
Re:monster - fenrir

A chained wolf, set free at an apocalypse, forced to battle gods and demigods, and died at the middle of war. Now the wolf of the apocalypse is free from the burden of fate given to him in form of reincarnation. How will the wolf fare in the new world his placed into, will he devour gods again for revenge? Or will he finally live his life to the fullest? This is the story of the wolf freed from the chains that bound him, this is the story of Fenrir in another world!

Kuro_catz · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

DAY 11-15

• DAY 11

Its already almost noon when I woke up as I went out of the cabin and cooked the midnight pythons I caught last night. As it was cooking, I thought of some things or ways to improve myself not just from a rank up or level up but from training myself.

The food was finally cooked as I ate it before I begun to imbue the dorkiss's jewels in the wood inside my cabin. I placed two dirkiss jewels per room with one in the bedroom as I was left with an extra two jewels and decided on placing it in front of my cabin door.

After that, I decided to finally finish organising all of velvets artefacts and also tried to find one suitable for me. I finally finished organising velvets artefacts in the afternoon as I stood up and stretched my body before deciding on what to train.

Fenrir's thoughts: I should definitely train my [teleport] skill in both short distances for battle since it's definitely going to be one of the overpowered skill I have if I just train it well.

And so, I quickly left the cabin and ran towards the forest while also teleporting short distances from time to time to train myself.

Fenrir's thoughts: hmmm, a horned rabbit. I guess you'll do as a training dummy for now.

I teleported near the rabbit before I begun to fall down as I tripped in small rock. I started rolling on the ground before I bumped into a tree before I stood up and faced the rabbit who was looking at me with a confused look.

Fenrir's thoughts: I definitely got to train on how to stop when I'm doing fast speed teleportation but first, I should train dodging and attacking while only using [teleport].

I faced the rabbit before using my [teleport] in front of it. The rabbit, startled, jumped back before trying turn back to escape only for it to meet my grasp since as the rabbit jumped back, I teleported behind it and grasped the back of its head before crushing it like a balloon.

Fenrir's thoughts: hmm, it's definitely good on catching my enemies by surprise, but what about a bigger target?

I moved again now trying to find a hind bear or maybe a fraze bird for training my dodging speed while only using teleport. I ventured for about an hour before I finally found a single fraze bird. I made myself visible to the fraze bird as it noticed me and fired sharpened and hardened feathers at me.

I started to see multiple red lines as I kept using [teleport] to dodge all of the fraze birds projectiles before I teleported above it and smashed its head with my fist, causing it to crash down the ground and making a cloud of dust form from its impact.

Fenrir's thoughts: this [teleport] skill really is convenient, it can make it easier to travel and to fight foes you can't easily reach.

After I landed on the ground, I looked around for a bit before seeing nothing and decided to head back home as I decided to make some decorations inside my house today. I decided to not use [teleport] as I ran back to see if I'd encounter any hind bears on the way but unfortunately, I didn't see or sense any.

I stopped for a while to cut down some more trees to make some benches, tables, and a bed before I continued on my way. I arrived back at the cabin before I then made some decorations for a while as I finished all of it at night. I then cooked myself some food before heading towards the bedroom and slept in my new bed made out of wood with hind bear fur covering it.

• DAY 12

I woke up and stood out of bed as I noticed someone standing behind the door of my cabin, seemingly waiting for me. I went towards the door before opening it as I saw uncle seishi.

Seishi: hmmm, quite a cozy place you have here, fenrir. Maybe I should get one myself.

Fenrir: thanks, you should definitely have one of yours like this or maybe just a normal hut just for yourself. Anyways, whats up?

Seishi: I just came to say that your nightmare armour is done so you can pick it up anytime you want, preferably now.

Fenrir's thoughts: oh, forgot about that. I don't really need it now but might as well take it since they did make it for me anyways.

Fenrir: hmm, then lets go. I still need a shirt after all.

Seishi: hahahaha indeed, being shirtless while at your human form is probably cold.

Fenrir: it is, it's only thanks to my hind bear hind and [werewolf transformation] that I was able to stay warm at night.

Fenrir's thoughts: and my lightning body too.

We started to walk back to the cave as we talked about some things that happened this past few days until we arrived at the cave and saw uncle ryuuto and the wolves guarding it. Both of us greeted uncle ryuuto as we talked for a bit before continuing our way to miss shenma.

Seishi: hey shenma, I've brought fenrir here to take the nightmare armour.

Shenma: oh, that was quite fast, I mentioned it to you just last hour or so.

Seishi: ahahahaha just got the feeling of wanting to see fenrir here.

Fenrir's thoughts: so you could've just waited for the night? Why did you have to wake me up so early then?

I watched both of them talk for a while as I could see that uncle seishi was slightly blushing while talking to miss shenma as he kept on scratching the back of his head while smiling goofily.

Fenrir's thoughts: heee~, so uncle seishi wants to take miss shenma as a mate, interesting.

Shenma: ...anyways, lets talk about those later. I think fenrir here is still has some things to do after all.

Seishi: oh, oh right, I forgot about that, hahahaha.

Shenma: jeez you're getting more forgetful now, sei, you're probably getting older.

Seishi: hahahaha I might be.

Shenma: fufufufu, anyways, let me just take the armour out first.

Shenma went inside to what seems to be her storage room probably searching for my armour, it took some time but shenma finally went out of the storage room and handed me my nightmare armour.

The armour looked like some hood as it also came with hand and shoulder guards meant to stretch for both my werewolf and human form.

I tried the armour on before I thanked shenma for making them and returned back to my cabin, not disturbing shenma and seishi's talk.

