
re: I'm a Futanari Orc(retired)

Our resident trap, Robin, is turned into a futanari orc by a twisted god! Who does that! The audacity. Well, at least he gets a second shot at life. Considering he died and all. And he's far more powerful. Let's observe his new life of debauchery & power starting from childhood!

Namesake_Of_Traps · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Straight to the business & Floof

I didn't play around. My dad had already left, and I finally had a chance to experience new things. Orcs are helicopter parents before you do your first solo hunt, so I couldn't even eat trees just yet.

And so, I make my way through the trees. I took bites out of every tree I passed to mark my way back out, and to eat. I wasn't exactly hungry, but my metabolism was crazy, and so was my appetite, so I could literally eat a horse and still want seconds. Luckily, I don't need to be full, just around double or triple the normal amount of a normal orc's meal is enough to skirt by without any hunger. And I don't really get full, maybe it's my advanced digestive system saving energy from food for later?

I observe the greenery around me. And I realize that I can kind of blend in. I can be an ambush predator. Like a praying mantis. Hmm, I wonder what would happen if I ate them? I'm already used to eating bugs, orcs are seriously disgusting. It's no wonder kids die so young so often.

I take a bite out of many different trees, green ones, blue ones, big red ones, thick brown ones, hehe, and even a black and white one, I think that's birch if Minecraft has taught me anything.

Ooh, an ant colony. Y'know, I've seen the giant anteater on W*ld Kr*tts before. And I kind of think I know what I need to do to get them.

I move my tongue around in my mouth, making sure that it's thoroughly coated in my saliva. Oh, did I mention that my saliva was also really good at breaking things down? It can break down metal if I leave it in my mouth long enough. Not because of its potency, it's just good at breaking down things that are normally inedible. I'm glad I made that wish. But it's damn strong. Strong enough to melt ants in my tongue in minutes.

I shoot my tongue out of my mouth with great force. It penetrates the hard outside of the mound and sends a shockwave through it, destabilizing the structure.

My tongue has grown a bit since I was a newborn. I can almost lick my nipple with my tongue while looking forward, if I look down I can easily lick it. And my tongue muscles are really strong, so I can hurt humans pretty seriously just with my tongue. Oh yeah, my tongue doesn't get cut by my teeth all that easily. It's an orc thing. I just wish my lips got the same treatment.

It feels kind of weird to feel ants crawling on my tongue. It seems they've identified my tongue as a threat and they're swarming my tongue. They're trying to stab me with their stingers and bite me with their mandibles, but my tongue proves to be impervious. Eventually, I retract my tongue carefully to make sure ants don't crawl all over my face. And then I crunch the little guys up. I especially love these fire ants. They taste sooo good.

*Crunch Crunch*

That wasn't the sound of the ants in my mouth.

My almost elvish ears perk up and I slip into a defensive stance, spear at the ready. My heart pumps ludicrous amounts of adrenaline into my body, readying itself for a fight.

My eyes flicker about where the sound originated from, my tusks tingle in anticipation. My nose twitches. The wind is blowing towards where the sound came from, meaning it smells me, probably a predator thinking I'm easy prey.

My muscles coil around my limbs, stretched, ready to pounce explosively.

And I'm let down epically. I see black fur peek out of a nearby shrub. And I instantly pounce. Only to just barely divert my spear from killing a little wolf pup.

"Tch." I unconsciously smack my lips. Orcs instinctively love fights, sex, bragging, and adventure. To be denied a fight is like blue balling yourself.

I almost want to kill this puppy for getting my hopes up.

It yaps at me cutely, trying to beg for food. Jokes on you, I don't have any food.

Hmm, on that note.


I make an effort to get a large bite of the tree near me and the dog. As if emphasizing that I was without food as well. But it seemed to take that as an invitation instead.


It tried to mimic me and bite the bark of the tree. It learned that day that orcs weren't to be trusted. Tree bark was the single most disgusting article of food possible to the young pup. It coughed and hacked its lungs out. And that gave me a giggle.

I didn't bother trying to talk to a being that didn't speak my language. I just walked off from it.

But it still followed me, even though it had taken a trust bite out of a tree with me.


