

Chapter 632 - The Seed to Break Relations With the All-Seer

Wu Ma, who was next to Cheng Long, had a crestfallen expression as he whispered, "Shen Hou's body has already been devoured by them; even his origin soul couldn't escape…"

Cheng Long revealed a bitter expression. Of the Twelve Swords, aside from Wei Yan, who died, and Zi Shu and Hai Zhu, who stayed outside, the remaining nine members had all followed Greed to this Tide Abyss.

Greed mentioned that after he observed this place for a while, he concluded that the greatest treasure in the Demon Spirit Land was in this Tide Abyss. Everyone else beside Chen Long was tempted by Greed's words.

They had personally seen countless treasures and exotic things that would make anyone's eyes red get sucked into this Demon Spirit Land at the East Demon Spirit Sea.

It could be said that their purpose for coming here, aside from getting the ancient demon's inheritance, was to get these items.

Chen Long had always been calm. Although he felt that something was wrong, he couldn't find a reason to refuse. However, he did make a plan: he didn't have all of them enter together. Instead, he had three of them split off into another group with Chou Niu as the leader to enter from a different entrance. They kept communicating with each other and even left Zi Shu and Hai Zhu outside.

When they had just entered the Tide Abyss, everything was very smooth. However, this immediately changed once Greed took some unknown item from a cave!

They were suddenly attacked by these mysterious beasts and were trapped here. They were unable to escape and had been trapped here for nearly 100 years!

Although 100 years sounds slow, it passed by very quickly for them. They were trapped in this abyss without day or night. The dark fog surrounded them, and if they dared to go out, they would encounter and be attacked by those countless beasts.

Junior Brother Shen Hou died during an attempt at a forced breakthrough. Even though he used master's sword energy before he died and killed some beasts, there was simply too many of them!

Chen Long knew that even if they gathered all of the sword energies, they wouldn't be able to leave here.

"This can't last!" Chen Long took a deep breath, stood up, and looked at Greed.

His action immediately caused the other four Da Lou Sword Sect disciples to stand up. They stood in positions that surrounded Greed.

Greed's expression was still gloomy as he let out a hoarse laugh.

"Fellow nephews, what is the meaning of this?"

Chen Long said, in a serious tone, "Senior Greed, junior wants to know what you obtained in that cave!"

Greed's eyes revealed a hint of mockery as he said, "You want to know?" With that, he slapped his bag of holding and a oval-shaped egg appeared in his hand.

There weren't any signs of life on this egg; it was shrouded with an aura of death.

Chen Long's gaze fell on the egg for a moment. After all this time, he had gained some understanding of Greed. Greed's cultivation was related to death, so it would make sense for Greed to use this to help his cultivation.

However, it wasn't certain if this was really what Greed had found.

"Little brats, this old man will ignore your disrespectful tone in consideration of your master's face once. If there is a next time, don't blame me for being ruthless. Hmph, when I started cultivating, you guys weren't even born yet. No one who dares to speak to me like this lives!" Greed's eyes became cold. Although his voice was soft, in the Da Lou Sword Sect disciples' ears, it was like roaring thunder. Aside from Chen Long, everyone else subconsciously backed up.

Chen Long lowered his head and a hint of killing intent flashed across his eyes. He respectfully said, "Please don't blame us, Senior. Junior was just impatient. After all, we have been trapped here for almost 100 years."

Greed closed his eyes and slowly said, "What's the rush? At most your master will arrive in 100 years and will rescue you all."

Chen Long sat down in the lotus position and began to ponder. He had already found something strange about Greed. Greed seemed to want to stay here and not leave; there must be a reason for that!

While the Da Lou Sword Sect disciples were having a disagreement with Greed, Wang Lin was rushing toward the Tide Abyss exit in the Fire Demon Country. Wang Lin had already heard about this Tide Abyss from Yao Xixue.

According to Yao Xixue, the token that made even people like the All-Seer's eyes turn red was inside the depths of the Tide Abyss.

Wang Lin was also aware that Greed and the disciples of the Da Lou Sword Sect had mysteriously disappeared 100 years ago and that their whereabouts were unknown. He had a bold guess that Greed's group had also gone to the Tide Abyss.

If Greed's group came out, then it wouldn't be an issue. However, if they were still inside, then Wang Lin must properly prepare the exit in the Fire Demon Country to cover his bases.

He was using greater teleportation, so he moved very fast toward the Tide Abyss exit in the Fire Demon Country.

While he flew, he couldn't help but recall the scene where he fused with the grey figure during his experience of the ancient demon's inheritance. The grey-robed figure was the one that practiced the Celestial Slaughter Art. At the moment he fused with the grey figure, he felt like he had gained enlightenment, and the number of slaughter energy strands increased from one million to ten million.

However, at the instant the slaughter energy reached ten million, all of the life seals merged together to form a strange symbol!

This symbol contained the power of ten million strands of slaughter energy. At the moment it appeared, it immediately left Wang Lin's control and imprinted between his eyebrows.

This symbol penetrated through his body and landed directly on his origin soul. It integrated with the origin energy inside his soul. As the two fused, there was a mysterious transformation that immediately cut the connection between Wang Lin's origin soul and his body.

Then his origin soul melted within three breaths of time and was absorbed by that symbol. Then all of the vitality in his body turned into a strands of grey gas and was also absorbed by that symbol.

Wang Lin watched all of this from a third person view. After experiencing this first hand, his eyes revealed thick coldness and monstrous killing intent.

He watched his body and origin soul, his everything, get absorbed by the symbol made of ten million strands of slaughter energy. Then the symbol broke out from his body just like a parasite that had absorbed all the nutrients from its host's body.

Then the symbol flew out with the smell of blood and with a bang turned into a strand of slaughter energy.

This was the real slaughter energy!

Wang Lin's heart trembled. Even though it had been some time and even though he was flying right now, just recalling that scene made him feel lingering fear.

He took a deep breath. The coldness and killing intent in his eyes were about to explode, but he immediately hid them deep inside of himself.