As I was walking out of the kobold cave, I noticed a little kobold with white fur and golden eyes look at me from a corner and approached him.

Fenrir: yo little haze, is there something you want to ask me?

Haze: u-um, can I come and watch you hunt, brother?

Fenrir: hmm, I'm sorry to disappoint you this time, little haze but I have to go to and scout a new area this time. There might be dangerous beasts lurking around there, and I can't take the risk of endangering you.

Little haze looked crest fallen after rejecting him as I placed my hands above his head and rubbed his hair. I then proceeded to crouch to his eye level and smile.

Fenrir: Though I can't take you today, how about I take you with me next week? I'm sure you still need some training before you can hunt with me, so train first for this week and we'll go next week, ok?

Little haze's face brightens as he nodded. I then pinched his cheeks as I laughed a little at how cute he was acting.

Haze: bwother, pweash schop pinshing my sheeksh.

Fenrir: hahahaha you really are cute, aren't you, little haze.

Heze: I'm noch cute, I'm shrong rike you, bwother sho schop pinshing me!

I stopped pinching his cheeks and placed my hands back on his head and rubbed it again before I stood up and looked at little haze's eyes.

Fenrir: hahahaha, then lets see how strong you become in a week, so be sure to train a lot and get stronger next week, little haze.

Little haze nodded as I continued on my way out of the cave. After getting out of the cave, I went towards the mountains to explore the area more. I walked towards it while also cooking a midnight python before eating it. I finished eating the python exactly as I arrived to the place where all the children first hunted their first horned rabbit.

I continued to my venture as I trained my [teleport] skill by continuously teleporting from rocks to rocks as I passed by a bunch of horned rabbits jumping around the rocks and some bushes. After a while of walking and teleporting, I finally saw a new creature I've never seen before, a stamp boar.

Stamp boars are boars that are known to be as hard as rocks. They mostly look like normal boars except for the three stones embedded in its forehead. The old man said that they're quite common further above the mountains. Though their incredibly tough meat makes them inedible.

I wanted to test how tough a stamp boar really is so I dashed in front of it. The stamp boar noticed me as it dashed towards me too, trying to ram me. Unfortunately for it, Its attack missed as I teleported behind it at the last second before punching it, dealing damage to its sides. I heard some cracking sounds as the bones of the stamp boar cracked and possibly broke before it collapsed to the ground while breathing heavily.

Fenrir's thoughts: it really is quite tough, tougher than a hind bear.

I finished it off by stomping on its head before I continued my way above the mountains where I saw more and more stamp boars and some fraze birds flying around. I used them for my [teleport] training until I had much more better control over short distance teleportation and noticed that it started to become darker.

Fenrir's thoughts: this mountains bigger than I thought, I should head back below for now and continue my venture tomorrow.

I decided to teleport back to my cabin as I arrived outside the cabin and cooked some food before I ate and slept.

• DAY 13

I continued climbing the mountain this morning as I now trained my lightning magic instead of my [teleport] skill since I was already proficient at using it. Though I still used my [teleport] skill whenever I came across a steep cliff or some kind of blockage. As I ventured further, I noticed thudding sounds at the distance above a cliff as I teleported and checked it.

I saw that above the cliff was a flat land with what seemed to be a cave in the mountainside, thrice the size of the cave used by the kobolds. I entered the cave stealthily and looked around as I saw no rooms or intersecting corners, just a normal tunnel. I ventured the tunnel as I looked for the one that made the thudding sounds before I heard it again, but this time, there were three more extra thudding sounds and it seems that they were coming closer to me.

I quickly hid behind a rock as I saw what was causing the thudding sounds, three gigantic one eyed human like creatures that had green bodies and large arms that almost touched the ground.

Fenrir's thoughts: The old man never told me what this was, so I have no idea what they're called but I do remember one of velvets artefacts that I might be able to use now.

I then searched my [space-time storage] for a little while before taking out an artefact named glasses of knowledge. This artefact has an appraisal skill imbued within it so it should be able to identify what the creature was.

I wore the glasses of knowledge before I then begun to see some kind of transparent plate beside the one eyed giants that had the information on what the creature was.


{cyclops are one eyed giants that tend to live in rocky places and caves. They have gigantic bodies while also having gigantic arms that are able to reach the ground if they ever crouch a little. While cyclops live in groups, they tend to hunt alone as it would be easier and more efficient.}

Fenrir's thoughts: hmm, so they're named cyclops. This glasses really are useful, I really have to thank velvet again for giving me his artefacts.

I then placed the glasses back in my storage before looking back at the cyclops who seemed to be guarding something as I saw them pacing around the same place. I unconsciously grinned maniacally while looking at the cyclops as I wanted to fight them all.

Fenrir's thoughts: I wonder how strong they are, hehehe there's only one way to find out.

I then teleported at the side of the cheeks of closest cyclops before punching him while also using my [multi-strike] skill. The three giants toppled over before crashing at the ground at the same time, they then tried to stand up again but was unable to as I teleported again above the closest giants neck before axe kicking him while using my [multi-strike] skill again, breaking the neck of the cyclops I dropped kicked while the others had missed and hit their arm and chest instead. The two cyclops screamed in pain as I quickly transformed into a werewolf and slit their throats quickly using [teleport].

I then heard more thudding sounds as the other cyclops seemed to have heard the screams of the ones I killed. I hid behind the rock I hid last time again as I waited for more cyclops to arrive and planned to end all of them at once.

After waiting for a while, I finally saw ten more cyclops walk towards the dead carcasses of their comrades. They then started to look left and right as they tried to search for the one who killed their comrades while I, the culprit, looked at them searching for me as I readied my skills.

