

Chapter 889 - Return

On the abandoned planet, everything within 50,000 kilometers of Wang Lin had completely withered. The earth was cracked and all the vitality was devoured by him.

His body was rapidly changing. As he continued to absorb the large amount of life force, his appearance was restored to normal and the life force in his body recovered.

He opened his eyes, which were filled with lightning, took a deep breath, and muttered, "There are drawbacks to relying on the Finger of Death to recover life force."

After silently pondering for a while, Wang Lin stood up and left the abandoned planet with one step. Ta Shan moved in a flash and disappeared into Wang Lin's shadow.

"Planet Suzaku…" Ripples appeared under Wang Lin's feet and he merged with the world.

Outside planet Suzaku, the big-headed boy's question had just entered the ears of the two Allheaven cultivators.

The two cultivators suppressed the panic in their hearts. One of them quickly said, "Celestial Messenger, we saw a statue on this cultivation planet…"

"I told you two to slaughter the planet, not to view some statue!" The big-headed boy directly interrupted them and his eyes turned cold. Even though he still had that foolish smile, it was filled with killing intent.

The cultivator was about to speak when his brother pulled him. He looked at the big-headed boy and respectfully said, "Lord Celestial Messenger, you should personally see the statue, then you will understand why we came back!" With that, he no longer looked at the big-headed boy and pulled his brother back into the group of cultivators.

The big-headed boy gloomily looked at the two of them. He took a step and headed straight toward planet Suzaku. Originally, He would never step onto a half-abandoned planet like this. When they encountered planets similar to this, he always sent his subordinates to slaughter the planet before leaving.

In his eyes, he should only use his spells on rank 7 planets!

"Unfortunately, I haven't encountered any rank 7 cultivation planets. I want to see what kind of person on this abandoned planet could make two peak late stage Ascendant cultivators run!" The big-headed boy let out a cold snort. His body didn't close in on the planet, but his divine sense spread out. His was at the early stage of Nirvana Scryer and he had chosen to enter the celestial pool. He lost his domain, but now he had a celestial origin!

He secretly used several celestial spells before. The power he saw made him pleasantly surprised!

At this moment, his divine sense spread out and formed a powerful storm that swept across planet Suzaku! This divine sense was so strong that it caused a never-before-seen uproar on planet Suzaku.

Several mountain peaks immediately collapsed and the rivers seemed to boil as monstrous waves crashed into each other. All the cultivators on planet Suzaku felt as if a large mountain had smashed down on top of them.

This divine sense spread out and turned into countless bolts of thunder that spread to every corner of the planet. This immediately made it look as if planet Suzaku was facing the apocalypse. The violent divine sense turned into black clouds that covered the sky and mercilessly pressed down!

The several Ascendent cultivators immediately trembled. It was as if their origin souls were going to collapse. As for the Soul Transformation cultivators, they coughed out blood and became dispirited.

The Core Formation cultivators immediately trembled and cracks appeared on their cores. Their faces became pale and revealed despair.

Blood mist burst out from those cultivators who were at the Foundation Establishment and Qi Condensation stages. They fell to the ground and became extremely weak.

If cultivators were like this, there was no need to talk about mortals. All the mortals on planet Suzaku passed out. The only thing left in their minds was the echo of the thunderous rumbles.

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In an instant, planet Suzaku was silent.

This was only because the big-headed cultivator didn't want to slaughter mortals. Otherwise, with just a sweep of his divine sense, everything would die!

Under the assault of his divine sense, only a few select people were still struggling. Zhou Wutai had the bloodline of a dragon and had inherited the Cultivation Planet Crystal. At this moment, he let out a roar and green light covered his body. The green light turned into green scales and a powerful aura burst from his body. In the sky, a 1,000-foot-long green dragon appeared and let out a roar toward the sky.

Yun Quezi was covered in golden tattoos. His expression was pale and the veins on his face bulged. At this moment, he had the illusion that he was facing the heavens and earth.


Although Yun Quezi was old, he let out a roar. The illusory shadow of a towering tree appeared in the sky. The tree gave off a powerful aura and continued to rise. Under this intense pressure, he was experiencing a breakthrough! It was as if there was a thought in this divine sense that made him yield! It was as if this thought came from an imprint deep within his soul.

A cold snort came from the sky. The moment this snort appeared, it created sonic booms. The earth shook and it felt as if the sky was turning upside down.

Yun Quezi's body trembled and he coughed out a large mouthful of blood. All the tattoos around him collapsed and he revealed a miserable smile. It wasn't due to the other party's power, it was an instinct from within his body that made him yield.

The big-headed boy had a calm expression as he descended with his hand behind his back. The wind blew toward him but immediately blew in reverse as if the wind didn't dare to approach him.

In the eyes of the cultivators of planet Suzaku, an inconceivably powerful energy slowly spread as the big-headed boy descended.

"A wasted cultivation planet. Everyone here is a bunch of rubbish! What is the use of keeping all of you? Since you all have met me, let me send you off!" The big-headed boy raised his finger and casually pointed!

Dense celestial spiritual energy gathered on his finger until there was a golden glow. This golden light contained a terrifying celestial spell.

In the distance, the dragon formed by Zhou Wutai was pierced by a golden beam. It let out a miserable groan and the dragon that was the guardian of planet Suzaku let out an unwilling howl and collapsed.

Zhou Wutai's body trembled and he coughed out blood. However, his eyes were filled with battle intent.

Just at this moment, the big-headed boy's body trembled. He had spread out his divine sense to look for a statue. Right now he saw a giant statue in a sect.

When he saw this statue, even with his mental strength, he couldn't help but gasp, and his eyes were filled with terror.

"This… This…"

He was so startled that he almost subconsciously retreated several steps. His heart pounded and his expression rapidly changed. He never expected to see Xu Mu's statue here!

What Xu Mu brought him was a nightmare. Back in the one line to heaven, he died to Xu Mu without any chance of fighting back. He was still terrified of that thunder spell that made his scalp tingle.

Even after he entered the celestial pool, he didn't dare to provoke Xu Mu.

Every time he thought of that incredible spell, he would feel terrified

At this moment, he took a deep breath and disappeared. When he reappeared, he was in the sky above the Cloud Sky Sect and he stared at Wang Lin's statue.

The more he looked, the more shocked he felt. The more he looked, the more his heart trembled!

"Master Demon Xu Mu!!" The big-headed boy became pale as he stared at the statue. He was completely sure that this statue was Xu Mu!

After all, he had died by Xu Mu's hand, so Xu Mu's appearance was engraved in his heart!

He stared dumbfoundedly at the statue. The big-headed boy understood why those two cultivators ran away. Xu Mu was too famous, and even he couldn't help but feel the urge to leave.

Tie Yan was sitting in the square next to the statue. He stared at the statue and sneered.

The heavily injured Yun Quezi's eyes lit up. He naturally saw the big-headed boy's expression. When he saw that the big-headed boy also became startled before the statue of the little boy, Wang Lin, Yun Quezi was filled with shock.

"Could these Allheaven cultivators know that little boy, Wang Lin!? However, that wouldn't explain this expression, unless…" An idea that even Yun Quezi himself thought was extremely absurd appeared in his mind.

Zhou Wutai was the same. He was heavily injured, but in order to fulfill the promise he made to Wang Lin, he was going to give it his all. As long as the Suzaku existed, the people would live! If the Suzaku was gone, then they all would die!

As for the big-headed boy, his mind trembled as he stared at Wang Lin's statue. He was completely terrified of Wang Lin. While standing there and staring at Wang Lin's statue, all the hair on his body stood up. It was as if he was facing the real Wang Lin! He subconsciously retreated several dozen feet and his expression became gloomy.

"I really can't provoke Xu Mu for an abandoned cultivation planet. However, this statue of Xu Mu seems to have existed for hundreds of years…

"This Xu Mu isn't someone from the Allheaven Star System!! He is a cultivator from the Alliance Star System, that must be it!" The big-headed boy's heart pounded like crazy. He felt he had gotten hold of a big secret. With this, he could ruin Xu Mu and maybe even cause Xu Mu to lose his life!

The big-headed boy laughed like crazy, then his eyes lit up and he took a step forward. He arrived next to the statue and raised his hand. Then he mercilessly slammed down and shouted, "Break for me!" He didn't dare to provoke Xu Mu and could only do this to vent his anger.

Just at the moment he raised his hand, Tie Yan, who was sitting under that statue and still had blood flowing from his mouth, looked up at the big-headed boy. There was no fear in his eyes and he coldly said, "If you destroy benefactor's statue, you will without a doubt die!"

The big-headed boy's right hand paused and his gaze landed on Tie Yan. He had already seen that Tie Yan's lifespan was about to run out. He sneered. "Not to mention destroying a statue, even if Xu Mu comes personally, I won't care!"

He raised his right hand and was about to slam down, but at this moment a voice colder than the winter ice echoed across planet Suzaku!

"Say that again!" This voice was cold enough to freeze the world!

"Xu Mu!" It was as if someone had hit the big-headed boy on the head. His expression became pale and he retreated without any hesitation. His mind trembled violently as he had lost his wits.

"I can't battle, must retreat!" As he retreated, he coughed out a large mouthful of blood. Without hesitation, he used the blood escape that would harm his cultivation. After one line to heaven, he feared Xu Mu from the depths of his heart.

"Benefactor!" Tie Yan's eyes were filled with hundreds of years of excitement. Two streams of tears fell from his eyes when he saw the figure that had walked out from the ripples next to the statue.

Yun Quezi gasped. "Wang Lin!!"

"Wang Lin!" Zhou Wutai's eyes revealed shock and ecstasy

"Wang Lin!!" At this moment, all the cultivators that had awakened and noticed this were shocked!