Wang Lin wasn't able to distinguish whether the scene that occurred in that mysterious space was was real or fake. However, with Wang Lin's understanding of the Celestial Slaughter Art, he felt that it wasn't fake!

Wang Lin recalled the mysterious state he was in. It was as if time itself had descended on his body and allowed him to instantly comprehend a spell to its completion. This allowed him to deepen his understanding of the spell.

Those gifted by the heavens could even create a spell that belonged to them under this mysterious state. Then, by using countless simulations, they could refine the spell countless times to finally reach a state of near perfection.

Sun Yun was someone who did that!

Wang Lin's talent changed a lot during these 800 years and was changed even more by his celestial body. Even so, compared to Sun Yun's talent, which even amazed the Ancient Demon, his talent was far too low.

He couldn't create his own spell, but with his own wit and observations, he gained clarity in the shortest time possible in that mysterious space. He was more decisive than Sun Yun and directly fused with the grey-robed figure that was disappearing at the fastest rate.

It has to be said that Sun Yun only regained his clarity after a majority of the illusions had disappeared.

Wang Lin's decisiveness was an aspect that not something ordinary people could compare to. Even the All-Seer would never have guessed that Wang Lin would be able to obtain the secret of the Celestial Slaughter Art during the ancient demon's inheritance!

"All-Seer! I once said that if you didn't turn your back on me, I wouldn't turn my back on you…" Wang Lin's voice was cold as it echoed across the sky like the wind.

"The Celestial Slaughter Art is indeed amazing. However, All-Seer, you are simply too vicious. Fortunately, my comprehension was low and was limited to only one million strands of slaughter energy. If my comprehension was greater and had achieved ten million strands of slaughter energy, I'm afraid I would have already become a symbol. I would have become a true strand of slaughter energy and would have been absorbed by you!"

As Wang Lin flew, he let out a big breath.

"The grey-robed All-Seer said back then that he taught me the Celestial Slaughter Art due to my domain… Back then, I didn't think too much about it. Now that I think back to what happened, I'm afraid it was because the All-Seer saw me cultivate the life and death domain back on Suzaku that he decided to accept me as his disciple!"

Wang Lin closed his eyes. When he opened them again, his eyes were clear. He teleported and disappeared.

"I'm a bit paranoid about this matter, so I can't make an immediate verdict. The All-Seer has been kind to me, and back then it was my own choice to learn the Celestial Slaughter Art, but he did seem to push me… I will have to carefully observe this in the future. However, the All-Seer is simply too powerful. If I don't have the power, I can't let him know I know about all of this… As for the Celestial Slaughter Art, I'll need to carefully study it to find an opening!"

Wang Lin remained at the Tide Abyss exit in the Fire Demon Country for several days. He didn't place any powerful restrictions or seals. Instead, he did the opposite and left some simple yet extremely well-hidden restrictions.

These restrictions had no offensive power, but they could act as a way of tracking people. If someone came out, the restriction would leave an imprint on them for Wang Lin to find. Unless their cultivation level was extremely high, it would be impossible for people to detect the imprint.

After doing all of this, Wang Lin threw away all distractions and flew toward the Water Demon Country. He was going to enter the Tide Abyss there and spend all his effort searching for Zhou Yi!

Zhou Yi was his benefactor, so Wang Lin had to save him!

"Aside from saving senior Zhou Yi, there is also… Wealth…" As Wang Lin teleported, his eyes lit up. Back then, during the tide phase, he clearly remembered seeing Wealth flash by him… Several days later, in the western part of the Water Demon Country, at a place that was called the Cloud Sea. This place was covered in clouds most of the year. There was a crack on the ground deep inside the sea of clouds that extended for countless kilometers. This was one of the entrances to the Tide Abyss!

Four cultivators, two men and two women, stood outside the sea of clouds and looked inside!

Chapter 633 - Bumpkin

Of the four, one of the women had her hair in a bun and two strands fell down near her ears, like a willow. There was some crystal glitter between her eyebrows, and her half-moon-shaped eyebrows accented her pearl-like eyes. Her pretty, sunflower seed face was as smooth as jade. Although her beauty wasn't peerless, it was enough to eclipse the moon. She looked like she was in her twenties, but the hint of intelligence in her eyes revealed a maturity far above the age of her appearance.

She was wearing a white dress, and although it wasn't a tight fit, it still revealed her curves and was very alluring.

Cultivators are good at halting their physical aging, and the higher one's cultivation level, the longer one can live. Just judging from appearance, it was very difficult to see someone's actual age.

Compared to this woman, the other woman seemed a little ordinary. Her long hair draped over her shoulder made her look very weak. Her slender body made it look like she would be blown away by a breeze. She wore pink, which in contrast made her face look extremely pale. Compared the bright woman, she looked less stunning but seemed more tender.

There was a young man wearing a red robe beside the two women. He gently said, "My two junior apprentice sisters, this place is the Cloud Sea Mountains of the Water Demon Country. Back then I accidently found this place and lingered here for a while. Although your senior apprentice brother hasn't gone to the Celestial Realm, I believe this Cloud Sea is one level above the Celestial Realm. Brother Murong, what do you think?"

This youth looked quite handsome. There was also a sense of pride as if he was a favored son of the heavens.

Another man wearing black coldly said, "Satisfactory!" His expression was grim as he closed his eyes and stopped speaking.

The red-robed youth smiled. He had long grown accustomed to the other man's brief way of talking.

"I believe Senior Apprentice Brother Du didn't stay here for the Cloud Sea." The stunning woman tightened her lips and smiled.

The red-robed youth smiled. "I won't lie to you, Junior Apprentice Sister Zhao. When I was at the Cloud Sea, I found a fissure on the ground. I'm afraid that is the entrance to the rumored Tide Abyss."

The woman named Zhao's eyes were filled with longing. Just as she was about to continue speaking, the youth in black suddenly opened his eyes and looked into the distance.

The youth in black's eyes lit up and he said, "Very powerful!"

