
Re: noclip - surviving the backrooms in another world from zero

After having fallen through the floor, and finding themselves trapped in the backrooms. Some of the cast will quickly have to learn to deal with their new situation, whilst the ever tormenting backrooms puts a constant pressure on them

Starytale · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Level 2 pipe dreams

Level 2 is the 3rd Level of the Backrooms and the last one you could feasibly start in.


Level 2 consists mainly of dark, grey, concrete maintenance tunnels, stretching on for millions of miles. The walls are lined with pipes and occasionally ventilation ducts, which often contain a thick viscous black liquid. Doors can sometimes be found, but most are locked or lead to dead ends. These rooms typically house shelves with random assortments of objects, occasionally computers.

-backrooms wikidot level 2


They were now in level 2 of the backrooms.

They immediately thought to try and head back to level 1 but they remembered that wouldn't work due to the nature of the backrooms.

The temperature in the area had risen greatly, causing everyone to feel slight discomfort, and the hallways had gotten tighter. There were pipes on the walls that the heat presumably radiated from, some of which were leaking a viscus black fluid.

*Sigh* "I think we entered another level." Anastasia sighed, taking out the folder Man gave them, and opened it. "Huh? I can't read this."

As the others took a look at it. the contents of the folder seemed to be written in an unknown language (*english*) one that anastasia didn't understand a word of.

"I can read it," said Subaru as he raised his hand slightly. He may have been from Japan but he did know English so he could read the contents of the folder.

Anastasia looked at Subaru with a quizzical expression before deciding it wasn't urgent enough to ask about right now(though she was curious), and handed him the folder. Man had already told them about level 2 but they decided to look at the folder in case there was extra information.

After Subaru examined the folder and informed them of the information about the various entities in this level they made sure to stay on guard as there were supposed to be a lot of dangers in this level. Preparing themselves for what was to come, they began walking through the hallway.



Mimi let out a sound of alarm as a hand nearly grabbed her; thankfully she quickly jumped back before it could reach.

Looking at what attacked tivey, it seemed to be a mass of human limbs all connected to each other in a monstrous looking pile. Which they identified as a "clump".

Seeing mimi almost get caught, tivey quickly let out a scream as wind magic left his mouth hitting the clump head on and knocking it into the wall, incapacitating it.

"Are you okay? Pay more attention next time!" said tivey as he as he jogged to mimi.

"Mimi is fine," she assured, putting her hands on her hips. "Mimi was just testing how fast it was" she nodded to herself, proud of her excuse.

"you screamed." tivey retorted with a deadpan expression.

Mimi: "that was to make it look real"

"why would it need to look real?" Tivey pinched the bridge of his nose, sounding increasingly exasperated.

Anastasia giggled at this interaction before looking toward the mass of limbs. "So this is a clump." she muttered, she cringed at the grotesque sight.

"Common you two" anastasia called to the two members of the triplets waving her hand towards the hallway" we don't wanna be here any longer than we need"

They had been walking for a while now; over the course of that time they had encountered a few entities. Thanks to the group having strong members they were usually able to quickly take care of them, Julius usually being the first to act. Although there were still a few close calls here and there, this being one of them.


Everyone jumped in surprise, as they heard a loud noise coming from a distance. Subaru could swear it was a gunshot.

"I think we should go towards that sound; it might be another person," Subaru suggested, casting his gaze towards the group.

Anastasia sent him a sceptical look. "How would ya know that for sure? It could just as easily be another one'a those entities"

right they don't know about guns he had nearly forgotten due to the familiarity of the backrooms, that they were from another world.

Subaru: "yeah you're right, but I'm pretty sure that was the sound of a gun, which is a type of weapon, like the one man had, so there's a decent chance of it being another person. We shouldn't give up the chance now; plus if it's an entity then we can just use julius as a shield."

