
Re:Life In Another World

A dreamless man who have fallen himself to a state of destruction. Left by his own girlfriend, Gabriel didn't know what he will do now he was left alone to this cruel world. Until a fateful event that will surely change his own fate. A truck, at its maximum speed, lost its control and hit him. Little did he know he will be given a new life, twice, maybe a little troublesome, but it's still a second chance. Anyways, a second life that will make him dream more and more, until he was satisfied after achieving his goal, and will grab what he desire. // Novel serialization will resume as soon as I finish reviewing and improving grammars from the past chapters. Although there will be inconsistency to the future updates, I will be sure to stick to the plot.

senior_suz · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
54 Chs


"We hereby order you to surrender, Lord Verian."

Is what the man in front of me said.

I didn't look surprise or anything. In fact, I rather expected such thing will happen.

After casting a radar-like magic inside the palace, I can identify any malicious things that might happen.

And to my expectation, it did happen. An all around set up, formed by the Earl himself.

But it greatly irritate me to lose manpower. Those servants I have entrusted to them had quite the skills so I thought they can handle them even if they just escape.

However, no one did such thing.

And here I am, being surrounded inside my study by these bastards.

Accusing me of helping or hiding the traitors. It seems the evidence they use is an accessory that should be worn by the Duke himself. An embodiment of status that needed to wear even inside their own home.

Now that I realize it, I don't think I have any kind of thing such as necklace?

Well, no matter. I don't really like extravagant things just to make myself look cool or majestic or whatever.

"A proof had been found at your underground library that can be identify as one of the traitors' property.

After this, the servant of the house of Amaria have committed a crime of attempting assault towards nobility. Thankfully, the Earl and the rest of us have acted and punished them accordingly-"

"Yeah, right."

I scoff as he speak the undeniably lie.

I can't believe they can make such an obvious lie with a straight face.

"With this, you will be held in custody until we reach the capital where in you will meet His Majesty, the king, and wait for your trials.

That's all."

Tsk... I click my inner tongue without letting them hear it.

I should've expected this since I want to meet the king for myself after all. However, after hearing this arrogant words coming from this bastards make me want to cut their heads off.

But of course, I need to lay low for now, I can't make any scandals like that foolish Father of Ela.

Speaking of which.

"What about my fiancée?"

"Because of the Earl's kindness. We deem it unnecessary to accuse the innocent."

Deem it unnecessary, huh?

Fuck this bastards.

"That's good, I hope you keep your words. Because if you don't, I do think the Earl knows what will happen."

I glance at the dignified man behind the visitors as I said so. They all seem to have confuse themselves except the Earl, and look at him with a questioning gaze.

The Earl look at me for a second and made an eye contact to me until he looks away.

"Even if you didn't say it, as my niece, I won't let anyone get near her."


And so, I surrender myself to them without any further conflicts.

Oh right, I forgot to pass my work to Rose.

Well, as an expert bureaucrats, she will be able to handle it.




I didn't get to say my farewell to my fiancée as the visitors move hastily. We are now currently travelling en route to the capital, southeast from my Palace City.

When I said hastily, I meant it that way.

We are horseback riding and I'm positioned in front of one of the visitors. Since my hands are restrained, I can't feel anything but uncomfortable below.

Even the saddle didn't help much as my eggs will surely crush in a matter of minutes if not given any attention.

Thankfully, we stop at a nearby forest to take a break for the horses and while we do so, we take a rest.

It didn't take much time to rest since they're in a hurry and we continue our travel. After that, we arrive to the capital with uneventful journey.




It then begins the suffering.

Accused of being involve with the traitors, interrogation is common, however, harsh.

Upon arriving the capital, I was immediately drag to an area far away from the castle. The area is ugly, similar to a city slum.

I want to call it interrogation, but I don't think it is. They only keep hitting me with the whip throughout my entire body as it scar my bare skins.

I can't forgive them for this so after I rebel, I will be sure they won't get away. I will be sure to bring them pain thousands of folds from this.


As the lashes keeps coming, so does the marks keep increasing.

I was made to endure such harsh treatment for almost an hour until the Earl come in.

He comes in with a smirk on his face as if mocking me.

"Dear Lord. Look at you, suffering here."

"Yeah, no thanks to someone."

I made a weak laugh to rebut the bastard in front of me which cost me a punch at my stomach.

I can't evade such weak punch since both of my feet and hands are tied up.

But just like I said, it's too weak that even without magic, it doesn't hurt much compared to the lashes of the whip.

And yes, magic doesn't work inside. They seem to have an anti magic cast inside here. Being cautious, aren't we?

"Let me tell you this, Verian. Your fiancée is currently at the grasp of my hands, and so, if you don't tell me that you're involve with them, I'll probably, do something bad to her.

Oh, and of course, that includes your sister."

Kekeke. I see, I see.

He thinks he got me just because he threaten me with my love ones.

Ghahaha!! Fucking hell!

"Then can I ask you something, Earl Sergius?"

"That's Lord Sergius to you, damn brat! Speak!"

"How's my gift?"

As soon as I said that, the Earl suddenly burst his anger and grab the whip at the table to give me a lash.

I expected such a thing, but the pain of an angry person really reflects it from his action.

The pain, unlike before, is far more unbearable. I almost pass out from the pain as I scream to it while the Earl keeps whipping me like a maniac.

"You bastard, I will make you pay for what you did to my son!"

"O-Oh, it's your son?... Sorry, thought it's someone else's. He's too ugly...ghahaha"

As I provoke him with my childish bad joke, he continue his lashing as I scream from the pain.

My body continues to be bloodied until it's entirety is covered in blood.

It is then that the Earl stopped.

"I'll be back, and I'll bring more pain to you."

And so he said, then left the room, leaving me soak with my own blood.

"Damn... sadistic... maniac."

I couldn't speak anymore so I mutter a few words after he left.

After that, I lowered my head while I endure the sharp pain as the wind blows from the small window behind me.

Damn you, Goddess. I really hate you now. You could at least help me.

I don't need to make excuses since you might have all known what day is yesterday.

But I will tell it to you just in case. The day before yesterday, we had a noche buenas and it took almost midnight to finish.

Yesterday, we have a quite journey and ended up being exhausted after returning.

By the way, please do keep reading and giving your reviews since it did really help me keep up my work!

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