A ray of light appeared over the horizon and turned into a young man wearing white. This person's appearance was ordinary; there was nothing special about him. He floated in the air without even looking at the four people below him. He coldly looked at the clouds and then took a step.

"It's him!" The red-robed man was shocked when he saw his person, and a hint of fear appeared in his eyes. He noticed that that person's cultivation had already reached the Ascendant stage! His thoughts raced before he smiled and said, "Junior Apprentice Brother Wang, please wait!"

The young man in white was Wang Lin. He stopped and turned around to look at the four of them. He didn't look at the two women or the red-robed youth first but at the man in black instead.

"For him to be able to find me within 500 kilometers means his cultivation isn't weak. Judging from the celestial spiritual energy inside his body, he must be at the early stage of Ascendant!" Wang Lin's eyes were calm as he looked at them one by one before they landed on the red-robed man. He was somewhat familiar with this person; he was a disciple of the Heavenly Fate Sect's Red Division.

Among the four of them, aside from the man in black, the other three were all peak late stage Soul Transformation cultivators. However, the man from the Red Division was obviously already half a step into the Ascendant stage and could reach it at any time. He probably feared the life and death trial when attempting to reach the Ascendant stage, so he had never taken that step!

The red-robed man said, "Junior Apprentice Brother, my name is Du Jian." After pondering a bit, he realized that Wang Lin probably didn't know his name.

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Wang Lin clasped his hands. "Greetings, Senior Apprentice Brother Du."

Du Jian smiled as he pointed at the man in black and said, "Brother Wang, this is the Ink Sect's Murong Zhuo. As for these two, they are fellow cultivators from the Floating Cloud Sect."

The black-robed man, Murong Zhuo, carefully looked at Wang Lin before clasping his hands. "Fellow cultivator Wang, I'm the Ink Sect's fourth generation disciple, Murong Zhuo!"

After Murong Zhuo finished speaking, both Du Jian and the two women were shocked. The three of them had never seen Murong Zhuo speak more than five words in a sentence, so his identity as a loner had been deeply engraved into their hearts.

Even when they met a fellow cultivator at the mid stage of Ascendant, this Murong Zhuo had never said so many words.

In particular, his words focused on introducing himself. The three of them had all cultivated for a long time, and to be able to cultivate for this long, none of them were dumb. These simple words revealed the respect of a peer.

The stunning woman named Zhao looked at Wang Lin with her beautiful eyes and smiled. "Senior Apprentice Brother Wang, this little one is Zhao Yixuan, and this is my junior apprentice sister, Xu Fei."

"Xu Fei…" This simple name caused Wang Lin to recall some memories. He couldn't help but look at the weak-looking woman. The woman bowed at Wang Lin and softly said, "Xu Fei greets Senior Apprentice Brother Wang."

Du Jian glanced at Wang Lin with a profound look and smiled.

"Does Junior Apprentice Brother Wang know Junior Apprentice Sister Xu?"

Wang Lin shook his head and said, "I don't know her. It's just that Junior Apprentice Sister Xu has the same name as a fellow sect member from my youth."

Du Jian faintly smiled. He avoided this topic and said,

"Junior Apprentice Brother Wang, did you come here because of the Tide Abyss?"

He didn't try to pretend or ask in a roundabout way; he was very straightforward.

Wang Lin's expression was neutral as he nodded. "Exactly!"

Du Jian's eyes narrowed and he said, "Junior Apprentice Brother Wang, the Tide Abyss is very dangerous. Even if you are at the Ascendant stage, it will still be very difficult. The four of us are also going into the Tide Abyss. How about coming with us? At least we can help each other out."

Wang Lin pondered for a bit. He knew of the dangers of the Tide Abyss. Before he came here, he used the crystal Bei Lou gave him to check the inside of the Tide Abyss. There were a few places that were risky to cross even with his current cultivation.

If Murong Zhuo wasn't among the four of them, Wang Lin would have immediately refused. However, with Murong Zhuo there, the situation was different. Although he was only at the early stage of Ascendant, to be able to detect Wang Lin 500 kilometers away meant that he must have some ability.

Wang Lin faintly smiled and said, "That is for the best!"

Du Jian's face was filled with smiles, but he coldly snorted in his heart. It would be impossible for him not to be suspicious and jealous of Wang Lin for reaching the Ascendant stage in such a short period of time.

He clearly remembered that when he saw Wang Lin back then, Wang Lin was only a mid stage Soul Transformation cultivator. However, in a short span of a century, Wang Lin had reached the early stage of Ascendant. Also, Wang Lin didn't look like someone who had just reached the Ascendant stage; he looked like someone who had taken the step into the Ascendant stage a while ago!

"There must be a reason why this bumpkin from a waste cultivation planet was able to increase his cultivation level so fast. He was also able to make it through the life and death trial of reaching the Ascendant stage, so I'm afraid this matter is not simple! Also, if this person keeps developing like this, I'm afraid that when he leaves in 400 years, his position will be even higher. This means his Purple Division's position will immediately rise as well."

There was malice in his heart, but he didn't reveal a sliver of it on his face. He had a gentle smile as if he was really acting like a kind senior apprentice brother.

However, he was facing Wang Lin, who had experienced countless dangerous situations on Suzaku that many will never experience in their entire lives. Thanks to this, he had long since become extremely astute and wise.

It was completely the opposite of what the image of a bumpkin was in Du Jian's heart.

Du Jian's life experience was really negligible compared to Wang Lin's!

The group of five didn't talk anymore and charged straight toward the Cloud Sea Mountains.

Clouds filled the area, giving the illusions of mountains and seas. This sight was extremely spectacular and at the same time contained a mysterious sense of beauty.

Zhao Yixuan's beautiful eyes would occasionally look at Wang Lin before her. She was unable to see through this man before her. In the Demon Spirit Land, she could even see through the hearts of those demon generals. In the past 100 years, there had only been two and a half people she couldn't see through.

Wang Lin's figure before her pierced through layers of clouds and became more blurry. Zhao Yixuan's eyes seemed to also be blocked by the clouds and she couldn't see clearly.

