
re: I'm a Futanari Orc(retired)

Our resident trap, Robin, is turned into a futanari orc by a twisted god! Who does that! The audacity. Well, at least he gets a second shot at life. Considering he died and all. And he's far more powerful. Let's observe his new life of debauchery & power starting from childhood!

Namesake_Of_Traps · Fantasy
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5 Chs

A Trap's Introduction & Meeting Paul (18+)

Hello, I am Robin Jackson. Please do not make the pun. I am ninteen years old, I'm 5'4 and im an absolute degenerate, bisexual male. My hair is blonde and long, and my lips are small and cherry red, and I can touch my nose with my tongue. My eyes are brown and my penis is a solid four inches, but I have quite the amount of girth.

I have an unhealthy addiction to trap hentai, and futa hentai, sometimes both. I like to masturbate with my anus, and I've been trying to masturbate with my nippples. I've also been trying to make my ass bigger with work outs and I'm kind of succeeding. If I dress up right, I totally look like a girl.

My parents hate me because they are your run of the mill homophobic old people. But I don't mind.

I've never had a girlfriend, but I have had two boyfriends. I just can't be normal around girls… I blame it on my excessive gaming, anime watching, and porn watching. Unfortunately, I've never had anal sex. I wonder when it'll finally happen.

Sometimes, I consider just not waking up in the mornings, y'know? I am so bored just not doing anything. Not because there's nothing to do, but because there's nothing I can do. I'm super weak, I'm not particularly smart, I'm a social outcast, awkward, and a human infinite cringe glitch.

Its why my last two boyfriends left me.

My last boyfriend was black with the famed BBC, I was kind of jealous considering I'm a four inch Caucasian male. And Im also kind of sad I never got the chance to give it a ride… Who am I kidding? Ive never even used dildos before, only my fingers, it would never fit. At least I got to swallow his semen before. Ooh, the thought alone just gets me hard.

Oh yeah, I also have problems waking up in the mornings. So I often flex my thighs and shake my ass until I finally build up the momentum to get up. Which subsequently gives me a boner.

I hate talking to people I don't like or don't know. And even then, I try to not talk much because of how much cringe comes out of my mouth.

Okay, that's it. I'm going to try and at least get one girlfriend. And when I do, I'll try my best to become a better person. To become the peak of what I can be.

I'll quit watching bad harem and ecchi anime and porn, and I'll try my best to lower my gaming hours to healthy amounts.

Maybe even try and be in a throuple? I hear it's popular with homosexual and bisexual people? I wouldn't mind being the cream to an Oreo…

Oh? The walk signal is on already? I have to stop zoning out.

"Shit, my dick's hard… I hope no one sees it…" I mutter.

Alright, I can do this, luckily, it's only on one leg rather than in the middle. Let's just walk carefully and hope I have enough inches to stay on my leg.

~Third Person Point of View

Robin was struggling to cross the street. His dick was struggling against the strong confines of his tight skinny jeans. His ass was highligthed strongly, shaking with almost every step. If the cars weren't watching him before, they were now.

Eventually, Robin made it to the other side. He regretted going out in these clothes.

He wasn't wearing particularly feminine clothes, but he could be mistaken for one with his long hair and soft face.

He continued to think about his life, narrating it as if he were in an novel just before the protagonist dies and reincarnates.

But he didn't die and reincarnate, so he was kind of bummed out and kind of blankly walked down the street. He was going to this cool park to hopefully get a female friend, and then progress into partners.

"I guess I DO have something to be thankful for…" he said aloud, finishing off one of his internal thoughts.

"I mean, It wasn't hard for me to speak in this girly way, I'm pretty good at changing my voice… Maybe I should do voice impressions? My genetics are pretty good for a femboy. I don't even grow hair on my legs, arms, face or chest. Just the hair that shows my sexual maturity, my pubic hair and underarm hair… Yeah, I should be thankful." He continued to mutter, taking in the tranquility of his peaceful morning time neighborhood.

But nothing lasts forever.