"such comments are quite unbecoming of a knight wouldn't you say? However, as a knight myself it is my duty to protect those who are defenceless, so I shall gladly shield all of you." said Julius with a slight chuckle and a small grin on his face.

"What? Are you calling me defenceless!" Subaru asked, with a tone of mock offence.

Julius: "of course not, i am merely declaring my duty as a knight to protect the weak"

Subaru: *scoff*

Being unable to think of a retort fast enough, he decided to simply scoff and end the conversation.

Once again the group continued walking in silence for a while until…




Suddenly Subaru was hit with a large amount of force, causing him to squeeze his eyes shut, and fall to the floor. Sending Beatrice, who was still on his shoulders, sliding a short distance across the floor, then he felt other smaller bits of force hitting him all over.

Opening his eyes he immediately looked for the source of said force looking down to his abdomen. He was immediately shocked speechless.

There in his lap was petra. Her eyes were shut tight in fear as she repeatedly hit Subaru in desperation. She kept on for a few seconds before she seemed to realize something. She then stopped hitting Subaru and quickly raised something in her hands, her eyes still shut tightly.

The change knocking him out of his stupor, Subaru then immediately recognised what it was.

Petra was pointing a black pistol straight at him.

"Petra, wait!" Acting fast Subaru shot his arm up to Petra's, causing her to immediately fire a shot, luckily missing Subaru.


However it seemed it did hit someone else. Julius let out a grunt of pain as he clutched his leg on both sides as blood began to flow out.

Realising he needed to act quickly Subaru called out Petra's name as he grabbed her shoulders and began to shake her.

Subaru: "Petra! Petra! It's me, it's Subaru, snap out of it!"

Upon hearing his voice Petra's eyes immediately shot open, wandering for a bit before snapping to subaru.

After a brief moment of processing what was before her, her eyes began to tear up before she aggressively hugged Subaru and began to sob into him.

Petra: "*gasp* i *gasp* fell though the ground *gasp* there *gasp* was *gasp* a face *sob*..."

Subaru comforted Petra as she cried into his chest; he couldn't imagine what she went through in this place all by herself.

-uh? Uuuaah!

Shouted a miraculous blonde appearing from a notch in the wall. She moved at an inhuman speed into Subaru, nearly causing him to fall into his back again as she began to cuddle into him making soft cooing noises.

they must have been travelling together looking for them, if his theory, along with what he got from Petra, was correct. The floor was uncomfortable, but he decided to ignore it for the sake of Petra as she continued to cry into him.


A shout could be heard a gust of wind was felt rushing past them and into a floating glowing white smiling face that was rapidly approaching the group, sending it several meters in the opposite direction, incapacitating it.

"see, mimi does pay attention" mimi said as she smiled proudly

Tivey just let out a small sigh as Anastasia gave mimi a "good job" and patted her on the head.


It had been a few minutes before eventually petra's sobs began to die down prompting Subaru albeit reluctantly to get up from the floor making sure to gently help petra up with him.

Beatrice had been knocked onto the floor when Petra tackled Subaru, as she was riding on his shoulders at the time. She saw how distressed Petra was, so she had decided to stand back and let Subaru comfort her.

With Beatrice walking up to his side, Subaru then noticed Julius clutching his leg in pain.

Subaru: "uh, are you alright?"

"I'll be fine, it's merely a flesh wound," Julius said, looking up towards Subaru with a gentle smile.

"Huh?" hummed petra looking towards where Subaru was facing before a look of shock and guilt dawned on her face. She realised that in her panic when Subaru grabbed her arm she ended up hurting someone.

"I'm so sorry!" she apologised as she bowed towards julius, the latter of which putting up his now blood covered hand.

Julius: "I assure you I'm fine, I understand that it was a mistake, and that you didn't mean to do it so it's okay, i insist."

Petra: "But, you're hurt."

"Whatever that was, it only went through my flesh and didn't hit anything important, it's nothing that can't be healed." Julius assured Petra looking up to her with a gentle and understanding smile.