The first person she couldn't see through was the Da Lou Sword Sect's Chen Long. There was a mist surrounding him; whenever she tried to take a closer look, that mist would turn into a sword that prevented her intrusion.

As for the other person, she could only somewhat see through was Murong Zhuo! Zhao Yixuan's gaze swept past Murong Zhuo.

This Murong Zhuo would sometimes be transparent and clear, but other times he was like pitch black water. The constant changes made it very difficult for her to see through his thoughts.

The last person she couldn't see through was Wang Lin, who had suddenly appeared. In Zhao Yixuan's eyes, Wang Lin was even more mysterious. He didn't have the mist like Chen Long, or the constant change like Murong Zhuo. Instead, he was using his own strength to lock down his mind!

He didn't need the mist or illusions, he just needed to close the door to his heart!

Zhao Yixuan's eyes revealed a mysterious light, and just at this moment, Wang Lin suddenly turned around. He seemed to casually look at her before turning back.

However, this gaze was like a sharp sword that directly pierced into Zhao Yixuan's mind.

"Is it a warning… This Wang Lin is very interesting. Even the Da Lou Sword Sect's Chen Long only noticed me after I strengthened my spell. As for Murong Zhuo, he only managed to find traces of my spell… But this Wang Lin was immediately aware of something abnormal the moment I had the intention of making a move…" Zhao Yixuan's eyes revealed a hint of interest, but that was soon hidden deep inside her heart.

As Wang Lin flew, his eyes lit up and he revealed a cold smile.

"These four people are very interesting; they each harbor their own schemes, and their spells are not weak. However, among these four, the one that shouldn't be underestimated is the woman named Xu. She is constantly giving off a strange feeling…"

The five of them quickly passed through the clouds. Soon, a deep ravine appeared before them.

This ravine was extremely wide; it was more than 100 feet wide. As for its length, it was more than 10,000 feet long, extending out of sight into the clouds. This ravine looked like a mouth hidden on the ground, but it also looked like it was created by a spell.

Chapter 634 - To Bring Trouble on Oneself

The five of them carefully flew down into the ravine. Wang Lin wasn't in front but to the right. While flying down, he was also observing the walls of the ravine.

The walls were extremely smooth; it was as if they had been cut by a sharp weapon. When Wang Lin's right hand touched the wall, he immediately felt a cold sensation enter his body through his fingers.

As the five continued to descend, the surroundings gradually darkened. However, this darkness was nothing to cultivators. They had celestial spiritual energy condensed in their eyes, allowing them to see everything.

The more they descended, more and more branching cracks began to appear, forming splitting paths like branches on a tree. Every branch was like a pitch black cave. Even with celestial spiritual energy condensed on their eyes, some caves were too dark to see into.

As the branching paths gradually grew in number, Du Jian's body suddenly stopped in mid air. Murong Zhuo's expression was still cold. When he saw Du Jian stop, he frowned slightly but didn't speak.

The two women, Zhao Yixuan and Xu Fei, stopped and looked at their surroundings. These branching paths were like giant mouths waiting for prey to arrive.

"Everyone, I believe that there are some treasures inside these cracks. I believe that as we go deeper, there will be more cracks. Our goal in coming here is to obtain treasures, so now it will all depend on our ability." With that, Du Jian floated toward one of the cracks.

Murong Zhuo hesitated for a bit before flying toward another crack.

Zhuo Yixuan lightly chuckled. "Why doesn't Senior Apprentice Brother Wang look around? Maybe you will have some unexpected harvest."

Wang Lin shook his head. His eyes were calm. He didn't search his surroundings but continued to fly down.

Looking at Wang Lin's back, Zhao Yixuan's eyes lit up and she turned around to explore a crack on the side. As for the weak-looking woman, she closely followed Zhao Yixuan.

As Wang Lin flew, he turned around to look at where the two women went and began to ponder.

"Why do I feel something strange about those two…"

While pondering, Wang Lin withdrew his gaze and looked down. The ravine seemed to be bottomless, and Wang Lin had no idea how deep it went. They had already flown for a long time before they stopped just now, but they still hadn't reached the bottom.

"Not even Bei Lou's crystal was able to see the bottom of this Tide Abyss. The only thing I know is that here is a large, winding corridor linking the five entrances together. As for the exit, there is only one!"

Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he no longer descended but instead flew back up. At this moment, he immediately detected a heavy pressure from above.

"So it indeed was like this. This is only an entrance and not an exit. If I try to forcibly leave through the entrance, the resistance will become even more powerful."

After verifying the thoughts in his heart, Wang Lin stopped in the air and carefully looked around. There were many cracks along the walls; he only quickly scanned them before he withdrew his gaze.

"A lot of people must have come to the Tide Abyss over the countless years. Even if these cracks really had treasure before, I'm afraid they are all empty now.

"Another 1,000 feet down is one of the difficult-to-cross places that I discovered with the crystal."

Wang Lin's expression was calm as he floated in the air. Not long after, Murong Zhuo descended from above. He nodded at Wang Lin and stood beside him. After a moment of silence, he suddenly asked, "Fellow Cultivator Wang, are you familiar with this place?"

Wang Lin looked at Murong Zhuo and said, "There is an ancient tree growing on the cliff 1,000 feet down. This tree is extremely strange, so Fellow Cultivator Murong should be careful."

Murong Zhuo was startled. He nodded and no longer spoke.

After some more time had passed, Zhao Yixuan and Xu Fei flew over with Du Jian close behind them.

When the five reunited, it was obvious that none of them had any harvest, and they continued to descend. Wang Lin's speed slowed down slightly, making him fall behind the crowd. After pondering for a bit, Murong Zhuo hesitated and did the same.

Now it was Du Jian who was in front.

It only took an instant for the five of them to travel 1,000 feet. Wang Lin's eyes were bright as he looked down to the right. Through the crystal, he found that there was an ancient tree growing there. The tree looked very normal and was not large at all. However, when Wang Lin first saw it through the crystal, he suddenly felt a sense of crisis.