"Hey, excuse me miss." Said a man with a rather deep voice.

At that, Robin jumped at the sudden appearance of someone and quickly locked eyes with the offender. His breathing suddenly picked up and adrenaline ran through his body.

"Whoops, I'm sorry lady, didn't mean to scare ya." The man said in his nice deep voice. Robin also noticed a slight accent.

Now Robin blushed with embarrassment. Robin didn't even bother correcting the man considering he didn't care about his pronouns, people were free to call him which ever gender they wanted to,so he didn't even care enough to notice, but what he did care about was the fact that he jumped like a scared kitten.

"I- it's… Ok." Robin said faintly, social anxiety wrestling him into submission. Robin couldn't even look the man in the eyes anymore.

"HAhaha, don't worry your cute little head off. Just wanted ta know how ohldyaar, wouldn't wannah go ta jail for for pursuing a cutie like you ay?" The man said, basically slurring his words, luckily Robin could barely make out his question.

"Mm… ni… een." Robin barely even forced out the words. Robin was totally caught off guard. He was lamenting the choice to even aknowledge the other person's existence.

'I should've just kept walking, fuck.' Robin thought to himself, thoroughly disappointed in himself, both for talking to the man, and barely talking to the man.

"Yar gonna av tah speak up." The man said, he was bewitched by Robin's cute actions, but he wasn't ready to go to jail for it.

Robin decided he was right, and so, he looked the man in his face. Finally noticing his features, and he spoke up. "I am nineteen… Why do ya-you… Ask?"

'I can't believe I messed up that bad! Why did I copy his accent? Well, this conversation is ruined…' Robin thought self depreciatingly.

"HAHA, that's amazing. Ya know, most of y'all cuties are in like highschool and stuff still. I swear tha Lord is out ta get me. How about coming to my house? Wait, that sounds wrong, not like that. Just to ah, relax. Get close ya know? Or maybe going to the nearby park to talk ta each other?" The man said, reigning in his accent a bit, which Robin noticed.

'Crap, is he doing that because I copied his accent?' Robin thought, disheartened. 'Wait a… I didn't even notice what he was saying… Back to his place? Cutie? Miss? I'm not even crossdressing.' This thought making him blush.

Robin had a hard time saying no, not because he was a pervert, which he was, but because he generally dislikes saying no to people because of how they act when you actually say no.

So Robin just decided to just bite the bullet and go to his place. Maybe finally lose his anal virginity.

"Sure, let's go back to your place." He said, his perverted thought successfully fighting off social anxiety.

Suddenly, Robin had a thought, 'How old is this guy? He looks like he's in his early twenties.'

"So uh… How old are you?" Robin said awkwardly.

"Finally asked me ah? Well, I'm twenty-four, thanks far asking. Still I'm kinda surprised that you agreed, I honestly just shot my shot and hoped for the best hah!" The man laughed. "I'm Paul, nice ta meet ya." Paul said, gazing into Robin's brown eyes.

"Nice to meet you Paul. I uh, I'm Robin." Robin said, staring back into the man's eyes, feeling embarrassed again.

"HAH, a shy little gal ay? No need ta be scared ah me, I don't bite." He said, simultaneously showing his pearly whites.

"You're giving me contradictory vibes right now." Robin said, similarly smiling. Liking the man's forward nature more and more as time passed.

Robin began to become comfortable with the handsome, presumably southern man.

They eventually made it back to the brick house. Nothing particularly stood out. There were plants on the porch. The plant species wasn't recognizable. There was also a door bell, and a screen door Infront of a wooden door.

"You have a nice house Paul. What are these plants?" Robin said, bending over to look at the small plants on the ground.

The man paused, looking at Robin's cute bubble butt hugged by his jeans for a second before responding.

"They're ah, corn stalks. My nephew wanted me ta grow em for him. Had to tell em that I don't know how to farm just 'cause I'm southern." He said, laughing a bit after.

At this, Robin giggled as well, turning around and standing up. "Your family sure does sound fun."

