
Leaf Deer 1_3

"The kind one, please lend your help to me," the figure said.

After the words were spoken, an uproar emerged.

Almost all the guests at this party were astonished. Their eyes couldn't escape Gaia's figure, made of green light.

And yes, Gaia explained that she is in a critical condition. She also told Vier and the others about how she was in that circumstance.

Gaia was seriously injured while she was taking part in the war of the gods. 

Gaia plans to recuperate by slumbering. However, she didn't expect that Evil Gods' followers will assault her when she was in a helpless state. Thanks to the assault, Gaia becomes a hostage to the Evil Gods' followers.

In the end, the goddess of life, Gaia was used as a source of vitality to revive the Evil Gods.

The mission for Vier and the others can be guessed easily, they must defeat the followers of evil gods, free Gaia, and revive her

And as a Sub Quest, they also had to save Gaia's children.

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