
First Day

The rest of the night went pretty smoothly, with me playing the piano while Ryu and Claude were tied in a tense game of pool. The boys from our clan sat down and talked to the guys from Bee Hive, deciding to set aside their differences.

I can't say that peace just 'magically' happened, no, time is needed for that. But I can say that the war is now over.

I don't know what happened for the rest of the night though, as I went to sleep to wake up for work while the rest of the guys kept on partying.

I had a peaceful sleep last night, and now I'm wearing the same outfit I wore at my interview, doing my hair in the mirror.

Satisfied with my look, I took the keys to the Chevrolet and headed towards the school.

I arrived at the school parking lot at the same time as Onizuka, who seemed to be driving his beloved motorcycle.

Rei: "Yo, how you doing, Onizuka right?"

Onizuka: "I'm alright... not nearly as good as you." He said while admiring every aspect of my car.

Rei: "You say that, but you've got a wicked bike yourself. You know, I never asked you before but what made you want to become a teacher?"

Onizuka: "Yeah, I get that a lot because of my appearance. But I just thought that maybe if I had a better teacher in high school, I would end up in a better place. I don't think you understand, you seem like the typical office kind of guy no offence."

I smirk a little at his last remark, but I think a little about what he said.

Onizuka: "How about you? What was your reason, it wasn't for the money that's for sure."

Rei: "Haha, no of course it wasn't. Funnily enough, my reason wasn't nearly as serious as yours but I'm doing it for my brother. He's a bit behind and I'm going to make sure he's going to graduate high school among the top of this country."

He actually looked wide-eyes at me, before he started to laugh.

Onizuka: "Well man, aren't you one hell of a brother."

Rei: "Yeah, guess I am. But Onizuka, you said something about your appearance didn't you." I roll up my sleeves so he can see my tattoos. "You don't have to give a shit about that man, just be a good teacher."

Onizuka: "Haha... guess you ain't the typical 'office' dude after all, are you." We laugh for a bit as he slaps my back and we head inside.

We arrive at the reception, when she sees Onizuka she was about to just ignore us, but spotting me next to him her personality brightens up.

Receptionist: "Welcome for your first day of work gentlemen, just take the first right and you should come across a faculty room. A teacher was selected to guide each of you, I wish you good luck."

We make our way towards the faculty room, and spot Azusa being guide by another female teacher. We are then both approached by two teachers, one of them I recognised to be Mafuyu Kirisu from 'We never learn' while the other is Koumoto Akari from 'Jitsu wa watashi wa'.

Akari: "Ok, so which one of you is Onizuka?" She looks up and when her gaze passes me, it freezes and her eyes sparkle hoping that I'll answer.

Onizuka: "Heh, that would me. I'm Onizuka Eikichi, nice to meet you lady." He stretches out his hand, but she just kisses her teeth and ignores it.

Akari: "*sigh* Follow me, I'll show you around." They both head out of the staff room.

That leaves me and Mafuyu in an awkward silence, she was also a bit taken by my looks but her cold personality wasn't showing it too much.

Rei: "So I guess that you're my guide, nice to meet you. My name is Ichijo Rei, but I would prefer if you would call me Rei."

Mafuyu: "Nice to meet you...Rei, my name is Mafuyu Kirisu and I'm in charge of showing you around." She shakes my hand, and I notice a pause before she quickly shakes it and rapidly pulls it away.

She then takes me around the school, while I can see that she's kind of trying to hard to make conversation.

Mafuyu: "I'm sorry, it must be pretty awkward. I've just never really casually talked to a guy before."

Rei: "Haha, don't worry about it. I think it's actually a good trait, I'm pretty sure that guys find it pretty cute, so don't consider it such a flaw."

Mafuyu: "C-cute you say?" She tries to keep her calm exterior, but fails slightly as her cheeks show a tinge of red.

Rei: "Yep, but if you ever need a conversation practise partner if you don't like it, I'm always here." Her blush deepens, and now she's aware of it so her pace quickens.

The situation is a lot better now, although there's a lot more silence I don't really mind and we soon reach the staff room.

Mafuyu: "Alright Rei, there are about 20 minutes left until homeroom starts so I suggest you set up your desk. It's right there in the corner" she points towards the far end of the room.

When I reach my desk, I notice that my neighbours are another two teachers that I recognise- Okosabe Itoko and Sasakura Youko both from 'School Rumble'.

Rei: "Hello, nice to meet you I'm one of the new teachers Ichijo Rei."

Itoko looks at me and is a little taken by my appearance, and when Youko noticed that, she gave me a dangerous glint.

In the anime I guessed that Youko had a sort of crush on Itoko but now I can confirm for a fact.

Itoko: "Hello, pleasure to meet you my name is Okosabe Itoko. Please call me Itoko." She shakes my hand and I notice that she softened her voice when talking to me.

*She might be at the age where marriage is a must I guess...* I think as her current demeanour is a complete 180 from the anime.

Youko: "Hello, also a pleasure to meet you, my name is Sasakura Youko." When she grabs my hand, she squeezed it a little and gives me a 'break her heart and I end you' kind of look.

With that over with, I was setting up my desk and didn't notice Akari making her way towards me.

Akari: "Hello, we didn't really get introduced to each other this morning. I'm Koumoto Akari, though I would prefer it if you just call me Akari."

She has a similar demeanour to Itoko, completely different than when she spoke to Onizuka.

Rei: *Being good looking truly is a bless...* "Rei Ichijo, nice to meet you Akari." Itoko gives Akari a dangerous glance which is returned by the latter.

This little interaction was soon interrupted by the bell however, which signalled for all of us to head to our classroom.

Itoko: "Rei, wait a minute. What class is your homeroom?"

Rei: "Class 1A, why?"

Itoko: "Well, my cousin is in that class so can I ask you for a favour?"

Rei: "Sure." If I remember, her cousin should be Harima Kenji a delinquent.

Itoko: "Straighten him out a little... I'm hard on him but I only want the best for him. Please don't give up on him." Her attitude changed to very serious this time.

Rei: "Itoko, I had no intention of doing so. Trust me, I'll help out your cousin to the best of my abilities."

She noticed that I used her first name and smiled a little, while Youko was shooting me deadly glances.

Itoko: "Thank you Rei, truly."

Rei: "Don't mention it." And with that I left to meet my students.