
Re:Life in my Ideal World

This is meant as a casual autobiography mixed with financial and sexual wish fulfillment. The character will start to impact events with a cell phone (connected to modern internet) and untraceable email with links to directly influence businesses and governments. There will also be a religious shift to angle towards separation of Church and State (Ideal world), and some plot armor cheats like STD immunity and pregnancy cheats (controlled by the female instead of the MC). This evolves into more elaborate cheats as needed. Don't expect quick updates. The research needed for my intended impact on the world will be pretty extensive, as is my reading addiction, and i also work a full time job. Yes, i have loosely based the characters on real people and events (mostly personality stereotypes and the typical basis of flawed memories. Names and locations outside of the public domain will be altered enough to at least give plausible deniability. Please keep in mind that the personal relationships and characters will be greatly altered by the wish fulfillment part of the story. i will also give some discretion about some characters getting sex scenes to the audience, but still with my preferences prioritized. This story will include some sadly historical topics including: drugs, alcohol, and the murder and suicide of people that i've known; as well as the known events in pop culture. The character will also share my political, religious, hetereoflexible sexuality, and hometown first views. If a democratic leaning libertarian, that doesn't like the Christian beliefs, and favors Dallas, Texas above all other cities might offend you; you have been warned. For legal purposes all sexually active characters are over 18 Earth years in this fictional universe, but in view of the laws of this fantasy world the girls must either be within 3 years +/- their partner's age, or all characters must be of legal age in this universe as well. (presumed that each year and month in the alternate universe is twice as long as a method to make the sexual content match the laws) To balance that it is presumed that all money in this world is worth twice as much as in our world (less inflated). There will be no declared relationships, so NTR in either direction won't matter to the main character. In regards to Yuri, the main character will encourage it during multiple partner scenarios, but will not care about it otherwise. i created a discord to discuss the novel and other things we like, but i suck at using it. If you want to join it, comment on a chapter, and i'll try to send an invite.

some_Phreak · History
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82 Chs


In 1981, we created AdminAll. The initial business model was freelance business forecasts, scouting, and general business advice.

Starting in 1982, we have paid each of our employees at least the average wage in their country, or if their particular job has a higher average salary, then they make that wage instead. Our lower-wage jobs are so sought after that we pull the best available lower-level employees, and our wage for higher-paying jobs will pull mostly younger employees. The most experienced employees will only move to other companies if their values are attracted to more money (i'm not in this category).

US Average Wage Per Year are: 1982: 24,309; 1983: 25,401; 1984: 27,464; 1985: 29,067; 1986: 30,759; 1987: 32,410; 1988: 34,017; 1989: 36,521; 1990: 37,404; 1991: 37,922; 1992: 38,841; 1993: 41,428; 1994: 43,134; 1995: 44,939; 1996: 47,123; 1997: 49,692; 1998: 51,856; 1999: 54,738; 2000: 57,135; 2001: 58,208; 2002: 57,853; 2003: 59,067; 2004: 60,467; 2005: 63,344; 2006: 66,570; 2007: 67,609; 2008: 68,425; 2009: 67,977; 2010: 67,392; 2011: 69,678; 2012: 71,275; 2013: 72,642; 2014: 75,737; 2015: 79,264; 2016: 83,142; 2017: 86,220; 2018: 90,021; 2019: 98,088; 2020: 97,027

In 1985, we created our members-only grocery store, Penny Profits. This format automatically rounds up the price of each item to exclude the use of pennies (which we have banned the use of). Our prices are always the after-tax prices at all locations.

We also created our hybrid Panda Express/Hooters/anime cafe that i named Kitsune's. After setting up the first location in Akihabara in Japan, we let their employees create the role-plays that our waitresses can choose, as well as outfit choices and themed events that the staff can choose. Our Kitsune's locations in Asia were initially opposed for my deliberate use of things i liked from different countries, but when the media talked about our wages and reviewers talked about how friendly and fun our staff was, we managed to make both Kitsune's and Penny Profits acceptable to even those who didn't like the blend of cosplay and Chinese foods.

Since this is a theme restaurant, we restricted guys, skinny blonds with big breasts (Hollywood's preferred image), and black girls from working in the visual positions. Black girls are allowed in management, and both black girls and the Hollywood image girls can own franchises. Still, guys are not allowed in any position of direct authority in our businesses. (There is too much risk of them taking advantage of our girls.)

The preferred physical attributes that i favor in every business are redheads as the most favored visual, Asians (including Natives and Hispanics), smaller breasts, body-appropriate chubbiness (not favoring obese girls, but not excluding attractive overweight or girls with bigger frames), and faces need to prefer cute and pretty over sexier girls.

