

"Woah… that's new."- I said as I observed the world around.

A huge space. Grey clouds that radiate ominous aura. Stars of myriad colors that's streaks once in awhile past my head. And nine scrolls that are further and further from me.

" Ummm, Feha? Where am I?"

"Host is in a simulation."

"Yeah, I know that this isn't real. But how did I do this?"- I asked more specifically.

" Host didn't, I did. I decided that host current capabilities aren't enough to learn the whole Inner World Dan God Manual, so I divided it into nine scrolls with repetitive information for that level."

"Uhuh" I nodded "Then why this world is here?"

"I decided that this is the best environment for hosts cultivation, and also at the same time the closest environment in essence to the Inner Wor…"

"Just call it IWDG Manual, because if someone were to write about my life they will be too lazy to write the whole name."



"Anyways, let's start learning this technique. Do I just need to touch the first scroll or do something more?"

"Just touching will… do."- Said Feha.

'She said that in a weird voice'- I thought.

I walked to the front of the first scroll and tried to touch it, but when my fingers encountered the tiny light membrane that was surrounding the scroll, I was rebounded so hard that I could only describe it as 'to hell and back'.

" Wtf!!!!! FEHA!! The hell was that?!"

"Umm, host's cultivation is basically none existent and is not sufficient to read the first scroll. The host should try to first cultivate some form of energy and integrate it into your very being, with that it should be possible to break the first light membrane."

"And from where do you think I should get a cultivation technique that I can cultivate wi. Wait, was it you who set up this world, then just disable that light membrane."- I said in exasperation.

" Although this world was simulated by me, everything that's interlinked with IWDG manual is out of my control."

*sigh* "Then… what was all this preparation for?"

"I…I don't know"- she said in an embarrassing voice.

" Nah, forget it, just get me out of here."



"You can get me out of here, right? This world was created by you, right?"- I asked in the calmest voice that I could muster.

" W…when I… I created this world… I didn't incorporate a function to get the host out of it if he didn't learn at least the first level of the technique, because when the host would have learned the first level, he already would have a mini world of his own where go could cultivate from then on."

As she was talking, her voice was getting smaller and smaller, until it resembled a mosquito buzzing, and my rage was getting bigger and bigger until it was nothing short of a volcano erupting.

But instead erupting in her face(ahem, not in that way, ahem) I directed all that rage into my the light membrane and charger at it.


Like a heavenly gong, the light membrane let out a sound so loud, that the world was slightly trembling.





In Quidania kingdom, In an underground training grounds that only king and his most trusted aides know about.

*huff puff*

Sunius was huffing and puffing while running in the back of the group. Suniu was never in a good shape. Especially in the last few months, he got a considerable amount of money from gambling. Instead of saving up or buying better gear, he found some 'good friends, indulged in sins etc. Sunius was short, had brown hair, thick eyebrows, blue eyes, big nose. He was in a green west that helped to blend in the surroundings, wore basic black boots and was carrying a small hammer and a dagger in each of his hands. He also was carrying a small black backpack.

"Let's stop here. They should have already lost us."- A sweet, yet authoritative voice rang out.

Sunius immediately answered-" Yes lady."

"Hmpf, you still have the gall to talk when it was you who was always lagging behind. Not to mention it was also you who blown our cover…"- A low, infused with indignation and hate voice rang out, cursing at Suniu.

" Enough, Edgar. Be anymore louder and it will be you who will expose us this time. Plus, he didn't do it intentionally"- Said the group's leader. A tall, tanned blonde girl with sky blue eyes and long ears, a face not inferior to an angel, wearing a green vest and green pants that only accentuated her mature curves, even though she was only fifteen. She was also varying a backpack, but it was dark green instead of black and was also twice the size of Suniu's.

"I already failed this examination three times, all because of in-team fights. I'm not going to tolerate this anymore. So if anyone has some hard feeling towards anyone, it would be best if you would not take part in this any further."- Said Emily, the group's leader, and the only reason why they are still can partake in this competition.

"…Fine.*Sigh* Anyways, we should find a cave. We could just simply dig one, if not for our earth mage being so useless."

At the end of his sentence, he took a glance at Sun, who now was beet red.

"I said enough. Tacia, go, scout, our front, see if you can find something that can act as a base."

"Roger that."-With a respectful gesture, she ran off.

" Although Tacia is good at wind magic, she will be in trouble if she encounters another group. I will go over and cover her just in case."- Said Edgar.

"Mm. Go. I with Suniu will set up some arrays in a meanwhile. Come here Suniu."

With that, Edgard departed, but not without giving Suniu a hate-filled glance.

After a few minutes of quietly setting up arrays, Emily said-"Suniu, I know that it's hard, but try to improve at least a meager amount. It will still help when yours life is in danger. And don't go near Edgard these next few days when I'm not nearby, or won't be able to guard you, ok?"

"Ok. I won't. I-I mean I won't go near Edgar"- Said Suniu somewhat bashfully.

Emily lightly smiled.

*rustle rustle*

Suddenly, bushes started moving. Emily immediately sheathed a silver longsword. Although this wasn't some treasured sword, it still was one of the best items available for trainers like them.


A low, terrifying growl could be heard as two huge tusks rose from the bushes.


And with that, a huge shadow shot out of the forest.

A new day, a new chapter.

Today was introduced a new character, well, few of them, that will be very important to the future story, but it doesn't mean they can't die okay? I know how everyone hates plot armor so I try to incorporate as less of it as possible into the story. Next chapter will explain what that underground city is, more about Siniu, Emily, Edgard, and... that scout. we will also see what improvements will Echo have in his dreamscape.

OrdealOfMccreators' thoughts
Next chapter