

Chapter 705 - Second Celestial Guard

Not far away, the Thunder Beast was still lying on the ground, and its body was trembling involuntarily. After seeing Wang Lin's figure disappear into the void, it hesitated before following Wang Lin.

In the void, Wang Lin's black hair moved without any wind. There were no joy or sorrow in his eyes; it was as if he had seen through everything in this world.

Wang Ping wasn't the only one who had gone through a reincarnation cycle, Wang Lin himself did as well.

His cultivation had broken through the early stage of Ascendant and reached the mid stage of Ascendant. His domain also broke through to the late stage of Ascendant during this reincarnation cycle.

With enough celestial jades, Wang Lin was confident in becoming a true late stage Ascendant powerhouse!

"When it comes to Yin and Yang cultivators, while I can win against Illusory Yin cultivators, the battles will be extremely difficult, and every battle will expend precious origin energy. Right now my origin energy has already reached its bottom line, so not even slightest bit can be used anymore. As for Corporeal Yang cultivators, I'm no match. If I meet one, I must quickly escape!"

Wang Lin began to ponder.

"The difference between the first step and the second step is indeed a big gap that can't be easily crossed. Even if my cultivation reaches the late stage of Ascendant, without origin energy, I'm no match for Yin and Yang cultivators! But how do I obtain origin energy…"

Wang Lin stepped toward the void and quickly broke through the atmosphere, charging into the stars toward where the celestial puppet and Thunder Beast went. Behind him, the Thunder Beast from the Thunder Celestial Temple still followed him but kept a certain distance.

"The most important matters now are to obtain enough celestial jades and then find a way to increase my origin energy." Wang Lin's eyes lit up and revealed a decisive gaze.

Among the stars, he slapped his bag of holding and the star compass immediately flew out. He sat on the silver light and flew among the stars.

The Thunder Beast behind him was startled ,then it turned into a bolt of lightning and quickly chased after Wang Lin.

Wang Lin already knew that the Thunder Beast was following him. He traveled at full speed toward where the celestial guard was.

The silver light stretched across space as it moved through the stars like a rainbow.

Shortly after, Wang Lin's eyes became cold and he heard sounds of explosions. Not far away, Thunder Daoist was in an extremely sorry state. He had a bolt of lightning in his hand as he fought with the celestial puppet, but he was constantly being pushed back.

Beside him was the Thunder Beast that had its third seal released. It let out a roar and charged like crazy, its horn releasing powerful bolts of lightning. This made Thunder Daoist have to quicky dodge every time, making his face was pale and show a trace of despair.

Thunder Daoist saw the silver light approaching from the distance, and when he noticed it was Wang Lin, the despair in his eyes became even stronger. He had already used a majority of theorigin energy in his body, and if he used any more, his cultivation level would fall and he would never be able to reach the Corporeal Yang stage! Also, he was very scared, especially of those two rays of sword energy!

Wang Lin's eyes were cold. He had to kill this Thunder Daoist! This person was a messenger of the Thunder Celestial Temple. If he was not killed and was allowed flee, then there would be endless troubles in the future.

Wang Lin slapped his bag of holding and seven treasured swords flew out, forming the Seven Star Sword Formation. These swords whistled toward Thunder Daoist.

The celestial guard puppet gave off an orange light as he threw a punch at the Thunder Daoist, pushing him back. The horn of the Thunder Beast behind him gave off a sizzling sound, and then a bolt of lightning charged directly at Thunder Daoist's back.

Thunder Daoist's expression turned gloomy. Along the way here, this beast and puppet constantly attacked him like this, making it impossible to escape at full speed. Also, although he could travel through space without the Thunder Beast, his speed was obviously slower.

At this moment, the seven star sword formation arrived and surrounded Thunder Daoist. As the sword energy rushed at this body, Thunder Daoist took out a jade and crushed it. After crushing it, thunder and lightning flew out all around him, forming a barrier.

The seven star sword formation stabbed the barrier, causing a series of explosions to go off.

The thunder barrier shook violently. Inside, Thunder Daoist stared at Wang Lin and urgently said, "Fellow Cultivator Xu, I was reckless in this matter, but why push it so far?! I'm a member of the Thunder Celestial Temple, so if Fellow Cultivator kills me, you will find it hard to move around in the Allheaven Star System!"

"If I don't kill you, I'll still find it hard to move in the Allheaven Star System!" said Wang Lin with a cold voice. Then he slapped his bag, causing the one-billion-soul soul flag to appear. The 30-foot-wide flag gave off ghostly wails that could shake one's origin soul.

With one shake, all of the soul fragments flew out. Among them, not to mention Soul Transformation soul fragments, there were even some Ascendant soul fragments.

After the fourth soul returned, although the number of ordinary soul fragments still hadn't reached one billion, the flag's current power was even stronger than it was back on planet Suzaku!

After all, there were simply too many soul fragments of powerful cultivators.

Countless soul fragments flew out and surrounded the area. Then the powerful soul fragments all fused together, forming three ultimate primary souls!

The first primary soul was a huge, black Qilin. Its eyes gave off a cold gaze and were extremely fierce.

The second primary soul was a 30-foot-tall black giant. His body gave off rich soul energy and released an aura that could shake one's soul.

The third primary soul was a small, black needle. It was almost invisible; even if one checked with their divine sense, they would find it difficult to notice its existence. Its main body was the most mysterious fourth soul!

These three ultimate primary souls were the fusion of all the soul fragments inside the flag. This was the most powerful spell Wang Lin could use with the one-billion-soul soul flag right now.

Wang Lin shouted, "Kill!"

The three ultimate primary souls immediately rushed up and began attacking the thunder barrier along with the celestial guard puppet, the Thunder Beast, and the seven star sword formation.

Thunder Daoist's pupils shrank, then his expression turned pale and his despair became even stronger. The puppet and Thunder Beast were already difficult for him to deal with, and now three powerful souls had appeared. Thunder Daoist believed he would be killed within a few breaths of time after the barrier was broken.

"Xu Mu!!! Don't force me! All messengers of the Thunder Celestial Temple have a life-saving spell. At most, I will sacrifice my lifespan!" Thunder Daoist's eyes were bloodshot as he stared at Wang Lin.

He felt very bitter in his heart. Using that spell wouldn't be a big deal if he had enough origin energy, but if he didn't, it would consume his lifespan. In that case, not only would his lifespan shorten, his cultivation would fall down to the Soul Transformation stage due to his origin energy being used up.

Most importantly, he had no confidence that he could hurt Wang Lin with the life-saving treasure. Those two rays of sword energy scared him the most and made his scalp numb. Once he used the life-saving spell, he feared that the only road left for him would still be death.

Wang Lin's eyes were calm as he slowly said, "It was you who forced me and not me who forced you!"

Thunder Daoist bitterly said, "There is no undissolvable hate between us. What do I have to do for you to let me go?!"

Wang Lin stared at Thunder Daoist inside the barrier. He pondered for a moment before saying, "Recognize me as your master and let me leave an imprint on you!"

Thunder Daoist pondered. At this moment, the barrier around him was shaking violently due to the attacks from outside and was about to collapse. Thunder Daoist clenched his teeth and said, "OK, this old man agrees!"

His heart turned vicious and he thought, "This person's cultivation level is not higher than mine. Even if he imprints this old man as his slave, it can't last for too long. Once this I recover my cultivation, I'll escape and report him to the Thunder Celestial Temple. Then the Thunder Celestial Temple will send people to kill him to appease my anger!"

Wang Lin slowly said, "Open the barrier!"

Thunder Daoist hesitated for a bit. The barrier was about to crumble. His eyes lit up as he waved his right hand and the barrier immediately disappeared.

At the moment it disappeared, Thunder Daoist's heart jumped. The seven star sword formation was right next to him and the celestial guard puppet's fist stopped three inches away from him.

The Thunder Beast's eyes gave off lightning that released popping sounds, and its eyes were not kind.

The three ultimate primary souls circled around and occasionally directed cold gazes at Thunder Daoist.

As Wang Lin stared at Thunder Daoist, his eyes revealed a mysterious light. He slapped his bag of holding and the restriction flag flew out. Wang Lin waved the flag and all the restrictions flew out, forming a golden restriction formation before Wang Lin.

His left hand formed a seal and pointed at the restriction formation. The restriction formation gave off a bright, golden glow before flying directly at Thunder Daoist.

Thunder Daoist didn't dodge but clenched his teeth and let it enter between his eyebrows. The restriction formation penetrated his body and went directly toward his origin soul. The moment it came into contact the origin soul, the restriction formation melted and completely surrounded his origin soul.

When he saw this, he thought, "This restriction is somewhat strange, but no restriction can withstand the impact of origin energy. Once his old man's origin energy has recovered, I'll break the formation!"

"This is only the first step of the restriction, there is a second step!" After Wang Lin finished speaking, he stepped onto the star compass and flew off into the distance.

Thunder Daoist had to follow. With so many dangers around him, he had to follow. From far away, the Thunder Beast from the Thunder Celestial Temple saw this. It hesitated for a bit and then turned around to escape.

Wang Lin's cold snort came from the void, causing the Thunder Beast to tremble. It became too scared to escape, so it followed Wang Lin.

When he came chasing after Thunder Daoist, Wang Lin noticed that there was a grey planet not far away. This was an abandoned planet. There wasn't any spiritual energy coming from the planet, and it looked like there was no life on it either.

