
Re:monster with Douluo system

A young man suddenly wakes up in a cave without knowing why. As he is confused about what is going on a sound goes off in his head [Welcome the Douluo system] With that his new begins but not without one blairing problem. He is now a goblin!!! Warning: The story will follow the events of re:monster fairly close. Also while my mc will give anyone free outside his clan a green hat It will not happen to him. Another thing he will not cuck any members of parabellum. Lastly do not own any characters from the orginal story.

Black_knight12 · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Chapter 2: Benefits of the Spirit Eyes

It has been a day since our first successful hunt and I have discovered a few things since then about my system. First my soul power can grew/increase by simply allowing it to flow through my body in a certain way. As I did it slowly increased both the amount and somehow the quality at the same time. Another discovery is in regards to the my martial soul spirit eyes. From what I can tell based on my previous battle it uses my soul power to enhance my eyes. Although that is all they do it does have a great deal of benefits for my combat ability. For example slowing the target down so I can keep up with speeds greater than my own speed. With things as they are it is the most I can look forward to for now but still it is plenty. Lastly I get experience for defeating enemies like something from a game. Still for now I continued to look more into what other things can come from my spirit eyes. Once again we went out hunting for more horned rabbits at the request of my brother Goborou. When I asked him why he simply told me that there is something he will gain from eating them.

Since it seemed really important to him that we hunt horned rabbits I decided to go with his plan. While a horn rabbit is a quick flighty beasts my spirit eyes slowed them to a near crawl and brother ever the tactician made everything easier. By the end of our excursion we returned home with enough rabbits to not only fill our bellies but also have some left over. While we were enjoying our spoils of war my eyes wondered to my brother. For some reason I can tell he is growing more powerful as he eats. My guess is that it is a trait he was personally born with much like my system so I felt even close to him then even before. From the looks of it both of us were likely reincarnated into this world. My train of thought was soon interrupted by the shock exclamation from one of the female goblins. If my memory serves me correctly the female is named Mi and was born from the same batch as us. She then went on to explain that even most adult goblins have trouble hunting these horned rabbits. She also went on to say how cool we brothers are which made Rou ask her what about Kichi.

After that fateful encounter Gobomi was added to our hunting party as a long ranged support making our hunting even easier. The next day after our team was formed it suddenly started to rain so we decided not to hunt. That being the case I went to a quite spot to improve my soul power while seeing what else spirit eyes can do. As soul power ran through my body I could something really interesting. Normal when it is simply flowing through my body It has no distinctive attributes but when channeled through spirt eyes that changes. If I had to describe it then I would say it feels like a type of mental power. To be honest I have no idea how else to explain it then as simply that still the future may change that. I continued my practice all the way until I heard another system message.

[ Congratulations you have finally reached full soul power which as a result allowed for the Douluo system to become fully functional. Also as a reward for reaching soul power 10 you will be given a spirit ring and skills. Full assist function has been activated and can answer any question within limits of course.]

Right as the system said that my status screen automatically appeared in front of me with a few changes to it.

[Name: Gobohou

Race: Goblin

Age: 5 days

Level: 12

Soul power: 11

Realm: Soul Master

Martial Soul: Spirit eyes

Rings: 1,000,000,000(sealed)

Skills: Spirit eyes-Spirit detection/Spirit Resonance/Spirit Interference/Spirit Shock

Soul points:1,000]

[First host allow to explain some of the new features that were added to system as well as what different parts represent, We will begin with explaining about soul power and how it works as well as increasing it.]

From there the system went on to explain that soul power is the driving force behind my Martial soul and soul skills. It will increase based on my cultivation over time depending on which technique I use. Apparently this whole time I have been using the most basic cultivation technique but from now on I need a proper one. Luckily one of the new features it has includes soul points that can be used in the store. Another thing It explained is about how martial soul changes the attribute of my soul power. In the case of my spirit eyes it gains a mental attribute which effects the mind of whatever I wanted. With the explanation it gave many of my questions were answered with a few things I can find out later. Now however I will focus on my new skill as well as why my first ring is so high.

When it was explaining about spirit rings it said that they are normally broken into categories based on years and color. Typically my first should have been no more then around about five hundred years. Evidently the god who gave me the system made it so that the ring I get have a chance to be of a higher rank. How high is completely random and based on certain requirements to increase the odds. With that in mind I went on to test my soul skills to see what they can do. First up was spirit detection which creates a dome 30 meters in diameter. Within this dome I can perceive everything from any direction I want also having the effect of my spirit eyes. It can even be used when my eyes are closed. With spirit resonance I can share my spirit detection with ours and for the last two they interfere with my enemies mind. Now that I have this our future fights will be alot easier but for now I will hide my abilities