The framework for most of our businesses is that our flagship locations are not meant to be profitable; the franchises will fund our flagship locations. The most likable girls (personality, role-play, and preferred physical attributes) are assigned to the most visible positions (like every job). They are also offered positions in our flagship locations.

Kitsune's hosts cosplay (non-sexualized characters only) events, like maid day, etc. Our girls can opt out of some events, but they must cooperate to staff the events. The locations pay for the outfits for the girls.

Our typical expansion route for flagship locations is: locations that i have/will live at, then each state/province's capital in the U.S. and Canada, then locations of girls that i care about, expanding into South Korea and Japan with the first two rules, before finally expanding into other countries. Franchisees can buy franchises in any location except those within the flagship area of effect.

Every role in our companies will follow a max pay structure where we pay the higher of either the average wage in that country or the upper range of the position's salaries.

In 1991, we established another company branch called "MaidAll" with maids and housekeeper assignments. We pulled in all the maid and housekeeping businesses under our umbrella. Our company is primarily a shell with referral services between employers, employees, and customers. This saved companies the marketing costs and background checks. If they desired, we also offered all the other admin functions for close to at-cost amounts. The employers agreed to adjust all wages to equal amounts, with companies having service areas and employees working within their service area (possibly for multiple companies). We only charged a small percentage of the employer's profits to recover costs.

This is not meant to be profitable for our company. Our company will continue to base all our direct employees' wages on the higher of the industry standard or the average salary in America. The main goal, however, is to employ my mom indirectly and not impact the friends she makes in the future. The MaidAll brand will start in Dallas and follow our typical expansion pattern.

In 1992, we created Kitsune merchandise, primarily clothes and food-related items. This was mainly advertising for the company and setting up the foundation of our future Labelless clothing label, so we will keep revenues from these items low. Like all of our businesses, we are more focused on employing more people and giving higher wages to our employees.

In 1993, we offered our services to artists in South Korea so we could be involved with K-pop from close to the beginning. To this end, we bought gender-segregated apartment buildings for artists. We also started a talent agency as an intermediary between artists and labels. We provided the labels with free housing and practice rooms for their artists in exchange for a small percentage of their profit (up until our break-even point).

We also represented and sponsored the actors and actresses i knew would become successful and which roles they were guaranteed to get. This became the bankroll for the expenses caused by our K-pop endeavors.

We pushed the South Korean government to require the labels and agencies to pay their artists at least minimum wages for performances and move the weight goal post to a healthy weight. We also got their support for our housing and employment schemes that would equal a third-party regulation of their entertainment industry to prevent the abuse suffered by the artists in K-pop.

We also changed the contracts between the artists and labels into shares after profits, with our label only aiming to break even. We also hijacked the artists from the labels that originally had bad reputations before their original labels could sign them. Finally, we created music studios in major metropolitan areas to draft the songwriters for K-pop into our label (but publicly on their self-owned sub-labels), with distribution from the American labels that we forecast for our distributions. Our talent agency is AllARTists, and our label is called Phreak Productions.

Our music studios will be semi-independent but still only charge upon profitability as per discussions and contracts that hold all profits (beyond our standard wages) for annual disbursement.

The AllARTists agency and Phreak Productions labels will start in South Korea, expand there in the usual way before moving to Japan, and then expand to America before expanding to all the other countries in our standard expansion method.

In 1995, our business expansions were in clothing that i like wearing and seeing on a new label called Labelless. This label created offices and warehouses to buy various cloth materials to export to whatever country the product will be sold, to be produced in the closest metropolitan area to the final sales location. Local production is too unrealistic, so our only option was to make sure that our products are manufactured locally since wage costs are irrelevant given our pay scheme. We then employed designers to create durable clothes with variable materials and cuts with the prices based on which materials were used.

Our straightforward designs that i would wear for men, almost all in single color or pinstripe variations, primarily slacks, button-up shirts of various styles, vests, and a few blazers (but not many since i only wear those if i have to be in a wedding). We would dip into the designs i like for women, primarily sleek dresses and skirts and Lolita/Victorian fashions. We would also offer on-demand outfits for things like cosplay outfits for anyone. Hopefully, this will pull the cosplay community into being our employees at either Labelless (for creators) or Kitsune's (cosplayers). i will also get Ms. Lee to employ screenwriters and contract the authors for the David Eddings books and Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern series. i intend to make movies for these series for me to enjoy regardless of profit.