Wang Lin's speed was very fast as he charged directly at this planet. Shortly after, he arrived above the grey planet. The earth was grey and storms raged across the planet. It was was also covered in deadly gas that would immediately kill mortals.

After landing on the planet, Wang Lin's right foot stomped the ground, and after a loud rumble, a ravine appeared. Wang Lin's finger formed a sword and shot out a ray of sword energy that quickly moved inside the ravine.

Soon, a new cave was carved out by the sword energy!

Wang Lin stepped into the cave and Thunder Daoisted was forced inside as well.

This cave was very large, with a total of four rooms and a big hall in the middle. Sword energy still lingered on the walls. There was also ash falling from the walls. Wang Lin waved his sleeves and a gust of wind blew all the debris outside the cave.

When Wang Lin turned around to look at Thunder Daoist, his eyes revealed an indiscernible and mysterious light, and he said, "After the second restriction, I won't kill you!"

Thunder Daoist silently pondered and looked at the dangers still around him. After a long time, he nodded. "OK."

Wang Lin sat down in the lotus position and both his hands formed many seals. One by one, restrictions flew out and fell on Thunder Daoist's body. At the same time, Wang Lin said, "When I place my imprint, you must not resist. Otherwise, don't blame me for not keeping my promise!"

Thunder Daoist remained quiet and closed his eyes. He sneered inside his heart. "I would like to see what kind of restrictions you can place. Wait until this old man recovers his origin energy, then I can easily break any restrictions!"

Wang Lin's expression revealed a trace of gloominess. Only by refining the old man into a celestial guard could he feel completely safe. In his eyes, Thunder Daoist met the requirements to be refined into a celestial guard. Also, with the Thunder Beast outside, by combining the two, the success rate would increase by a lot.

Moreover, even if it failed, it wouldn't matter, as there would be no loss for Wang Lin.

Wang Lin spat out a mouthful of origin energy that turned into countless symbols. Each symbol fell on Thunder Daoist one by one.

Thunder Daoist suddenly opened his eyes and stared at Wang Lin. After a long time, his heart let out a cold snort and he closed his eyes once more. He allowed Wang Lin's origin energy to freely enter his body.

Just at the moment his eyes closed, Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he slapped his bag of holding. The Soul Lasher appeared in his hand and he viciously whipped Thunder Daoist.

Thunder Daoist opened his eyes once more and shouted, "What are you doing?!"

Wang Lin's speed was too fast, and the whip was even faster. At the moment Thunder Daoist spoke, the whip hit his body.

It wasn't just once. At the moment it landed on his body, the Soul Lasher was waved six times. In a instant, Thunder Daoist was hit six times!

As the sounds of the whip echoed, Thunder Daoist's body trembled. His expression turned pale and his eyes dimmed. Behind him, his origin soul was knocked seven feet away from his body.

He was just about to retaliate when the celestial guard stepped forth and the Thunder Beast roared. The three ultimate primary souls' ghostly wails also echoed in the cave.

At this moment, the seven star sword formation emitted powerful sword energy and the seven swords fused into one and chopped down. The seven evil beasts inside the swords let out a unified roar, preventing Thunder Daoist's attempt to return to his body.

Above Thunder Daoist's origin soul was the restriction Wang Lin had placed earlier. It took the form of a lightning net that trapped Thunder Daoist's origin soul.

Chapter 706 - Pitiful Greed

Thunder Daoist shouted, "Xu Mu, you didn't keep your promise!"

Wang Lin's gaze was calm. Thunder Daoist was seriously injured and his body was almost devoid of any energy. In order to survive, he had to agree to Wang Lin's condition, and doing so gave Wang Lin a very good opportunity to refine a celestial guard.

The first requirement for refining a puppet was that the person being refined must be willing!

Wang Lin calmly said, "I will keep my promise, but this second step won't work unless you are willing. In order to prevent any accidents, I had to make your origin soul come out." His right hand moved and the celestial guard and Thunder Beast immediately surrounded Thunder Daoist. If Thunder Daoist attempted anything, they would attack without any hesitation.

Without looking at Thunder Daoist's origin soul, Wang Lin grabbed Thunder Daoist's body. After taking the bag of holding, he spat out another mouthful of origin energy that surrounded Thunder Daoist's body.

Thunder Daoist's origin soul was extremely gloomy as he coldly looked at Wang Lin. He wanted to see what kind of imprint this Xu Mu was going to leave!

Time slowly passed Wang Lin continued to spit out origin energy. The origin energy entered Thunder Daoist's body like bolts of thunder.

In a flash, several days passed by. Thunder Daoist's body continued to wither until it was almost just skin and bones. However, thunder moved inside his body, and there was also flashes of copper colored light which looked extremely bizarre.

Thunder Daoist's origin soul watched intently every day, and his eyes were filled with shock the whole time. At the beginning he didn't understand what Wang Lin wanted to do, but after a few days, he suddenly understood. This Xu Mu was going to refine him into a puppet!!

The shock in his eyes turned into horror, especially when he looked at the celestial guard puppet next to him. Although he was only an origin soul right now, he felt his body turn cold.

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"Could it… Could this puppet be something refined by him?! What is this person's background to know such a vicious refining method!?"

Wang Lin opened his eyes and looked at the mummified body giving off a copper glow. His eyes released a mysterious light.

"It is truly the body of an Illusory Yin cultivator. It is already copper rank without any metal material. If I add a few heavenly treasures, I believe it can climb even more!"

When Thunder Daoist's origin soul saw Wang Lin open his eyes, he immediately shouted, "Xu Mu, what are you doing!? This old man promised to be your slave, I didn't promise to be your puppet!" He had shouted many times already, but Wang Lin simply ignored him and continued refining. Watching his own body being refining made his hatred for Wang Lin reached an extreme.

However, he didn't dare to move carelessly. The seal on his origin soul and being surrounded by the celestial guard, Thunder Beast, and three ultimate primary souls made it so he would die if he made a move.

"Noisy!" Wang Lin frowned and waved his fight hand. The two rays of Ling Tianhou's sword energy flew out and the cave was immediately filled with sword energy. This sword energy was filled with Ling Tianhou's tyrannical domain. Under the pressure of the two rays of sword energy, Thunder Daoist immediately shut his mouth. The horror in his eyes became even stronger when he saw at the two rays of sword energy.

His bitter gaze looked around at the dangers surrounding him. Not to mention right now, when he barely had any origin energy, he still wouldn't dare to carelessly rush out even if he had all his origin energy. What he feared most was those two rays of sword energy!

After Thunder Daoist's origin soul shut up, Wang Lin's divine sense spread out and covered the entire planet. After a long time, his eyes narrowed and he raised his right hand. The surroundings shook and the underworld river appeared in the sky outside the cave.

Wang Lin shouted, "Underworld river, suck!"

The underworld river in the sky released a powerful suction force. This suction force entered the earth and this abandoned planet began to tremble. The shaking gradually intensified until it was like an earthquake.

Shortly after, ores containing metal element were was pulled out from the ground and into the underworld river one by one. Over time, more and more metal ores were sucked out.

After a long time, the earth slowly stopped trembling and the suction force disappeared. The large amount of metal ores were melted to form three fist-sized golden liquid balls that slowly floated into the cave.

Wang Lin grabbed one of the golden liquid balls, pressed it against Thunder Daost's forehead, and followed it up with a mouthful of origin energy.

When the third ball disappeared into Thunder Daoist's body, the copper light disappeared and was replaced by a silver glow.

"Silver grade!" Wang Lin's eyes revealed relief and fell on the still gloomy Thunder Daoist's origin soul.

"Be my puppet for three thousand years and I'll give you freedom. How about it?"

Thunder Daoist silently pondered.

Wang Lin calmly said, "Even if you have a life-saving spell, it won't be faster than my sword energy!"

There were only two roads before Thunder Daoist. The first was risk it and resist, but he was aware that although his life-saving spell was powerful, it couldn't compare to the two rays of sword energy. If both rays attacked at the same time, he would have no path of retreat!

The second was to agree and become a puppet… He would be exchanging three thousand years of time for his freedom, and that was if Wang Lin kept the promise and didn't die during those three thousand years… Thunder Daoist looked at the puppet that hadn't said a word since the beginning.

"This puppet's body is very strong; it can even fight barehanded against magical treasures… It shouldn't die during battle…"

At this moment in the far away planet Yun Xia, the dense fog was covering up everything inside. A cold aura was coming from within, causing every cultivator that passed by to make a detour.

In the Allheaven Star System, planet Yun Xia was a place of death. Very few cultivators who entered would return alive.

Just at this moment, the thick fog began to sink violently as if something was trying to charge out. This churning in the fog became even stronger.

In an instant, a thin body wearing tattered clothes charged out in an extremely sorry state. His eyes were filled with fear as he charged out, and there was a huge furnace in front of him.

As he was about to charge out of the fog, the thin face revealed ecstasy. This was the eighth time he had attempted to escape in over seventy years… But just at this moment, a long tentacle lashed out at an unimaginable speed from planet Yun Xia. It wrapped around the thin figure and mercilessly dragged him down.

This person was Greed. He was grabbed by the tentacle and was rapidly pulled down. He looked at the dense fog around him and his eyes revealed despair.