Fenrir's thoughts: [zero tier magic:lightning palms] [zero tier magic: slight flames]

My hands then begun to burn while lightning crackled with it. I then made the flame and lightning twirl and condense before using my skill [accelerate] at it to speed up its accumulation process. After it accumulated a lot of lightning and fire magic, I quickly teleported in the middle of the tunnel as I took a fighting stance before I looked straight at the cyclops who saw me and tried to run towards me, but it was too late.

I punched out as a gigantic swirl of lightning and flames combined like a straight beam of tornado struck all of them. The attack took a while to finish as I saw that all of the cyclops were charred black from the attack as they started to collapse one after another.

[combined skill acquired]

[combined magic: thunder eruption: a skill that combines fire and lightning magic, twirling and condensing them in one point before releasing it, causing a twirling beam of lightning and flames to strike the enemies. The power of the attack depends on the condensation of the flames and lightning.]

Fenrir's thoughts: a new skill from combining tier zero spells? That's a bit surprising.

After killing all the cyclops that came here, I waited for more only to see that none of them came, so I transformed back to my human form before I placed all of the carcasses of the cyclops in my [space-time storage] before heading deeper in the tunnel. After a while of walking, I finally saw a gigantic room where ruins of pillars were scattered around the sides while the middle of the room had a giant ruined temple with a cyclops sleeping on top of it.

The cyclops had a different skin colour to the other cyclops I fought as it had purple skin instead of green while its eyes were also purple instead of red. The cyclops seemed to have dark purple tattoo like marks on its body so there was a chance that it was a variant. The cyclops back was covered in rocks as it formed some kind of armour while its arms was also covered in rocks forming some kind of cuffs or hand guards. I then took the glasses of knowledge out again as I wore it and looked at the purple cyclops.

{cyclops named monster: rezerious}

{this cyclops has recieved the blessing of the "god of corrosion" and is able to release corroding liquids on its fists and have a certain degree of control on it}

I walked towards the cyclops named rezerious while not even bothering to hide myself. I then begun to climb up the stairs of the ruined temple before quickly jumping back as the cyclops quickly lunged and punched towards where I used to be as it hit the floor and caused it to quickly corrode.

Fenrir: as I thought, you were awake.

Rezerious: how you know me awake, human?!

Fenrir's thoughts: hoooh, so he could talk, interesting.

Fenrir: I mean, how could you not be awake after all the noise I made? You must be deaf if you didn't even hear that loud booming sound I made.

Rezerious: you shut up, human!!

Rezerious then begun to run towards me as before he arrived near me and then punched out towards me. A loud boom was heard as rezerious laughed while boasting.

Rezerious: is talk only you got, human?!

Fenrir: at least I talk better than you.

Rezerious, surprised as he heard the opponent he thought he had killed behind him proceeded to turn his head around only for it to meet my werewolf turned fist. Rezerious flew back a little before he begun to crash at a pillar as debris started to fall and clouds of smoke begun to rise.

Rezerious: you human!!!

Rezerious then swiped his arms, causing the clouds of smoke to spread out and disappear before he again rushed towards me. But as he was still rushing, I suddenly teleported in front of him as he looked at me with a widened eye before I punched his cheeks downward.

Rezerious then got smashed in the ground before bouncing back a little as I then axe kicked him in the head, smashing him on the ground again before jumping back. Shortly after I jumped back, rezerious stood back up before he just stood there as his body darkened bit by but before he screamed loudly.

Rezerious: wraaaaaaaggghhhhhh!!!!!!

His scream generated a wave of corrosion that started to move in all direction as I quickly teleported out of the cave before I then heard loud thudding sounds as the ground begun to shake.

Rezerious: HUUUMAAAAAANNN!!!!!

I then saw the cave explode as rezerious lunged himself towards me. I dodged his attacks barely by teleporting but I noticed that my shoulders had some corroded area which healed quickly thanks to my [chronos regenerate].

I also noticed that he was now covered in an orb of corrosion so defeating this guy without taking damage is definitely not an easy feat. I also know that if I teleport out of here, this guy would most likely just go down the mountain where he might endanger my little siblings so I can't retreat.

Fenrir: lets see if you could take this on!

I then begun to conjure lightning and fire at my hands before accelerating its time as they twirled and condensed at quick speeds. Rezerious then looked to where I was and proceeded to lunge himself at me again as I awaited for the right time to strike.

Time seemed to have slowed down as my body started corroding and regenerating at the same time as rezerious was closing in on me. I then took a fighting stance as he was about to grasp me before I punched out towards his face.

Fenrir: [combined magic: thunder eruption]!!

The beam of flames and lightning then hit him straight in the face as he was blown away and stayed midair for a while before he begun to fall down on the mountainside. A loud boom was then heard as a cloud of smoke appeared to where he fell down as I breathed heavily while my body begun regenerating itself.

After a while of waiting, the smoke finally cleared as I saw an unconscious or possibly dead rezerious who was embedded on the ground, preventing him from rolling down the mountain. I made my way towards the unconscious or dead rezerious before slitting his throat to ensure that he really died. I then used my [glasses of knowledge] and looked at the dead carcass of rezerious as I then plucked his claws and looked at its information.

[claws of corrosion]

[the claws of a cyclops blessed by the god of corrosion, these claws are able to release corroding liquid if one infuses mana into it]

After looking at the info, I stored it as well as the carcass inside my storage before I rested for a while to let my mana regenerate and then proceeded to head back to my cabin and called it a day.