"Sure are. Big family. Stereotypical southern house hold." Paul said.

"Oh, speaking of, I've been meaning to ask. Where are you from Paul? Your accent is so strong that I imagine you've only recently come to D.C."

"I'm from Kentucky, raised in Texas, how 'bout you?" Paul said.

"I'm from here, never left before." Robin said, taking a seat on the chair of his porch since he hadn't opened the door yet.

"Ay, ain't no shame in that. It's a good state. How about we watch a movie?" Paul said while moving to unlock the door noticing Robin sitting down.

'Of course, as soon as I sit down.' Robin complained half-heartedly.

"Sure, no problem. What do you want to watch?" Robin said, instantly shifting the responsibility onto Paul.

"Me? I'm kinda interested in what you northerners watch. Why don't you pick the movie." Paul replied, casually throwing the responsibility back into his face. It was at this time that the door opened

'Shit. I don't watch movies that much.' Robin thought to himself, moving to follow Paul in.

"Well, I don't watch movies much, so what I have watched probably isn't going to represent all of us." Robin said, trying to once again weasel out of picking the movie.

"It ain't that important. Just put on anything." Paul said, punting the responsibility back onto Robin, sitting on the couch opposite to the T.V.

'Shit. What to do? I can't think of any movies'

"How are we going to watch the movie? On Netflix? A CD?" Robin said.

"Well, any of em really. Ive got all of it." Paul replied.

"How about Ted then? It's a pretty good movie. Seth did pretty good." Robin said, instantly saying the only movie that came to mind.

"Ted? I'll see if I can find it." Paul said, reaching over Robin for the remote.

'He smells good.' Robin thought blankly, building up an erection before quickly shutting those pervert thoughts down.

'What am I doing?! This guy is clearly just trying to be friends. This is how adults make friends right? And here I am imagining him popping my cherry.' Robin self-depreciatively thought to himself.

as Paul was searching for the movie. Robin was thinking. Just what was he doing here? He doesn't even know Paul, sure he's funny, but that's no reason to be potentially kidnapped.

'My dick has led me to places I wouldn't even go to with a gun.' Robin remembered a meme.

He was also thinking about whether Paul was truly trying to be friends, or looking for a fling. It ate at him. He truly didn't know.

And so, he finally asked, "Hey Paul… Why did you want 'me' to talk to you? I'm sure there were better looking people around."

He couldn't bring himself to outright ask it.

"Well, it's like I said. I shot my shot and hoped for the best. You were actually the first person I asked. And as for why? Well, I could maybe get a friend, or maybe even a girlfriend. Either or, doesn't really matter to me. I decided to at least try, worms don't just jump into the birds beak ya know?" Paul said.

The thought that he thought Robin could be his girlfriend made his insides churn with arousal. The thought of getting fucked behind was too much stimulation for the virgin.

'Wait… I didn't tell him my gender… What if he's homophobic… I wouldn't want to ruin this. Maybe I should try and just stay friends then.' Robing thought to himself. But, as Paul said, the worm doesn't just jump into the birds beak, so he beated around the bush just in case.

"Hey, Paul. Sorry about getting all political, but I'm just kind of curious considering the type. What do you think of gay people. Gay guys in particular?" Robin said.

"Me? I don't really care, do what you do personally. I don't really like men though. I like soft girls like you." He said, putting his hand on Robin's soft thigh as if to emphasize his words.

That made Robin blush heavily. He had never blushed so hard before. He could feel something rising. And he hoped it was the shield hero.

Robin tried to cross his legs to hide his growing erection. But it didn't help since Paul's hand was still on his thigh and he sandwiched it between his two thighs.

Paul took this as some kind of green light, and he inched his hand upwards.

~~|18+ Scene Begin Until the end of the chapter talk with the readers|~~

"W… Pa… Wa. Fhuu" Robin tried to say. But the words wouldn't come out.

Robin continued to try tell Paul something. But he couldn't, his arousal clouded his mind. He didn't even move his thigh off of Paul's hand. His thighs felt oddly sensitive to Paul's touch. He could feel his balls producing precum.