"I have searched for treasures all my life, and I didn't think something like this would ever happen… Wang Lin, this was all because of you! If you hadn't come to this damned Allheaven Star System, how could this old man be sent here!?! If I wasn't sent here, how could I have entered this terrifying planet?!"

Chapter 707 - The Incomplete Celestial Spell Book That Shocked Wang Lin

Half a year later, a muffled explosion echoed across the abandon planet Wang Lin made a cave in. The entire planet shivered slightly as dust filled up the sky like a dense fog.

Wang Lin frowned and walked out from this dense dust cloud.

Behind him followed a skinny puppet. There were countless lightning bolts shining on the puppet's fist.

Thunder Daoist chose to compromise in the end, but Wang Lin underestimated the failure rate of of creating celestial guards. Even with the Thunder Beast from the Thunder Celestial Temple, it still failed in the end.

"Low grade celestial guards have strength equal to peak first step cultivators. It was because I added the heavenly ghost that produced some change that it was able to reach the strength of Illusory Ying cultivators.

"For this second celestial guard, I used an Illusory Yin cultivator along with the Thunder Beast. I should have been able to produce a mid-grade celestial guard, but unfortunately I still failed."

Wang Lin secretly sighed. Many things make you feel like you are in control, but in the end they still escape your grasp.

"It seems my dao heart is a bit restless!" Wang Lin removed the feeling of helplessness from his mind and his mind became calm once more. He looked at the mummy behind him and began to ponder.

Wang Lin mumbled, "It's not like I didn't gain anything!"

After the second celestial guard refining had failed, Thunder Daoist's origin soul lost its consciousness and turned into a mysterious light that fused with the body. The Thunder Beast was also crushed and fused with it.

"Peak of silver grade!" Wang Lin withdrew his gaze. Although he failed, at the moment of failure, he decisively cut off Thunder Daoist's origin soul and gave up on the refining process. This made the celestial guard, which was on the third step of refining, revert to the first step.

He had obtained a peak silver grade body of what could be considered an incomplete celestial guard. Although it couldn't use any spells, the body was extremely strong.

If Wang Lin's origin soul could leave his body, he would just barely be able to manipulate it. However, right now his origin soul couldn't leave his body, so with his divine sense, he could just barely make it perform some simple actions, like that punch just now.

This kind of control couldn't be used in battle. In fact, even if Wang Lin's origin soul could take control of it, he wouldn't be able to use it like his own body, as the remains of Thunder Daoist's origin soul would reject his control.

After reaching the first step of the celestial guard refining process, only the original origin soul could freely control the body. Once the third step, the origin soul refining step, failed, then no one would be able to control it, unless someone several ranks higher in cultivation possessed it as their own body.

Wang Lin's gaze was calm as he put the second celestial guard back into his bag and walked back into the cave.

He had too many things to do; the celestial guard was only one of them. After balancing his mentality a bit, the irritation from the failure of the celestial guard disappeared.

"I must increase my cultivation level so that it matches my domain!" Inside the cave, Wang Lin sat down in the lotus position and his eyes lit up as he stared forward.

The three ultimate primary souls had already been put away by him along with the seven star sword formation. However, Ling Tianhou's sword energy rays, the celestial guard, and Thunder Beast were still inside the cave.

The celestial guard stood on the side not far away from Thunder Beast that had the third seal released and was lying on the ground.

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Ling Tianhou's two rays of sword energy floated in the air. They emitted powerful sword energy that gave off a faint, whistling noise.

Wang Lin's gaze was on the Thunder Beast.

If it wasn't for the life and death situation from before, Wang Lin would have never opened the third seal on the God Slaying War Chariot without any preparation. After all, the God Slaying War Chariot was extremely difficult to control; one mishap and he would suffer the backlash.

However, during these six months, the Thunder Beast's reaction had been unexpected. Not only did it not show any signs of causing him any backlash, it even followed all of his commands.

However, there was one order it wouldn't listen to no matter what spell Wang Lin used.

It wouldn't turn back to the war chariot and return to his bag of holding.

The Thunder Beast was three times larger than before. It had become more brilliant and more gold had appeared on its silver horn.

When Wang Lin looked at it, the Thunder Beast also raised its large head and glanced at Wang Lin. Its sprayed out two strands of thunder from hits noise that traveled across its body.

The person and beast stared at each other. Wang Lin could feel that this beast had became more intelligent as if it had a real soul.

Although the Thunder Beast was defiant before, its eyes were never as smart as they were now.

As if it was annoyed, the Thunder Beast withdrew its gaze. It let out a growl, then its body turned into a bolt of thunder and disappeared into the distance.

Wang Lin wryly smiled. During these past six months, this beast was often like this. It would leave and not come back for several days.

After pondering for a bit, Wang Lin revealed a decisive gaze.

"Since this beast isn't willing to return to the bag of holding, then I'll simply let it be!" Wang Lin's eyes lit up and the two rays of Ling Tianhou's sword energy returned to his body. As for the celestial guard, it stood at the entrance of the cave to protect Wang Lin.

Wang Lin took out a bag of holding. This bag of holding held everything Thunder Daoist owned. When Thunder Daoist's consciousness dissipated during the third step of the refining process, the divine sense on it disappeared and the bag became ownerless.

There were many things inside this bag of holding. Aside from some daily use stuff, there were only four things that caught Wang Lin's attention. The first item was a jade.

There was a fierce Thunder Beast carved on this jade. The Thunder Beast had a golden horn with lightning scattered all over its body. It looked extremely mighty. There was a large rune engraved on the back of the jade.

Wang Lin didn't know the meaning of the rune, but after some analysis, he guessed the use of this object.

Ordinary jades would never have such embellishments carved on them, so this jade obviously had the role of a token.

When he tried checking it with his divine sense, a ray of lightning came out to prevent Wang Lin from checking it. Wang Lin's expression remained neutral as he carefully examined this lightning before revealing a smile.

"Could it be that I really have the potential to be a messenger of the Thunder Celestial Temple…" Wang Lin revealed a strange smile. This lightning could prevent most cultivators, even some second step cultivators, from checking the jade.

However, it had no effect on Wang Lin.

The lightning contained a sliver of heavenly thunder. This was the true might of heavenly thunder. It was obvious that unless one cultivated the cultivation method of the Thunder Celestial Temple, it was impossible to view what was inside this jade.

However, Wang Lin had once devoured an ancient thunder dragon, so the thunder he controlled was a level above this. The thunder in his origin soul moved and moved into the jade. He easily broke through the lightning and saw inside the jade.

Even with Wang Lin's mental strength, his eyes suddenly widened. There were only two spells stored in this jade, and the first was Furnace Becomes the World!

For one's own dao to form a furnace that could refine the world. This furnace was integrated with one's origin energy to create an amazing origin energy spell!

It was obvious this spell was the one that Thunder Daoist had used. Wang Lin had a strong understanding of this spell.

"Unfortunately, this spell requires too much origin energy. It's impossible to use it before reaching the Illusory Yin stage."

Wang Lin's divine sense landed on the second spell. This spell was named Thunder Origin spell!

This Thunder Origin spell was what really shocked Wang Lin!

"The Thunder Origin spell is a fragment of a low rank celestial spell. Absorb origin energy from thunder and quickly condense it into your own. Help reduce the time one stays at the Yin and Yang stage.

"This spell is very overbearing. The might of heavenly thunder is something first step cultivators can't withstand, so they can't cultivate this."

Wang Lin's heart suddenly skipped a beat. Ordinary cultivators couldn't cultivate this, but by chance he had a thunder origin soul. The value of this spell was unimaginable to him.

Even if a real low grade celestial spell was placed before him, it wouldn't have the same value as this. Although it was only the fragment of a low grade celestial spell, it was something Wang Lin needed the most right now.

"No wonder the Thunder Celestial Temple is so strong in the Allheaven Star System. Being able absorb origin energy from heavenly thunder allows them to cultivate much faster than others."

Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he revealed a smile.

"After cultivating this Thunder Origin spell and this Furnace Becomes the World spell and adding in the Thunder Beast, even a real messenger of the Thunder Celestial Temple would be shocked…"

After memorizing the information inside the jade, Wang Lin carefully put it away and looked at the next item.

This item was a sword. This sword had no body, it was completely made of lightning. Wang Lin saw Thunder Daoist use this against the celestial guard. Even the celestial guard's punches couldn't break this sword.

Looking at the sword, Wang Lin pondered a bit before putting it away.

The third item was a silver stone the size of his fist. It contained the power of thunder and lightning. Wang Lin had a lot of interest in this item, so his divine sense carefully examined it. Then he lifted his right hand and gently placed his hand on it.

At the moment his hand touched it, a large amount of lightning came out of the stone and entered Wang Lin's body.

If it was an ordinary cultivator, this lightning would have caused some serious injuries. However, Wang Lin's origin soul opened its mouth and devoured this lightning.

At the moment the lightning disappeared, a wave of origin energy spread throughout Wang Lin's body. This was only a tiny amount of origin energy, but it made Wang Lin's eyes shine brightly.

He took a deep breath and stared at this stone. After hesitating for a long time, he gave up the idea of absorbing it and put it inside his bag.

This last item was something Wang Lin was familiar with, a celestial jade.

Chapter 708 - Original Body, Ta Sen, Zhou Ru

The amount of celestial jades in Thunder Daoist's bag made Wang Lin gasp. The amount of celestial jades was simply too shocking; not even a cultivation family could compare.