"Speaking of", Subaru, deciding it was a good time to interject, started. "beako can you heal julius's wound?"

"Of course I can in fact. I can heal such a trivial wound like it's nothing I suppose." stated Beatrice matter of factly as she crossed her arms; then made her way to Julius and began healing his leg.

Only a short time passed before Beatrice was done. Julius's leg had been fully healed however he did still feel a bit of discomfort walking but it wasn't anything too severe, and would pass with time.

Anastasia: "Who are those two, are they members of your camp?"

"Yes." Otto responded. "Petra is a maid at the mansion and Louis is… um, I'm not really sure actually." thinking about it, they never really got a proper explanation about louis. Well, the meeting they were supposed to have might have helped with that.

"I see…" Anastasia responded, noting to ask Subaru about it later.

"Oh!" exclaimed Petra as she realised she had failed to introduce herself "I'm Petra Leyte, a maid working at the miload manor" she said as she bowed respectfully toward the members of the Anastasia camp specifically.

"Oh and this is louis arneb.''With that Subaru decided to also give a bare bones introduction for Louis to the group.

Otto: "we should probably get going, it's probably dangerous to say in one place too long, and i want to get out of here as quickly as possible."

"Right" they had been here for a while now, at this rate they might start attracting entities with all the commotion. So with that, the group once again resumed their journey through level 2 of the Backrooms.


While they were walking along the piped hallways of level 2 they had filled Petra in on what was going on. At first she found it hard to believe I mean falling through the floor into another world, that's ridiculous right? but she can't just ignore everything around her. Plus the more she thought about it the more it made sense. The strange 'witchbeats', and that weird room, and even the weapon she found which Subaru told her was called a 'pistol' or 'gun', and that it was a very powerful weapon and she should be very careful with it.

In the end she decided to just try her best, and focus on helping everyone, that was the whole reason she came after them after all, right?

Meanwhile, Louis was just content in being with Subaru again as she held his hand and cuddled into his side as they walked; Beatrice once again returning to riding on his shoulders.



A loud noise caused several of the group members to jump and take a defensive position. A loud bang came from the direction they were travelling in the hallway as well as a faint flesh of light briefly being seen in the distance for an instant.

The group then casted their gaze toward Petra who was also spooked by the noise.

"Wait, that one wasn't me this time." said petra nervously looking towards the direction of the sound. It had come from a decent ways in front of them, a direction from, what position Petra was in, would be unable to replicate.

"Wait, this one has to be another person!" exclaimed Subaru as he began to hasten his steps along with the rest of the group. They decided to refrain from shouting as to not attract entities or potentially alarm the person.

Soon they had gotten close enough to see a figure nearby and indeed there it was, a person.

It seemed to be a woman; light skin seemingly in her teens or early twenties with long black hair that reached to the middle of her back. Wearing a green and beige vest with black jean pants and boots. She was also holding a gun. It looked to be some sort of heavy duty rifle or sub machine gun. The presents of a dead entity (*skin stealer*) explaining the loud sound heard earlier.

"Hey! Excuse me, ma'am!" Otto called as he waved his arms over his head from a little ways away from the women.

"Stop right there!" the woman demanded in a stern voice pointing her gun towards them.

Understanding the threat, the group then immediately stopped and raised their hands up.

The women examined the group with suspicion and hostility; however upon seeing the blood stains on Julius's pants leg, she seemed to relax a bit as her expression softened.

Subaru: "woah woah woah, wait, we aren't trying to attack you or anything!"

"hehe, sorry about that." the woman said, scratching the back of her head. "You have to be careful in the backrooms, even of other wanderers. Though i have confirmed that you aren't skin stealers."

"Right, skin stealers" Otto remembered the description of the skin stealers; entities that when hungry eat their victims and wear their skin. The thought of which caused him to shudder. The backrooms tended to do that to people.

