
Re:Menma A Multiverse Harem Story

I, a 17 year old emotionless sex maniac with a few years of assassin training died... Through the miracle of plot armor I am granted emotions and a second chance at life to live in my own personal multiverse. Now I will create a harem and travel the multiverse as I please. This is my heaven... Massive harem, so if you don’t like harems then you more than likely won’t like this. So I don’t want to hear any whining, if you don’t like it then make your own. Constructive criticism is fine, but don’t try to push your ideals onto me. No BL/Yaoi, No bad NTR as in never a victim, only the perpetrator lol. Also side note, I won’t drop this, but it will most likely have sporadic updates as I am quite easily sidetracked by other stuff. ****I don’t own Naruto or any of the works that will appear later on in the story, I will only take credit for My character and the way the story unfolds, even the cover art is an altered Kitano Ken from Sun-Ken-Rock****

ImmortalRoachKing · Others
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11 Chs


Earth - 20XX

It's been 19 years since some humans had slowly begun evolving or mutating at the start of the millennia. In the early days not many knew about these mutations, even those who evolved had no idea. Some went on with their lives not even knowing that they were different. I was one of the "Evos" as they later took to calling themselves. It's too bad I had no idea until after I died or I would have put my ability to better use. Especially if I knew how my life would have gone.

I had been trained to be the perfect assassin for the first 10 years of my life. Though I never needed emotional conditioning since I was born lacking almost all emotions, I later found out those fuckers actually wanted to sterilize me and tweak my hormones just so that I would be as close to perfect as as an assassin could be. They figured that by doing so my body would stay smaller with androgynous features to make my targets drop their guard. They had no idea my hormones had been altered long ago.

The culprit arrived as a nurse and caretaker for our block when I was about 5. Not only was she pretty but quite nice compared to others. She made sure everyone was fed well and healthy, but never crossed the line to let us think that we were anything other than cold blooded assassins. Everything she did was fairly normal for the first 7 months or so but soon she started to prep me ready for her "extra special training" as she called it.

According to her, I was doing so well in my normal training that she decided I was ready for the next step. So she began to give me special meals and pudding, others tried to complain that I was getting better food but she ignored it and let me handle it myself, that day 2 boys died over a pudding cup. She was slowly giving me injections and adding other drugs into my food everyday. By the time I turned 6 my body was different as opposed to the other kids, I had a slightly raspy voice, my height towered over the other kids, I started to get random erections and begun to have what I later found out were wet dreams... I started an early puberty thanks to her (as if it wasn't already obvious)

When my erections started I thought there was a random mouse in my underwear, once that was ruled out I thought was dying so I told "Ava" the caretaker. By the look on her face that she was trying to hide, she was overjoyed. She told me that it was normal and that the next phase of training would begin soon. From then on, almost every night for the next year was spent on her bed in "combat"; all her instructions of kiss, lick, suck, touch, squeeze, fuck and anything in between was absorbed by me like a sponge... so I, a boy became a boy that is no longer a virgin... I can't say I became a man.

We were always going at it raw so it was inevitable that Ava would get pregnant.

Two months into her pregnancy she decided to get a helper since she "loved" me (whatever that meant) and knew that my sex drive by this point was nigh insatiable. So under her orders I trained with "Lily" a girl of her liking within the duds in danger of "flunking". That was not a pleasant experience for me or the Lily but Ava sat there touching herself with a crazed look in her eyes which I knew meant she had some new ideas to try out. Over the next 6 months I had "sparred" with almost every girl in the program, while Lily slowly started to enjoy "training" as much as Ava.

Soon Ava was forced to leave by higher ups when it was found out that she was pregnant. The almost nightly orgies which had gone undetected, came to an end. From then on it was just me and Lily, she stayed hidden in my personal room granted to me for being ranked 1st in my year. Her existence was erased by Ava so she had to stay in a small closet. Fast forward 4 years, Ava never returned but apparently had twins, a boy and a girl, or so goes the rumor. We had another caretaker after Ava left but he suddenly dropped dead in front of us during CQC knife training. He fell on his own knife I swear, I don't know how it perfectly hit his jugular 4 times, but it was entertaining to see him flail around like that.

A few days later our group was left to fend for ourselves for about 3 months as a test, no food deliveries, the tap stayed on so we didn't have to worry about water. The first week went on as normal but soon ran out of food from not rationing since we were still ignorant about such things. The second week we started to trap mice, though since we rarely caught any we starved. The third week is when all hell broke loose, one of the weaker kids finally died while another in his delirious state started chomping on the dead kids fingers. Seeing this my instincts and incomplete training kicked in; I pushed the kid off while stealing the body, the crazed kid attacked me so he had his throat crushed.