"Just a messenger of the Thunder Celestial Temple has this much celestial jade. This shows just how powerful the Thunder Celestial Temple is!" Joy didn't appear in Wang Lin's head when he saw all these celestial jades, only shock.

He pondered for a long time and his eyes shined brightly.

"Thunder Celestial Temple…"

Wang Lin took a deep breath, then his body flickered and he disappeared into the cave. The celestial guard followed closely after him.

Wang Lin's body floated in the air above the sky in the eastern part of the planet. He waved his hand down, and following a loud rumble, everything 5,000 kilometers was flattened.

The surrounding 5,000 kilometer area was as flat as a mirror. All of the protruding rocks became dust that was blown away by the wind.

So much dust was kicked up that it looked like white mist.

Wang Lin floated down and sat in the center. He slapped his bag of holding and all the celestial jades he had gotten from the three families flew out. The celestial jades landed around him in dense packs.

Wang Lin slapped his bag of holding and the one-billion-soul soul flag flew out. All of the soul fragments fused to make the three ultimate primary souls and they began patrolling the area. The celestial guard also flew into the air and carefully observed the area. Anything that attempted to get close would immediately be killed.

After doing all of this, Wang Lin took a deep breath, his hand formed a seal, and he closed his eyes.

Large amounts of celestial spiritual energy suddenly filled the air and formed a giant storm that was constantly being absorbed by Wang Lin.

After a moment, all of the celestial jades on the ground all shattered. Then a large amount of celestial jades immediately flew out of Wang Lin's bag and this cycle continued.

More and more celestial spiritual energy filled Wang Lin's body, and his cultivation level kept increasing.

At this moment in the distant Alliance Star System, there was an abandoned planet. This planet was not big, even smaller than planet Suzaku, and there was no life here.

On this day, three rays of sword energy quickly crossed through the stars. The one in front was a woman. She was wearing a light purple, cotton dress. It was simple, but not without taste, giving off a graceful feel. There was faint, plum-colored lipstick applied to her elegant lips. Her unique and elegant face gave off a charming feel that could attract anyone.

The most eye-catching thing was her eyes that shined like the stars. Her body was emitting a faint fragrance that spread everywhere she went.

There were several shining butterfly discs on the right side of her forehead. The colorful reflections made her even more beautiful.

If Wang Lin was here and saw this woman, he would feel that she looked familiar. She was the one who left Suzaku after devouring Qian Feng and then was kicked out of the planet Five Elements, Zi Xin!

When she was being hunted by the Heavenly Water Palace, she was saved by Yao Xixue's father, the Blood Ancestor, and became his concubine.

Two old men giving off bloody lights followed behind her. Their eyes were dim and their minds were clearly being controlled. These two people were blood slaves refined by the Blood Ancestor.

Every single blood slave had Ascendant cultivation.

Zi Xin was very fast and soon brought the two blood slaves to this tiny, far-away planet.

Zi Xin's voice was very attractive as she slowly asked, "This is the planet you spoke of?"

One of the blood slaves behind her slowly said, "Mistress, this is the planet."

Zi Xin's eyes narrowed and landed on this planet. Three months ago, one of the blood slaves reported that there were some changes happening to the planet, as if it was slowly dying.

This planet was in the Blood Ancestor's sphere of influence. After the trip to the Demon Spirit Land, the Blood Ancestor always showed a gloomy expression. Not long after, he left without anyone knowing where he went.

Zi Xin pondered for a while before heading toward the tiny planet with the two blood slaves.

There weren't any living beings on this planet; it was completely abandoned. The earth was completely dried up. When Zi Xin and the blood slaves arrived on the planet, they heard a rumble that continued to echo.

Then she saw even more cracks appear on the earth, and a mountain in the distance suddenly collapsed, causing dust to fill the air.

Farther away, there was a 100-foot-wide river that had already dried up.

One of the blood slaves said, "Although this planet was abandoned 400 years ago, it was not this strange back then. It's as if the planet has completed an entire life cycle in the last 400 years. This was especially more apparent in the last few decades."

Zi Xin's eyes lit up and her divine sense spread out. She wanted to check the depths of the planet. However, just as her divine sense entered the ground…

A coldness filled with killing intent suddenly echoed.

"Scram!" This voice was several times more violent than thunder, and a powerful sense of majesty suddenly appeared. Even more cracks appeared on the ground. At this moment, the sky darkened as if it didn't dare to resist this voice.

This voice carried endless sound waves that superimposed on each other, making it sound like countless voices roaring at the same time.


At this moment, the entire planet seemed to collapse. The mountains collapsed and the earth sank. Countless spatial cracks appeared in the sky as the cold wind roared. It was like hell on earth.

At the same time, this voice landed on Zi Xin's ear, causing her face to turn pale. The two blood slaves trembled and coughed out large mouthfuls of blood.

Zi Xin's eyes were filled with horror. She didn't have enough time to think about why this voice sounded familiar. She immediately respectfully bowed and said, "Junior didn't know this place was Senior's closed door cultivation spot. Sorry for disturbing Senior. I'll leave immediately."

Her scalp felt numb as she quickly retreated without any hesitation followed by the two blood slaves. The three of them of quickly left the planet. Once they were in space, the fear in Zi Xin's eyes disappeared. After looking at the planet meaningfully, she quickly left with the two blood slaves.

Shortly after they left, the rumbling sounds from the planet became even louder. Soon, the entire planet began to collapse. It looked like a large ball with many cracks, but then even more cracks appeared and the entire planet collapsed in an instant.

At the moment it collapsed, a loud sound echoed across the stars. An invisible force also spread out, and far away, Zi Xin and the two blood slaves' expressions changed once more.

The force was so fast that it was able to catch up to them. Zi Xin's expression became pale and she shouted, "Blood slaves, explode to stop it!"

The two blood slaves behind her didn't hesitate to charge toward the source of the force and explode their origin souls!

Borrowing this moment, Zi Xin took out a blood red jade from her bag. This was something the Blood Ancestor gave her. I could be used once to be teleported back to the Blood planet from anywhere.

However, it would take a certain amount of time to activate.

The planet collapsed and turned into countless dust particles that spread across the stars. After the planet collapsed, there was a man standing at the center.

He had a head of red hair that flowed without any wind and his eyes were as cold as ice. His skin was very rough with very noticeable veins that looked like runes.

There were four stars slowly rotating on his forehead. However, one of the star was flickering.

He was Wang Lin's original body!

The original body's expression was cold like ice that hadn't melted in countless years. His body gave off an extremely cold aura.

The force caused by the collapse by the planet seemed to have no effect on him at all; it didn't even seem to be able to penetrate his skin. Wang Lin's eyes looked into the distant void.

"This planet no longer has any spiritual energy for me to absorb…" Wang Lin pondered a bit as he slowly looked at the collapsed planet around him. Then his right hand reached out and he grabbed.

The dust around him suddenly paused and an ancient aura slowly condensed. However, not long after, it dissipated.

"This soul extraction spell requires some cultivation!" Wang Lin's origin body stepped forward. With how strong his body was, he didn't need a star compass to travel among the stars.

"Unfortunately, I still haven't found any aura of an adult ancient god. Otherwise, I would have truly reached four stars… Could it be I need to take a trip back to planet Suzaku… I don't know when Ta Sen will break free…" Wang Lin's original body slowly disappeared among the stars.

Several months later, Wang Lin's body chose a new abandoned planet. He slowly entered the core of the planet and closed his eyes to cultivate.

He chose this planet because it had a natural layer of thunder.

Planet Suzaku, Sea of Devils.

The fog in the Sea of Devils had disappeared a long time ago, so the entire Sea of Devils was now a large basin.

In the depths of the Sea of Devils there was a place called the Broken Chaotic Stars. This was a forbidden area of the Sea of Devils! Anyone who approached his place would mysteriously disappear. After a while, no one dared to come here.

Inside the Land of the Ancient God inside the Chaotic Broken Stars.

Countless cultivators were sitting in the sea of blood. These cultivators' cultivation levels slowly increased as the sea of blood invaded them. Those ancient cultivators were becoming even more powerful.

On the largest pillar in the sea of blood sat a red-haired man. His body was giving off an aura so powerful that it could cause all beings to tremble!

A rust-covered sword was stabbed into the ground next to the man. This rust-covered sword also had some dry blood on it.

At this moment, the sound of something grinding against the ground could be heard. He had his head lowered and his red hair was covering his whole body. Through the gaps in his hair, one could see that he was carving the two words "Wang Lin" with his sharp nail.

If one looked closely, one could clearly see that this entire pillar was covered with these two words!

"Wang Lin…" A hoarse voice came from the red-haired man and echoed across the entire sea of blood. Every cultivator's body trembled.

For countless years, they had heard the name Wang Lin so much that it was engraved in their bones…

"Wang Lin, I'm about to be free…"

Three months later, a person walked out from the Chaotic Broken Stars. This person had a monkey with red eyes on his shoulder, and he slowly walked out of the Sea of Devils.

He wasn't Ta Sen but a messenger sent by Ta Sen!

There was deep hatred in this person's eyes. If Wang Lin was here, he would recognize him as the long dead Sky Devil Magician!

Back then, if it wasn't for Wang Lin, the heritance of knowledge would have been his. He was the master of Six Desire Devil Lord and had plotted for thousands of years, but in the end, all of it was destroyed by Wang Lin. His hatred for Wang Lin wasn't any weaker than Ta Sen's!

