

When the game ERA merged with reality, humanity as 'players' were at risk of extinction from 'Npcs'. We fought a bitter war for fifty years until The Heavenly Demon Court arose and killed their way to it's peak making many factions both the 'NPC' and the 'PLAYER' fear them. The leader Heavenly Demon Medes was called many names like Destroyer, Demon etc. He was later betrayed by by his friend who sold the news that he was forged an unranked sword to the Ten great Alliance and other alliances, driven by greed a great war occured that he lost committing suicide destroying the remaining forces left. Giving another chance he got reincarnated a week before the game began. "With the knowledge that only I posses by giving me a second chance I Heavenly Demon Medes will be respected, and those that betrayed me will fear me, those that hear my name will tremble for I am the honour one

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2 hours later, In the forest of death. There was a loud boom resounding at the western part of the forest, zooming in, flashes could be seen and clashing sounds could be heard, closing in again you could see a man with undercut black hair slashing a black-colored blade downward which clashed with a silver steel claw.

The man was Medes clashing with a 12 foot bear, around them were destroyed trees, huge pits, groups of demons and devil watching them from afar with Aura's of 3rd rank qi refining realm and 5th rank qi refining realm, The bear had the rank of 8th refining realm and Medes was at 9th rank martial warrior rank.

Many might ask why would Medes fight the beast alone without using any help especially when the beast is a major realm and 7 minor ranks away from him, He decided to fight the bear to test the Martial technique he created in his former life called the Limitless Death Demon Technique, when rated It was a top-tier celestial technique.

A rank so strong that he got acknowledgment from the universal system with a notification that resounded that realm and the lower realms, as the first player to create such technique amongst players and this was uncommon especially amongst Era humans.

(A/N: Tired of calling them Npcs which will sound boring and common so I'll either call them Ndigences or Era Humans, for Era humans you'll understand later also I'll explain the ranks of techniques that I'll show for now until Medes gets to god-king before introducing more. Thanks😎)

As only sons of heavens or old monsters who had either been reborn or lived for millions of years could create a top-tier technique.

Heavenly tier techniques are very rare and some could be found at High god's dungeons; the graveyard of higher beings like a celestial god or sovereign god realm who used those techniques before ranking them up to progress to god-king realm.

This was later called Legacy techniques.

Therefore the boundless demon technique was something high gods could go to war for, it almost did which died down because of an event.

The Limitless Death Demon Technique is a technique meant to kill, without any flashing moves, uses illusions to block the senses of opponents, swift with precision, an everchanging technique combine from the cultivation technique of all Medes had ever learned either from sword, spear, dagger, and fist, that's why it got its name limitless as its vast.

Back to the fight, Medes was slashing at the bear giving cuts that were brief and continuous, the sword draining blood from where it cut through.

This continued for a couple of minutes before leaving the bear with numerous cuts and a scar on his right side of its face above its eye, swinging its paws powerless, clearly tired and weak.

Medes taking this chance jumped above the bear bringing his sword downwards with little resistance from the bear sealing its faith with a stab on the head killing it.

Sitting on the bear panting heavily he rested for a while because he killed a bear way above his realm, recalling something that was disrupted from the ruffling of leaves turning slightly, he saw his only devil follower coming forward with a bow before saying:

"Your Majesty, congratulations on your win against your opponent, this subordinate has cleared this part of the forest with my subordinate as you wished"

Nodding slightly Medes jumped off the bear turning his head around the destruction caused by the fight then the group of demons who were carrying other bears that were either minions or mates.

Gathering all together Medes stretched out his hands before using devour to absorb all the bears, feeling he was about to break through the swung his hand towards the devil throwing something translucent, the devil caught it looking at it with surprise before Medes told him to eat it, yes eat because that was the soul of the Giant King Bear, Medes killed not long ago and because both his devil follower and the dead bear use physical attack a lot Medes thought it would be better to strengthen his only devil follower since they will follow him for life.

The devil bowed gratefully for the gift secretly increasing his loyalty to Medes since he knows the value of this soul to his growth.

The devil absorbed the soul increasing its soul realm to 7th rank qi refining realm, going through the memories of the bear he absorbed its techniques like the Bear Claw Slash, Enraged and Angry Bear Roar. Medes seeing this nodded his head feeling the changes in his devil qualitatively.

Without much he sat on a fallen tree, cross-legged, refining what he had absorbed.

45 minutes later, Medes broke into the Qi refining realm with a lot of qi left in his body unrefined, still cross-legged he channeled the extra unrefined qi towards his bones and muscles using a technique from his previous life called the Giant Demonic Dragon Titan God Body, a technique that is $#@% ranked, it a lot of requirement needed to cultivate and the Giant Bears one of them being it was of the giant lineage.

[Giant Demonic Dragon Titan God King

Rank: $#@%

Description: Made from studying how the strongest beings in the universe work, by many trials and errors through countless experiments ##### created the perfect body technique that fuses all the strongest beings' powers, endurance, and resistance into one body. When cultivated to the max a flick of one finger can destroy planets


Essence of a Giant-------------> 1.5%

Essence of a Titan--------------->0.2%

Essence of a Dragon------------>0%

Essence of a God--------------->0%

Essence of a King ------------->1.2%]

That was the description of the body cultivation techniques by the system, and that was what Medes wanted the most because if he had that power nothing could stand in his way, his enemies will fear him while his subordinates will respect and fear him more without betrayal because with absolute power plans and tricks are useless.

2 hours later Medes refined all his remaining qi to his body, standing up bones cracking and muscles shifting could be heard, stretching for a while Medes felt like he was floating in the air, he felt he could run the entire western forest even though it was an illusion but he never felt this great like tonnes of loads was taken off his body, feeling his cultivation at qi cultivation realm, Medes smiled because now he can start his plan of getting something that will change the balance of him and his competitors.

Looking at the mountain in his sight he started working towards it.

A/N: Cultivation manual ranks are, Trash, Uncommon, Mortal, True, Nascent, Celestial, Heavenly, Sovereign, and God-King.