• DAY 14

I decided on continuing on venturing the mountain today as I ate breakfast before teleporting back to where I defeated rezerious. I then begun climbing back up as I saw nothing in the area where rezerious lived, possibly because the creatures were scared of the cyclops. After a while of hiking and teleporting, I finally saw some signs of life as I saw multiple sheep's flocked together in a group.

Fenrir: ramruks, finally!! I heard that they were more delicious than snake vipers from seishi. I wonder if thats true or not, only one way to find out and thats to taste one myself!

Ramruks are sheep's that are capable of generating lightning. Males have large twirling horns while females have small and some had no horns at all, they tend to gather in flocks as the more ramruks there are near each other, the more stronger their thunder attacks and the more stronger their resistance to lightning are.

Fenrir's thoughts: hmm, now how should I catch one? Meh, I should just dive in since I already have my [lightning body] so most lightning base attacks won't work on me.

And thats what I did, I transformed into a werewolf before I teleported above the sheep in the middle of the flock and used [multi-strike] before I punched its head. All of the ramruks in the flock got killed from either getting hit in the head or stomach as they were defenceless since never saw me to begin with.

Fenrir: best surprise attack skill ever.

I then started to collect their bodies before I started to climb higher up the mountain as I occasionally saw some more ramruks which I of course quickly killed by using [teleport] and [multi-strike]. I also saw some more fraze birds flying around the place, though it seemed like some of them already ranked upped to fraze falcons

Fraze falcons are larger than fraze birds while also having another pair of wings. They have larger talons and more strength capable of lifting a single hind bear up in the air while their feathers are also harder than that of a fraze bird. They are capable of leading many fraze birds though the numbers of fraze birds flocking it depends on their strength.

Fenrir's thoughts: Though they were annoying, at least fraze falcons are still quite useful as I could still use their feathers as a throwing projectiles instead of using stones.

I continued my way atop the mountain after I finished massacring all the birds that were attacking me as after a while, I then heard thunder claps and looked towards where the sound was as I saw that thunder clouds seemed to form in the western side of the mountain.

Fenrir's thoughts: normal ramruks never generate enough lightning to create thunder clouds and thunder claps, don't tell me?!

I ran as fast as I could towards the thunder clouds as I finally saw what was making it...

Fenrir's thoughts: a ramruk emperor!!! Not only that, a variant too so its definitely the one the old man mentioned to me, its one of the lords of the forest!! How lucky am I today?! I heard that a ramruk emperor's meat is extremely delicious so how tasty could a variant one taste? I can't wait to find out.

Ramruk emperors/empresses are the next rank up of ramruk's. They are twice as large as an ramruk while also having silver coloured horns that are able to generate and shoot out lightning. They also have some kind of scarf veil thats floating behind its back that they are able to control and use as a whip, the scarf is able to conduct lightning and a single strike from that scarf is able to instantly paralyse a high levelled hind bear.

They are also flocked by nearby ramruks while clouds of thunder also usually gathers near this creature as the lightning it and the other ramruks flocking it generates are strong enough to instantly kill any being in the forest with the exception of the lords.

This ramruk emperor however was one of the variant species of the forest. It has golden skin with a brown triangle mark on its forehead while also having golden hoofs and another smaller pair of horns in its forehead. This variant is a lot stronger than that of a normal ramruk emperor and is sometimes even able to paralyse a low levelled one.

Fenrir's thoughts: now how am I going to pass through all of those ramruks?

I looked at the ramruks surrounding the variant as there was also one more ramruk emperor and three more ramruk empresses that was roaming around near the variant. I was sure that I would be able to kill all of the ramruks at one shot if I used my [space breaking multi-strike] but I can't be certain if that'll happen too to the ramruk emperors/empresses. My attacks are usually lightning based so a they would definitely have more resistance to it.

Fenrir's thoughts: guess I just have to risk it for the brisket.

I readied myself as I then teleported above the ramruk emperor variant before punching towards its head.

Fenrir's thoughts: [multi-strike]

The variant noticed this as it used its scarf to quickly block the attack but the other ramruks in the vicinity were not as lucky as the variant, they all died from the attack as the ground they were standing on were crushed to dust.

Only the ramruk emperors/empresses are left standing though barely as they were also hit by my surprise attack, the only one fine from the attack was the variant who then quickly flung me away using his scarf as I crashed at the mountainside.

Fenrir's thoughts: how fast is that bastards scarf?!

I stood up before I dodged the multiple incoming lightning strikes that were either falling above me or from the ramruk emperor/empresses horns. I then quickly dispatched the normal ramruk emperor/empresses quickly by teleporting near them and killing them in an instant by either piercing their necks or just punching them to the ground.

Fenrir: now its only you and me left bud, lets see how handle me one on one.

The variant looked at me uninterestingly before it sent its scarf towards me. I dodged the scarf before catching it without being paralysed thanks to my lightning body before I was hit in the stomach by something and flung away again before crashing to a rock.

Fenrir's thoughts: what the?! It can use the other dead ramruk emperor and empresses scarfs too?!

The variant then sent four lightning imbued scarf towards me as it kept the last one near itself for protection in case I ever teleport near it.

Fenrir's thoughts: its smart too, as expected from a lord. I guess I have to try that weapon out now.

I then sat down with one knee on the ground and as the scarfs were nearing me, I quickly and suddenly took something out of my [space-time storage] before I lifted it up the sky as the thunderclouds seemed to swirl above me.

Fenrir: [celestial thunder]!

[celestial thunder]

[a weapon skill from the weapon [lance of celestial clamor], this skill summons all the lightning that is gathered either inside the weapon or the environment before releasing it in a form of golden white thunder.]