"The realm under the Thunder Celestial Realm…" Sky Devil Magician's body flickered and left planet Suzaku.

Planet Suzaku, peak of Mount Suzaku.

Zhou Ru's long hair flowed with the wind and her dress flapped in the wind. She looked much more mature than before. Behind her, Little White was lying on the ground with a lazy gaze.

Zhou Ru was holding a bag of holding in her hand. This bag was very old and clearly had hundreds of years of history.

"Uncle, I can now open the bag you left me back then…"

Zhou Ru said this softly before looking down at the bag. Her divine sense entered the bag and opened it.

There was nothing inside… Only a ray of white light shot out and entered between Zhou Ru's eyebrows. Her body trembled, her grip on the bag loosened, and it was blown far away.

Little White let out a roar, suddenly stood up, and looked at Zhou Ru. He couldn't understand what exactly had happened.

The white light disappeared between Zhou Ru's eyebrows, and in her brain a seal was released… The sealed memories slowly appeared before Zhou Ru.

"For these 19 years, I felt this child grow up as if she was my own. Big Brother Wang… I can't bear it… Wan Er is very silly; I have let you down…"

Tears appeared on Zhou Ru's face, and after a long time, she lowered her head, sat down, and hugged her knees. She couldn't stop her tears.

"Little White, it turns out Uncle never wanted me to find him…"

Wang Lin was currently absorbing celestial spiritual energy like crazy. Around him, the shattered celestial jades continued to pile up more and more.

The amount of celestial jades required to break past the mid stage of Ascendant was a terrifying, far more than early stage to mid stage. However, Wang Lin had enough celestial jades.

However, Wang Lin found that after his origin soul devoured the ancient thunder dragon,, it was different from before. It was like a bottomless pit when it came to absorbing celestial jades.

Half a year had already passed, and he had consumed a terrifying amount of celestial jades every day. However, his origin soul was still not full.

Time slowly passed and he consumed even more celestial jades. Another six months passed, and on this day, Wang Lin suddenly opened his eyes. Lightning flashed through his eyes and a heaven shaking aura rushed out of his body.

Wang Lin stood up. His expression was calm and he stepped toward the sky.

"Late stage Ascendant!"

Chapter 709 - Fourth Step of Cultivation, Does it Exist…

A ray of thunder flew through the stars. Inside the thunder was a Thunder Beast with silver horn that contained a hint of gold. Its whole body gave off flashes of lightning and looked very majestic.

Wang Lin was sitting in the lotus position on the back of the Thunder Beast. His hair moved without any wind and his eyes were shining. Although he looked ordinary, he gave off an extraordinary aura.

If anyone saw him right now they would without a doubt think he was a messenger of the Thunder Celestial Temple. Right now he was far too similar to Thunder Daoist.

If a messenger of the Thunder Celestial Temple met Wang Lin, they would be startled.

More than 900 years of cultivation allowed Wang Lin to reach the late stage of Ascendant, the same cultivation level as Zhuque Zi back then.

If Zhuque Zi wasn't dead, how would he feel if he saw this? The little cultivator who he only considered a pawn had grown to such heights!

Late stage Ascendant cultivators were considered supreme existences in some small cultivation planets. No one would dare to provoke them there.

After spending the last year absorbing celestial spiritual energy, Wang Lin had finally reached this peak. He only needed to take another step for his cultivation and domain to reach completion. After that, he would be able to take the step toward the second step!

Not many people could reach the second step of cultivation, and it was so difficult that cultivators at the first step couldn't imagine it.

Although Wang Lin hadn't reached that step, the few times he battled with Illusory Yin cultivators made him realize how powerful second step cultivators were.

"The first step of cultivation was already very difficult. Thinking back over these 900 years of cultivation, crisis was around every corner. Any bit of carelessness would have caused my soul to be destroyed. If it wasn't for Senior Zhou Yi, I would already be dead from trying to break into the Ascendant stage.

"If the first step was already like this. then the second step must more difficult. The second step must also have its own life and death trial… I wonder if I can pass it… However, a person who follows the will of the heavens is the same as a mortal, and someone who goes against the heavens is immortal. As long as my dao heart remains, I can conquer all dangers!" Wang Lin's eyes shined brightly.

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"There is also the third step of cultivation. Even people like the All-Seer haven't reached it and are struggling in pursuit. What level is this third step… How will it compare against an ancient god…" Wang Lin's eyes showed a hint of anticipation.

However, he knew that the third step was currently too far away; he might not even grasp it before his lifespan ends.

"The three steps of cultivation are like climbing a mountain; each step is more difficult than the previous. I don't know how many realms are in the third step… I just don't know if there is a fourth step!" Wang Lin's right hand gently rubbed the Thunder Beast's head. Lightning moved through his hand, but it had no effect on him.

"Does the fourth step exist…" Wang Lin muttered, as if he was asking the stars.

No one could answer this question.

The thunder brought Wang Lin toward planet Thousand Illusion. Planet Ran Yun was where his memories were sealed, so Wang Lin didn't want to go there anymore.

"It is about time to explore that Moongazer Serpent on planet Yun Xia. I need a large amount of Celestial Ascension Fruits, so the Huan family is the best choice!" Wang Lin rode the Thunder Beast forward. Although it was slower than the star compass, it was still very fast.

"The original body has absorbed the spiritual energy of a small planet and its strength is at four stars. However, it is still missing the aura of an adult ancient god. I wonder if I can find it in the Allheaven Star System…" Wang Lin's eyes lit up as if he had an epiphany.

"The Moongazer Serpent is a parasite that lives inside an ancient god's body. I wonder if there is any remnant aura of an ancient god there…" Wang Lin remembered something from the past.

"Back then, on planet Tian Yun, a messenger of the Cultivation Alliance came with a Star Sable. That creature is extremely sensitive to the aura of an ancient god. If that beast was here, it would help a lot in search of an ancient god's aura."

The Thunder Beast roared as it flew through space. Half a month later, planet Thousand Illusion appeared in Wang Lin's eyes. His eyes were calm as the Thunder Beast flew toward planet Thousand Illusion.

The moment he closed, in countless thunder clouds appeared and the sound of thunder rumbling echoed across the sky. This phenomenon immediately caught the attention of the cultivators on planet Thousand Illusion.

The Thunder Beast closed in and directly penetrated through the atmosphere. As it floated in the air, it raised its head and let out a roar. This roar represented all the thunder in the world.

The rumble effected all the thunder clouds created by the arrival of the Thunder Beast. Bolts of thunder descended from the sky, creating a series of explosions.

Just like when Thunder Daoist arrived on planet Ran Yun, every cultivator on planet Thousand Illusion trembled. Their bodies and souls shook from the might of the thunder.

After releasing the third seal, the strength and inheritance the Thunder Beast gained made it no weaker than an Illusory Yin cultivator!

Wang Lin frowned. He didn't want to attract so much attention. He slapped the Thunder Beast's head, causing it to immediately stop roaring, and flew directly toward the ground.

The Thunder Beast rushed straight for the Huan family's home according to Wang Lin's memory.

Before he closed in, every cultivator of the Huan family flew out with Huan Fengshen leading them. They looked at the approaching thunder with horror in their eyes.

When they clearly saw Wang Lin sitting on the Thunder Beast, some people even exclaimed out loud.

The people of the Huan family could never forget Wang Lin.

Sitting on the Thunder Beast's head, Wang Lin's eyes carried lightning sparks as he calmly said, "Huan family head, come forth!"

Huan Fengshen took a deep breath. He stepped forth and respectfully said, "Huan family's Huan Fengshen greets messenger of the Thunder Celestial Temple. I didn't recognize Lord Messenger before; I hope Lord Messenger doesn't mind."

Wang Lin would naturally not explain and said, "There is no need to talk about matters of the past. I want to ask if you have a way to obtain a large amount of Celestial Ascension Fruits!"

"Celestial Ascension Fruits?" Huan Fengshen was startled and immediately bitterly said, "Lord Messenger, this…"

Wang Lin's eyes narrowed and looked at Huan Fengshen. The Thunder Beast under him began to growl.

Huan Fengshen let out a sigh and revealed a decisive gaze. He nodded and said, "Forget it, the Huan family will give up the opportunity to enter the Thunder Celestial Realm in 100 years and give all the collected Celestial Ascension Fruits to Lord Messenger."

Wang Lin's expression was neutral, but he began to think. This Huan Fengshen's words contained some clues. Could the Celestial Ascension Fruit have something to do with the Thunder Celestial Realm…

The Thunder Celestial Realm was going to open up in 100 years. Wang Lin had heard this from Sun Xi before.

Wang Lin's expression didn't change as he silently nodded.

The Huan family had a large amount of Celestial Ascension Fruits, but it still wasn't enough for Wang Lin's needs.

"It seems I have to borrow the name of the Thunder Celestial Temple and go through this northern domain for more!" Wang Lin rubbed the Thunder Beast's head.

Chapter 710 - Attachment

The five major planets in the northern domain of the Allheaven Star System each had many cultivation planets under them, and there were many cultivation families on these cultivation planets. Wang Lin sat on the back of the Thunder Beast and went directly toward the Qian family.

The second step cultivators of the Qian family had gone into closed door cultivation long ago, so everything regarding the family was managed being by Qian Kuizi. When Wang Lin entered planet Thousand Illusion, Qian Kuizi noticed instantly.