I took the bodies and began to chop them into pieces I figured would be good to cook first and left the rest for later. After many hours of butchering I was left with slabs of meat and ribs which I chose to cook up in the oven, I stole a mini freezer to keep the leftover meat and hid it in my room. Other kids had seen me kill one kid and take both bodies to the kitchen so even with the delicious smell they didn't approach me but they slowly worked up plans to kill each other to survive. Lily knew what we were eating but didn't care since her hunger was too strong. A couple of the weaker kids eventually tried to steal from me, needless to say Lily and I ate fairly well until the survival test ended and our new caretaker arrived.

The new guy was similar to Ava in which he would pick a kid to "train" for 3 days before switching off. He would go to the room of said kid every night and didn't discriminate on their gender. I was supposed to be kid number 6 but when he appeared in my room Lily and I were already going at it, we still hadn't noticed at this point but then I felt a rough hand caress my back and slowly reach down towards my ass, I might not have known much but I didn't that. I quickly jumped up and away leaving Lily behind.

I looked at the man who held onto a struggling Lilys' legs while staring at me as he started unzipping his pants, he said something directed at me as he pulled out his dick, I can't remember what, nor do I care, he was trying to steal my property. So I rush him and jumped up to kick his jaw, he was dazed but still fought back swinging wildly. He hit a vase which sent shards flying at me which cut my right eyebrow open leaking blood into my eye, I grabbed the biggest shard off the floor and stabbed at his liver, kidneys, lungs, and a few arteries... the extra 88 stabs to his genitals were for good measure...

Lily and I get dressed and we're about to run away but I turn back to steal whatever the creep had on him. We snuck out of the room and into the kitchen to steal knives, bottled water and hardtack. We load it all up in a pack and continue to sneak around, the main door was easy to get through with the creeps' key card. Either this facility's security team was placing bets to see how far we could get before being spotted or they were sleeping, because they didn't set off alarms or anything even if we walked in view of cameras.

We pass by some locker rooms where I heard of some plans they had for my "graduation", brushing it off with a shiver, we continue to head down the hallway. Once we make it to a barred gate I hear a soft "psst" coming from the other side, Lily and I froze in place as we readied our knives. "About damned time you made it" the voice whispered. Surprise crept across my face while shock hit Lilys' like a hammer as Ava slowly leaned over from the left side where a security station desk could be seen.

"You two must be stupid for being in view of almost every camera on the way here, and stupidly lucky to have tried to escape during my shift, do one of you have plot armor or something?" Ava teased the us while leaving us dumbstruck, she began typing away at the computer to unlock the gate.

"What's plot armor?" asked Lily as neither of us knew much besides killing, basic survival, and sex. I ignored it and waited for the gate to open.

"Eh? I was just teasing you so don't worry about it. Now come on, let's get out of here before somebody catches on." said Ava as she unlocked the gate. There was no time to chat so Lily and I silently followed Ava through the empty corridors, we made a couple stops to wipe the security tapes, data storage and steal documents that may that implicate us. We were nearly caught a few times but managed to hide before being noticed.

Eventually we escape and arrive at Ava's house which she said was now our house too, this gigantic 42 room mansion was given to her by inheritance, "grandpapi was loaded" she joked. She always had a hope that at least I would escape someday, Lily was just a bonus. That night the three of us indulged in each other's bodies for the first time in a few years. Bodies writhing and moaning while nonstop for 4 hours. Ava's kids hated us for a few weeks for keeping them up by being so loud, little shits.

For the next year our daily life consisted of morning sex, breakfast, study, sex, study, lunch, study, shower/sex, dinner, sex, sleep... Ava went overboard with "training" so this type of routine was perfect for me and kept us all satisfied, though I did start making some changes to have time to myself once I found out about tv, movies, games, comics, and other media from around the world... All the things that made me feel any type of emotion. The following year Ava enrolled us in school using fake documents and her connections to get us in without much issue.

The next 5 years were a hassle since both Lily and Ava had me have sex with countless girls with their reason being my growing "appetite" being too much for them to handle alone, as well as having backups for when they get pregnant, Ava already had another two of my spawn, while some of her maids popped out a few as well. Both girls would convince girls or buy sex slaves, they even went as far as to get girls from overseas with nothing more than paying for a plane ticket as a "mail order bride". Some I managed to "capture" on my own with my simulated emotions and charm.

Most of the slave girls fell for me through some Stockholm syndrome type mentality. The others either stayed as sex slave prisoners or killed themselves. As for my offspring? I can't be bothered to even learn their names. When Lily turned 16 I got her pregnant along with Ava and 23 of the other girls; yeah, they went overboard with the amount but it's not like it's unwarranted, as I devour at least half of them everyday.

A few days after my seventeenth birthday I had gone out to "train" some of my "out of house pets" as Ava called them. I didn't get back home until about 8 or so but once I close I saw Ava, Lily, and who knows how many of my kids being dragged into a box truck. I was still a good distance away but I could see that MY women were bloodied, MY children were crying, they are all MINE and their being taken away!!!

I only snapped out of my stupor when the truck doors were slammed shut. My mind blanks out as instinct takes over, I have no idea how I got to where I was next but I do know it had to be quite messy as noted by the amount of blood I am covered in. When I came to I was standing in the middle of a lobby that appears to be in an abandoned building.