"Today is going to be a long day… I wonder if its mother will find its scent and attack me?" I say, my bored orc mind immediately looking for a fight.

Woah, that's fucked up. I can't just kill its mother because I found its child. Being around these orcs all the time is messing with me. I'd go to a human settlement if I could. But orcs are seen as monsters here even though we're smart enough to make a civilization. It's crazy. Elves and dwarves are fine, but goblins and orcs aren't because of their libido.

Alright, enough on that. Let's try something new, aka, get stronger. I see this one hundred percent poisonous plant. But the poison in it won't really affect me. I'm not immune to poison, my body can just easily deal with it.

Hmm, tastes like wine.

I see the little puppy go and mimic me once again, and I have half a mind to just let it. Natural selection and all. But my non monster side wins over and I stop it. It protests for a bit before settling down.

Hmm, nice fur.

"Kushok." I say, nay, decree.

"Your name shall be Kushok as long as we're together."

What? It won me over with its floof.

"Well, I guess I have to hunt for you huh? I've barely even been here for an hour, I wasn't planning on hunting yet. But for you I'll make an exception." I say to the floofer that makes it up to my knees.

I notice that it's a little dirty, and against my better judgment, I decide to clean it. I usually wouldn't waste good saliva. But I got quite a bit of liquid from the different trees. And my saliva won't harm it. it isn't all that dangerous to still alive beings without long exposure. And even if it was, it would at worst make it lose some fur. But a wolf is not generally inedible, so it's safe.

I extend my tongue and lick it like a mother dog. I was basically its mother now considering I would take care of it.

*Sllrp Slrrp*

I put my tongue to work. I was pretty good with it now. I clean it quickly and efficiently. The dirt on my tongue was crunchy in a bad way. It made me cringe, but I had to clean Kushok.

It seemed to have become even better looking after my tongue batch. Mostly because its fur no longer stuck to its thin frame, but it was actually Fluffy now. I went up and hugged him to test it out. It probably confused him, but I didn't care. Floof for life.


Alright, now hear me out, I'm not confirming nor denying anything. Just stating what has happened. I'm open to pretty much anything considering this is a novel. But this is a novel for the people of culture. So I'll ask you all before I introduce something so radical.

Alright, so basically. I have my own way of test reading chapters that I do every now and then. For example, when I introduce certain elements such as Kushok. And so, I go through the motions, hey guys, check out this chapter. I'm thinking of adding a companion for Olsha, so it isn't simply her thinking all chapter. What do you think?

I get varying responses.

"Cool, I like the idea, just don't make it a bs smart dog, make it realistic"

"Make it transform into a human, and have him be her first sub femboy."

"I don't like dogs, make it a lion, go exotic."

"Turn the dog into a stray lost human."

Etc etc. These are the more unique replies. Most are just complimenting the idea, or stating their distaste for wolves/dogs.

But… I seemed to have forgotten about one small group of people. No hate to them or anything. But personally, I'm not one of them.

So this person, and for privacy reasons, I won't mention their name or gender, finishes reading the chapter, gives me the nice idea comment. Tells me their thoughts about the chapter. Ideas to better present the idea I was projecting.

But… That's where shit hit the fan.

Now, look. Nothing against it, wouldn't mind writing it if that's what y'all want. But a lot of people generally don't like furries. But I also don't want to tell the person "Nah man, furries bad. Hur dur. Fuck off."

So, I'll just ask y'all. The person asks me, "Do you think it would be alright to write a few scenes with Kushok topping Olsha?"

Which is crazy right? Completely left fielded me. So I ask you.

Beastiality is fine, I'm not dropping.

Absolutely not/Do not do that for legal and or personal reasons.

I'm not one to yuck another's yum(kink) unless it's a crazy, genuinely disturbing one, and even then, I'll just leave said person alone. Furries aren't that bad, at least to me personally, regardless of how funny the anti-furry memes are.

So yeah, are there any legal things to look out for in certain types of scenes. Also, no child pornography from me. I know that one is illegal lol.

Anyways, that's all I wanted to say, AN's like this won't be common. I'll probably write another long sex scene with Robin and Paul soon.

I quite like this chapter, I feel I showed Robin's drastic mental change pretty well

Namesake_Of_Trapscreators' thoughts