Wang Lin, planet Suzaku's true ancestor!

"You can't escape!" Wang Lin's eyes revealed monstrous killing intent and he took a step forward!

Chapter 890 - Big-headed Boy

The big-headed boy's eyes were filled with horror. He coughed out blood and his entire body was surrounded by a blood light. He retreated at an unimaginable speed.

This blood escape was silent, but it was several times faster than lightning. In the blink of an eye, he had escaped far away from planet Suzaku.

However, in the instant it took him to get there, Wang Lin took a step and ripples appeared. His figure disappeared as he merged with the world. He was even faster than the blood shadow and appeared directly before the escaping shadow.

The moment Wang Lin's figure appeared, the yin and yang fishes appeared in his right hand and he mercilessly slammed forward with his hand.

His palm hit nothing but air, but it created a boom in space. This palm contained Wang Lin's dao and origin energy. This impact was enough to shake the heavens and earth.

The blood light around the big-headed boy immediately collapsed and his face turned pale. Although that spell had landed in the air, black and white gas had appeared. The white gas charged into the void yet strangely appeared inside the big-headed boy's body and headed toward his origin soul.

The big-headed boy had never seen this kind of spell in his life. The white gas in his body collapsed, causing the celestial origin in his body to disintegrate as well.

This was only the start. What really made the big-headed boy gasp was the black gas. When the black gas surrounded him, it caused his entire body to wrinkle. Large amounts of life force left his body.

This change shocked the big-headed boy greatly. His spell was broken by Wang Lin and a powerful force had come through the void and smashed into the big-headed boy. He fell like a meteor directly toward the ground.

This scene was witnessed by all the cultivators that had awakened on planet Suzaku, and they became excited. Some of the cultivators that were shocked by the big-headed boy began to awaken. No one knew who started it, but many cultivators flew out from their sects to the edge of the battle.

More and more cultivators gradually flew over. Among them were Zhou Wutai and Yun Quezi.

At this moment, not far away from Wang Lin and the big-headed boy's battle, there was a mortal city. A white-haired old man whose eyes were dim and was injured by the big-headed boy struggled to spread out his divine sense to observe the battle.

He was inside a secret chamber and there was a painting before him. The painting was that of a kind old man, and below the painting was a token. Engraved on it was: "Wang Clan ancestor Wang Zhuo."

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As for the big-headed boy, he felt a powerful impact and popping sounds came from all over his body. His body rapidly closed in on the ground. Terrified, his celestial origin energy activated like crazy. His right hand pointed at many points in his body before he was finally able to stop himself after falling thousands of feet. He let out a laugh and rushed back out. Both his hands formed a seal and a large amount of celestial origin energy rushed out. The rich celestial origin energy formed a large net before him!

"Celestial spell, Spirit Destruction Net!" The big-headed boy roared and the net before him suddenly grew. It became more than 1,000 feet long and closed in on Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's expression was cold and he revealed a chilly gaze. He didn't stop moving forward. As the net closed in on him, ripples appeared under his feet and he disappeared.

The big-headed boy's face became pale and his eyes were filled with shock. He had felt that something was wrong earlier. His blood escape was passed down by his family and he had sacrificed his cultivation to escape with it. That spell was far faster than teleportation.

He had used the blood escape to escape many life and death crises in his younger years.

However, just now this Xu Mu had used an unknown spell and immediately surpassed him. It made him lose his wit, but he didn't have time to think about it. However, now that he saw Xu Mu use it again, all his hair stood up. At this moment, all the the celestial origin energy inside his body exploded forth.

However, a large amount of white gas came out of the big-headed boy's body. The white gas formed a violent storm outside of the big-headed boy's body.

As it swept by, Wang Lin's figure appeared. His fingers formed a sword and dozens of Heavenly Chops fused into one. Then they smashed directly with the vortex formed by the celestial origin energy.

The big-headed boy's body was suddenly covered in cold sweat and he quickly retreated. He felt fear toward Wang Lin's strange spell. What was more, Xu Mu hadn't used that terrifying thunder spell.

When he thought about that thunder spell, the fear in the big-headed boy became even stronger. He immediately became anxious and shouted, "Xu Mu! I didn't kill a single person here! Why must you force me like this!?"

Wang Lin's expression turned cold and he stopped.

The big-headed boy's eyes revealed joy and he immediately rushed out. He opened his mouth and shouted, "Xu Mu, you and I are not enemies. It was I who was reckless. I'll leave now!" His heart was pounding. This was a real life and death crisis. He vowed that if he escaped, he would immediately return to the main camp of the Allheaven cultivators and expose Xu Mu's identity.

"Xu Mu! I'll remember today for my revenge. I'll ruin your name in the Allheaven Star System. When seniors like Blood God come to hunt down a traitor like you, I want to see how you will escape! Even if your senior apprentice brother is Qing Shui, he won't be able to protect you!" The big-headed boy clenched his teeth, but he didn't dare to reveal his thoughts. He looked up at the sky and saw the atmosphere. As long as he breaks out from the atmosphere, this xu Mu wouldn't dare to attack with hundreds of cultivators serving as witnesses.

Wang Lin sneered. He clearly knew what the big-headed body was thinking. He raised his right hand and the sound of a bell echoed inside his body.

At the same time, the illusionary shadow of the ancient god furnace appeared. After it appeared, Wang Lin unhurriedly said, "Exchange!"

In an instant, the escaping big-headed body released a ghostly glow. This ghostly light appeared too suddenly, causing him to become startled. However, soon, his eyes were filled with fear.

His body instantly disappeared and switched places with Wang Lin!

"I already said that you can't escape!" Wang Lin walked step by step toward the big-headed boy. The coldness in his eyes became even stronger.

The big-headed boy's heart felt bitter. As Wang Lin closed in, an irresistible feeling spread through his heart like crazy. To him, Wang Lin was like a giant, indomitable spirit walking toward him. He mercilessly clenched his teeth and his eyes revealed a vicious light.

He quickly retreated and his hands formed a seal. He began chanting in a strange language and a cold aura began to spread.

"Xu Mu, you've forced me!" When the big-headed boy finished his chant, half-transparent runes appeared in the void before him. After the countless runes appeared, they didn't attack Wang Lin but entered the big-headed boy's body.

A painful growl came from the big-headed boy. He knew that all his spells and magical treasures were useless before Xu Mu. The more he thought about the shocking thunder spell Xu Mu hadn't used yet, the more uneasy he felt.

It was as if the other side was completely confident that all his methods to resist were completely insignificant.

This feeling made his scalp felt numb and he even had the urge to surrender. However, he was unwilling, so he used his most powerful celestial spell without any hesitation for one last confrontation!

As the runes entered his body, his entire body withered. It was as if all the essence in his body was gathering toward his head.

Originally, his head was bigger than his body. Now that he had used this celestial spell, his body became even smaller and looked no different from a skeleton. However, now his head was so exaggerated that it was shocking to see!

The large head caused the boy's appearance to become extremely ferocious. Large veins bulged from his forehead as if there were worms underneath. If a mortal saw this at night, they would die from terror.

This big-headed boy originally didn't have much hair. After he used this strange spell, all his hair fell off. Now there wasn't a single strand of hair remaining on his head.

A sharp laughter echoed as his hand formed a seal and pointed to both sides of his head. His gaze fell on Wang Lin and he shouted, "Celestial spell, Tendon Displacement!"

As he roared, a loud popping sound appeared like a thunder rumble. The numerous squirming veins burst out from his head and turned into green snakes. The green snakes fused together and extended like a pillar toward Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's expression was still neutral. The reason he didn't use any powerful spells was because he had other uses for the big-headed boy. If he used powerful spells, he wouldn't be able to hold back because he couldn't control them too well with his current cultivation.

In addition, this person was one of the 36 Heaven Celestials. Wang Lin was not ready to sever ties with the Allheaven Star System yet. He could kill an ordinary cultivator, but not a Heaven Celestial near planet Suzaku, especially with hundreds of cultivators watching. It would not be a wise decision!

However, with Wang Lin's attitude, since the other party had provoked him, he would naturally not let them go. He had an idea on how to perfectly deal with the situation.

Chapter 891 - Servant

The big-headed boy's eyes shined brightly. He had the gaze of a vicious beast that was pushed to the edge and was fighting desperately.

The big-headed boy's life was filled with tragedy. When he was born, his head was big and his body was small. During his childhood, he was often ridiculed by his peers.

If that was the only issue, it would have been fine, but that wasn't the only abnormality. He was slow, and that foolish smile would always appear on his face.

His mother disliked him and completely ignored him. He spent his childhood being bullied and abused. However, he didn't understand too much of this, and anytime he saw someone, he would just smile foolishly.

His talent made it impossible for him to cultivate. At age 15, he was kicked out of his family and was no longer part of the clan.

However, no one would have thought that he would reappear in the family 500 years later. His appearance hadn't changed much; he still had that foolish smile, but he had reached the Ascendant stage!

This immediately caught the attention of the family. Since then, he became the elite of the family. Time slowly passed, and after thousands of years, the big-headed boy reached the peak of the Corporeal Yang stage!

His childhood made his personality very twisted. During these thousands of years, many people were tortured and killed. Whether they were men or women, they all died miserably.

He was an extremely cautious person. If he acted, he would ensure that no one would be able to find any clues. However, 30 years ago, during one of his killings, his family finally couldn't endure it anymore. The early stage Nirvana Scryer ancestor personally came out to kill him!

Every family member thought that this battle was in the bag, but the big-headed boy suddenly released early stage Nirvana Scryer cultivation. He had already reached the Nirvana Scryer stage decades ago but kept it hidden. Now he released his cultivation and began a battle with his ancestor!