Women: "Well anyway, hi my name's jaden, was there something you needed me for?"

The woman, now identified as Jaden, asked, her gun now being firmly held in her left hand and pointed towards the floor.

Otto, deciding to step up this time, walked to the front of the group and began to speak.

Otto: "we've been trying to leave this level; and maybe find a group or gathering of people to potentially gain more information on the backrooms from."

"ah i see." Jaden said as she nodded her head in understanding. "Well i'm part of a group called the survivors but we don't leave level 2 very often so i doubt we would be much help"

"ah" Otto said, slightly lowering his head "well is there anywhere you could potentially point us to?"

Jaden: "Well there is the B.N.T.G in office space EL3A, but that's really far from here."

"Oh I know!" she said in a brighter tone seemingly having an epiphany. "There is an exit that goes to level 3 nearby, it's dangerous, but if you go through level 3 to level 4 you could find lots of people. Level 4 is really safe and is a major point in the backrooms, I'm sure you could find plenty of people there."

Subaru: "really? Thank you so much for your help Jaden. I'll try and find a way to pay you back later, I promise."

"No no no that's it's fine" said Jaden as she raised her hand up and shook her head. "We're all just trying to survive, so we all have to work together. I always make it a point to help anyone I can out here, so there's no need to pay me back." she reassured, "but if you insist on paying me back you can come back and visit sometime; we could use the extra help."

"Right then," said Subaru, going to shake her hand "if we find ourselves around here again, we'll be sure to pay you a visit."

Subaru: "deal?"

Jaden: "deal"

Beatrice: "So where is the exit I wonder."

In response to the question Jaden points behind her, towards the direction the group is facing. "Just got toward the end of the hallway" turn left and it should be the first door; then just go through it. Doors aren't exactly common on this level, so you shouldn't miss it.

"understood. and again thank you for the help" said Subaru as the group began to walk towards the direction Jaden pointed.

"Thank you weird lady!" Mimi shouted as she waved to Jaden.

"No problem, weird child" Jaden jokingly responded with a chuckle as the group turned the corner.

Jaden: "Wait, did they have cat ears and a tail? I think it's time for an almond water break."


The group had once again started walking; it hadn't been long, only about a minute or so. They were nearly at the door when…



"Look there's a kid over there!" shouted petra as she began walking toward a small figure.

Looking a little ways away in front of them was what seemed to be a small child with their hands behind their back and a blurred out face. (*child faceling*)

Subaru: "Petra, wait!"


Before Subaru could stop her, Patra went up to the strange figure. The figure then pulled out a crossbow from behind its back and fired it at Petra, nearly hitting her as it began to run at her.

Petra: "Jiwald!"

With that, a beam of light quickly shot out of her finger, and at her aggressor. Said aggressor then falling to the ground writhing in pain.

Petra quickly taking advantage of the moment of vulnerability fumbled her pistol out of her pocket and pulled the trigger.


With a shot to the back of the head the child faceling immediately went limp. Petra slowly putting her gun away as she caught her breath.

"Are you okay?" asked Subaru in concern as he looked her up and down for any injuries.

Petra: "yeah i'm okay"

Mimi: "wow you did great, mimi's impressed"

"yeah i'm proud of you. You took care of that all by yourself! While it does break my heart to see sweet innocent Petra do such violent things, I'm proud of you for being able to take care of it yourself!" saying this, Subaru did his usual over the top choreography.

Listening to this petra let a bright smile show on her face. She was finally able to take care of something on her own. This along with the praise from Subaru caused a sense of fulfilment to wash over her.

"Oh, I think I see the door. Over there." using her vantage point of being slightly ahead of the rest of the group she spotted the door in the distance.

Anastasia: "alright then let's go"

A short amount of walking later they were at the door. Not wasting any time, they opened it up, and walked in.


Subaru: "What do you have"

Petra: "A gun!"

Subaru: "No!"