
Its Different II

"How can I forget you , you Pervert , weren't you the one who got completely WASTED against my "SEXY JUTSU".." * Naruto remembers

"No, I just saw you oneday and think man he so cool * fat lie * so I did research on my part"

*Ebisu Flattered completely*

*every other jonin feel jealous*

"Okay, I have somewhere to go , so , see you later.." *Naruto says to the jonins

"Hmm okay see ya .."

*both party turns to their sides*

*just as they started moving, Ebisu smiles and says in a low tone *

"you know, you are not really a monster we made you.."

"What did you just say..?" *Naruto asks

"NANDE MO NAI (its nothing) , I didn't say anything.."

*Both party started walking to their direction*

"FIRST MISSION SUCCESSFUL" *naruto started self bragging

"you thought I didn't hear what you said at last,

'YOU KNOW , YOU ARE NOT REALLY A MONSTER WE MADE YOU..' *Mimicking Ebisu*.. Man, it was so hard to control my laughter

But seriously I did a very good job convincing my first targets , now I just have increase my allies one by one and grow stronger .."

*Arrived at the Ichiraku*

"Oh , Naruto you came again want your usual or want to try something new.." *old man at ichiraku asks

"Nope, my usual is the best " *Naruto replied with a grin

Old man* "Understood"

*After 5 minutes, serves the ramen*


*someone enters in a ANBU ops outfit without mask*

Naruto* dare da ( who is it ) ?

"whoa its kakashi sensei" *shouting inside head*

"One bowl of Ramen please" *kakashi asks ichiraku's old man*

"coming right up "

Hello *Naruto greets kakashi

*kakashi coldly stares at him*

*naruto shivers a bit*

" Scary.., whoa whats with the stare , so cold

I almost choked on ramen."

I heard that kakashi sensei had a very dark past and he was scary but MAN.. This is nuts

I am still trembling.. such cold gaze "

" What is it ..? " Kakashi asks ??

"No its nothing I just thought , I should greet you .." *Naruto replies while sweating *

kakashi* "Is that so.. Then.. Hello.. "