
System and new Goddess

"Calm down. Here, put some clothes on."-Devi said.

Then I saw some celestial lights converging and forming exquisite little dress. Then the dress moved toward Fenrir and started glowing in myriad colors. When the glow vanished, Fenrir was seen dressed in the same dress that was just formed. The dress looked like something from the middle ages. But strangely enough, it was fitting so well that you would think that only this dress would fit for her.

"Woow. How beautiful. Thank you very much Sis-same. Heehee."- Fenrir started laughing in a cute manner when she saw the dress.

"Your welcome, you cute little thing."-Devi started petting her head while saying that.

'why are they interacting so peacefully with each other?'-I thought.

"Ok. Enough of your lovey-dovey show. Let's go see what my guide is. I think I already stayed long enough here, haven't I."- I said aloud.

"Fine. Let's go see what you managed to get with the help of my almighty luck."- Devi stated proudly.

"Let's go, let's go, let's go. I wanna see as well."-Fenrir started shouting in a cute manner.

Then we proceeded to walk to the wheel. But when we got close enough, I noticed that that the wheel of luck that was supposedly made by gods, started to dim. The lights that were always surrounding the wheel and gave it a mystical feeling were already so dull that you could mistake them for reflection of light on unpolished steel. The gems that were inserted all throughout the body of the wheel, now some of them were cracked, some of them fell out of their sockets and some of them just turned into dust.

"Hey, It could not be that this was a defect in a product, right?"- I asked doubtfully when I saw the state that the wheel was in.

"It is not. Where do you think all these rewards are coming from, huh? They are created from the heavenly power that is flowing, well, to be honest, it would be 'imprisoned', in those gems. The celestial lights that you perceive are merely manifestations of the power that is radiated outwards. And when you drew such high-grade rewards, the energy required for them was simply enormous. And now that the rewards are created and are merely waiting for you to draw them out, the wheel is suffering from lack of power to maintain the looks of himself."- Devi explained to me.

"So I'm the cause for the shabby looks of the wheel."- I said while deep in thought.

"Don't worry. It will recover through time by drawing the heavenly power from surroundings."

"Oh really. Well, that's good, I guess."

"Mhm. Now let's see what you got for your guide, and if it will be overpowered. Hehehe"

Then Devi, like previous two times, waved her hands in a mystical, but at the same time, profound way. The celestial lights started to converge, but this time there was something more to it than the two previous times. There seemed to be some sort of substance that the only word I could describe it would be "suppression". While I couldn't perceive or understand the power that was stealthily moving within the celestial lights, I still could feel how minuscule I am compared to It.

"Yep, that's the heavenly power that I was talking about. And the thing that you felt was only unnecessary dregs that was left behind. Powerful isn't it? Heheh"- Devi interrupted my thoughts while I was immersed in the feeling.

When I wake up from trance that I unnoticeably got sucked in, I saw a card hovering in mid air.

The card was radiating hot waves of air, and was also inscribed with beautiful and exquisite patterns.

The aura surrounding it was so intense that I needed to close my eyes due to pain, tought there wasn't any light. When I finally could open my eyes, the card already vanished. But just when I wanted to ask where the card has gone, I felt a siering pain, that felt like I was melting from inside out on, on my chest. But the pain disapeared just as fast as it came, and after all that I felt something pulsing throughout my body converging between my eyebrows.

Just when I started panicking due to having no idea what was happening, I heard-

/*Ding* Merging with host is completed. Due to turbulent power radiations, host is advised to leave the area as soon as possible. Further actions involving system is of limits due to possible spying./

Honesly speaking, I was quote dumbfounded hearing someone ar something speak inside my head about merging and systems.

And apparently my emotions were perfectly displayed on my face-"So, did you hear something speak in your mind or not?"- Devi said impatiently.

"Oh.. Uhh.. Um.. Yea.. Yes. I heard. So what's about all those voices in my mind?"

"Finnaly, I already asked you numerous times. Anyways, you don't need to be scared. I mean, you weren't expecting the guide that you are getting from the third floor of wheel to be something simple as book or living being."-Devi said in a mocking voice.

"oh... Umm. N..no. I did not. But still that is something unexpectedly... overused."-I said uncertainty.

"hmph. Just as I thou…WAIT WHAT!!?!" What do you mean by overused!??!"-Devi fumed.

"oh. You see, from the planet that I came from, Earth, there are fictional stories where protagonist gets a system of sorts that is completely overpovered when he is reincarnated."-I explained to her in a calm manner.

"THERE IS?? Whaa... I don't believe it. Tell me their titles!"-She asked me.

"Well, there is World Conquering System, First Wish System. There is many more but I don't remember their names."- I gave her the answer. But when I saw her state after hearing it, I really wanted to change the topic.

"Nooooo. Why It's always me?? *sniff* *sniff* Why I'm so unlucky*small voice*"-she started weeping.

Then I felt an angry glare directed towards me.

"You bad master. Why are you making Goddes-sama sad??! Did she do anything to you, you bad bad mister."- Fenrir started to scold me and then weep together with goddess.

*Siigh* "Why I need to put up with two drama-queens."-I directed my complain towards unknown. Fate perhaps.

"Okkk. Enough. Tought the system part is overused, the talent and Thallias part is new to me. Atleast I never heard it before."- I comforted her.

"Really?? *Sniff*"- The mighty Goddess of fate asked me in a childish manner.

"Really"- I convinced her.

"That's good then. Anyways we don't have much time left together, so I'll be quick. Be wary of other reincarnators. Because usually they kill each other. Don't rush to improve, rather build a solid foundation.

Talents and what not are usually not the most important part, it's the heart and conviction to what you do. And lastly, IF SOME PESKY GODDESS TRIES TO LURE YOU BY PROMISING HUGE POWER AND WHAT NOT, you better decli….e...y..h..m."-She sprung up like a child that got some sweets, then started to elaborate for the first time some usefull information, but by the end of her sentence, I started to feel lighweighted and lost my consciousness. The last thing I saw was Fenrir turning into light particles and seeping into my body.

Then I blacked out.

"Good luck, my love"- whispered Devi as she saw Felix body turning transparent and finally disapearing.




"Well, well. What do we have here? Oh. You are already awake huh. Well, I'm the Goddess of Reincarnation and Karma- Trias. My pleasure to make aquantices."- said the silhouette moving at my front.


anyways, Ive got no idea how to write in the future so feel free to leave some suggestions.

and don't forget










Does anyone sees the new cover of the book. Cuz on inkstone its visible but on libraly it isnt.

OrdealOfMccreators' thoughts
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