{lance of celestial clamor}

{a lance made out of special dragon stones and gems. It can absorb lightning and charge up electrical power as those who equip it also cannot be paralysed.}

A massive thunder then quickly formed above the clouds before it struck the [lance of celestial clamor] as I then swiped it towards the incoming scarfs, blocking all of it as the scarfs and all of the dead ramruks begun to get blown away by the force of the strike. The variant looked in shock as I then used [decelerate] on his scarf, the variant then widened its eyes as it saw that my lance were nearing its forehead before it pierced it.

Fenrir: another lord out of the forest, I wonder how tasty you can be hahahahah!!!

My laugher reverberated throughout the mountain top before I then collected the dead variants carcass and scarf before I went ahead and collected all of the scattered ramruks and looked at the informations of the scarfs from the ramruk emperor/empresses and the variant.

{thunder royalties scarf}

{used by a ramruk emperor/empress, these scarf are known to be as hard as steel. They can be controlled only by infusing lightning attributed magic inside it. When controlled, these scarfs are extremely quick in moving and striking.}

{thunder royalties absolute scarf}

{used by a ramruk emperor variant, these scarf are known to be twice as hard as steel. They can be controlled only by infusing lightning attributed magic inside it. When controlled, this scarf can control other nearby [thunder royalties scarf]. These scarfs are also known to be as fast as lightning.}

After collecting all of the scarfs and the dead ramruks, I decided to call it a day as I headed back to the kobold cave, planning to share all the ramruks I killed with the exception of the ramruk emperor/empresses, especially the variant.

Fenrir: hows it going uncle ryuuto?

Ryuuto: hmm, you're back early again, fenrir. Is there something that you needed to get here?

Fenrir: nah, just wanted to share some fresh ramruk meat.

Ryuuto: ramruk meat?!

Fenrir: yup, ramruk meat! So how about we call everyone, I'm sure you guys still haven't eaten yet, right?

Ryuuto: ahahahaha even if I've already eaten, theres no way I'll pass out on eating some ramruk meat! How about you set up here first, and I'll call the others.

I nodded before I took ten things out of my [space-time storage], a cooking guide and some artefacts about cooking that velvet had.

Fenrir: hmm, some remride berries for the sourness and some aracna vine's leaves for a little spiciness to be added to the ramruk meat as well as a lot of night viper blood for sauce. It also says here that I should...

I read the cooking guide as I took out the necessary ingredients out of my storage before I actually started cooking. More and more kobolds begun to gather around as they chatted with each other while waiting for me to finish cooking.

Fenrir's thoughts: thank's loki Velvet had a lot of these things called grillers, if not, I would have had a hard time feeding this many kobolds.

I continued to cook as all of the kobolds are now gathered outside the cave. After a while of waiting, I finally finished cooking as I served them up on the basna leaves before I placed them on the tables the other kobolds prepared.

Fenrir: yosh foods ready! Line up and take one each for now, you can take another one if you're already finished eating the first one!

The kobolds lined up as the youngest got the first in line and then the old man and other old kobolds before lastly, the adults as the wolves were given their own ramruk food too. We ate happily as I finally tasted how good the ramruk's meat was with the instructions of the cooking guide.

Fenrir's thoughts: this was probably the best food I've ever tasted since I came to this world!! Its even more tastier than normal cooked ramruk meat I ate this noon, you're the best, velvet!

And so, we ate ramruk meat for the night while also drinking aracna fruit wine. After about two hours of festivities, we called it a night as the children's still need some sleep.

• DAY 15

I woke up to a thunderstorm today as I stretched my body before I started cooking using the griller. As the food was cooking, I paced around the room while thinking of what to do for the day.

Fenrir's thoughts: hmmm, since its raining and all, my siblings and the rest of the kobolds would probably cease their hunting plans so It'd be the perfect time to train them all. And I just got the perfect training manual from velvets artefacts, I really owe that velvet big time.(ahem ahem, how convenient, ahem)

Since the food was still cooking, I decided to check the manual up. I begun reading the manual about the best way to train on different aspects from speed to strength. The book was quite easy to understand as there were pictures of how to do the training and the forms drawn on its left side while the right side had the informations.

I continued to read the book even while I ate as I was quite intrigued by it. After eating, I placed the book back at my storage as I begun quickly running towards the kobold cave. I arrived at the kobold cave and saw uncle ryuuto and the wolves either sitting or laying down at the entrance of cave.

Fenrir: yo, uncle ryuuto, any hunt happening today?

Ryuuto: stop joking, fenrir, is there any way anyone would and could hunt at this weather?

Fenrir: you never know, theres crazy guys out there after all.

Ryuuto: well, that is true.

Fenrir: so doing anything today except for guarding?

Ryuuto: no, none at all. Though if the thunderstorm would stop, maybe I could hunt for a while, but I doubt that this would stop soon.

Fenrir: hmm, so if you don't have anything on your schedule, how about some training?

Ryuuto: training?

I nodded as I then told him the details of what I planned for today, to train all the kobolds, and to maybe bond with my siblings too. He nodded as he agreed to the training idea before we proceeded to go deeper into the cave as we left the guarding to the wolves. We arrived at the inner space of the cave as kobolds chatted with each others, uncle ryuuto called all the kobolds in the cave with his skill [loud roar].

The kobolds in the inner space of the cave covered their ears including myself as uncle ryuuto's [loud roar] was, well, loud, super loud. The other kobolds that weren't in the area ran as fast as they could to the inner area and after a while, the inner area was now filled with almost all of the kobolds.

Seishi: is there invaders, ryuuto?!

Haze: brother, did something happen?

Sesshomaru: is there a fight, dear brother?

The kobolds all asked both of us different questions as we didn't have time to respond to their quick questions.