Now that he was getting close, his eyes suddenly narrowed and he saw a withered tree about the size of a person growing from the cliff on the bottom right. This tree's dense roots were spread out in every direction. Half of the roots were hanging in the air and the rest drilled deep into the cliff.

The position of this tree was somewhat ingenious; it was right above a gap. The roots were hanging down, forming a curtain that covered the gap. This was not the only ancient tree in this place. On the way down, Wang Lin had seen seven or eight other ones, but only this one gave him a sense of crisis.

There was a hint of a purple crystal glowing in the gap as if there was a treasure there.

This light looked very simple, yet it gave off a sharp aura. It was obvious from a glance that it was not an ordinary object. There was no need to use divine sense; one only needed to use their eyes to see that the purple light was a flying sword stabbed into the cliff.

As soon as Du Jian saw the purple light, his eyes lit up and he instantly stopped in the air. He carefully looked at the flying sword and exclaimed, "Heavenly Fate Sword!"

After he said that, even the two women, Zhao Yixuan and Xu Fei, were startled and looked toward the direction of the gap.

Wang Lin coldly watched all of this and immediately noticed that the weak-looking woman named Xu Fei wasn't looking at the gap but at the inconspicuous ancient tree. A barely noticeable hint of coldness flashed across her eyes.

Du Jian took a deep breath as he looked at the flying sword in the gap and said, in a serious tone, "I know this sword; it is a sword that belongs to my master, the All-Seer. Master gave out a total of seven swords, one to each of the seven true disciples, as magical treasures. However, over the countless years, three of the swords disappeared along with their owners."

When he got here, he looked at Wang Lin. His face revealed look of hesitation and he said, "Junior Apprentice Brother Wang, you should have heard of Sun Yun, right?"

Wang Lin's expression was neutral as he nodded.

Du Jian sighed and said, "When Sun Yun was in his prime, I was still an ordinary disciple and Master hadn't accepted me into the Red Division yet. However, I remember this sword well. This should be the Purple Division sword that Master gave Sun Yun when he became the true disciple of the Purple Division!"

Wang Lin's gaze turned to the flying sword in the gap. He didn't speak.

There was a flash of coldness in Du Jian's eyes as he clasped his hands at Murong Zhuo and the two women. "Brother Murong, Junior Apprentice Sister Zhao, Junior Apprentice Sister Xu, this sword belongs to my Heavenly Fate Sect and it is even the Purple Division's sword. Could you all to give me face and give this sword to my Junior Apprentice Brother Wang? He is a disciple of my Heavenly Fate Sect's Purple Division, so giving it to him is like giving it back to the original owner. Also, after he obtains the sword, his position in the Purple Division will be very different from now." Du Jian's voice was filled with sincerity.

Although Murong Zhuo's eyes were cold, there was a hint of a strange light flashing across them. His words were short. "No problem!"

The two women naturally also had no objections. Du Jian looked at Wang Lin. His eyes filled with kindness as he said, "Junior Apprentice Brother Wang, although my cultivation level is lower than yours, I joined the sect before you. I hope you don't mind me calling you Junior Apprentice Brother.

"This sword belongs to your Purple Division, so Senior Apprentice Brother will not steal it from you and won't allow anyone else to steal it! I just hope that this sword will shine as brightly as it did when Sun Yun had it."

Wang Lin calmly looked at Du Jian. Du Jian's expression had nothing abnormal about it; he had a gentle smile on his face.

"Then thank you." Wang Lin suddenly smiled. He looked at Du Jian as if he was watching a child trying to play some trick. This this person really thought that he was a three-year-old toddler.

When Du Jian saw Wang Lin's smile, he suddenly felt like something bad was about to happen. He indeed did underestimate Wang Lin. In his mind, unless this bumpkin from a half-wasted cultivation planet had some incredible luck, how could he be accepted by the All-Seer as a disciple?

He had came to this place alone once before, but he didn't come down here personally. Instead, he controlled a puppet with a bit of his divine sense inside. That puppet was attacked by this ancient tree. This scene frightened him so much that he didn't dare come to the Cloud Sea for a very long time.

Only after he found Murong and the others did he finally make plans to enter this place today.

He was confident that Wang Lin wouldn't be able to see through his plan. After all, the ancient tree was simply too ordinary, and along the way there were many similar ancient trees that had no offensive abilities at all.

Wang Lin slapped his bag of holding and the half-moon blade appeared. He threw the blade, and in a flash the half-moon blade flew into the gap. The half-moon blade was simply too fast; it immediately picked up the flying sword and flew back to Wang Lin.

All of this happened extremely fast, so fast that the withered ancient tree didn't even seem to notice what had happened. The half-moon blade flew back to Wang Lin and the purple flying sword landed in Wang Lin's hand.

With the flying sword in hand, Wang Lin's eyes became cold. With a squeeze, the sword shattered into pieces. Even the purple light disappeared completely.

How was this the Heavenly Fate Sword? It was clearly a sword made of iron that was made by someone to look like a magical treasure to use as bait for a trap.

Wang Lin looked at Du Jian. His gaze was still calm.

Du Jian's expression was ugly as he backed up a few steps and apologized. "Junior Apprentice Brother Wang, I misjudged the sword…"

A hint of coldness flashed across Wang Lin's eyes. He rarely provoked others, but if someone provoked him, he would be ruthless! This was the cruel cultivation world; if one was too weak, they would die.

After taking a step forward, Wang Lin's right hand reached out and a gust of wind shot straight at Du Jian. Du Jian's expression changed greatly as he quickly backed up and shouted, "What is the meaning of this, Wang Lin!?"

However, it was very difficult for him to dodge in this narrow space with his cultivation level. Even if he teleported, he wouldn't be able to dodge Wang Lin's spell, which was infused with Wang Lin's dao. Although it wasn't enough to kill Du Jian, who had the All-Seer's life-saving treasure, it sent Du Jian right next to the ancient tree.