In this battle, the ancestor died and the big-headed boy was seriously injured and he retreated! After that, there was no news of him until the celestial competition. When he reappeared, it set off a huge wave in his family!

Recalling his life, the viciousness in the big-headed boy's eyes became even stronger. As he roared, the tendons that shot out from his head carried an overbearing aura that could tear the world apart and shot toward Wang Lin.

At the same time, celestial spiritual energy filled the area, and there was also demonic energy. The instant the meat pillar closed in on Wang Lin. it exploded into countless tendons that formed a net. The net surrounded a great area and closed in on Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's eyes were calm. He sneered he spat out an item. This item was the Celestial Sealing Stamp. After it was spat out, a dazzling, golden glow and hundreds of thousands of runes appeared. The runes formed a golden vortex and swept forward.

The tendon net immediately wrapped around the vortex, but the golden runes directly smashed into it. The golden runes landed and a seal was formed with each rune.

In particular, the golden runes that had sealed a cultivator's origin soul were extremely fierce. When they landed, there would be a loud rumble and the strength of the seals was 100 times stronger than normal!

In almost an instant, as the golden vortex swept the area, a golden glow covered the big-headed boy and he was completely sealed.

A roar came from the big-headed boy as his eyes turned red and he began to struggle. The runes began to collapse, and at this moment, Wang Lin moved!

Wang Lin's right foot took a step and ripples appeared. When he took the second step, it was as if space shrank and he could reach anywhere with just one step.

Spatial Bending!

Wang Lin appeared next to the big-headed boy on the next step. His two right fingers formed a sword and his domain integrated into his finger. With a point of his finger, the yin and yang fishes appeared.

His fingers were surrounded by black and white gas and he pressed them down. The golden runes all moved out of the way when his finger closed in, allowing Wang Lin to press down between the big-headed body's eyebrows!

The big-headed boy's eyes were filled with fear and he retreated without hesitation. However, compared to Wang Lin, he was simply too slow. At this moment, he felt something hot explode within his body.

Black and white gas surrounded his body and caused his extremely large head to immediately shrink. The tendons that expended out from his head rapidly shrank as well.

He directly cough out a mouthful of blood. This blood wasn't coughed out randomly, each drop charged toward Wang Lin!

Every single drop of blood contained powerful celestial spiritual energy. If this blood fell on Wang Lin's body, his body would immediately collapse! After all, this big-headed boy's cultivation wasn't weak; he was a second step cultivator at the Nirvana Scryer stage!

Wang Lin's expression was neutral, and he didn't even dodge. When the fresh blood closed in, he softly said, "Bind!"

Thanks to his Nirvana Scryer cultivation, the Bind spell was far stronger than before. What's more, the moment Wang Lin used the Bind spell, the celestial bead left by Qing Shui rapidly spun and a trace of celestial origin energy entered the world!

This immediately caused the Bind spell to reach a new height since the time Wang Lin learned it!

With one word, all the fresh blood coming toward Wang Lin was frozen in the air. Not only the blood, but even the big-headed boy who was trying to escape was frozen with fear in his eyes.

From beginning to end, Wang Lin was still calm. He avoided the blood and his hand moved like lightning as he pressed down between the big-headed boy's eyebrows.

The big-headed boy's body trembled as he was thrown away and popping sounds came from his body. The Bind spell still hadn't dissipated as Wang Lin took a step and chased after him.

However, just at this moment, his expression changed as rays of sword energy descended. They were the Allheaven cultivators who felt that something was wrong. Their cultivation was powerful and they broke through the atmosphere as they descended.

The appearance of these people immediately caused a huge pressure for planet Suzaku. When had the cultivators of planet Suzaku seen so many powerful cultivators before? They were all startled.

When the Allheaven cultivators descended, they immediately saw Wang Lin and the big-headed boy. When they saw Wang Lin, their expressions all changed greatly.

Wang Lin didn't stop. As he chased, he slapped his bag of holding and the Heaven Tiger Flag that represented his status as a Thunder Celestial was thrown out.

The moment the flag appeared, there was a fierce tiger roar. Purple gas surrounded the flag that turned into a tiger and it roared directly at the Allheaven cultivators in the sky.

"I'm sparing with someone. All of you, wait outside. Anyone who dares to disobey will be killed!" Wang Lin didn't even look back as his fingers landed between the big-headed boy's eyebrows again. More popping sounds came from the big-headed boy's body and he was mercilessly smashed into the ground.

A large pit appeared with a bang, causing the earth around it to tremble.

The smart ones among the hundreds of Allheaven cultivators immediately retreated and secretly complained. If they had known before, they wouldn't have come to take a look. The battle between two celestial title holders was not something they could participate in.

With a few people leading the way, all the Allheaven cultivators followed suit and retreated. They left planet Suzaku and didn't dare to participate in this fight.

This sudden reversal caused all the cultivators on planet Suzaku to understand that planet Suzaku's ancestor, Wang Lin, had a very high status among the Allheaven cultivators!

Wang Lin landed on the ground and looked at the big-headed boy in the pit. The Bind spell had ended and the big-headed boy's face was pale. The big-headed boy was covered in blood and his eyes were filled with terror as he looked at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin coldly looked at the big-headed boy. He raised his hand and a flash of green light came from it. Thunder clouds began to gather in the sky above planet Suzaku and lightning flickered between the clouds. Then all the lightning seemed to be controlled as it rushed toward Wang Lin's right hand.

In an instant, a ball of thunder gathered in Wang Lin's hand and started giving off popping sounds. There were also countless arcs that flew off from the ball of thunder. From a distance, it was as if the thunder of the heavens was completely under Wang Lin's control.

When he saw the thunder, the big-headed boy trembled. The scene that caused him to fear Wang Lin from one line to heaven reappeared. This time he was scared, completely scared from the bottom of his heart!

"Brother Xu, my 2,000 years of cultivation were not easy. If there is something you need, please speak. As long as you don't kill me, I'll agree!" The big-headed boy's pupils shrank as he stared at the ball of thunder. He was not a fool. Ever since his battle with Wang Lin began, Wang Lin never used any powerful spells, so he was obviously not set on killing him. If he had taken a step back first, he might've been able to avoid this catastrophe.

Wang Lin calmly said, "I need a servant!"

The big-headed boy silently pondered and said, "I have already entered the celestial pool and lost my domain. I can't give you my dao ideal."

"No problem, I have a spell. If you're willing, it will do no harm, but if you resist, then it will collapse and you will die!" As Wang Lin spoke, he raised his right hand and a strange rune formed. Then celestial origin energy came out from the bead inside his body and gathered in the rune in Wang Lin's hand.

There were flashes of golden light as a dark golden rune appeared in Wang Lin's right hand.

When he received Celestial Emperor Qing Lin's jade, aside from the refining method for celestial guards, there were also spells for controlling others. However, when Wang Lin tried them, they weren't as strong as the records said.

Even the slave imprint used on Li Yuan was mentioned in Celestial Emperor Qing Lin's jade. But after Wang Lin analyzed it, he still couldn't find any clues. This was until he learned of the celestial origin; that's when everything became clear.

These sealing spells had to be used by celestials. If there was no celestial origin, then they naturally couldn't display their true power. The celestial origin energy gathered to form the rune. Then the rune landed between the big-headed boy's eyebrows.

At this instant, Wang Lin had a feeling that he only needed one thought for this big-headed boy to perish!

He pondered for a bit and understood the difference between the seal and the celestial guard.

Chapter 892 - Returning Home

It was obvious that Celestial Emperor Qing Lin had invented the celestial guard spell after these seals. The celestial guards imitated the ancient gods, while these seals were used to control their servants.

There was a difference between the two. Celestial guards focused on the physical body and spells were second. Once it was successful, they would never betray you unless the caster released them.

The sealing spell wasn't perfect when it came to loyalty. As long as it was a spell, it wouldn't be perfect. With the passage of time, various issues that could cause the spell to be broken would arise.

Wang Lin was very clear about this. When the seal landed between the big-headed boy's eyebrows, his body trembled. All the celestial origin energy in his body began to activate and an identical seal formed on his origin soul. The big-headed boy took a deep breath as he got up with a wry smile and respectfully said, "Greetings, Master."

Wang Lin looked at the big-headed boy and said, "Go outside the planet and send the Allheaven cultivators away. As for you, stay here."

The big-headed boy quickly acknowledged the command and let out a sigh. He jumped into the air and charged into the sky.

As Wang Lin looked at the familiar earth around him, his eyes became filled with nostalgia. He had many memories here.

Wang Lin felt melancholy coming back after leaving for hundreds of years. This was a very complex emotion that couldn't be explained clearly.

"I don't know how many friends I can still meet…" Wang Lin revealed a crestfallen expression. His shadow flickered and then Ta Shan stepped out and silently stood there.

Wang Lin just stared at his home like this, and the melancholy in his heart became even stronger.

Shortly after, the big-headed boy descended from the sky. He calmly stood behind Wang Lin.

Several rays of light came from the distance. Two of them moved faster than the rest and quickly closed in. Those two were Zhou Wutai and Yun Quezi.

Wang Lin took a step forward and his entire body disappeared. He only left behind a divine sense message that echoed within the hearts of Zhou Wutai and Yun Quezi.

"I want some quiet…"

The moment Zhou Wutai felt this divine sense, his body trembled and his mind was shocked. Although this divine sense was soft, it terrified him, and his heart was filled with respect. At the same time, there was also a complex feeling in his heart.

"I didn't think that he would become this powerful after hundreds of years…" Zhou Wutai was, after all, the Suzaku, so he quickly suppressed the shock in his heart. He clasped his hands at Yun Quezi and then left with his people.