When he saw Wang Lin arrive on the Thunder Beast, he was convinced that what the Huan family's ancestor said was a lie. This person was without a doubt a messenger of the Thunder Celestial Temple.

Thinking about the powerful treasures and spells this person displayed 70 years ago in the battle against the Huan family's ancestor, Qian Kuizi's heart trembled.

"The messenger of the Thunder Celestial Temple my Qian family relied on died in the Thunder Celestial Realm several thousand years ago. In the Allheaven Star System, unless it is one of the ancient families, everyone needs to rely on a messenger of the Thunder Celestial Temple to survive…" Qian Kuizi hesitated. His decision now would determine the future development of the Qian family.

"Unfortunately, all of the second step cultivators in the family are all in closed door cultivation. I can't disturb them, or else there would be someone to discuss this with."

While Qian Kuizi was hesitating, Wang Lin headed toward the Qian family's city on the Thunder Beast.

The Qian family's city was very large, several times larger than the Huan family's. After all, the Qian family was the number one family on planet Thousand Illusions.

Qian Kuizi and some cultivators of the Qian family quickly came out to welcome Wang Lin.

Although Qian Kuizi's cultivation level was higher than Wang Lin's, the status of a messenger of the Thunder Celestial Temple was as high as the heavens, so they wouldn't dare to offend one.

On the Thunder Beast, Wang Lin's eyes were calm as he looked at the Qian family cultivators. Finally, his gaze fell on Qian Kuizi, and he said, "Senior Qian Kuizi, long time no see."

Qian Kuizi laughed and said, "I don't dare to be called Senior. Lord Messenger's status is noble, and my cultivation level is merely slightly higher. Let's talk as peers."

While Qian Kuizi spoke calmly, his heart was shocked. From what he could see, this person had gone from the early stage of Ascendant to the late stage of Ascendant in less than a century. Although he was still in the first step, this speed was shocking.

Only the various cultivation methods of the Thunder Celestial Temple could do this.

What shocked Qian Kuizi the most was the Thunder Beast under Wang Lin. This Thunder Beast was even fiercer, and when its gaze fell on Qian Kuizi, he felt like he had encountered a cultivator with similar cultivation level as his.

Qian Kuizi thought, "Back then, I thought this person had high status in the Thunder Celestial Temple. It looks like my guess is 70% likely to be true!"

Wang Lin faintly smiled and said, "That is fine as well. Fellow cultivator Qian Kuizi, I'm here to ask for some Celestial Ascension Fruits."

Qian Kuizi silently pondered a bit. Although the Celestial Ascension Fruits were very important to enter the Thunder Celestial Realm, getting the support of a messenger of the Thunder Celestial Temple was more important.

The only hesitation he had was the future development of this person. It has to be said that in the Allheaven Star System, once a family was supported by an messenger, they couldn't be supported by another until that messenger died.

"With my Qian family's resources, we can bring a messenger that has reached the second step. However, those second step messengers are all too arrogant. To gain their support would require too many resources. This person's cultivation is lacking, but his potential in the future is infinite. Although this is just a bet, if I bet correctly here…" Qian Kuizi began to hesitate.

In the Allheaven Star System, if a family was not supported by a messenger of the Thunder Celestial Temple, it meant that they lost the protection of the Thunder Celestial Temple. The consequences of this were extremely serious.

The Thunder Celestial Temple was a giant existence that shrouded the Allheaven Star System. Its method of control over the Allheaven Star System was very primitive and very different from how the Cultivation Alliance controlled the Alliance Star System.

In the Allheaven Star System, the Thunder Celestial Temple had a set number of messengers that never change; it always maintained 99 people.

There were 99 messengers of the Thunder Celestial Temple, and each would have a large number of families that relied on them, allowing them to develop their own forces. This was the unique style of the Allheaven Star System.

Thunder Daoist's forces weren't in the northern domain, and he had only come here because he was ordered to investigate. It was due to his own confidence that he came by himself, and this resulted in his downfall.

If Wang Lin and Thunder Daoist were battling in Thunder Daoist's sphere of influence, Wang Lin would without a doubt died!

Qian Kuizi pondered for a long time, but Wang Lin didn't urge and quietly waited. He didn't know what Qian Kuizi was thinking. In fact, Qian Kuizi thoughts had nothing to do with the Celestial Ascension Fruits.

Shortly after, Qian Kuizi let out a sigh. The Huan family ancestor's words still echoed in his ears. He hesitated before saying, "Lord Messenger, my Qian family has a lot of Celestial Ascension Fruits, and we can give you half of them as a gift. However, I have a request I hope Lord Messenger can agree to."

Wang Lin's eyes were calm as he slowly said, "Speak."

Qian Kuizi looked at Wang Lin and said, "I would like to see Lord Messenger's Thunder Celestial Temple token!" His gaze narrowed. If this person couldn't take out a token, then he was a fake, but if he could… Qian Kuizi would make a certain decision.

Wang Lin coldly looked at Qian Kuizi. Without wasting time, he slapped his bag of holding and Thunder Daoist's jade flew out. Bursts of thunder immediately came from the jade and the might of thunder spread out.

Qian Kuizi had seen the token of a Thunder Celestial Temple messenger once before. At the moment he saw the token and felt the might of thunder, his expression immediately became respectful and the doubt in his heart disappeared.

"Lord Messenger, my Qian family is willing to make an agreement with you. When you reach the Yin and Yang stage, my Qian family will become your subordinates. Before that happens, my Qian family will do our best to meet your needs." Although Qian Kuizi no longer had any doubts, the matter of gaining support from a messenger was simply too important. He decided to wait instead of completely devoting themselves.

Wang Lin's expression remained the same, but his thoughts raced. This Thunder Celestial Temple seemed a bit strange.

"Becoming my subordinate family… can the messengers of the Thunder Celestial Temple develop their own forces…" Wang Lin didn't ask but softly said, "Let's talk about this matter in the future. First, bring me the Celestial Ascension Fruits."

Qian Kuizi secretly sighed. It seemed the other party was not interested in his deal. It was not abnormal, as without handing over their family's bloodline inheritance, it wouldn't be considered truly becoming a subordinate family.

He didn't know if his hesitation had made his Qian family miss out on a chance to develop in the future, but right now he didn't have time to think about it. After hearing Wang Lin's order, he sent out the order to the Qian family members.

Shortly after, a cultivator of the Qian family appeared with a bag of holding and respectfully handed it to Qian Kuizi.

Qian Kuizi threw the bag over and said, "Lord Messenger, this is half the Celestial Ascension Fruits my Qian family possesses."

Wang Lin scanned it with his divine sense and then nodded. The amount of Celestial Ascension Fruits in this bag was about the same as what the Huan family gave him, but it still wasn't enough for Wang Lin.

"Thanks!" After clasping his hands at Qian Kuizi, Wang Lin patted the Thunder Beast's head. The Thunder Beast let out a roar before turning into a bolt of thunder and disappearing.

Qian Kuizi looked at the bolt of thunder leaving and felt regret. If he was more decisive and had gained support…

Wang Lin had only obtained one fifth of the Celestial Ascension Fruits he needed, so there were still a lot to go. During the last 100 years, planet Thousand Illusions had undergone a lot of changes. The Xu family had mysteriously migrated.

After leaving planet Thousand Illusion, for the next several months, Wang Lin swept across the northern domain and borrowed the identity of a Thunder Celestial Temple messenger. Regardless of whether the cultivation planet was big or small, he would appear there.

A rumor saying that a Thunder Celestial Temple messenger was requesting Celestial Ascension Fruits soon appeared. However, this was quickly suppressed by Wang Lin using his status as a Thunder Celestial Temple messenger. This rumor only remained among the cultivation families.

A lot of cultivation families had never met a Thunder Celestial Temple messenger, so a lot of them greeted Wang Lin with a grand welcome.

Almost all of the families were shocked by the title of Thunder Celestial Temple messenger, so, like the Qian family, they handed over a portion of their Celestial Ascension Fruits. In the end, whenever Wang Lin arrived, the cultivation families would immediately hand over a portion of their Celestial Ascension Fruits. Some of the smaller cultivation families even requested to become his subordinate families.

After Wang Lin careful consideration, he didn't accept these requests, as this matter was too big. He had no feud with these families, and the risk was too great. If they became his subordinates and his identity was exposed in the future, it could easily implicate them.

After experiencing all this, Wang Lin gained some clues to the use of the Celestial Ascension Fruits to the Thunder Celestial Temple and why families became subordinate to Thunder Celestial Temple messengers.

The Celestial Ascension Fruits piled up until Wang Lin had far more than he needed, but he still continued to collect them. After all, these fruits still had great use in the Thunder Celestial Realm.

Half a year later, Wang Lin, along the the Thunder Beast, formed a ray of thunder and charged toward planet Yun Xia.

Among the bright stars there were many nebulas. Thunder echoed from the Thunder Beast, and Wang Lin traveled extremely quick.

"If I can succeed in this trip, then the metal element of the heaven defying bead will be complete. After that, it should be able to recognize an owner. I just don't know if it will have any powers." Wang Lin's expectations began to rise as he flew toward planet Yun Xia.

Along the way, he took the one-billion-soul soul flag and searched the memories of the old man that was good at escaping. He memorized all of the old man's escape spells.