At this instant, A sharp shrill came from the tree. Then the ancient tree collapsed into countless finger-sized flying insects that charged out like a dense cloud.

How was this an ancient tree? It was clearly an illusion formed by the large amount of insects that had gathered here.

Chapter 635 - Location of Zhou Yi

These finger-sized insects could change their colors and were extremely unpredictable when they dispersed into clouds. One often couldn't tell the difference between the cloud and the cliff with one's eyes. Most of the time, with just a blur, the cloud of insects would have already pounced on you.

After these insects appeared, they split into five groups and charged toward everyone.

Du Jian's expression changed greatly and his face became extremely pale. He had personally witnessed how powerful these insects were. The puppet had all its flesh and soul devoured seconds after the insects drilled into its body.

At this moment, he slapped his bag of holding without any hesitation and took out the life-saving jade the All-Seer gave him. This jade only had three uses. He had used one a long time ago, and now was the second time.

The jade gave off a rainbow-colored light and immediately shrouded Du Jian's entire body. At the moment the rainbow-colored light appeared, all of the insects grouped together instead of scattering. They all surrounded the rainbow-colored light around Du Jian and then sounds of crunching came from the rainbow-colored light.

This sound caused Du Jian's scalp to go numb. He immediately shouted, "Save me, Brother Murong! Save me!"

Murong Zhuo hesitated for a bit before his right hand formed a seal and pressed it forward. The celestial spiritual energy in his body cycled and then a handprint made of black gas appeared. As his hand pressed forward, the black handprint shot out toward Du Jian, who was surrounded by the insects.

There was a loud bang as the black hand print actually went through the insects and even went through Du Jian as if they were all transparent. The black hand print went through everything and landed in the gap in the wall behind Du Jian.

This strange scene caused Murong Zhuo's expression to suddenly darken. He stared at those insects with an extremely ugly expression.

As for Zhao Yixuan, she looked at the insects with a profound gaze. As for Xu Fei, there was a hint of calculation in her eyes, but it soon disappeared because Wang Lin's gaze seemed to sweep past her at that exact moment.

All of this happened in an extremely short period of time. When Wang Lin saw the insects completely ignore Murong Zhuo's spell, his eyes immediately lit up!

Murong Zhuo took a step forward and then his hand formed many seals. He used spell after spell, sending various attacks at the insects. However, without exception, all of them flew right through the insects.

The crunching sound continued, and the rainbow-colored light around Du Jian rapidly dimmed.

Du Jian revealed a glimmer of despair, but at this moment, his mind suddenly became clear. He turned toward Wang Lin and anxiously shouted, "Wang Lin, I know some of Master's secrets. If you save me, I'll tell you all of them!"

Wang Lin completely ignored Du Jian and looked at the insects instead. These insects were extremely strange. At first they dispersed to attack everyone, but when they saw the rainbow-colored light from Du Jian, they all immediately gathered.

Zhao Yixuan played with her hair and softly said, "After these insects devour Senior Apprentice Brother Du, we will be the next targets. If we don't leave now, I'm afraid there won't be another chance."

Just at this moment, the rainbow-colored light around Du Jian suddenly collapsed. His mind trembled as he immediately activated the last use of his life-saving treasure, causing the jade to shatter.

However, the crunching sound was like a knell that echoed in his heart, causing Du Jian's heart to beat rapidly.

Du Jian clenched his teeth and said the biggest secret in his heart. "Wang Lin!!! I know the secret of your Purple Division; I know why Sun Yun betrayed Master back then. If you save me, I'll tell you all of it!!"

Wang Lin's expression was neutral as he looked at Du Jian. He waved his right hand and an extremely bright, golden light immediately appeared in his hand. This golden light was one of the 11 golden symbols from the cave.

This golden was very bright, like the sun, as it lit up all the darkness in the area. The insects surrounding Du Jian all let out a violent buzzes and quickly charged at the golden symbol in Wang Lin's hand.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. He knew that his judgment was correct. These insects were very sensitive to light, or more accurately, they fed on light!

Wang Lin backed up several steps as he slapped his bag of holding and a crystal brush appeared in his hand. With a wave of his hand, several more golden symbols appeared. The insects split off into groups as they surrounded each symbol and began devouring them.

Wang Lin's right hand continued to move and symbols were formed one by one.

There actually weren't a lot of insects at all, only a few hundred. However, because they were each the size of a fingernail and had illusionary appearance, it looked like there were thousands of them. The insects all swarmed around more than 10 symbols and started devouring them.

This scene startled everyone, especially the two women. For the first time, the two women revealed the same expression: shock!

These identical expressions landed in Wang Lin's eyes, and they startled him. He finally understood why he always got such a weird feeling from these two. However, he didn't have the time to deal with this matter. He immediately moved forward, arriving next to Du Jian, and his hand reached out.

Du Jian was, after all, a disciple of the All-Seer; he was the seventh disciple of the Red Division. Although he hadn't reached the Ascendant stage, his spells were still amazing. At this time of crisis, he bit the tip of his tongue and spat out some origin soul blood essence.

This blood floated in the air and behaved like it was boiling and took the shape of little spheres. Even with Wang Lin's cultivation, if he were to touch them, there would be holes in his body.

Wang Lin's eyes became cold. The blood Du Jian spat out was immediately blown to the side with a wave of his sleeve. These spells that used the origin soul blood essence weren't very complicated; almost every cultivator knew them. However, these were the spells that injured the user the most in order to kill the enemy.

Du Jian took this chance to immediately back up. He slapped his bag of holding and pieces of black sarcoma appeared in his hand.

There was reluctance to part with it in his eyes. Although this black sarcoma was ugly, it was filthy flesh he had spent decades refining. If only a tiny bit of it stained a cultivator, they would be immediately covered and invaded by filth. It was an extremely vicious magical treasure.

At this moment, he clenched his teeth and threw all of it into the air. The sarcoma all exploded in the air, and a cloud of filth immediately rushed toward Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's eyes became even cold. As he stepped forward, he pointed at the filth with his hand and the underworld river appeared. The underworld river quickly swept all the filthy flesh away.