Similarly, a few seconds later, Paul too felt his balls.

Paul was a little confused. This was not what he was expect to feel. He kind of froze up. His mind not comprehending what was happening. This time he grasped as much as he could.

"Mmnh." Robin accidentally moaned.

Paul could feel something familiar. He felt testicles, and a dick. He was absolutely confused.

Robin at this point stopped trying to speak, but looked away and tensed up in preparation for what ever Paul was about to do.

"Wait a… You're a guy? How? There's no way men can be this cute!" Paul said.

Robin broke his previous blush record at Paul's words once again.

"This has to be plastic surgery or something. How are you this damn cute Robin?" Paul said, still firmly holding onto Robin's dick and balls.

"No I… Fhuu, I uh, I just look like this." Robin tried to explain.

"You're telling me you're this fucking cute? There's no way an ass like that belongs to a man." Paul said more to himself than Robin.

"Wa?" Was all Robin said. He couldn't even see anymore. His dick was harder than hard right now. He had never received so many compliments before.

Paul decided to put his other hand to work. He grasped the bottom of Robin's shirt and said, "There's no way, let me see your chest."

Robin didn't even try to fight him. he lifted his arms up like a child. Paul lifted his shirt and looked at Robin's pale and cute flat chest and hard nipples.

"Well, I'll be damned." Paul said.

At this, Paul moved his lips towards Robin chest. Robin wanted to stop him, but Paul said he's just checking if he's actually a girl or not. It's was utter bs, but Robin was too turned on to fight him anymore, he just let it all happen.

He licked and sucked on Robin left nipple. And somehow, he felt pleasure from it, eliciting girly little moans from him. Paul's penis wasnt fighting against his shorts. But that was because it had escaped through the bottom of them, the head of his penis clearly visible to Robin.

"Everything about you is as girly as can be. Even your penis. Never thought I'd be this turned on by a guy. I wanna fuck you so hard." Paul whispered into Robin ear.

"I've never done it before. Please be gentle." Robin said, reciting the famous line from hentai.

At that, something in Paul had snapped, he had been trying his best to control himself, but with that line, every fiber of his being told him to impregnate Robin. It was like a doujin.

Paul swiftly pulled off his shorts and underwear in one movement. His dick standing proudly with nothing to obstruct it's way. And since he had a knee propped up on the couch, and because of Robin's short stature, the penis came right up to his nose, hitting him with a smell he had only smelled once before.

'Dick!' Was the thought that went through Robin's head. He didn't even stop to think any further. But instead opened his mouth, spreading his red cherry lips and latched on to the seven inches of meat.

*Slurp slurp slurp*

Robin went to work. His practice with cucumbers and hotdogs coming in handy. He bobbed his head back and forth the front half of Paul's penis, thoroughly coating his penis I'm saliva. He then flexed his throat before deepthroating him to his balls.

"Ohh… Shit." Was all Paul could say to the blowjob, it wasn't even what he was going for.

Robin used his long tongue to work Paul penis and please his balls. Robin moaned while sucking his dick, he didn't care anymore. He just wanted to fuck.

He felt hands on the back of his head forcing him to deepthroat more, and it made him so horny. His entire being focused on pleasuring Paul. He moaned in his most feminine voice and let his throat get abused.

Thrust after thrust was put into Robin's throat. Robin was exclusively deepthroating him, so he used his hands to massage both of his nipples.

*Plap plap plap*

Paul went to work on Robin's throat. Paul's cock was so hard that he felt like gained an extra inch. He felt all of his blood rushing to his cock.

He could hear Robin all but melting over his cock. And he wanted nothing more but to fill his stomach with his seed, but he also didn't want to make him swallow his bitter cum if he didn't want to.

Robin still had his tight jeans on, so it was hard to play with himself in other ways. So he still settled for only playing with his chest.

Robin climbed up to his knees to take the frantic thrusting of Paul. And because of his small stature, Paul's long arms could reach his ass.