This old man's escape spells left a profound mark in Wang Lin's memory. If it wasn't for all the things that had happened, he would have studied them long ago.

Planet Yun Xia gradually became closer. In half a month, planet Yun Xia's special fog appeared before Wang Lin's eyes.

The fog was thicker than the last time he came here.

The bolt of thunder closed in, and before it even closed in, there were loud rumbles. Wang Lin's eyes narrowed, and after a moment, he charged toward the thick fog.

Bursts of roars came from the fog. When the roars landed in Wang Lin's ears, it made his eyes light up.

Chapter 711 - Excretion

The fog was so thick that it was preventing his divine sense from spreading too far. The Thunder Beast let out a roar and charged into the fog. Thunder covered its body as it descended through the fog.

The thunder melted large amounts of fog as they descended. Sitting on the Thunder Beast, Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he slapped his bag of holding. The seven star sword formation flew out and rapidly rotated to clear the way.

With the experience from last time, Wang Lin had a good understanding of planet Yun Xia. His speed was not fast and could even be considered slow. Whenever the Thunder Beast let out a roar and wanted to go faster, Wang Lin would stop it.

Although the speed was slow, it was stable. With the seven star sword formation, they easily cleared the way and came closer to the surface of the planet.

Wang Lin calculated the distance it took for him to get through the fog last time, and when there should've been less than 1,000 feet remaining, he suddenly felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

The Thunder Beast detected this danger even earlier. Without waiting for Wang Lin's order, it immediately changed directions and charged out.

A slender tentacle appeared like an afterimage and swiped through where Wang Lin just was. It was simply too fast and seemed to only make a tiny hole through the fog.

Fortunately, the Thunder Beast dodged quickly enough. The tentacle that stretched out waved around before immediately withdrawing. However, while it was withdrawing, it wrapped around Wang Lin's seven star sword formation. It seemed to carry a powerful section force as it pulled the seven star sword formation down.

Wang Lin's expression was gloomy. If he didn't know of the danger and had rushed down, he wouldn't have been able to dodge the tentacle.

Fortunately, he wasn't going too fast, so the Thunder Beast was able to dodge it. The tentacle contained a powerful ability. When it touched the seven star sword formation, it made it so he couldn't control the swords.

"This tentacle looks familiar…" Wang Lin silently pondered for a bit before his eyes lit up and he recognized the origin of the tentacle.

Wang Lin gasped. "This thing is shockingly similar to the Moongazer Serpent's third form!"

The Moongazer Serpent had three forms. The first form was the dormant form with no offensive power. When Wang Lin first came here, that was the state the Moongazer Serpent was in.

The second form was when all the tentacles were withdrawn and the Moongazer Serpent would change into various shapes. The current Moongazer Serpent was in this state.

The third form was the assault form. All of the tentacles would be extended and could extend as long as the Moongazer Serpent itself. If one encountered a Moongazer Serpent in this form, they must escape, or they will be attacked.

Thinking about this, Wang Lin's expression became even more gloomy. He looked at the remaining 1,000 feet of fog and began to hesitate.

"When I came here last time, there were two Moongazer Serpents here. One was in the first state and the second one was sleeping. Why have they changed now? I don't know which Moongazer Serpent that tentacle belong to." Wang Lin pondered for a moment. If he left now, not only would he have wasted his time gathering the Celestial Ascension Fruits, he would also lose the seven star sword formation.

"I lost a treasure before I even got close!" Wang Lin's eyes lit up and revealed a decisive gaze. He really wasn't willing to leave like this. He patted the Thunder Beast's head and then it charged through the fog, but it didn't emit any roars.

After leaving the fog, his divine sense was no longer obstructed. The scene that appeared before him made him suck in a breath of cold air.

The earth was completely different from before. The swaying plants from before had disappeared and were replaced with long tentacles. These tentacles were dark red and gave off a mysterious power. This made Wang Lin's scalp tingle.

His divine sense spread out and he carefully scanned the area before letting out a breath of relief.

"Only 10,000 feet long. That means it is only heading toward the third form but hasn't fully awakened. However, without stimulation, it is impossible for the Moongazer Serpent to be like this… Someone must have come here in the last 100 years!" Wang Lin frowned.

"However, even if someone came, it is unlikely for them to have stimulated it into transforming into the third form… This matter is strange!" Wang Lin jumped off the Thunder Beast and pondered. He looked toward the Thunder Beast and talked as if he was talking to a person. "With your abilities, you should be able to detect the dangers here. If you still aren't willing to revert back into the war chariot, it will only increase the danger for both of us!"

The Thunder Beast waved its big head and began to ponder. It glanced at the tentacles coming out the ground and revealed a look of disdain.

Wang Lin frowned hard and simply decided to ignore it. He moved forward without causing any disturbance. He moved slowly and carefully as he made his way between the tentacles.

In his eyes, each of these tentacles contained terrifying attack power.

While Wang Lin flew, one of the tentacles before him suddenly lashed toward him. A powerful force rushed toward him.

The powerful wind created by this force blew Wang Lin's hair backwards. The wind was like knives as it hit his face. He had been vigilant and was carefully observing these tentacles. When the tentacle attacked, he saw the root of the tentacle change slightly.

In almost an instant, Wang Lin teleported away. He was so fast that it created an afterimage. The tentacle hit the afterimage before slowly retracting and returning to normal.

Wang Lin's figure appeared in the air. He stared at the tentacles on the ground and his eyebrows knit even tighter.

"To make the Moongazer Serpent fall under the effect of the Celestial Ascension Fruits, they must be used on its sensitive spot. However, doing that will be troublesome with these tentacles."

After pondering for a bit, Wang Lin slapped his bag of holding and a large amount of Celestial Ascension Fruits flew out around him. Wang Lin's eyes lit up, his right hand reached out, and he said, "Refine!"

Sounds of crisp explosions could be heard as the Celestial Ascension Fruits all shattered and turned into red liquid that condensed together.

Wang Lin's hand formed a seal as he spat out a mouthful of origin energy that surrounded the liquid. His origin energy turned to flames and then red mist started being refined out of the liquid.

Wang Lin's eyes became cold as he grabbed the mist and charged toward the ground. He pushed his hand down and the red mist rushed toward the tentacles.

In the blink of an eye, the mist spread more than 1,000 feet wide. The dense, red mist surrounded the tentacles. It was much easier for the tentacles to absorb the fruits in mist form.

The dozens of tentacles within the area gradually slowed down their swaying. It was the same as mortals getting drunk. The tentacles' dark red quickly turned into a crimson red.

Wang Lin carefully descended and moved between the tentacles. The tentacles seemed to completely ignore him, which let Wang Lin breath a sigh of relief. Shortly after, he finally landed on the ground.

There was a scene in the ancient god's memories about the Moongazer Serpent's sensitive spot. It was the root of the tentacles. Just a small little stimulation there would stimulate the whole body.

Wang Lin carefully took out Celestial Ascension Fruits, usually dozens at once, and refined them into a red liquid. After placing restrictions on them, he allowed the red liquid to merge with the root of the tentacles.

While he was doing this, he was very cautious. He was very careful and had his divine sense spread out.

The redness from the tentacles quickly dissipated, and Wang Lin knew he didn't have much time. After placing the red liquid at the root of the last tentacle, he quickly flew out.

Almost at the instant he flew out, the red mist dissipated. The tentacles' color changed from crimson red back to dark red. However, there were bulges on the tentacles that moved down underground.

When Wang Lin saw this, he recognized this scene. This was the Moongazer Serpent expelling the toxins from its body just like a mortal using the toilet.

The Thunder Beast had been looking at Wang Lin from the sky, and it was a bit annoyed. When it looked at the tentacles on the ground, the disdain in its eyes became even stronger. It moved forward and charged directly at the ground. Bolts of thunder shot out from its body and the rumbling sound transmitted across the entire planet.

Wang Lin suddenly turned around and shouted, "Damn beast, quickly come back!"

Just at this instant, the ground trembled as if the entire planet had become alive. All of the tentacles stopped swaying and immediately extended toward the Thunder Beast.

There were too many tentacles coming from the ground. At first the Thunder Beast was filled with disdain as bolts of thunder transmitted through the tentacles and into the ground.

However, in the next instant, a mysterious power came from the tentacles and the tentacles gave off a red light. This red light was blinding, and in an instant the entire planet became red.

Those tentacles moved even faster, and in the blink of an eye, they wrapped around the Thunder Beast. No matter how hard the Thunder Beast struggled or released thunder, it had no effect on the tentacles. It couldn't break even one tentacle!

Wang Lin was far away, and his expression was extremely gloomy. The Moongazer Serpent in the third form was extremely sensitive to sound, so the more the Thunder Beast roared, the tighter the tentacles wrapped around it. The disdain in the Thunder Beast's eyes gradually disappeared and was replaced with fear.

Wang Lin sent a voice transmission. "Stop roaring!" His face was cold as he took out Celestial Ascension Fruits.

At this moment in the core of planet Yun Xia, a thin figure was sitting inside a vast cavern. Outside of his body was a huge furnace.

Strands of tentacles about as thick as an arm were wrapped around the furnace. The tentacles constantly wiggled as if they were absorbing something.

The old man's expression was gloomy when he suddenly opened his eyes and his expression became even more gloomy. The walls of the cave began to move and large amount of red mist came in. There was also some foul-smelling filth that contained lightning, which made the smell even worse.