The underworld river was already the most filthy river in the world. When the sarcoma entered the underworld river, not only did it not weaken the river, it made it stronger.

Du Jian was indeed very strong among those of the same cultivation level, and this sarcoma treasure would make it so that he would never lose. However, before someone who had their own dao, like Wang Lin, it simply wasn't qualified to deal with Wang Lin unless he took that last step: break the barrier around around his heart and step into the Ascendant stage.

Wang Lin's right hand moved like lightning as he grabbed Du Jian, whose eyes were filled with despair. He didn't ask any questions and activated his celestial spiritual energy to immediately cut off Du Jian's origin soul from his body. Then he slapped his bag of holding and took out the restriction flag. With a wave, countless restrictions flew out, forming a sphere of restrictions just like the one that trapped Yao Xixue. Then Wang Lin threw it into his bag of holding.

Wang Lin did all of this very fast and neatly. Even though Murong Zhuo wanted to say something, it was already too late.

Wang Lin turned around and waved the brush in his hand, causing the symbols to fly back to him. The insects completely ignored everything that was going on and simple-mindedly devoured the golden light.

However, these golden lights seem to be infinite; no matter how much they devoured, it wasn't diminishing at all.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he extended his left index finger. A finger of death shot out and went directly through the golden symbol as if it wasn't there.

This scene of the spell obviously going through the symbol and all the failures from Murong Zhuo's spells immediately caught the attention of the two women. There was hint of shock in Murong Zhuo's eyes as he said, in a serious tone, "Spell immunity!"

After he said that, there was a hint of greed in Zhao Yixuan's eyes. As for Xu Fei, her expression was neutral, but her pupils shrank. Only Murong Zhuo had no greed in his eyes, only shock.

"Fellow cultivators, let us continue!" Wang Lin's expression was normal. The more than 10 golden symbols surrounded in insects circled around Wang Lin. This gave Wang Lin a very shocking presence.

Wang Lin's body began to descend. Murong Zhuo didn't say anything and did the same. As for the women, Zhao Yixuan and Xu Fei, they hesitated but followed. However, they kept their distance from Wang Lin; they were clearly afraid of him.

"Spell immunity…?" As Wang Lin flew, he secretly shook his head. He didn't believe that there were beasts that had spell immunity, let alone these insects. If the spell had no effect, then the only truth was the spell wasn't strong enough!

Wang Lin gathered Ling Tianhou's sword energy into his fingers and touched one of the insects. The insect immediately trembled but didn't die.

Wang Lin revealed a hint of shock in his eyes. He only had one ray of Ling Tianhou's sword energy left. Using that less than 1% of the sword energy was already his limit.

The four of them continued to descend down the ravine. As for the dangerous places Wang Lin found with the crystal from Bei Lou, they were able to get past them with help of Murong Zhuo, though it was a bit slow.

During these times, both Zhao Yixuan and Xu Fei helped a lot as well, especially Zhao Yixuan. This woman's spells were very mysterious. It often looked like nothing had happened, but the spell's true power would silently display itself.

In comparison, Xu Fei seemed somewhat inadequate. However, after Wang Lin's doubts arose, he observed more carefully. The more he saw, the more he was sure of his theory.

"I didn't expect to meet someone from that sect here…" Wang Lin withdrew his gaze and no longer paid any attention to them.

As long as they didn't provoke him, he didn't want to expose those two women's secret.

As for Murong Zhuo, his spells even made Wang Lin raise his eyebrows. His spells were extremely varied; even until now Wang Lin hadn't seen him use the same spell twice.

Wang Lin believed that with his cultivation, he could win against Murong Zhuo, but at the cost of injury. It would be different if he used treasures, but how could Murong Zhuo not have any treasures too?

If Murong Zhuo's escape spells were as amazing as the short old man's, and if Murong Zhuo wanted to escape, Wang Lin wouldn't be able to catch him.

"That short old man's origin soul is sealed and trapped inside the soul flag. After saving Zhou Yi and dealing with matters of the Tide Abyss, I need to spend some time to cultivate these spells!"

On this day, with the help of Murong Zhuo, the two of them worked together and finally reached the middle-lower part of the Tide Abyss. Wang Lin's heart trembled, but he immediately suppressed the feeling. Not even the crystal from Bei Lou could see below this part.

However, Wang Lin's target was very close. According to Ancient Demon Bei Lou, he sensed Zhou Yi here. However, even with Bei Lou's power, he couldn't pinpoint Zhou Yi's location.

Wang Lin clasped his hands. "Brother Murong, I have other things to do, so I won't be following you guys down." He pondered for a bit before looking at Murong Zhuo's calm face and saying, "I'm happy to be able to meet brother Murong on this trip down the Tide Abyss. If you need me for something in the future, please feel free to ask!"

It was extremely rare for Wang Lin to say these things with his personality. Although this Murong Zhuo rarely spoke, he never held back when he needed to act and was never overtaken by greed.

Wang Lin didn't say much more. Murong Zhuo revealed a rare smile as he nodded at Wang Lin and silently flew down.

Wang Lin pondered for a bit and sent a voice transmission to Murong Zhuo. "Brother Murong be careful of the two women. If I'm not wrong, they should be people from the Corpse Sect. One of them must be a corpse with an origin soul already awakened!"

Murong Zhuo didn't look at the two women nor did anything to suggest he even heard Wang Lin. He continued to descend, but no one noticed that his eyes lit up for a moment and he became more on guard.

He had heard of the Corpse Sect. That sect was far more powerful than most cultivation countries. Almost every cultivation country would have a branch of the Corpse Sect. They were simply too powerful!

The two women also said their goodbyes and flew down. However, Xu Fei randomly played with her hair. A strand of hair flew off and affixed itself on the cliff.

After the three of them disappeared off into the distance, Wang Lin's eyes became cold and his gaze fell on the cliff in the distance. He extended his right hand and the strand of hair flew toward him and was caught between his fingers!

