictions ."

Omni God: "Yes, there will 30 wishes with no limits or restrictions. You can ask for anything literally, leaving my position or any threat to me"

Sandeep (MC): "That's no problem, I want some time to thing about my wishes, which I think is no problem."

Omni God: "oh child I think you loosened your stiffness and clumsiness good you are fearless. Ok think about it we have a lot of time kid"

After a hour or so

Sandeep (MC): I thought about my wishes. Let's begin

1. One companion who will with me from my beginning of life to the everlasting journey. Since I am a boy, I need a girlfriend

Omni God:" Straight forward, hah. Ok done"

2. I will spend about 100 millions of years in a place where me and my partner will be there with all kinds of network facilities so that I can practice hacking, programming and all other for practical researches. There should all kinds of spiritual energy like ki, qi, god ki, chakra ,and etc which I have read in all those novels and mangas and all kind of resources. I need eidetic memory. So I can remember everything after birth

3. I need all kinds of knowledge from all over multiverse in the form books so that I can read and practice during the stay. Even my partner can read those. During these stay we will not remember anything about my past life and theses wishes . So that we won't get disturbed.

4. After our stay we will time travel to the day I was born in the previous life. After that we will neighbours whenever we change houses we will always be neighbours as coincidence.

5. I need a sign in system which will give expensive properties during our stay in the 100 millions year place for every day. From all over the multiverse. And after our stay all the properties will convert into money and will added into our bank accounts is created which will most secure bank account in the Omniverse after yours if you have and also need a bank card after creation .

6. I will keep the properties in the earth given to me during sign in.

7. I and my partner will immortals and our descendants will have a basic lifespan of 500 years .

8. I and my partner will have our genetic limits lifted . There will be no limit to strength whether it may be physically or mentally.

9. I and my partner will have mind palace to keep our knowledge sorted and categorised with best mind defence.

10. I need a gaming and internet cafe like in black tech internet cafe system. With full authority and full expansion and it should be connected to different worlds and universes.

11. Friends with you in which we drink and dance together.

12. System to measure my strength and others like in the gamers manga. And inventory(unlimited space) to keep all things like resources, ingredients, gadgets, etc invented during the 100 million year place .

13. The internet and gaming cafe should be a hidden place where I keep my store open for games CDs and other things.

14. I need alcohol which you drink because after we drink during our time in the stay I will alcohol tolerance which will make me inefficient to earth alcohols for free.

If I think I will tell other of my wishes..... I thought of one

15. I and my partner's memory should start remembering during when I am 4 years in a equal amount within 18 years we will remember all knowledge we gained in the stay. The previous life memories I will keep them with birth.

Ok that's it for now. And finally i will be going.

Omni God:-" ok I can do all of them and the wishes will be added to the system . If you want ask for wishes just think about them. They will be not allowed to see during your stay. You will not start the system during your stay. Okay, bye let's meet in the stay."

After that our MC started to fade away slowly during that he was shaking his hands saying

Sandeep(MC): Bye, Friend let's meet at the stay.

And he faded away.