
Re : Life

Ale, the 'Incarnation of an ancient saint', 'An angel', 'The right hand of God', he goes by many names within the people of his duchy. And just like those names suggests, he's a kind, understanding, smart yet down to earth soul, someone you'd look for in times of despair.He was like a Messiah, an example for others to look up to. And he achieved all that within three years. Before that, nobody even acknowledged his existence. Now, you may ask what could've happened three years ago that changed him like this, which gave birth to this hero. To answer your question, it's 'death'. He died. Not three years ago but twenty years into the future. He died twenty years later in the future and then came back to the past, to the beginning of everything, to a time where nothing had gone wrong. He lived a miserable life and died a miserable death. All he wanted was to do was help people and be a good person, but what he received in return was a world of pain, the death of his loved ones and the title of 'The betrayer of humanity'. It was him against the entire world, a life full of misunderstanding. Yet, all he did was helping a wounded soul. He received all that for helping someone he shouldn't have, for befriending someone he should've killed at first site. He befriended a demon. But it was all in the past now. The future he experienced no longer existed. The naïve young master was no longer there. The Ale of present was a person with knowledge, experience and skill unlike no other. And this time, he wasn't going to repeat the mistakes of his past anymore. He wasn't going to walk a road of ignorance and foolishness. This time, what path will he choose? In this second chance, what mistakes will he undo and what enemies will he need to deal with? Will he be able to save his loved ones in this life? And in the end, what will happen to Ale, this man full of unseen scars and wounds? Will he actually be able to heal?

Partim · Fantasy
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124 Chs

The Anonymous Doctor

"Ale cured your mother?"

Rudy asked, a little surprised by the sudden revelation from the doctor.

As far as he knew, this guy was one of the best doctors in the country currently. But a few years ago, he fell into a deep slump and isolated himself from the world.

No one knew the reason why. Even the Royal family couldn't force him to come out and do his kob properly.

But recently, about one and a half year ago, he decided to suddenly come out, resign from his official post, pack his things and come live in the Rosario Duchy.

That's all there was to it. There were no more information about why he decided to do that or how he managed to convince the Rosario duchy to let him stay there.

It was a mystery, and also something that didn't interest the common people very much. People were more interested in Prince and Princesses, Dukes and Counts etc.