Yun Quezi's emotions were even more complex. Wang Lin's divine sense had made him tremble as well. The little boy from back then had reached such an unimaginable cultivation level. He let out a sigh and felt as if he could still see the figure of the youth who paid for his drinks at the restaurant.

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He thought about the battle between himself and Zhu Quezi, the battle between the Forsaken Immortal Clan and the country of Suzaku. Now everything felt so insignificant…

Coincidentally, both Zhou Wutai and Yun Quezi sealed the information about Wang Lin's return. Aside from the cultivators that awakened early, no one else knew that Wang Lin had returned…

The reason the two of them did this was because Wang Lin's divine sense contained a hint of melancholy. He needed some time alone and didn't want others to disturb him.

Several days later, Wang Lin looked at the familiar scene around him as he walked down a winding road. He wasn't moving very fast and his body gave off a powerful sense of loneliness. The sunset made his shadow very long and Wang Lin looked extremely lonely in the sunset.

From a distance, Wang Lin didn't look like a youth and more like an old man. A wanderer who had left his home for many years.

Ta Shan and the big-headed boy silently followed him. Ta Shan's expression didn't change; his only duty was to protect Wang Lin. If anyone showed hostility toward Wang Lin, he would be the first to attack.

The big-headed boy was also silent. His heart was a mess and he couldn't clear his thoughts.

Wang Lin slowly walked forward. Everything around him was unfamiliar, but there were traces of familiarity within them. This road used to be just a small country road. However, with the passage of time, it had changed greatly.

As he walked, the melancholy in Wang Lin's hearts became even stronger. He vaguely saw the end of the road ahead.

There was a huge city there, and it was filled with noise. There was a plaque on top of the city gate, and there were three character on the plaque!

Wang Ancestral City!

Looking at the city from a distance, Wang Lin stopped. The appearance of his hometown and the voice of his parents occupied his mind.

"Changed…" Wang Lin's expression revealed sadness. This city was completely different from his memories.

Sounds of horses and wheels on the ground echoed from behind Wang Lin while he pondered. Not long after, a team of carriages slowly arrived.

These carriages were very ordinary. There were a few people riding on horses ahead of them to open up a path. Behind the horses were carriages, and a white-haired old man was sitting at the front of one of the carriages. Hie eyes were like lightning. He was clearly a martial arts expert.

The old man would sometimes raise the whip in his hand and with a snap increase the speed of the carriage.

When the old man passed Wang Lin, he seemed to casually turn to look at Wang Lin's group before withdrawing his gaze and leaving.

Wang Lin's expression was complicated as he slowly walked forward behind the carriages. There were guards at the gate checking for road passes. Without one, they wouldn't let anyone in.

This naturally didn't bother Wang Lin at all. None of the guards even noticed him walking by. After entering the city, the road was filled with pedestrians. The streets were lined with shops and looked very lively.

Wang Lin slowly walked with loneliness in his heart. Everything before him was very unfamiliar to him.

"Everyone has changed…" Wang Lin stood before a shop. As he looked at the shop, his vision turned blurry.

He remembered that there used be an old locust tree here with a blue stone at the root. During his youth, he would often sit here and study his scrolls.

He still remembered how when Fourth Uncle had given him the chance to become a cultivator, he sat here that day and stared into the sky in a daze.

The him back then really wanted to know what the world outside was like…

Looking at the shop, Wang Lin silently pondered. Hundreds of years passed by in a flash. It might not be long for cultivators, but it was enough for many generations to pass for mortals.

Maybe it was because he stood there for too long that the waiter walked out frowning and wanted to yell. However, when he saw Ta Shan, he was frightened. Such a big fellow was rare around here. When he took another look, he saw the big-headed boy.

The big-headed boy looked strange and terrifying. The waiter only took one gaze and quickly turned pale. He retreated two steps as he looked at Wang Lin before calming himself and saying, "Little Brother, our shop sells jades. If you want to buy, come in. If not, leave. What is the meaning of you just standing here?"

Wang Lin let out a sigh and said, "Waiter, was there an old locust tree here?"

The waiter originally didn't want to say anything, but after seeing Ta Shan and the big-headed boy behind Wang Lin, he answered "What old locust tree? I grew up in the Wang Ancestral City and never saw any old locust tree!"

The melancholy in Wang Lin's eyes became even stronger and his heart felt bitter. He continued along the street and went further into the city. Ta Shan and the big-headed boy followed behind him.

When the waiter saw Wang Lin leave, he let out a snort before going back to the shop. At this moment, an elderly man came out from the house holding a cane and with a servant supporting him. He asked in a hoarse voice, "What happened outside?"

The waiter quickly went up and smiled. "Shopkeeper, it was nothing. There were a few strange people asking me if there was an old locust tree here. I grew up here and never saw any old locust tree. I reckon they were mistaken about this place."

The old man was startled and his dim eyes revealed a look of reminiscence. After a long time, he softly said, "I remember that I was a child, the elders said that there used to be an old locust tree here. It has been a very long time."

The waiter was startled, but he didn't take this to heart.

As Wang Lin walked, there were no familiar sights. Everything was strange to him. It was as if something was blocking his heart and made him feel very uncomfortable.

As he walked, Wang Lin suddenly shivered. His 1,000 years of cultivation became extreme fragile and began to collapse from his body.

He was like someone who had left his home for a long time. Then, after seeing all these strangers, he suddenly saw something familiar.

Wang Lin looked ahead.1,000 feet ahead, there was an area surrounded by stone walls. There were teams of soldiers patrolling the area. It was obvious this place was well-guarded and no one was allowed to enter.

In addition, there were a dozen auras that belonged to cultivators surrounding this area.

One could imagine that this must be the most important location in this city!

What was inside the stone wall was something completely different from outside the walls. There were several houses in there that gave Wang Lin a familiar feeling. There was also a grave that was built afterwards.

The soldiers patrolling the walls would sometimes look inside the walls, and their face would show respect from the bottom of their hearts.

Chapter 893 - Thank You All

Wang Lin looked at all of this and then took a step. With this step, he completely disappeared, and when he re-appeared, he was inside the wall.

At this moment, the sun fell and night covered the earth. Wang Lin looked at everything before him, especially the tomb built by the later generations, and he knelt down. Unknowingly, two stream of tears fell…

"Dad, Mom, Tie Zhu is back."

Tears fell from his face and his eyes revealed his yearning and sadness that enveloped his body. This kneeling felt like it lasted for an eternity and time slowly passed.

Ta Shan and the big-headed boy were also here. Ta Shan's eyes were still cold, but when the big-headed boy looked at all of this, his eyes revealed a complex expression.

He originally didn't know what this place was, but after seeing Wang Lin's actions, he knew that this was Xu Mu's ancestral home. The big-headed boy never experienced any affection, so right now he couldn't help but think of his own childhood.

Wang Lin looked at the token on the tomb. After a long time, he slowly stood up and looked at the houses. It was as if he had returned to 1,000 years ago, back to his most precious memories.

As he opened the door of the yard, the door made a squeaking sound. Nothing in the courtyard was changed. The table was still there, but there were no people.

Wang Lin could vaguely hear the sounds from 1,000 years ago.

"Tie Zhu, how are your studies going?"

"Tie Zhu, you have to study well. Next year will be the country's big test. This will determine if you have a future or not. Don't be like dad, staying in this village your entire life. Alas."

"Enough. You bug him about this every day. I believe our Tie Zhu will definitely pass."

"Tie Zhu, your fourth uncle is a good person. Over the years, it is thank to his help that your father's wood carvings could be sold for money. If you have a good future, don't forget to repay your fourth uncle."

An aura of sadness spread out from Wang Lin's body. He stepped into the courtyard and the home he had left for hundreds of years.

After opening the door, although Wang Lin still looked like a youth, he gave off an ancient aura. He was like an old man who hadn't returned home in a long time and continued to touch everything with his hands.

When Wang Lin touched the wall, the scenes of this childhood flashed through his mind. The sadness in his heart became even stronger and the yearning for his parents filled his body.

After making Ta Shan and the big-headed boy wait outside, Wang Lin sat alone inside the Ancestral Home. He felt the aura of the house and forgot about the cultivation world as he recalled his joyous childhood and growing up under the love of his parents.

The surroundings were completely quiet, and during this silence, Wang Lin's heart underwent a baptism. The memories of his childhood gradually resurfaced as he sat there alone.

While he silently sat there, he sometimes revealed a happy smile and sometimes he revealed sadness. He was the only one who could recall his childhood memories, so he could only reminiscence about them on his own.

His happiness was lonely. His smile was clearly filled with silent sadness… Tears fell from the corners of his eyes and were left on the ground like traces of memories…

The moonlight gradually passed and the run rose, expelling the darkness. The sunlight fell on the earth and continued to extend as it covered the Wang Ancestral City.

As sunlight entered from the window, Wang Lin awakened from his reminiscence. He looked around profoundly before standing up and leaving.

Ta Shan had stood there the entire night and remained motionless. The big-headed boy's expression was even more complex. He had spent the night remembering the pain of his childhood. For some unknown reason, he was able to find relief in those painful memories.

The thing he thought most about was his mother that always disdained him. Before, this memory was a great source of pain, but now it was a lot less painful.

Wang Lin's group didn't hide themselves. When dawn arrived, they immediately attracted the attention of the soldiers outside the wall. Bursts of exclamations came from outside the walls as the soldiers gathered. Killing intent locked onto them as if the soldiers were facing a great enemy.

At the same time, more than 10 cultivators with various cultivation levels, from Foundation Establishment to Soul Formation, rushed over. Their divine senses quickly locked onto them.

An furious roar came from outside the wall. "Brazen fiends, you dare to break into the Wang Ancestral Home? Do you know that this is a crime where even your entire family will be punished!?"