In 1996, Our Labelless business also made expansions into sexy outfits and lingerie for both girls with small breasts, thick girls, and tall girls to make it easier for the girls i find attractive to feel as sexy to themselves as they are to me. We also started a sexually orientated business called AllPleasure, with franchises limited to 1 per significant metropolitan. This business will focus on quality products extending just barely beyond the vanilla products. We do not focus on a variety of the same items but instead limit to just the best quality products for each item variation (not including color variations).

This year's remaining funds from our services were spent (as default) in Deep Ellum in Dallas, converting the paid parking spaces into small mixed-use buildings with underground parking, storefronts (primarily restaurants), and upper-floor lofts. These lofts will be well soundproofed and priced to accommodate the failure to soundproof the concerts and the volume from the bars.

In 1997, we cooperated with schools to employ appropriate numbers of tech-savvy students with part-time jobs (half the average wage and hours) to build low-cost computers and provide setup (mainly for the elderly and the computer illiterate). We didn't bother to name this temporary company and secretly welcomed competition to fill this gap later.

Then we created a website called SelfDisclose for publicity agents for celebrities and public figures to provide their fans (and trolls) with the critical facts of their lives (automatically excluding tabloid sensationalist information like fuck buddies, etc). Anything less than marriage or kids between partners isn't worth listing on our site.

The first profile/page on this site is my own. On this page, i will list as AdminAll's heir but leave out most of the personal information due to being a minor in this world until November of 1999. Instead, i will acknowledge that i was born in November of 1981, live in Texas, and am willing to support future heir candidates (child support).

Then, we got all the publicity agents in our company to work with our celebrities and public representatives of each of our companies before inviting all the companies, celebrities, and politicians we deal with to utilize as a public resource (preempting some of Wikipedia's eventual use).

Next, we started employing female photographers to get involved with female models. Creating another female-centric industry named ModelSafe. We will begin in Texas, expand to California, and then New York before eventually filling the market. This is another break-even business that we consider as our attempt to combat the unfortunate truth that most aspiring models have been molested or raped while pursuing their dreams.

Finally, we created a ticket-selling company to compete with Ticketmaster, called AllTickets. Again, we are not trying to profit from the business. Our goals are highly paid employees and cheap event tickets (gearing towards eventually being mostly online). Still, most of our tickets will be sold at our Penny Profits stores until the market shifts. This will separate the artists who want high-priced tickets to work with Ticketmaster and those who want to offer cheaper tickets to sell through us, including most local and regional events.

In 1998, we created a security company for events called SecureAll. It will mainly work with events and concerts to protect artists and attendees. We can offer this service with our ticket sales as a bundle to lower the overall costs to the artists/events. We can also pair this service with freelance services from our ModelSafe photographers to control the public image of celebrities. They can then employ our SelfDisclose website for their approved photos and articles to be published. This should lower the value of paparazzi and tabloids.

This year, our combined businesses brought in over a billion dollars in revenue for the first time. We had been barely below that amount for a couple of years. Since most of our businesses lean more toward the non-profit angle than for-profit businesses, we stayed below the threshold longer than we should. Our modeling and ticket agencies kicked us over the line as services that will be highly profitable even with low fees/charges. This means that my private services will no longer bear any weight of taxing or attorney fees.

Ms. Lee has also promoted another attorney from her company to take over the C.E.O. role over AdminAll, the leadership branch of all our other companies. She is a redheaded Irish-American woman named Ms. Kelly. This frees Ms. Lee to focus more on forwarding my orders, supporting the women who decide to bear my children, and managing her law firm.

The first action Ms. Kelly requested from me was a trademark symbol for all our businesses. My answer was to use a broken hourglass with red sand, with different variations. Then i requested Ms. Lee to forward my orders to buy or build a mansion and apartment complex in the Oak Cliff section of Dallas.

The mansion will be for any girl who chooses to raise my children in a communal environment with other mothers of my children. No men will be allowed inside this building since these women can request to be with me. The apartments will be named MatriarchALL and will be low-cost/non-profit gated communities for single-parent households. While men are not banned if they are dating one of the women, security, and management will not consider their opinions important. The households with men will also be monitored for domestic violence. The women who refuse to leave abusive partners will lose their lease agreements. These apartments will also be available for the women who choose to bear my children but still want to date or be with other men.