Was the resulting sound of his ass taking a beating. And it was all Robin needed to push him over the edge.

"MMMMHHH" Robin screamed in ecstasy over Paul's cock. Soiling his panties.

But Paul thought that Robin didn't like his ass slapped.

"Oh I'm sorry Robin I-" Was all Paul got to say before he saw Robin's Ahegao face.

He came even though he barely touched his dick. He came from his nipples and a spanking. This is what went through Paul's head.

He came before me even though I was the one who was getting serviced? Paul wanted nothing but to keep Robin forever now.

"You're mine. Robin." Paul said huskily.

Robin simply basked in the afterglow of his orgasm, nodding faintly.

Paul pulled off his tight jeans, and his shoes. Leaving Robin in nothing but his soiled blue panties. It was an amazing sight. His penis went without service for a while and his erection didn't go down at all even though he hadn't cum yet.

Robin leaned back off of Paul's cock savoring the afterglow, which led to his feet rising into the air. A moment of intrusive thoughts led Paul to licking Robin's sole and sucking on his toes.

He didn't even think he had a foot fetish. But looking at Robin's soft pale feet had awoken a beast in him.

He licked his feet for minutes, until Robin finally got up again and began sucking his dick. This time, he used his two hands to twist the half of the cock his mouth didn't reach. And he bobbed his head up and down the other four inches. He was determined to drink his seed.

*Slurp Slurp Slurp*

Robin sucked life his life depended on it, even popped his dick out every now and then. All while Paul groaned and fondled Robin's ass cheeks. After what felt like a life time, Paul once again began to thrust into Robin's mouth, picking him up by his pink bubblebutt, which made his back arch and he held on to Paul's waist and took the throat abuse, moaning all the way.

*Plap Plap Plap*

*Slurp Slurp Slurp*

Finally, Paul got close to releasing

"Robin, I'm close. I'm so fucking close. Can I come inside your mouth?" Paul said, pulling Robin off of his cock for a moment to hear his answer.

But he didn't need it since Robin instantly went to suck his dick more.

"R-Robin, I'm gonna cum. Will you drink it?" Paul said, still trying to warn him.

And his response was an even stronger suction force.

Paul couldn't take it. He was going crazy! And so, with one final thrust onto Robin's cherry colored lips, he came directly down Robin's esophagus.

The feeling of cum going down his throat almost sent him over the edge once again.

Paul came for almost ten seconds. Adding some instinctive shallow thrusts, and Robin never stopped sucking. Drinking almost every drop.

Paul finally finished, and he dropped to to couch on the side of Robin. He couldn't explain the feelings in his heart if he wanted to. He looked over to Robin with affection in his eyes. Only to see him savoring his semen as if it was the most delicious thing in the universe.

If it wasn't for his biological refractory period, he would've been insanely hard at that sight.

Slowly, Robin drank his semen, and licked his beautiful pillowy lips.

He didn't know what possessed him, but his heart clenched at the sight. He rushed over to Robin and grabbed his waist and ass with his left and right hands, and kissed Robin as if his life depended on it.

"Mmn, hahh, mmmmhah." Was all Robin could say with Paul dominating his lips

Paul couldn't understand it, he could taste his own bitter batter on Robins lips. So how could this cute boy savor it as if it was chocolate? It only made his affection grow for the cute little trap. As he kissed and fondled Robin, he felt something poking his leg.

He had almost forgotten that it was a boy he was kissing. He froze at the feeling for a few seconds. But he made up his mind.

'If hes gonna savor me like that then I have no right to reject his penis.' Is what Paul thought.

And so, he reluctantly parted from the incredible lips on Robin, and kissed on Robin's neck. Sucking on it and leaving behind Hickeys

"Mmn, oh, Paul." Robin said. He was in heaven, only his delusions and daydreams went like this. He lifted his head to the sky and moaned to Paul's loving kisses, his scruffy beard tickling his skin.

Paul kissed his neck, collar bone, chest, nipples, and his stomach. Slowly making his way down. Robim realised was he was doing and he was thoroughly surprised. He almost wanted to stop him. But, he was just too late.