There was a flash of sword energy in the sky as the cultivators arrived, and they all looked angry. Wang Lin could tell that this wasn't fake anger, but real anger!

"For the three of you to enter the Wang Ancestral Home without being detected means you must be cultivators. No matter what sect you're from, didn't your elders warn you all? Aside from the Wang family members, no one else is allowed to take even half a step inside." The one who spoke was an old man at the Soul Formation stage.

Ta Shan revealed no expression and he didn't even look at them. The big-headed boy rolled his eyes but didn't speak.

Looking at his parents' grave, Wang Lin withdrew his gaze. He looked up at the dozen or so cultivators and slowly asked, "Who built this grave?"

Wang Lin's voice was flat, but when it landed in the ears of the cultivators, it was as if the might of heavens had entered their ears. A feeling of being unable to resist suddenly appeared in their hearts.

This feeling came suddenly, which caused the cultivators' expressions to change greatly. The Soul Formation cultivator's face turned pale. He had reached the Soul Formation stage and had obtained his own domain, so his feeling was even stronger. He felt like his own domain was going to be devoured.

It was as if there was a force that made it so he had to answer. If he didn't answer, he would immediately collapse. He subconsciously took a few steps back and said, "This… This was built by the mortal royal family. It is the home to the Wang family ancestors and also the childhood home of my planet Suzaku's ancestor!"

When he said this, he looked at Wang Lin and was startled. He had a vague feeling that this person looked very familiar, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't remember.

"Wang family…" Wang Lin silently pondered and looked at his parents' grave. He turned around and was about to leave with Ta Shan and the big-headed boy.

However, just at this moment, a thunderous rumble came from the distance and a large amount of dark clouds rushed over. At the same time, an angry roar came from within the clouds

"You have guts. You dare to trespass on the Wang Ancestral Home!? My Xuan Dao Sect has guarded his place for generations. For you to trespass here means you think my Xuan Dao Sect doesn't exist."

A person walked out along with the roar. This person had a head of white hair and his eyes were shining. As he walked out, the powerful aura of an early stage Soul Transformation cultivator cultivator appeared.

After the surrounding cultivators saw the old man, they became respectful. It was obvious that this old man's prestige here was high.

"Xuan Dao Sect…" Wang Lin's gaze toward the old man became a bit more gentle. He nodded and slowly said, "Since you have reached the Soul Transformation stage, has the country of Zhao reached rank 5?"

The old man came in angrily, but he was startled. He frowned and said, "My country of Zhao became a rank 5 cultivation country 300 years ago. All the cultivators on planet Suzaku know this. Who are you!?" However, when he looked at Wang Lin, Wang Lin felt familiar. It was as if he had seen Wang Lin somewhere before.

"Rank 5 cultivation country…" Wang Lin looked at the earth and felt gratified. When he left, the country of Zhao was only rank 3, but now, even though it had only been several hundred years, it had already reached rank 5.

After withdrawing his gaze, Wang Lin carefully looked at the old man. Taking a closer look, he was able to see some clues and smiled. He was vaguely able to detect a very faint aura. This aura belonged to himself!

He remembered that when he reached the Soul Formation stage in the country of Zhao, he left behind 10 spirit seeds. This old man was one of those 10 people.

Wang Lin asked with a smile, "During these years, was it your Xuan Dao Sect that guarded this place? Are all these cultivators disciples of the Xuan Dao Sect?"

The old man frowned and carefully looked at Wang Lin's group. For some unknown reason, his anger was forcibly suppressed, as if the person before him was very close to him. He hesitated for a bit and said, "It wasn't only my Xuan Dao Sect. Every once in a while, a different sect from planet Suzaku comes to guard this place. Those that come are all respected figures or ones with excellent talent that will be cultivated by the sect.

"Guarding the Wang Ancestral Home is a great honor for the cultivators of planet Suzaku!" The old man didn't know why he was explaining it in such detail to Wang Lin. Even he didn't know why he was doing it.

After hearing the old man's words, Wang Lin's gaze swept past the other cultivators. Each of them had very good talent. With Wang Lin's experience, he was immediately able to tell that the old man was telling the truth.

After silently pondering for a bit, Wang Lin let out a sigh. He was touched and said, "Thank you all!" With that, he waved his sleeves and origin energy appeared. They became small crystals that fell on every cultivator. Even the guards lying on the ground had crystals fall on them.

Every cultivator was startled and immediately felt heat flowing through their bodies. Their expressions became strange.

"You…" The Soul Transformation old man was even more surprised. He looked at Wang Lin and felt like he was even more familiar.

"You're very good. It wasn't in vain that I gifted the spirit seed back then!" As Wang Lin spoke, he turned around and left with Ta Shan and the big-headed boy following him. The three of them disappeared over the horizon.

"Spirit seed… Spirit…" The old man's body trembled and he immediately thought of the other person's identity. His face revealed excitement that hadn't appeared in hundreds of years and he exclaimed, "Wang family ancestor!"

After he spoke, the surrounding cultivators were all shaken and revealed excitement. They couldn't believe their eyes as they stared at the direction Wang Lin disappeared.

"He… He is the Wang family ancestor?"

"The guardian of planet Suzaku. The number one person on the planet over these countless years. Wang family ancestor, Wang Lin!"

Chapter 894 - Great Wang Dynasty

Wang Lin only needed to ponder a little to understand why the cultivators of planet Suzaku respected him so much. Zhou Wutai must have played a big role in this.

In truth, it was as Wang Lin had suspected. The big-eared cultivator, Zhou Wutai, had been grateful to Wang Lin for giving him the position of Suzaku. However, after Wang Lin left, he never had a chance to repay Wang Lin.

Zhou Wutai was a grateful person; he always remembered what Wang Lin had done for him.

As a result, whether it was Wang Lin's descendants or the sect Wang Lin left behind, even the country of Zhao, they all slowly became powerful under Zhou Wutai's care.

It was very easy with Zhou Wutai's status as the new Suzaku to make the Wang family royalty. This also allowed the country of Zhao to gradually grow stronger until it became a rank 5 cultivation country.

People naturally knew this was all for Wang Lin's sake. Wang Lin's actions in the Suzaku Tomb had spread far and wide. After thinking about it, Zhou Wutai gradually made all the cultivators accept Wang Lin as planet Suzaku's guardian and ancestor.

Zhou Wutai had another reason for doing all of this. When he became Suzaku, he was only at the Soul Transformation stage, not even Ascendant. He was the weakest Suzaku and didn't have the power to rule. Thus, he could only borrow Wang Lin's fame to suppress everyone!

As Wang Lin pondered, although he wasn't able to guess everything, he was still able to get the general idea. He let out sigh. No matter what reason Zhou Wutai had, Wang Lin would need to repay him.

As he flew, Ta Shan and the big-headed boy followed behind him, and Ta Shan's expression remained cold the entire way. As for the big-headed boy, after seeing Wang Lin returning home, his feelings toward his own family became even more complex. He could see that everyone here was truly respectful toward Xu Mu from the bottom of their hearts. The big-headed boy knew that if he were to return to his family with his current cultivation, he would be respected as well. However, he knew that the respect would be fake.

A large city appeared in the distance. This city was like a coiled dragon and was filled with the aura of wealth. The walls were made of black stone and there were spell fluctuations coming from them.

Before he closed in, Wang Lin could see that there were many powerful restrictions inside the city. There were too many, and if all of them were to activate, they would even pose a certain amount of threat to Ascendant cultivators.

This was the only mortal imperial city on planet Suzaku outside the land occupied by the Forsaken Immortal Clan!

The Great Wang Dynasty!

It was founded 437 years ago and became the most important clan of mortals aside from the Forsaken Immortal Clan.

The Wang imperial family had a very long family history. More than 400 years of consolidation had allowed the dynasty to amass a large amount of soldiers, and even countless martial artists had joined them. However, what made the dynasty so powerful was the large amount of cultivators!

In addition to the Cloud Sky Sect, Zhou Wutai and various other sects acted as their backing. The Wang clan members enjoyed a very high status due to this.

[渡邉優美]ツヨカワ女子レーサーボートレーサーとして,ひとりの人として,これが私の「決まりごと」! 渡邉優美の"6styles"BOAT RACE振興会

Wang Lin's divine sense surrounded the entire planet. He felt the call of his bloodline and came here. This capital had the highest concentration of Wang family bloodline.

As his divine sense swept by, he didn't find Wang Zhuo. He let out a sigh and then disappeared. When he reappeared, he was inside the imperial palace. Looking at the lively crowd and the luxurious houses, Wang Lin gradually frowned.

This capital was too luxurious. There were precious blue and white stones used for the roads. As he spread out his divine sense, he found that the entire city was like this.

If this was only the case, it wouldn't have been a big deal, but the surrounding trees were all wrapped in silk. Although it looked luxurious, it was all just corruption.

After reaching his current cultivation level, Wang Lin was able to see certain things. There were sadness, anger, fear, and various other auras that could disturb a person's mind.

If one lived here for too long, their personality would change and their emotions would be unstable. It would even shorten one's lifespan.

This aura was a form of resentment. Wang Lin had once asked people to gather this on planet Qing Ling. Now that he saw this monstrous resentment above the capital, he frowned even harder.

As his divine sense spread out, he found that numerous cities had varying degrees of resentment. This resentment covered half of planet Suzaku.

This resentment was coming from the houses of every village and gathered near where mortals lived and continued to linger without dissipating.

In particular, this was most noticeable in the northwest, where the soil was red and corpses were everywhere. Large amounts of resentment was coming from there and spreading across the area. If the other cities had strong resentment, then the resentment at the capital was a monstrous demonic flame that shot into the sky.

Only someone with Wang Lin's cultivation level could notice this, and only after carefully looking for it. Otherwise, if one's cultivation was lacking, it would be impossible to detect.