Fenrir's thoughts: [pressure]

Fenrir: calm down.

The kobolds stopped questioning us as some of them collapsed on the ground while breathing hardly. After a while, I stopped my passive skill [pressure] and let them calm down as both of us then informed the kobolds on what to do today.

Nencho: training huh, hmmm, yes, it could work on strengthening our group.

Fenrir: mhm, thats what I was planning.

The old man and I then talked for a while before he went on his way as I then noticed a light brown coloured kobold that had a head of a dog, korone.

Korone: onii-chan, are going to be training us again?!

Fenrir: yep, I'll be the one training you guys.

Korone: hyahahahaha yaaay!!!

Sesshomaru: then may I ask of a duel when we are done training, brother?

Fenrir: hmm, sure, why not.

Haze: I would also like to have a duel with you, brother.

Fenrir: hmm, the two of you huh, hmm~...

Sesshomaru: twin brother, I have asked brother fenrir first. I shall be the one fighting him.

Haze: no, I also want to have a duel with brother, twin brother.

The two white wolves glared at each other as an imaginary lightning connected from both their eyes.

Sesshomaru: then how about we...

Haze: settle it in a fight?

Fenrir: ok, stop stop, theres no need to fight. I could fight both of you. Its just that do both of you want the fight to be a one or one or two on one?

Sesshomaru&haze: one on one! And I'll be going first! No twin brother, I'll be going first!

The two clashed heads as I looked at them while chuckling a little. I didn't bother on stopping both of the twins from fighting as I know that there was already someone who'll stop them.

Fenrir's thoughts: and speak of the devil.

A tiny paw grasped both the twins head before pulling them out together.

???: what are you two fighting for again?!

Fenrir: yo, mion

Mio: onii, did you do something to both of them again?

Fenrir: ahahaha of course not, why would I make them fight?

Mio: but onii, you're the one who's always making them fight by making competition either accidentally or not.

Fenrir: do I~?

Mio: yes onii, yes you do. Just like the time you made them fight on who gets to answer your question first or when we had our first hunt, you challenged them on who gets to kill a horned rabbit first or literally just yesterday, you made them fight for who gets to eat more ramruk meat.

Fenrir: ahahaha, did I do all that?

Mio: yes! And I have to be the one to stop them everytime!

Fenrir: ahahaha sorry bout that, mion.

Mio: so both of you, what's the problem this time?

The twins looked at mio before they looked at each other and then proceeded to look at their brother, fenrir.

Fenrir: well, you see, they wanted to have a fight with me and their arguing in who goes first.

Mio: was that all?

Fenrir: yup.

Sesshomaru and haze both nodded as korone then suddenly jumped at my right legs before sticking herself in it.

Korone: oshya!

Fenrir: hmm, something wrong, korone?

Korone: onii-chan, I want to fight too!!

Fenrir: oh so you want to fight me too, s...

Mio: no!! She won't fight you, brother.

Korone: eeh but mio~n, I want to fight too~.

Mio: no, you'll get hurt, korone.

Korone: but!...

Mio: no!

Korone: muuuuuh...

Fenrir: why don't you just listen to mion for now, korone.

Korone: muuuuh no! I won't let go if you won't fight with me!

Mio: korone...

Fenrir: ahahaha...

Both me and mion sweat dropped as korone was puffing her cheeks while also holding to my legs tightly.

Fenrir: hmm~, how about I let you shoulder ride again then, and while I also fight both of them.

Korones eyes brightens as both the twins quickly turned their heads towards me and looked at me with a questioning look.

Korone: yaaay, shoulder ride hyaheheha!!

Sesshomaru: but brother?!...

Haze: ...was it not a one on one duel?!

Fenrir: I decided that it'll be two on two so both of you'll stop fighting on who goes first.

Sesshomaru&haze: but!..

Fenrir: no buts.

The twins puffed their cheeks at the same time as they looked away from me.

Sesshomaru&haze: yes, brother.

Fenrir: aaw, puffing your cheeks now are you, how cute.

Sesshomaru&haze: we are not cute!

I chuckled as both of them continued to puff their cheeks.

Mio: onii, what did you mean by two on two?

Fenrir: well, Its a two on two battle between the twins against me and korone.

Mio: but I just said that korone can't fight since she might get hurt!

Fenrir: it'll be fine, I'll just let her sit on my shoulders. I'll protect her so I'm sure that she won't get harmed, and you can't expect korone to be never harmed when she hunts, mion.

Korone: mhm mhm, Korone is sure that I won't get harmed since onii-chan's protecting me, hyahaha!

Fenrir: of course I'm not letting anyone harm my cute little doggo, ahahahaha.

Mio: *sigh, oh what am I gonna do to both of you. Whatever, I'll let both of you be. Just be sure to not let korone get harmed, onii.

Fenrir: of course I won't let korone get harmed. *Ahem anyways, lets start on the training so go and line up in five lines ok, that includes all of you!

I applied a little pressure when I ordered them as all the kobolds including uncle ryuuto then lined up as five lines formed in the inner cave. The training then started shortly after I gave the instructions as it lasted for about half an hour for the children and an hour for the adults before they were given a break since resting your muscles was still important.

They all had ten minute breaks before they started to train again. And as there was a storm today, all they had trained was about strength and flexibility. At the afternoon, they were fed ramruk meat and got a rest time of one hour before they started to train again until it was late afternoon and was almost night. I then approached the white wolf twins as I asked them if they still wanted to have a spar with me.

Fenrir: so, do both of you still want to fight me?

Both of them nodded as I asked all the kobolds to move in the side of the room to make room for the spar as korone ran towards me before tugging the side of my shorts.

Korone: onii-chan, your promise!