We will also helicopter in on the founding of Google and offer to provide all the suggestions for their historical projects. We proposed taking the 2nd most majority stake at all points, with the founders maintaining the majority stake. We will provide extra funding when needed to keep this stake. We will fold our internet services into their ecosystem (but retain the employees under our brand and pay). We will also provide them with all the computer coding languages i can access, including their future Android language. We suggested they hire the founders of YouTube and establish it sooner (with the knowledge that it may not be successful until sometime after 2006). We will encourage YouTube to create their Music, Kids, and Gaming subsets and push them to encourage users to vlog their daily lives on their platform. We will also cause YouTube to sort content by purpose, to recommend to users by one-time use (reports, vlogs, etc) or multiple-use videos (music, dance, etc).

We also needed to jump into the Woodstock mess to manage the situation appropriately. We will preemptively start the process early this year before pulling the figurehead founder into his original cash-out position towards the event. We will sponsor it as a non-profitable venture and provide ticket selling and security for the event. We will use our profits for the installation of indoor bathrooms and shower facilities, as well as public access to water fountains. In exchange, we will require the venue to cap prices on water to a regular purchase price and lower fees on all food. We suggest that profits should focus on legal drugs, alcoholic beverages, and merchandise.

We will also force them to rearrange the order for the artists playing so that the original target audiences will be from Thursday to Saturday morning, and classic metal groups will lean towards Saturday. The aggressive groups (nu-metal, rap, etc.) are mostly placed on the final day. This should hopefully keep the target audiences grouped and separated, and by the type the heavier groups play, we should have kicked out or arrested most of the problematic people.

With my foreknowledge of the weather, I could also choose a better weekend for the festival and provide more shade at the venue. Since we are providing security, we will only look for weaponry. We will also be very liberal in throwing out guys for attempts at unwanted sexual contact and invite additional cops and medical services to a clinic outside of the venue.

Finally, we started filming the first movie for my love of David Eddings novels. We began with Belgarath the Sorcerer (in chronological rather than written order). This will take 2 years to film due to the amount of material needed to cover. We will also film a short movie (extended promo) based on the Survey of P.E.R.N. (Parallels Earth, Resources Negligible) as the chronological intro of the Dragonriders of Pern series.

In 1999, we bought an Irving-based IT business. We renamed them AllCyber and worked with their counterparts in Google to create tools for the local governments and non-profits to buy (at cost) from us. We will then offer those tools to businesses for profit. This gave them both access and familiarity with the coding languages that i gave Google, and also helped Google create the GooglePay digital wallet. This helps to secure and centralize payments made online for now, but later it also helps in person. To combat known computer viruses, we also forwarded the known viruses to anti-virus companies in exchange for constant shares of 10% in their companies. 

We also helped sports industries lock out their players for a collective agreement renegotiation. This agreement changed contracts to base pays to be paid by the league for each player, and then the teams pay the league from their ticket sales. For further pay, players would get bonuses for hitting goals and breaking records for their team (making special squads, Olympics, etc), and get revenue from their team selling their likeness. This helped lower the diva behavior from rookie athletes and some highlighted positions. However, this agreement was grandfathered in any contract that gave players more pay than the new agreement would.

Then we added another business for employing mechanics and named it AllService. This will mostly be used to hire mechanics that i know. The establishment, expansion, and franchise will follow our standard practices, gradually pulling our most talented employees to my favorite locations and/or metropolitan centers. During this hiring spree, we pulled a friend's family to Dallas a year or two earlier and moved them closer to me (1-2 years early) to attend my school this year.

We started renting and hosting semi-private concerts any time good bands were around. These were recorded concerts in small clubs, inviting girls to apply for the concerts. Guys are only allowed to do these mini-concerts if two or more girls are with him. They will also be blacklisted from my concert/parties if they misbehave. These concerts invite bands to come to play songs they choose from a list of songs i like. This helps me avoid the issue i face now, where i'm reluctant to go see a band because i only like XX number of songs from former albums (3 or less from recent albums). This also lets me see pop groups i only like a few songs from.

We broadcast the Survey of P.E.R.N. (Parallels Earth, Resources Negligible) mini-movie on YouTube, pay-per-view, and cable channels. This will help people adjust to the fantasy creatures in a sci-fi setting for the Dragonsdawn movie, warning about the sexual content R or NC17 expected rating. We also created a trailer for the Belgarath the Sorcerer movie, hyping up him starting life as an orphaned thief, then being a disciple in the War of the Gods, and stealing from a god. Then another trailer will hint at the epic romance story that causes a wolf to become a woman to catch her destined mate.