"Nonsense!" Wang Lin's expression was gloomy as he walked down the street. He was happy to see the prosperity of his Wang family descendants. However, this prosperity was built on resentment, and the Wang family descendants were greatly affected. If this was the case, then there was no need for this wealth!

As he walked, there were echoes of horse hooves coming from the distance. The pedestrians quickly panicked and withdrew to the sides. Wang Lin frowned as he took a few steps back and looked over with a gloomy expression.

Several large horses galloped down the street with a few youths riding them and a large amount of servants following them. All of the servants were walking, but they were as fast as horses.

The young men on the horses were all wearing fancy clothes and the person in front was very handsome. However, there was black gas surrounding his face. Even if a cultivator was at the Ascendant stage, it would be hard for them to see through it, but it was very clear to Wang Lin.

In the air, there were two rays of sword energy. There were two cultivators on the swords, and both of them were at the Foundation Establishment stage. They were opening a path for the youth.

If they were just showing off, it won't be a problem, but what made Wang Lin frown was the cable tied to the horse the youth was riding. At the end of the cable was a person. The person was a mess and it was hard to see what he looked like, but it was obviously a man. At this moment, he was being dragged and his clothes were in tatters. A large amount of blood was coming from his body and staining the ground. It looked as if someone was using cinnabar to draw a shocking trail of bloodstains.

These people quickly passed by followed by the echoes of their laughter. The martial artists quickly passed by and the two cultivators flew by without even taking a glance.

After these people left, a group of soldiers quickly came to clean the bloodstains. Then they quickly followed and cleaned up the bloodstains along the way.

It wasn't until they all left that the surrounding people began to chatter and return to normal.

"Alas, what bad luck! Who was it this time that was blind and dared to provoke the 16th Prince? I'm afraid he's going to be dragged around the capital once before he is allowed to die!"

"No, in our Great Wang Dynasty the Wang family is the heavens. Even the immortals became their servants; who would dare to provoke them?"

"Don't talk about this. A few months ago, the National Teacher was viewing the night sky and noticed a vicious sign coming from the northwest. As a result, hundreds of thousands of people in the northwest were slaughtered. I heard that even now, the northwest is covered in corpses."

"We can't talk about this. Brother Li, let's talk about something else so we don't cause calamity to befall us."

Wang Lin's expression was extremely gloomy. He clearly saw that the young man was part of the Wang family bloodline.

Wang Lin softly said, "Ta Shan, bring him here!"

Ta Shan didn't say a word before he turned around and disappeared. A moment later, he reappeared with a person in his hand. This person was the fancy-looking youth.

At this moment, his eyes were filled with horror and he repeatedly cursed. "You dare to capture me? Which sect are you from!? Do you know who I am? I'm a member of the Wang family!"

Ta Shan's expression was cold as he walked toward Wang Lin. The youth was immediately thrown onto the ground.

This scene immediately startled the dispersing crowd before all of them quickly left without any hesitation. Their eyes were filled with terror.

The fancy-looking youth had a ferocious expression as he got up and stared at Ta Shan. Although he was secretly scared, he didn't reveal any fear and shouted, "I'm a member of the Wang family, yet you dare to hurt me? No matter what sect you're from, you're dead!"

Wang Lin's expression was cold as he stared at the youth. He could see dense, black gas coming from the youth's head. The black gas formed a snake that opened its mouth and silently roared at Ta Shan.

Those whose cultivation hadn't reached the second step wouldn't be able to detect this. They would only feel a cold aura explode from the youth that would make their heart tremble.

Just at this moment, shouting came from the street in the distance. The group that left slaughtered their way back. Two rays of sword energy led the charge followed by the servants. The martial artists were filled with killing intent.

There were a few youths riding on horses among the people that arrived, and each of them ferociously shouted, "Capture that thief!"

"There is an assassin, protect the Prince!"

The two rays of sword energy charged out first toward Ta Shan. The two of them attacked without thinking. They hadn't even noticed these people, and when they did, the Prince was gone.

Terrified, they turned around to search and saw Ta Shan throwing the prince on the ground and they gasped. They were disciples of the Cloud Sky Sect sent here to protect the princes. If something happened to the Prince, they would be punished when they returned to the sect.

They charged out with their swords pointed toward Ta Shan.

Chapter 895 - Wrath

Ta Shan's expression was cold as he casually waved his hand. He created a strong wind that blew the sword energies away and their flying swords collapsed. The two of them only felt an unimaginable impact.

They both coughed out blood and were blown away.

As for the martial artists charging over, it was as if their bodies had hit a wall. They all coughed out blood and were pushed back.

No one was spared!

Ta Shan didn't kill anyone. With a wave of his hand, he only injured the two cultivators and these people.

When the youth saw this scene, he was immediately startled. However, his expression became even more ferocious and he shouted. "I'm a member of the Wang family. You dare to hurt my men? You are all dead!"

Wang Lin raised his right hand and slapped the youth. He didn't use any cultivation and merely slapped as a mortal. After all, the youth was not a cultivator; if he used any power, he would shatter all the bones in the youth's body.

Even so, the youth was thrown into the air. His face became swollen and all his teeth shattered. What he slapped wasn't just the youth but also the black snake.

The black snake was extremely strange. The moment Wang Lin's slap landed, it disappeared, but then it immediately reformed. I left the youth's body and attempted to devour Wang Lin.

Only Ta Shan and the big-headed boy could see it. Everyone behind Wang Lin only felt a gust of cold wind.

"I want to see who dares to use my Wang clan to raise resentful spirits!" Wang Lin's eyes were cold and he was furious. With his cultivation, he could tell at a glance that the youth's soul had already been devoured and replaced by the resentful spirit. As the snake charged over, Wang Lin raised his right hand and pointed.

Before this finger, the snake's eyes were filled with fear and wanted to escape. However, it was too late, and with a bang, the snake exploded. It turned into black mist that was grabbed by Wang Lin. He crushed it and it turned into a black rune.

After the black snake was gone, the youth's body trembled and coughed out a large mouthful of blood. His face was no longer ferocious and was filled with confusion. His soul had already been devoured, so his eyes became dim and lost their luster.

The surroundings were completely silent, but this silence only lasted for an instant and was immediately replaced by screams. The crowd panicked and escaped as fast as possible. It didn't take long before there wasn't anyone left.

Wang Lin's eyes became cold. When his divine sense spread out, he didn't notice anything wrong. However, when he took a closer look, he was immediately able to understand that someone was using the Wang family members' lives to nourish resentful spirits!

Wang Lin had heard about this kind of spell before. It was like refining a sword. A person was used as a spirit that absorbed resentment. If enough resentment was absorbed, its power was nothing to laugh at.

Combining with the monstrous resentment over the capital, Wang Lin could imagine someone was controlling all of this. The more resentment there was, the more powerful the resentful spirit could become.

Angered, Wang Lin's eyes became even colder. When he threw the black rune forward, it began flying forward by itself.

Wang Lin had his hand behind him as he walked behind the rune. Ta Shan and the big-headed boy followed closely after him.

A prince being killed in the capital was naturally a big thing. Not long after, rays of sword energy rushed over from all over the capital.

There were cultivators from various sects on planet Suzaku riding those sword energies. Their eyes were like lightning and they didn't even bother speaking to Wang Lin before they attacked with their magical treasures.

Wang Lin's expression was cold as he waved his sleeves. All the magical treasures were blown away. The cultivators on the flying swords were terrified as they were blown away involuntarily by the wind. In the blink of an eye, they were sent 5,000 kilometers away.

"This… What spell is this!?!"

"That person looked very familiar…"

The expressions of those cultivators that were sent 5,000 kilometers away all changed greatly. They all panicked and none of them dared to move forward. They all quickly rode their flying swords toward their own sects.

Wang Lin's eyes were cold. He was extremely angry! As he walked toward the imperial palace, countless soldiers charged at him. Wang Lin didn't want to hurt them, so when he waved his sleeves and they were sent tens of thousands of kilometers away.

He came closer and closer to the imperial palace. At this moment, in the main hall, there was a middle-aged man wearing a dragon robe, and his expression was gloomy. Beside him was a very noble and beautiful woman who was wearing a colorful dress. However, there was black fog in her eyes and a trace of panic flashed across her eyes.

At the same time, countless Wang family members wearing silk clothes gloomily stared ahead.

Outside the hall, there were countless teams of soldiers in the square preparing to face a great enemy. A killing aura filled the area.

The middle-aged man mercilessly threw the ink slab and shouted, "What kind of person dares to kill in my Great Wang Dynasty!? Did you find out what sect he is from?"

The surroundings were completely quiet. After a while, a white-haired cultivator hesitated before stepping out and saying, "There three people are very powerful; they are probably seniors with high cultivation levels. As for their sects, we are still looking into it."

The middle-aged man's expression became gloomy and he sneered. "It seems my Wang family has been too quiet on planet Suzaku. Even some nameless person dares to bully us! Where is the National Teacher!?"

With that, a laugh echoed the imperial palace.

"My lord doesn't need to worry. My disciples can deal with this!"

Strands of black gas gathered in the air above the square, and in an instant, three people formed. Although they were covered by black mist, it was obvious that they were two males and one female. None of them were very old.

After the three of them appeared, they didn't even look at the imperial palace. They turned into three strands of black gas and charged out.

As Wang Lin walked, his eyes became colder. The rune before him had become even more dense, and he was now outside the gate to the imperial palace. The countless soldiers inside had serious expressions as they stared at Wang Lin's group.

Just at this moment, the three strands of black gas arrived and charged at Wang Lin. Before they even arrived, a burst of pressure appeared and a ghostly wail spread across the heavens and earth.