Fenrir: ahahaha of course I didn't forget about my promise.

I then crouched down before I proceeded to pick korone up and placed her behind me as she rode my shoulders while also grasping my ears.

Korone: ehyehehehe! Look, onii-chan, I'm so tall, ahyahaha!

Fenrir: mhmhmm yes you are, now how about we go to the middle now.

Korone: ouh!! Controlling super mecha-robot onii-chan to go to the middle!!

Korone then pulled my ears back as I started to go to the middle where the twins were already waiting for me.

Fenrir: sorry for the wait, you two.

Haze: it's fine.

Sesshomaru: ...

Fenrir: so, lets start.

Korone: start! Start!! Hyahaha!

Korone kept laughing as she pulled my left ear with one hand and flailed her other hand around the air.

Fenrir: hahaha, anyways, come at me with all you've got.

The twins ran at me as sesshomaru aimed for my right cheek while haze aimed for the left. Both of their attack missed and hit each others faces since I bent back a little as korone started to laugh non stop.

I then jumped back a little before I waited for the twins to stand up. After they stood up, they continued their attacks at me as I noticed how coordinated they attacked me together without their fist colliding with each others and sometimes, they even used each other as blockage to the other as they kept switching places. I of course easily dodged all their attacks and blocked some attacks that were coming towards my neck to head since korone might get hit if I didn't.

I then grabbed haze's left hand using my left and pulled it before I then flicked his forehead, flinging him away. Sesshomaru backed up when he saw his twin brother flinging away as he then took a stance before rushing towards me again as swiped his claws towards me.

Sesshomaru: [poison luster claws].

I moved sidewards as I dodged the attack before I flicked him in the forehead, flinging him away too, just like his twin brother. Korone then started to mock the two as haze stood a little further from me while taking a iai stance.

Korone: hyahahahahaha, what the heck are you two doing? You can't even hit onii-chan!

Haze: hmph, [crescent moon slash]!

Haze then proceeded to swipe his right hand as a crescent moon shaped projectile went towards the both of us. As the projectile was closing in, I reached my towards it before pinching it. I applied a little force to my fingers as cracks started to appear on the crescent shaped projectile before it crumbled and became particles before korone mocked them again.

Korone: hyahaha, what the heck was that trash?! A dried up leaf? Ehhyehehehe.

Haze and sesshomaru both glared at korone as the onlookers sweatdropped at korone's behaviour.

Fenrir: its not that their attacks are weak, korone. Its just that your brother is super duper strong.

Korone: really?

Fenrir: yup, it's already amazing as it is that they were able to stay coordinated while fighting me, being able to use their skills is much more so.

Korone: but I can use skill too, onii-chan!

Fenrir: you can?

Mio: she can?!

The others were surprised that korone was able to use a skill as they never seen her do one. They awaited for her answer as korone laughed hauthily before jumping down my back. She then walked in front of me and proceeded to taunt haze.

Korone: come on come on, its beat down time baby! Hyahahaha!

Haze twitched his eyes before looking at me for approval. I nodded as he then proceeded to run towards korone who stood while closing her eyes. As haze was about five meters away from korone, she then opened her eyes as red aura was released from her body with red lightning occasionally crackling.

Korone: [release: crazy dog]

She then smiled crazily as she proceeded to crouch before she disappeared from her spot and reappeared in front of haze while her fist was about to hit his chin.

Korone: orya!

Haze: ghk!

Her small fist hit haze's chin as he begun flying upwards. Haze then regained his bearings as he flipped midair only for him widen his eyes as he saw korone's fist was about to hit his face. Thankfully for haze, he didn't have to suffer any facial injuries as I stepped in and blocked korones attack.

Fenrir: I think that was enough for a skill showcase.

The other kobolds stayed silent since they were still stunned and speechless. Korone then proceeded to stop her skill as she then clung to my legs while looking at me with sparkling eyes.

Korone: hyahaha! aren't I awesome, onii-chan!

I then proceeded to crouch down before I placed my hands on korone's head and begun rubbing it while also laughing.

Fenrir: ahahahaha you sure was, korone! I can't believe that you were actually that strong!

Haze: me too brother, me too.

Korone then looked haughtily at haze before she pointed her hand at him.

Korone: and thats how you do a skill, little brother hyahahahah!

Haze: tch, shut up. And we're almost the same age.

Korone: non non non no, the stronger one is the one older like fenrir onii-chan!

Haze: ...then I'll defeat you, and take my older brother status back someday.

Korone: ohohoho, you can try hyihihihihi.

I watched the two banter as mion and sesshomaru came towards us. Sesshomaru then stood beside me as mion arrived in front of korone, the latter gave her a questioning look before mion then proceeded to grasp both of korones shoulders and begun shaking her.

Mio: how were you able to do that, korone?!

Korone: I used a skill, duuh.

Mio: of course I know that you used a skill! I'm asking on how you were able to do a skill?!

Korone: I don't know, I first used it just last day on accident, hyahahaha!

Fenrir: on accident huh, then it might be an awakening.

Korone: awakening?

Mio: you never listened to grandpa nencho, did you?

Korone: I don't know what you're talking about. Fuuuh~ fiuu~ fuuuh~

Mio: are you trying to whistle right now? Cause if you are, its a bad one.

Korone: hey, its not easy to whistle!

Mio: *sigh anyways, awakening is an rare occurrence where one is suddenly able to learn skills that they usually didn't have. It mostly happens when someone is in a state of urgency and one extremely wishes for something. It rarely happens though as awakening has many requirments needed to be fulfilled before someone can awaken a skill.

Korone: ooooh~.