For our business expansions, the first was focused on more food franchises. This is primarily because of my frustration with finding my favorite foods without them being contaminated with pork being included unnecessarily. The first food franchise we added was an Italian-themed food contrasted with the anime trope of cat-eared maids. i named this franchise Neko's. For this restaurant's visual theme, i chose girls with the more sexy type of beauty. Still, I restricted their behavior to acting as cute as possible without turning into cringy aegyo or baby talk. This is to contrast our business from sexualizing our employees that others would find sexy.

Our second food franchise was designed to make Japanese foods more commercially available in America. i named this franchise Wanko's. The theme for this restaurant is plain and honest girls. This is the brand that will allow blond and black girls and girls with bigger breasts since those features are so normalized for me that they fall into my "plain" category. The outfits will steal inspiration from the future Dog Days anime. We also encourage slightly rude versions of honesty in these locations.

The third franchise we planned for this year was designed to make Indian foods more commercially available in America. i named this franchise Usagi's. The theme for this restaurant is sweet and energetic girls. We won't do the cringy Playboy bunny girl theme, but instead, we have girls wearing schoolgirl outfits complete with the bunny tail.

The last franchise we planned for this year was designed to make Tex-Mex foods more commercially available outside of the southwestern United States (ignoring the cheap generic version available in Taco Bell). i named this franchise Ōkami's. The theme for this restaurant plays into the Hispanic stereotype of fierce, aggressive girls for guys to simp for. Never mind the fact that i didn't know many girls like this despite living in a heavily Hispanic area for around 15 years. To make this more enjoyable for me, i made the outfits for this location, mostly shrine maidens, to force the aggressive girls to attempt to have more decorum and restraint. This is primarily to make a game for customers to point out lapses in restraint (sometimes planned).

All of these locations will spread in the typical flagship locations in "places i go" first, then major cities in America, then major international cities before attempting at least 1 location in each state/province in all supportive countries.

At this time, i also started to push the commercial viability of anime and manga. First, i created indexing websites that i called AllAnime and AllManga. These started out by inviting fan subs to post to the sites. At the same time, we contacted the copyright owners. Then, we signed agreements that our site would never profit from their material. We also made available the stats of the most popular series from the site to the copyright owners to recommend adding official subtitles and releasing these series in each international market.

We also recommended that Sony invest in and eventually purchase the existing Funimation Productions as their dubbing entity for anime and work with the original creators of Crunchyroll to serve as their subtitle platform. Both were now listed on the new Crunchyroll site (more reliable than the original Funimation player). We would then encourage copyright owners to work with the now Sony subsidiaries to create official versions for our site to link to. We also linked to other places with official subs and dubs. However, we remained biased in favor of Funimation dubs and Crunchyroll subs.

For manga, we weren't quite as lucky. There wasn't a decent subscription service, so we had to take fan-subs and list those in the "free" area of the site until the copyright owners could be convinced to create licensed translations for our monthly subscription service. For this site, we agreed to distribute 90% of profits (not revenue) back to the copyright owners based on views. Like always, we took sharing things i love and providing for our employees as our primary business responsibility. 

In our attempts to popularize K-pop sooner, we proposed the K-con tour as fully funded by our company, offering free concerts until the original owners can take it over in 2012. We took all their eventual locations and instituted them from the start. Irvine; Los Angeles; San Francisco, California; Newark, New Jersey; New York City; Chicago, Illinois; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Atlanta, Georgia; Dallas; Houston, Texas; Mexico City, Mexico; Saitama; Tokyo; Chiba, Japan; Jeju, South Korea; Bangkok, Thailand; Sydney, Australia; Paris, France; Madrid; Barcelona, Spain; Rome, Italy; Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates; and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

We left an open invitation for K-pop artists to join this tour. Still, our artists are included in this tour, and we know that building the audience in these places will be slow. These artists include: SechsKies, SES, Fin. KL, Shinhwa, Click-B, Fly to the Sky, jtL, and Jewelry. We convinced SechsKies to perform in this last tour as their farewell and hello to the world audience. We also let Fin. KL debut their more mature theme for their next album during this theme.

This year also saw the release of our movies Dragon's Dawn (Dragonriders of Pern) and David Edding's Belgarath the Sorcerer Part 1 War of the Gods. i chose to end Dragon's Dawn when the dragons appeared to begin the evacuation to the North continent. The next movie will be The First Crossing (mostly the Dolphin's Bell and Crossing). The 2nd part of Belgarath the Sorcerer will end with the murder of Geran and Ildera. Both movies made a profit, but not enough for Hollywood to want to take over the production.

This is mostly a timeline reference. Expect it to be updated along with the story.

some_Phreakcreators' thoughts