Wang Lin was immediately able to tell that these three cultivators' cultivation levels weren't high; they were only at the Soul Transformation stage. However, their attacks were very powerful, almost at the level of Ascendant.

There was no Wang family bloodline in those three bodies, only endless resentment. They were clearly resentful spirits that had already been refined to a certain degree.

Wang Lin's eyes were filled with killing intent. As he walked out, he immediately arrived before the three of them. Both his fingers formed a sword and immediately pointed at one of them. He was too fast and his finger landed on the person's shoulder. At this moment, his early stage Nirvana Scryer origin energy surged and rushed into that person's body.

That person's body trembled and collapsed without any resistance. He turned into black gas and was going to escape, but it was too late.

With Wang Lin's cultivation, when he attacked from anger, he not only destroyed the resentful spirit's body, but also the root. As the resentful spirit escaped, it immediately exploded, leaving nothing but the resentment that slowly dissipated.

All of this happened in an instant. From the point of view of the other resentful spirits, Wang Lin had only taken a step, raised his hand, and then one of their companions was killed. When they saw this, their eyes revealed their panic.

After killing one, Wang Lin's left hand slammed into the void and an unimaginable vibration suddenly broke out and formed a storm. As the storm swept by, another resentful spirit was pulled in. Its body collapsed and immediately died.

After killing two in a row, Wang Lin suddenly turned around, and his eyes were filled with thunder. The last woman immediately trembled as thunder appeared inside her body and she exploded.

Wang Lin's eyes became even colder. He stepped into the air and moved toward the imperial palace.

As Wang Lin walked in the air, he stepped into the imperial palace and directly into the royal court. He immediately saw the imperial soldiers in the square and the Wang descendents in the main hall.

There were many cultivators on the side. Their eyes were filled with killing intent, but none of them dared to attack.

They couldn't see through Wang Lin's cultivation, but they all knew they couldn't kill the National Teacher's three disciples so easily. As a result, they were extremely afraid of this intruder.

Wang Lin stood above the square. He stared at the people below and coldly said, "Very good. you are did really good!" He could see hundreds of Wang clan members, but this wasn't all of them.

Among those people, almost all of them had black gas between their eyebrows. However, what was interesting was that the middle-aged man with the dragon robe didn't have the black gas between his eyebrows.

As for the woman beside him, the black fog had disappeared and there weren't any signs of cultivation in her. No matter how one looked, she was a mortal.

Wang Lin's voice echoed like the cold winter wind. As it flew by, it caused everyone's minds to tremble.

When the middle-aged man saw Wang Lin, he was startled and his eyes were filled with shock. However, the shock was immediately replaced by killing intent and he shouted, "By the order of the Wang family, kill this person!"

Chapter 896 - Corpse Sect

Almost at the instant the man shouted, a loud rumble came from the ground underneath the square. Cracks appeared on the ground and eight old men charged out.

These eight elders all gave off an ancient auras. After they appeared, they stared at Wang Lin and charged forward without any hesitation.

The anger in Wang Lin's eyes became even stronger. These eight elders all had black gas between their eyebrows. However, there was a golden glow that guarded their souls.

Wang Lin took a step forward, pointed forward, and eight strands of black and white gas shot out toward each of them. The black and white gas surrounded them, and at that instant, it destroyed the black gas between their eyebrows!

The eight elders' bodies trembled and they immediately became sober. The first thing they saw was the angry Wang Lin. They trembled and one of them exclaimed, "Ancestor Wang Lin!"

The remaining seven all revealed excited expressions.

After that was said, a huge uproar was set off below them. The expressions of the cultivators changed. They couldn't believe it.

In contrast, the Wang family members all revealed strange expressions; only a few of them revealed excitement.

Just at this moment, the large amount of black mist that came out from the old man fused together into a large python hundreds of feet long. It let out a roar and charged toward Wang Lin.

This time, Ta Shan directly stepped forward and threw his right fist. There was an earth-shattering sound and the python immediately collapsed. Ta Shan withdrew his fist and returned behind Wang Lin. From start to finish, his expression remained cold.

Killing intent flashed through Wang Lin's eyes. He raised his right hand and pressed down. The earth rumbled, and as the powerful force bombarded the ground, a person flew out from the pit.

This person's upper body was naked and his long hair flowed in the air. His pupils shrank when he saw Wang Lin in the air.

"You dare to raise resentful spirits in my Wang family descendents? You die!" Wang Lin's voice was very cold as he took a step. Thunder appeared on his right arm and shot toward the man.

The man's expression changed greatly. He thought that he had hidden himself very well, but he was still found out, and now he quickly retreated. His cultivation level was far above anyone on planet Suzaku; he was at the Illusory Yin stage. However, at this moment, his mind trembled. He looked back into the hall at the woman in the colored dress next to the middle-aged man.

The woman's eyes were cold. When she saw Wang Lin attacking the man, she let out a cold snort in her heart. She raised her right hand and was about to use a spell.

However, just at this moment, as Wang Lin charged toward the man, ripples appeared under his feet and he suddenly disappeared.

This disappearance startled the man, but his eyes lit up and he escaped without hesitation. Ta Shan's eyes turned cold and he was going to chase, but the big-headed boy was one step ahead. With a foolish smile on his face, he chased after the man.

As for the woman in the colorful dress, she was also startled, but her expression changed greatly. She suddenly charged out, but it was too late. Wang Lin's figure appeared in the hall right next to the woman. Thunder flashed across his eyes as he pointed out in anger. Countless bolts of thunder from the heavens seemed to penetrate the void through some incredible means and directly gathered at his fingertip.

This finger carrying the power of thunder landed on the middle of the woman's back!

The woman's body trembled violently and she coughed out a large mouthful of blood. There was a giant python coiled up above her head. However, the moment the python appeared, it collapsed and the woman turned pale. Just as the thunder was about to destroy her body and origin soul, there was a crisp cry of a phoenix. A five-colored phoenix appeared and blocked Wang Lin's thunder for her.

She retreated and was about to use a spell, but Wang Lin was again one step ahead of her. He appeared beside her once more and his finger filled with thunder descended once more.

As the thunder rumbled, the woman coughed out more blood and the phoenix trembled. She continued to retreat, but her speed simply couldn't compare to Wang Lin's. In a flash, Wang Lin moved like a ghost and pointed at her four times!

The woman's body trembled violently. The continuous attacks had seriously injured her and she had no chance to fight back. The last point caused the phoenix to let out a miserable cry before it collapsed.

The woman's eyes became alert and she snapped, "I'm one of the seven phoenixes of planet Feng Luan. Do you dare to kill me!?"

However, Wang Lin didn't stop at all and arrived next to her in a flash. Killing intent appeared in his eyes as he raised his right hand. Black and white gas circled his two fingers as he pressed them down on the woman's right shoulder!

Black and white gas rushed into her body. Her body trembled and immediately collapsed. Her origin soul tried to escape, but it was sealed by the black and white gas and dragged to Wang Lin.

Wang Lin didn't hesitate as he pressed his right hand on the woman's origin soul and used the soul search spell. As the woman screamed in pain, Wang Lin ransacked all her memories.

The more he saw, the more gloomy his face became. At the end, his gaze was chilly cold and he mercilessly crushed her origin soul. Her origin soul turned into origin energy that was directly devoured by Wang Lin.

He had already seen that there was something wrong with this woman. Although she tried to hide her cultivation, Wang Lin could clearly see her Corporeal Yang cultivation. If not for the phoenix spirit protecting her, just one thunder strike would've been enough to kill her.

There were many Wang family members here, and Wang Lin could see that the black gas from the Wang family members were connected to her hand. It was obvious that this woman controlled their lives.

Otherwise, the moment Wang Lin appeared, he would have killed her rather than forcing out the person hiding underground and attacking when she was distracted.

The moment she died, a portion of the Wang family members coughed out blood. Then their eyes dimmed and they died.

The black mist disappeared from the rest of the Wang family members and they regained their clarity. They looked at Wang Lin with excitement in their eyes before they knelt down and felt ashamed.

The education every single Wang family member went through during their childhood involved observing the portrait of their Wang family ancestor. Wang Lin's appearance was engraved into their hearts. Now that their minds were clear, they immediately recognized Wang Lin.

They weren't unfamiliar with Wang Lin with all the rumors. The reason why there were so many cultivators in the Great Wang Dynasty was because the Wang family produced Wang Lin!

"Ancestor, we were wrong…" The eight old men were all kneeling on the ground.

Wang Lin's gaze fell on the main hall and looked at the middle-aged man who was also kneeling. He coldly said, "You all were indeed wrong; you couldn't even distinguish if someone was a Wang family member or not!"

The middle-aged man's expression changed greatly. Wang Lin let out a cold snort. This snort was like thunder that echoed endlessly. The middle-aged man was knocked out by this snort.

Wang Lin's words startled all the Wang family members. Their gazes became gloomy as they stared at the middle-aged man that had passed out.

After letting out a sigh, Wang Lin looked at the surrounding cultivators. He clasped his hands and said, "Fellow Cultivators, thank you all for taking care of my Wang family over the years!"

The cultivators quickly and respectfully accepted his thanks.

After setting a few things, Wang Lin's divine sense spread out and he determined that there were no more people from planet Feng Luan here anymore. He turned to the old man kneeling on the ground and said, "I leave you to deal with the matter here. I'll return in several days!" Wang Lin's eyes were cold. He had learned a lot from the woman from planet Feng Luan, and now there were some matters to deal with.

"Planet Feng Luan, Corpse Sect, you dare to have ideas about my Wang family descendants? Don't blame me for being merciless!" Wang Lin's eyes were filled with killing intent. This time he was truly angry!