The old man was Greed. If Wang Lin was here, he would immediately recognize this place as the place where the Moongazer Serpent absorbed nutrients and expelled waste.

Chapter 712 - Greed's Little Treasure

Wang Lin slapped his bag of holding and took out a large amount of Celestial Ascension Fruits. He calmly looked at the Thunder Beast that was struggling against the tentacles but no longer dared to roar.

He waved his right hand and all the fruits shattered into juice. After being refined by his origin energy, the juice became red mist. Wang Lin stepped forth with the red mist and appeared next to the trapped Thunder Beast. He mercilessly pressed down with the red mist.

There were some crisp cracking sounds as the mist diffused around the Thunder Beast. The tentacles' grasp loosened slightly and their color started to turn crimson red.

Taking advantage of the tentacles weakening, the Thunder Beast covered itself in thunder. Then its huge body shrank until it turned back into the chariot and finally charged out.

Wang Lin's left hand reached out and put the God Slaying War Chariot into his bag of holding.

It was obvious that the Thunder Beast was terrified. Originally, it was unwilling to return to the bag, but now it compromised.

After putting away the Thunder Beast, Wang Lin began moving along. He would use the red mist to temporarily weaken the tentacles before sealing drops of juice at their roots.

He repeated this again and again. It was lucky that he had much more Celestial Ascension Fruits than he needed, or else he would have run out a long time ago.

Wang Lin was very careful along the way and was extremely vigilant. After a few days, he finally infused the juices of the Celestial Ascension Fruits into most of the tentacles on the planet.

"About 70% to 80% of the tentacles of this Moongazer Serpent have the juice of the Celestial Ascension Fruit sealed inside them. As soon as I activate the restrictions, the seals will collapse. Unfortunately, all of the Celestial Ascension Fruits are now gone. If every single tentacle was affected, it would have been perfect."

Wang Lin pondered a bit and gave up on the idea of leaving to search for more Celestial Ascension Fruits. This place was too strange, and Wang Lin was afraid there would be new changes the next time he came.

Once this Moongazer Serpent actually awakened, the Celestial Ascension Fruits would be useless against it.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up and his body sank underground. The earth was filled with a viscous liquid, so he had to activate the celestial spiritual energy in his body to force it away.

Without pause, Wang Lin carefully charged to the metal vein deep under the earth. However, after descending for a while, Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he carefully looked around.

Wang Lin found subtle fluctuations of celestial spiritual energy within the dirt around here. This celestial spiritual energy was trapped inside the viscous liquid.

Wang Lin clearly remembered that the liquid was murky and didn't have a trace of celestial spiritual energy last time he was here.

"It seems someone came here within the last 100 years. They entered deep into the Moongazer Serpent and used a powerful spell. This is why there's celestial spiritual energy trapped in the dirt and why the Moongazer Serpent is slowly changing to its third form from its second form."

Wang Lin pondered while he sank. After an unknown amount of time, he arrived at where the metal vein was, which was also the bone of the Moongazer Serpent.

A flame appeared and lit up the darkness around the bone. Wang Lin's eyes started glowing. His goal for coming here was this!

He placed his right hand on the bone and was about to absorb it. However, he immediately stopped and began to ponder.

"To be able to cause the Moongazer Serpent to change state means this person's cultivation is shocking. If this kind of person already dead, then it won't be an issue. However, if he is still hiding or is trapped here, then when I take the bone and release the Celestial Ascension Fruits, it is very likely that that person will appear! If this is the case, then it will add a lot of variables!"

Wang Lin withdrew his right hand. After pondering for a bit, he flew along the bone. He decided to carefully search the area to see if there was any other cultivator around.

When Wang Lin needed to be cautious, he was always very cautious. This was especially true for a moment like this, where he could easily die if he was careless. He couldn't afford to not be cautious.

"Taking the bone from this Moongazer Serpent's body can be considered one of the three most dangerous moments in my life." Wang Lin's eyes lit up and became even more cautious.

Back in the Land of Ancient God, he relied on wit. In the Celestial Realm, he relied on caution. At the Demon Spirit Land, he relied on determination.

He followed the bone and moved forward. After a long time, Wang Lin suddenly stopped. His eyes shined brightly as he stared at the bone before him.

There was a huge fissure on the bone, and there was a dried layer of mucus over it. It was obvious that this was because a very long time had passed.

This fissure was very deep, although not enough to cut the bone in half. Wang Lin clearly remembered that this crack didn't exist the last time he was here.

After cautiously moving forward, Wang Lin carefully examined it, and his eyes became serious.

"No wonder the Moongazer Serpent is turning into its third form. The pain caused by this kind of injury is enough to completely anger it. The person who injured it obviously doesn't know anything about the Moongazer Serpent, or they wouldn't have dared to do this."

Wang Lin revealed a sneer, then he moved and went around. However, he suddenly stopped and turned his head to look at the fissure once more. He felt like there was something wrong.

After pondering for a bit, he returned to the fissure, and his eyes followed the dried mucus. After a long time, his eyes suddenly shined and his right hand waved at the dried mucus.

Celestial spiritual energy immediately appeared and a celestial wind started blowing. The dried mucus immediately melted, revealing the deep fissure under it.

In the depths of the fissure lied a huge mountain!

The mucus was blocking the way before, so Wang Lin didn't see it. Also, the mountain had almost completely assimilated with the bone, so there was almost no difference between the two.

When Wang Lin moved just a second ago, he found that the celestial spiritual energy here was much denser than everywhere else. The source of the celestial spiritual energy was the fissure.

While staring at the mountain that had assimilated with the Moongazer Serpent's bone, the light in Wang Lin's eyes disappeared and was replaced with a mysterious light.

"Greed!" Wang Lin revealed a grim expression.

Wang Lin had seen this mountain before. This was the treasure Greed took out and extracted the mountain soul from.

"They indeed chased after me!" Wang Lin's eyes lit up. Now he was no longer anxious to take the Moongazer Serpent's bone.

"I just don't know if they all came, or if only a few people came, or if only Greed came!" Wang Lin rubbed his chin as he stared at the mountain. He moved forward and went directly into the fissure.

The walls of the bone were uneven and the large amount of metal ore was giving off a red light. It looked very gorgeous.

"The seven star sword formation has been taken by the tentacles and I have no idea where it went. However, I can't let go of this mountain. With Greed's status and habits, his treasures can't be simple!" Wang Lin's eyes revealed a strange light. He carefully looked around before arriving next to the mountain.

The edge of the mountain had already assimilated with the bone and it was impossible to tell the two apart. One could clearly see that some flame metal had appeared within the mountain.

"The assimilation is very thorough, so this will be a bit difficult. I can't use the Celestial Ascension Fruits right now." Wang Lin pondered for a bit before forming a sword with his two fingers and testing the toughness of the mountain. This mountain was very hard; his finger was filled with celestial spiritual energy but left no mark. His eyes lit up and he transferred some of Ling Tianhou's sword energy into his finger. He gave up on getting the entire mountain. Instead, he went around the assimilated part and swung down.

A crack silently appeared on the mountain and slowly spread. There was only a soft crackle as the close side of the mountain separated from the Moongazer Serpent's bone.

The position Wang Lin chose was very ingenious. He completely avoided the assimilated part, so he didn't stimulate the Moongazer Serpent.

After arriving on the other side, Wang Lin carefully looked at it and waved his fingers once more. This time he was even more careful, because this side of the mountain had assimilated even more than the other side.

Wang Lin's two fingers carefully moved around the mountain and slowly avoided the assimilated part. Just as he was about to completely remove the mountain, Wang Lin suddenly felt coldness from behind him that made his scalp tingle.

He didn't even dare to spread out his divine sense. Under this cold aura, it was as if he had his eyes closed and there was a sword pointed between his eyebrows.

At this moment, this feeling appeared along with the chill on his back.

This feeling continued and became even clearer. Wang Lin's eyes became cold as his right hand grabbed the mountain that had been extracted. He immediately charged up and his left hand pointed behind him.

The Stop spell!

All of this happened in an instant; there was no hesitation at all. As Wang Lin moved, a roar came from behind him.

Wang Lin quickly flew out after grabbing the mountain. He immediately put the mountain inside his bag and charged into the earth. Without any hesitation, he used an escape spell he learned from the old man. Roars echoed behind his body, and when he flew out, his divine sense spread out. To his horror, he saw the small Moongazer Serpent with 100 feet of its body outside the dirt with the rest still hidden in the earth.

This small Moongazer Serpent was surrounded by the Stop spell, which gave Wang Lin the perfect chance to escape. After Wang Lin had disappeared, the small Moongazer Serpent regained control, but its eyes were bloodshot. It let out a roar before disappearing back into the earth.

Wang Lin was moving very fast through the earth and was already far away. This made him even more aware of how dangerous this place was.

"How many Moongazer Serpents are here!?" Wang Lin's expression was gloomy.

What terrified him the most was that the Moongazer Serpent's appearance was extremely strange. He wasn't aware of it closing in at all. It had been a long time since something like this had happened to him.

"That Moongazer Serpent is in its third form. That damn Greed, just what exactly did he do? If all he did was stab the mountain into the Moongazer Serpent's bone, it definitely wouldn't be like this!"

Wang Lin suddenly stopped while escaping. He seemed to have thought of something, and his expression became even more gloomy.

"Could it be…"