Paul took a page out of Robin's book and latched on to Robin's cute little penis through his blue panties. He could taste Robin's previous shot. And it wasn't as bitter as his, it was almost sweet. Like a pineapple, or a sourpatch kid.

He thoroughly licked Robin's penis through his panties, and Robin rewarded Paul with breathless moans.

Once he felt he tasted enough of his previous cumshot, he lowered Robin's panties and directly sucked on his penis.

At this, Robin's eyes opened wide, it felt way better than befofe. But he wanted more.

"Mmnh hah, Pa… Paul, spank me ahhhahh, again." Robin forced out.

Paul, while still sucking his dick, helped Robin onto his knees while still on the couch, while Paul got onto his knees on the floor. He lifted Robin's panties up over his ass, and began to spank him.


"AAAHHH it's hurts so good!" Robin said. He knew he was a masochist, but to be spanked by someone else felt way better.

Spank after spank after spank, and Robin finally said the words "I'm going to cum!"

He tried to pull away from Paul and not cum in his mouth. But Paul once again took a page out of Robin book and pulled him back in by his ass and sucked even harder.

Robin came harder than he had before, coating Paul's mouth with his kids.

Robin fell back down to the couch on his stomach. This was the best day of his life. He had never gotten his dick sucked.

He was incredibly tired from cumming twice and working Paul's dick for so long.

Suddenly, he felt something smack his ass. And it wasn't a hand.

"Fhuu, can I… Fuck your ass, Robin?" Paul said, he was out of breath. Who knew sucking dick was so hard?

Robin wanted to say no. He had just came after all. But he didn't want to disappoint Paul. He did suck his dick after all. He has even accepted he was a guy.

"Hhahhh. Y… Yes. But please be gentle." Robin said, a little scared of his big dick.

"Don't worry, my little birdy." Was all Paul said before lowering Robin's panties grasping his ass cheeks and spreading them apart.

"Beautiful." Was all Paul said, looking at his pink little hole, flexing with Robin's breathing. Robin blushed a little and just kept his head down.

He tried to relax his ass muscles to accommodate for Paul's to effectively finger him. But everytime one of Paul's fingers got close they clenched reflexively.

Paul licked his fingers and and basically forced his finger in. Once he got a finger in he massaged his anus slowly. Taking his time to learn what he had to do to make Robin moan.

It felt way better than doing it himself. So he couldn't control his moans. Eventually, Paul put his dick near his little hole and pushed his tip against it. Just that made Robin's erection grow. He was so aroused that if he qas in a doujin his eyes would have hearts.

It took some work, but eventually, he got his tip in, accompanied by a popping sound.

"Aah!" Robin moaned. His ass was slightly stretched out, he was leaking pre-cum like a faucet, he could barely even think.

Slowly, Paul deposited around four inches of his penis into Robin bubble butt and kind of rested for Robin que. And Robin had underestimated himself. He wasn't at all uncomfortable able with the meat inside of him. And so, Robin moaned Paul "Deeper~."


Author's Regards.

And that's chapter one. Wanted to give y'all some lemon before we go to the next chapter where the MC will be a child for a while. He is still a normal person, can't expect him to suddenly fit in with orcs huh? I'll keep a few flaws like his timidness when complimented, but he'll, or rather, considering he'll be a futanari next chapter, she'll be pretty brash like a normal orc.

For those of you who aren't subs, I'll make Robin a switch of course, you're welcome. And for those of you who aren't into masculine guys getting fucked, I got you. I'm going to try and be as neutral as possible. It'll just take time to build up Robin's character.

Understandably, as a once heterosexual male, I understand what you may or may not like to see if your views aren't as diverse as a bi or homo male.

Don't expect any lemon for a while. Please be active in the paragraph comments, keep me motivated, my diet consists of memes and jokes along with compliments! When we get ten power stones I'll write a custom fetish chapter. I'll do this for every miles stone of course. I just need help setting them… Thank you for reading!