From the memories of the woman from planet Feng Luan, Wang Lin knew that she was indeed one of the seven phoenixes. However, at the same time, she was also a member of the Corpse Sect sent here to be the head elder. She had the same position as Sun Tai, but her cultivation level was much higher.

Corpse Sect. Wang Lin heard some secrets of the Corpse Sect from Sun Tai before his death. Things such as gathering resentment to nourish resentful spirits was one of the tasks of the Corpse Sect.

From that woman's memories, Wang Lin knew that in the Great Wang Dynasty, almost every city had Corpse Sect members. It was like a large net that shrouded over the Great Wang Dynasty that constantly caused resentment and gathered resentment to nourish the resentful spirits.

What Wang Lin was going to do was wipe those people out. However, it wasn't just the ones in the Great Wang Dynasty, he was going to uproot the Corpse Sect from planet Suzaku. And due to the matter with his descendants, he was going to pay the Corpse Sect a visit. That giant corpse and the weak divine sense were all things he was interested in.

He just didn't know if that Giant Demon Clan body was still there after hundreds of years.

In the distance, the big-headed boy returned with a person in his hand. He had a foolish smile as he looked at Wang Lin.

"Kill it! Give me the origin soul!" Wang Lin's expression was cold as he stepped toward the horizon.

Ta Shan quickly followed.

The big-headed cultivator licked his lips and his right hand squeezed. The person's head was crushed and the big-headed cultivator held the origin soul as he followed after Wang Lin.

A huge change was occurring on planet Suzaku with Wang Lin's return.

Chapter 897 - The Wind Swept Away the Remaining Leaves

The Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth major cities were the closest ones to the capital. They surrounded the area within 50,000 kilometers of the capital and each contained a large amount of soldiers. With Wang Lin's speed, it only took a step for him to arrive at the Metal city. Although it was a bit smaller than the capital, it was still luxurious. However, this luxury made the resentment even stronger.

This resentment gathered in the air above the city like a demonic flame. It continued to rise and was very erratic.

As he closed in on the city, Wang Lin's divine sense swept past the city inch by inch. His eyes lit up and he let out a cold snort.

As this cold snort spread, explosions occurred in three locations. In the city lord's mansion, the advisor named Sun suddenly trembled and exploded into a pile of flesh.

The same thing happened in the other two places.

Wang Lin's expression was cold as turned around to leave. He was too fast. He didn't give the people of the Corpse Sect any chance at all. As his divine sense spread, bodies immediately exploded within the remaining four cities.

After finishing with all of this, Wang Lin continued to move with his divine sense spread out across all the cities inside the Great Wang Dynasty. The Corpse Sect disciples all panicked as they flew out from the cities and tried to escape.

However, the moment they flew into the air, a cold snort appeared. Their bodies trembled and were directly crushed by the divine sense sent out by a Nirvana Scryer cultivator!

Popping sounds echoed within the Great Wang Dynasty as the Corpse Sect disciples cough out blood before their bodies disintegrated. Even their souls collapsed, and large amounts of spiritual energy entered the earth of planet Suzaku to nourish it.

This sudden event caused the citizens of the Great Wang Dynasty to panic. They didn't know what was happening and began to speculate endlessly.

His divine sense swept across the Great Wang Dynasty. After killing the Corpse Sect disciples, Wang Lin's expression became even move gloomy. He had searched the memories of the woman from planet Feng Luan. Almost every city had Corpse Sect disciples collecting resentment and nourishing resentful spirits.

This wasn't only happening on planet Suzaku, all the branch Corpse Sects were gathering resentment.

Although that woman from planet Feng Luan was the head elder, someone like her normally wouldn't be sent to planet Suzaku. However, orders came from the Corpse Set Headquarters to station a Corporeal Yang cultivator here, and this the job fell in her hands.

Wang Lin didn't care about any of this. What he found strange was a secret command that she had received from the Corpse Sect Headquarters after arriving on planet Suzaku!

No matter how hard Wang Lin searched the woman's memories, he couldn't find anything about the secret order. This meant that the order was given by someone with stronger cultivation, so he wasn't able to find out what it was.

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However, Wang Lin was able to make some guesses based on some clues. First of all, with that woman's background, she wouldn't become the concubine of a mortal.

If that was the case, why was she at the imperial palace? With her cultivation, there was no need for direct control, she didn't even have to be there.

Also, this woman hadn't been on planet Suzaku for long, less than 100 years. And she had only entered the imperial palace 10 years ago!

Her memories were a complete blank from the moment when she arrived before the imperial palace, as if someone had taken them away. She didn't know why she was here. However, using her other memories, Wang Lin was able to find out what she was hiding from in the imperial palace.

During these 10 years, this woman had been carefully hiding inside the imperial palace and was keeping her cultivation hidden.

"What exactly happened to her 10 years ago that made her flee to the most populated imperial palace… Besides, what made her think she wouldn't be found in the imperial palace?"

Wang Lin frowned. After pondering for a while, he decided to not think about this anymore. His divine sense no longer locked onto the city but swept across planet Suzaku, searching for the Corpse Sect.

The Corpse Sect was a very large organization. Not just outside the planet, but even just on planet Suzaku, Wang Lin remembered that the Corpse Sect existed in almost every country.

However, through the memories of that woman, Wang Lin was aware that the Corpse Sect had been reorganized. They were all concentrated in one place, and that place became the headquarters for the Corpse Sect on planet Suzaku.

What was interesting was that the new headquarters was in the country of Zhao, where the Corpse Sect in Zhao used to be!

After cleaning up the Corpse Sect members in various cities, Wang Lin headed straight toward the Corpse Sect in Zhao. He moved very fast and soon arrived at the Corpse Sect in Zhao.

It had been hundreds of years since he had been here. While staring at the swamp ahead, his eyes turned cold and he muttered, "Interesting. There are many more restrictions here than before."

Wang Lin calmly said, "Ta Shan, open this place up for me!"

Ta Shan's expression was cold as he took a few step forward. He didn't look at the swamp as he tightened his right first and bombarded the ground. At this moment, the ground began to tremble violently.

The swamp on the ground was shaken into the air and the muddy water shot into the sky. It was as if someone had lifted the ground up.

Countless flashes of restrictions appeared, and while these restrictions might've been effective against Ascendant cultivators, they were useless against Ta Shan.

With one punch, those restriction lights immediately collapsed and disappeared. A large crack appeared on the earth, and deep within this crack was a secret passage.

Wang Lin walked forward into the secret passage and calmly walked in with Ta Shan following behind. As for the big-headed boy, he was quite interested as he looked around and followed behind as well.

As he walked down this secret passage, Wang Lin felt melancholy. He had come here twice hundreds of years ago, and both times he had to be very careful. However, now he would do as he pleased here.

As Wang Lin walked through the passage, he spread out his divine sense across the Corpse Sect and blocked all exits. He was here looking for the head of the Corpse Sect. Whether it was now or before, Wang Lin never had any goodwill toward the Corpse Sect. Not to mention they had actually dared to use the Wang family to nourish resentful spirits.

Wang Lin had no special feelings toward these descendants from more than 10 generations away. However, they were descendants of the Wang family, and seeing them bullied like this had really angered him.

Along the way, any Corpse Sect cultivator detected by his divine sense immediately collapsed and died. There were many cultivators here. They had a gloomy expressions as they panicked and wanted to escape. However, with Wang Lin's divine sense sealing the passages, none of them could escape!

As he walked, a flash of sword energy from the passage suddenly shot toward Wang Lin.

This sword energy contained a powerful aura. The person who launched the attack had to be at the Ascendant stage. As it charged through the narrow passage, there was a loud whistle.

Wang Lin's expression was cold as he casually pointed with his hand and used a bit of his origin energy. Ripples appeared in the void and the sword energy immediately collapsed.

A muffled groan appeared as the ripple from Wang Lin's fingertip spread. However, not only did the person not retreat, he moved even faster toward Wang Lin.

Wang Lin had already seen what the ambusher looked like. This person's body was thin, as if he was a mummy. There were countless runes on this person's body, and the body gave off a foul smell. The person's eyes were dim, as if he no longer had a mind.

While looking at the person, Wang Lin found him a bit familiar. In an instant, this mummy arrived next to Wang Lin.

Wang Lin let out a sigh and kicked with his right foot. There was a sonic boom and his right foot landed on the mummy with a bang. The mummy began to disintegrate from its feet. This disintegration was rapid, and in an instant, the mummy turned to dust.

The moment the mummy disappeared, his eyes regained clarity. He looked at Wang Lin with confusion, but he disappeared the next instant.

"I didn't think that Ye Zizai would become someone else's corpse puppet…" Wang Lin let out a sigh as he walked forward. He didn't move fast and there were ambushers in many places before him. However, all of them collapsed in an instant.

These ambushers were all corpse puppets.

Wang Lin walked toward the Corpse Sect headquarters along the passage. The moment Wang Lin arrived, his eyes turned cold and he looked ahead. His gaze seemed to be able to pierce through the wall and extend inside the cave. He saw eight huge transfer arrays, and at this moment, numerous Corpse Sect members were standing within them. The transfer arrays activated and began to slowly disappear.

"You all can't escape!" Wang Lin calmly said to himself. His divine sense swept past the eight transfer arrays, causing them to immediately begin to collapse. In an instant, three of the transfer arrays collapsed and all the Corpse Sect disciples disappeared into a spatial crack.

At the same time, the other five transfer arrays also collapsed. Not a single Corpse Sect disciple was able to escape.

If a cultivator at the second step wanted to wipe out a sect like this, it would require no blood. The second step cultivator merely need to use his divine sense to destroy the sect.

Even Yin and Yang cultivators couldn't do this. After all, the Yin and Yang stages were only transition stages; only Nirvana Scryer cultivators were really at the second step.