
re: I'm a Futanari Orc(retired)

Our resident trap, Robin, is turned into a futanari orc by a twisted god! Who does that! The audacity. Well, at least he gets a second shot at life. Considering he died and all. And he's far more powerful. Let's observe his new life of debauchery & power starting from childhood!

Namesake_Of_Traps · Fantasy
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5 Chs

To hunt for Kushok & A new Resolve.

I feel like his previous resolve of hunting just because he feels he isn't strong isn't particularly strong.

And so, I'm giving him a new resolve, sorry for the drama. But like, he's a person who reincarnated with cheats, so just making him want to be strong will only take him so far. Next chapter should be some smut. Between him and Paul of course. I dunno, I just feel like writing that. Anyways, 1.2k words. Enjoy.

After giving Kushok an exemplary tongue bath. We continued our dredge. I picked him up and laid him over my shoulders to carry my beautiful floofer Kushok easily through the forest.

But a problem comes up; What do wolf pups eat? Can I even feed this puppy?

I have half a mind to ask it in a cute voice. But I also know it doesn't understand Orcivian or English. So it would be a wasted effort.

Instead, I assume it's a pure carnivore after looking at it's teeth. I'm no expert, but I do enjoy looking at animals and learning about them, as could be determined by my earlier imitation of an ant eater. So to see it's teeth, I could tell that it probably didn't eat plants.

"So, either probably bugs and meat… Hmm, does orc flesh grow back, can I feed it myself? No, that's a terrible idea, it'll get into the habit of eating me. Ok, so we hunt. Just as I planned." I muttered to myself, the queut of the forest just too much to bare.

I also enjoyed the sound of my voice. It was nice, cute, a little husky at times, but not in a negative way. I can't wait to hear my voice after puberty.

I continue to eat the different trees, some of them being poisonous. And one of them being venomous.

No, I'm not exaggerating, and I know what it means to be poisonous. Poison is when you bite it. But venom?

Let's just say I ate a LOT of orange trees in self defense.

Anyways, I could feel my entire body tingling, usually, I'd have to work out to feel this, but I'm experiencing so many new things that I can feel myself growing stronger. Hmm, perhaps I should talk to Kushok… No harm right? Better than talking to myself, even if both options are illogical.

"Well… Fuck it. Hey, Kushok. We're going to hunt now. Big stuff. Huge things." I decided to just bite the bullet.

I seem to catch Kushok's attention. But that is simply because I'm making noise, not because he understands me.

"Well, I'll teach you as much as I can, little one. And we'll be together until death do us part. Hmm, even though you don't have molars, you can still be omnivorous right? This is an entirely different reality, so my understanding of animals may not necessarily apply… I can test that theory by giving you berries or something." I say to both him and myself, taking a liking to venting to Kushok.

"Well Kushok, I am Robin. No, wait. I'm Olsha. Yes, Olsha." I correct myself, reaching down to pet the little wolf.

Oddly enough, he has been quite friendly, following me around at my pace. And even copying me, quite the smart little dog.

He seemed happy with my head rubs.

We walked around, sniffing about, looking for prey to eat. And we came across quite a few things. First up, was a moose.

Now, I don't know how confident anyone else would be in my situation, but when you see what is basically a nonhuman Arnold Schwarzenegger in moose form, breaking boulders for reasons unknown to orc-kind, you tend to decide to leave such things alone.

The same to a HUGE bear in the middle of mating.

Like, the moose was at least triple my size, maybe quad or quintuple, but the bear? Yeah, he was way too big. Realistically, he shouldn't have been able to breathe, much less walk or fuck an equally large bear. But who am I to tell physics what does and doesn't work?

Anyways, we eventually found a pack of Elks. Hmm, what do you call a pack of Elks anyways? Regardless, I could hear Kushok's little heart beat faster in anticipation. It seemed he had eaten Elk before. Too bad he can't eat blueberries.

"Alright Kushok. This time, we'll get some food. The sun is rising and the wind is blowing in our direction. Just move quietly and we've got this. Alright?" I say to my little floofer, and I almost see a mirage of him smiling and nodding, but I keep my delusions to myself.

Sticking to his word, Kushok keeps his steps silent, more silent than usual. I wonder if he does actually understand me. Or maybe it's hunting instincts. Even normal animals have instincts like this, much less one in a world like this huh?

This world is bullshit.

Kushok and I stalk around the small field the Elks found in the forest devoid of anything to hide them. It seemed almost too easy. Which made me seriously consider booking it. But there's no way- Whoops, sorry about that, almost raised a flag.

Hmm, perhaps I can use Kushok as bait to lure the Elks to me. Well, for that, I'd have to be able to communicate with him, or train him. Both things that I cannot do as of right now.

So I guess I'll rush in and let Kushok have chick- Elk dinner.

With the force of a supernaturally strong futanari orc child(Scientifically known as an Orclin), I blast off towards the Elks.

Kushok doesn't lag behind too much either, it seemed as if there was nearly no delay between my jump and his. I wonder if it was luck or reaction.

It's a shame that the Elks didn't react. For them that is. My fist met the back of the nearest Elk. Flinging it towards two other Elks, cracking noises coming from all three. Did their bones break?

I pause at that. Now that I think about just what it is that I'm doing. I can feel my stomach rising. I feel excited, no doubt, but I feel incredibly sick, nauseous.

"What the fuck am I doing?" I mutter to myself, looking at my palms.

The green of my skin isn't helping. It almost makes me feel more sick.

What makes me even more sick is the fact that I still want to hear more bones crunching.

And with the imagery of my green skin, a thought goes through my mind.

"I'm… Am I even me?" I say

A most terrifying thought. To lose your identity through and through is simply terrifying. I thought I had made peace with it long ago. But clearly I haven't.

I'm no longer a male. No longer a trap. No longer human. My personality has changed, my diet, my tastes, my urges, my vision, my skin, my parents.

"I can't even call myself Robin anymore." I say self deprecating. "I was meant to be hunting, to prove my independence, and here I am dicking about, crying over what I can't control."

It looks like all of the Elks ran away while I was being a bitch.


A moment of weakness. I guess the Joker wasn't so wrong. All it takes is one bad day. One bad moment, and even the sanest man alive could lose his mind. Much less me. I have to hold myself to a higher standard. I can't afford to be weak in this world. I don't even know how much longer this village will stand. Before I have to live in the wilderness on my own. Or with my parents.

And having an identity crisis will only serve to hasten my meeting with that damned god.

I take a deep breath and let it out slowly.

My eyes change. Not literally though, it seemed as if I was an entirely different person. My eyes hardening.

"Let's finish off those Elks, Kushok."