Fenrir: dod something happen to you, korone? Did someone try to hurt you? Who was it?!

Korone: nothing happened to me though. I just hunted like any day and boom! I got the skill.

Mio: onii, she must have fulfilled some condition to unlock her awakening skill.

Fenrir: true, can you tell me how you usually hunt, korone?

Korone: hmm, I just hunt normally though.

Fenrir: hmmm, then it must just have unlocked itself. Though the old man said that that's usually extremely rare. Lucky you, korone, ahahahahaha!

Mio: indeed it is.

Korone: really?! So I'm a lucky doggo now?!

Fenrir: ah... yeah, I guess?

Korone: then you guys better start calling me lucky doggo sister, hyahahahah!!

The so called lucky doggo sister then started to laugh as I rubbed her hair and excused myself as I still needed to cook for them.  I then finished cooking as they already stopped their bantering and proceeded to line up for the food including the wolves who smelled the food.

I gave them their food one after another before I finally finished giving them all of their food and proceeded to say my goodbyes and went home myself. But just as I was about to go out of the cave, I suddenly felt my legs being tugged as I saw korone holding on to my shorts on one hand and ramruk meat on the other.

Fenrir: whats wrong, korone? Want some more ramruk meat?

Korone: non non non no, I want to follow you!

Fenrir: hmm, Follow me?

Korone: mhm, I want to follow you and start living with you, onii-chan! Hyahahaha!

Fenrir: eh, don't you want to live here with your other siblings?

Korone: I do, but don't you too, onii-chan?

Fenrir: of course I do, but you see, I also want to have my own private place.

Korone: then Korone will start to live with you, onii-chan!

Fenrir: eeh, but the others might get worried for you, and I'm not always home you know.

Korone: thats ok since I also hunt in the morning too! And you can bring me with you when you hunt!

Fenrir: hmm, I can't really bring you on hunts so...

Korone looked at me with puppy eyes as it seems like tears would start to fall when I reject her offer.

Fenrir: you know what, sure. If your grandpa nencho approves then I'll let you live with me.

Korone: yaaaaay! Wait here, onii-chan! I'll go ask grandpa, hyahahaha!

Korone then ran back to the cave as I sat down the ground and released a sigh. I waited for a while before I finally saw korone, with mion, sesshomaru, haze, and the old man.

Korone: hyahaha grandpa agrees, onii-chan!

Fenrir: hmm, I see, but why are you three here too?

I looked at haze, mion, and sesshomaru and awaited for their answers.

Nencho: hurhurhurhur, they also wanted to live with you, young fenrir.

Fenrir: you three want to live with me too?

Sesshomaru: yes

Haze: its not fair for korone to be the only one to live with you, brother.

Mio: I can't leave the three alone with you so I'm coming too.

Fenrir: hmmm, *sigh whatever, the more the merrier I guess. Well, lets go and head home then.

The four nodded as we waved goodbye to the old man. Thankfully, the rain already cleared so we were able to easily go home. We also quickly arrived at the cabin as I transformed into a werewolf and carried the four of them.

Fenrir: well, welcome to my, no, our home.

Korone: woaaah, its so much more relaxing here, onii-chan! Its not like the hot place where we used to sleep at all!

Sesshomaru: indeed.

Haze: you are absolutely right

Mio: ahaha, I can't deny that.

Fenrir: well, make yourself at home. I'll make some food first.

Mio: but onii, we already ate.

Fenrir: well, I know that you already did, but if you didn't remember, I still didn't eat.

Mio: oh yeah, you just left suddenly after all.

Korone: are you cooking ramruk meat again, onii-chan?

Fenrir: yes but its also a bit more special than normal ramruk meat.

Korone: special, how?

Fenrir: cause I'm cooking a ramruk emperor's meat!

Mio: a ramruk emperors meat?!

Sesshomaru&haze: ?!!

Korone: what's that?

Fenrir: ahahahaha surprised? I'm planning on cooking enough for all of us here so don't worry, and korone, just know that this foods tastier than normal ramruk meat.

Korone: ooooh, I can't wait to taste it!

Fenrir: me too, korone, me too.

I then cooked as they played and talked with each other while waiting for the food. After a while of playing, the four smelled an extremely delicious aroma as their stomachs growled and mouth salivate. They then looked at me as I grabbed the food from the griller and placed it in the table before I invited them to eat. They quickly ran and sat at the bench before we eat the ramruk emperor meat.

Korone: shuper dhuper derishios!!

Mio: *gulp, stop talking while eating, korone.

Korone didn't respond as mion didn't care and continued to eat like they still haven't eaten for the night. The two twins were also eating like wolves as I looked at them and smiled.

Fenrir's thoughts: hmmm, isn't this just like the time I used to eat with my sons, I really miss both of them, I hope those two are fine.

We continued to eat before a while later, the table now had no more food. I looked at the four little ones who had bulging stomachs as I collected their basna leaves and burnt it before cleaning their faces and the table using a horned rabbit fur cloth.

Fenrir: now, lets go to bed since its time to sleep.

We then went to my bedroom to sleep as I took two sliced logs out of my storage and placed them next to my bed before placing hind bear fur to prevent back pain in the morning and then some ramruk wool pillow. I then let the four of them test the bed as they laid down on it.

Korone: waow, super soft and not itchy!!

Sesshomaru: mhm

Haze: indeed

Mio: yes, unlike the itchy haystack we used to sleep in.

Korone: yep yep!

Fenrir: hmm, now sleep, we still have things to do tomorrow.

The four nodded as they then begun to close their eyes as they drifted to dream land. After seeing them now sleeping, I went ahead and slept too as I planned to give them something tomorrow.