There are at least 18 corpses scattered around me. I have a combat knife stabbed into my left shoulder, a few bullet wounds here and there, 3 or so broken ribs and who knows what else. I look back towards the loud yet muffled sounds of banging and cries, My girls and kids are held back by an emergency gate on the front door. I must have done that to protect them even in my blind rage.

I can't understand what they are saying, my eardrums must be ruptured judging by my disoriented senses. I send a genuine smile at them before turning around to continue to kill everyone in the building, I didn't keep count on how many there were or how long I was there but I still knew I was running out of time. My wounds kept piling up and it was getting harder to stay awake and alert.

Eventually I reached top floor, final corridor, at this point I wished I was a bulletproof Evo as I stared at the 20+ fully armed guards. I throw the gun down as the bullets wouldn't be able to pierce through their helmets or vests, I yank the knife from my shoulder as I knew there was no hope for me after this. Looking down at my shoulder and then the rest of my battered body, I close my eyes and take a deep breath before looking back up as I begin to laugh maniacally.

"HAHAHAHA OH THIS IS GONNA BE FUN! THIS FEELING OF ANTICIPATION MAKES ME FEEL MORE ALIVE THAN EVER! COME, LETS GO OUT WITH A BANG! ETERNAL DARKNESS HERE WE COME! HAHAHA" - I roared as I lunge at the first victim. Either I'm not getting injured at all or the adrenaline is doing one hell of a job. I continue my slashing spree with laughter bursting from my lungs. I'm forced to stop laughing as I take a shotgun blast to the side of my chin; now that fucking hurt.

I would have cursed out loud but without most of my lower jaw, it only sounded like an guttural yell of pain. I unleash a flurry of slashes, steal the shotgun, shove it under his helmet and blow his brains out, the helmet itself flew in in the air drawing a beautiful arc with a crimson ribbon trailing behind. I kick open the final door an find a goddamn naked giant in a gimp mask on all fours with some creepy old guy with a combover and a pencil mustache wearing bondage straps with tassels on his nipples standing behind him.

Sickened by the sight, I instinctively shot at the old man but the giant stood up and took the shot for him. "You shoot daddy?" The big fuck said as he tanked the slug leaving him with nothing more than a bloody mark on his chest; fucking strength type Evo. He lunged at me with a speed you would expect for someone his size, all while yelling something along the lines of "Not daddy, not daddy, you no shoot daddy!". The creep was apparently the giants father or something, so I shot at the sick fuck again but only hit his leg.

The giant grabbed my only functional arm at this point, slamming me to the ground a few times until my arm was literally ripped off my body. Now I lay on the cold ground moments away from death, the giant runs over to his father and picks him up with tears in his eyes... They say that a candle burns brightest just before it goes out, I gotta agree. I thought that I was already on my last legs when I started my massacre in the lobby, once more in the last hallway, but now I know what it really feels like.

No pain, no worries, just peace and unexplainable strength flowing back into my body, even then I can feel it won't last long. My legs were barely in working condition but they were enough for what I was planning. I roll over and stand up with my useless left arm dangling at my side, I put every bit of strength I have in my legs and rush the giant that had his back turned to me. I dropped kick him and he stumbled towards a window, but it wasn't enough so once I land on my feet I rush him again with a tackle that sends the three of us barreling out the top floor window to the concrete below.

On the way down the giant tried to save his dad so he threw him towards a tree but ended up killing him by impaling him on a branch. Then the giant landed face first making his body scorpion over him snapping his neck in the process. Lastly, I belly flopped onto the concrete but didn't die on impact... not what I had planned but what can I do about it now? The sound alerted my girls who were waiting for me as well as the the emergency personnel they called earlier on for help.

I was turned over on my back from the impact so I was staring at the nearly starless night sky... fucking light pollution destroying a dying mans view. My view was made brighter once my women and kids rushed up to me I tried to give them a smile but with my jaw gone it was obviously not a pretty sight... the shock on their faces, the tears streaming down their face, even my kids that I never showed any amount of affection for cried for me. Part of it had to do with the gruesome state of my face and body, but I can see the affection in their expressions they apparently have for me.

They were quickly pushed aside by the paramedics who even though were trying to save me couldn't hide aghast look on their faces. My ribs had punctured one lung while the other had collapsed during the battle in the last hallway so I'm currently wheezing as I suffocate to death, they had to shove a syringe into my chest to help me breathe. Everything they did was futile at this point, well except for the pain killers, that helped a lot.

So anyway, I died before I was even loaded into the ambulance and now I am standings a completely white room on top of what I believe is an endless lake of oil... What... The... Fuck...

I don’t condone pedos, I just needed to come up with a way to explain the MCs thought patterns and actions in the future. Part of the stuff was influenced by what I read about a guy named Albert Fish <serial killer> who was a pretty disgusting person (if what is written about him is real).

ImmortalRoachKingcreators' thoughts