"It looks like my warning was not enough!" Wang Lin let out a cold snort and rubbed his finger. The strand of hair caught on fire, but the fire was green. A strand of divine sense came out of the hair, but before it could condense, Wang Lin spat out a mouthful of origin energy. The divine sense immediately collapsed after colliding with the origin energy.

While descending the Tide Abyss, Xu Fei's body trembled. Blood flowed out from the corner of her mouth and her eyes contained a trace of fear.

Chapter 636 - Location of The Seal

Wang Lin's eyes were extremely cold after crushing the strand of hair containing an almost undetectable amount of the woman's divine sense. Her divine sense was hidden very well. If it wasn't for the fact that he had already been paying attention to Xu Fei, it would have easily avoided his detection if he had been negligent for even a moment.

"The Corpse Sect's spells are indeed astonishing, and spells to hide divine sense are always difficult. It looks like I have to be more careful in the future. That woman, Xu Fei, was able to send out her divine sense, meaning she is the real body. That means Zhao Yixuan is the corpse puppet…"

Wang Lin began to ponder. The reason he was able to identify Xu Fei was due to Sun Tai, the slave Zhou Yi forced on him back then.

Sun Tai had a corpse puppet that was only a child, but it was extremely intelligent and had a high cultivation level. Their relationship was also very unique. It wasn't a simple corpse puppet but more like they were two individuals.

Thinking about Sun Tai's corpse puppet, Wang Lin couldn't help but think of Situ Nan. He ended up taking over that child's flesh.

"I don't know where Situ is now, but he must be on some cultivation planet living his life as a king among mortals…" There was a hint of reminiscence in his eyes. At this moment, he was no longer the fiend but a mortal recalling his friend.

"There was also Sun Tai. He was the head elder of the Corpse Sect on planet Suzaku. He was thrown into space by the Giant Demon Clan Ancestor's bloodline power. His current whereabouts are unknown."

Wang Lin took a deep breath as he collected his thoughts. His eyes lit up as he looked at the branching cracks surrounding him. He couldn't feel Zhou Yi's aura anywhere, so he had to search them one by one himself.

"Senior Zhou Zi was sealed by Ling Tianhou here, so the crack with the seal must have Ling Tianhou's aura!" Wang Lin's eyes narrowed as his divine sense spread out to check the cracks around him.

After a short period of time, Wang Lin frowned.

He checked all of the surrounding cracks but found no trace of Zhou Yi.

Wang Lin's expression was gloomy as he slapped his bag of holding and took out the crystal Bei Lou gave him. Wang Lin's divine sense entered the crystal. Shortly after, his eyebrows knitted even tighter and he withdrew his divine sense from the crystal.

"If Bei Lou didn't lie, then this was where he found Zhou Yi!" Wang Lin began to ponder.

"Bei Lou shouldn't have lied to be about this, as it is completely irrelevant to him. There is no reason for him to do something as pointless as this… If he wanted to act against me, there was no reason to use such an underhanded method; he could have just attacked me directly. Right now the most important thing to him is to devour the other ancient demons…

"Unless… Unless he deceived me into coming here to kill me with a borrowed knife!" Wang Lin's eyes became cold and his divine sense swept the area again, then he shook his head.

"If he had said that Zhou Yi was at the bottom of the Tide Abyss, it would be possible that he wanted to kill me with a borrowed knife. However, this place looks very ordinary…"

As Wang Lin pondered, he spread out his divine sense. This time he was even more careful as he searched through every crack, but the result was still the same.

Wang Lin pondered. After several breaths of time, he slapped his bag of holding and the soul flag came out. With a wave, one thousand powerful soul fragments came out. Wang Lin controlled the soul fragments to enter every crack.

Wang Lin closed his eyes and his divine sense entered each soul fragment. This way it was as if he was inside the cracks himself, and he thoroughly searched each crack.

This time he was even more thorough; he didn't let any trace slip by him.

After 30 minutes, all of the soul fragments flew back. Wang Lin opened his eyes and his expression became very ugly.

"I carefully checked all the surrounding cracks, but I still haven't found Zhou Yi's presence! Could that Ancient Demon Bei Lou really have cheated me on this?" Wang Lin waved his sleeves and his eyes became cold. However, his eyes suddenly narrowed.

"Wrong! If I were Ling Tianhou, I wouldn't seal someone in such an obvious place. If I was Ling Tianhou…" Wang Lin began to ponder. The one strand of Ling Tianhou's sword energy he had left moved through his body, allowing him to borrow a sliver of Ling Tianhou's domain.

The pondering expression in Wang Lin's eyes gradually disappeared and was replaced with a tyrannical gaze.

Ling Tianhou's domain was tyranny, to use his own tyrannical nature to go against the heavens and make his own path. The sword energy moved through Wang Lin's body and the tyrannical gaze became even stronger.

"If I wanted to seal a sword spirit that was haunting me… I wouldn't simply seal him, I'd make him yield to my tyranny. If he didn't yield, I'd seal him for 1,000 years. If he still didn't yield, I'd seal him for 10,000 years. If he still didn't yield, then I'd destroy his spirit to refine it into a treasure to make him yield!

"I won't choose these obvious cracks. If I were to choose this place, it must have a reason… If I were to seal it, I would choose…" The tyrannical gaze was powerful; it was as if he was above the world. His gaze swept by each of the cracks.

The tyrannical gaze in his eyes gradually disappeared and large drops of sweat fell from his forehead. At the moment, the tyrannical gaze completely disappeared from Wang Lin's body, and his face was pale.

"The domain inside Ling Tianhou's sword energy was simply too tyrannical. Simply trying to borrow this sliver of domain almost injured me." Wang Lin took a deep breath as celestial spiritual energy cycled through his body. He slapped his bag of holding and the celestial sword flew out with the half-moon blade.

Wang Lin's right hand grabbed the celestial sword and then he took a step forward. He suddenly turned with the celestial sword, releasing sword energy. A vortex of sword energy formed with Wang Lin as the center.

"Break!" With a roar, Wang Lin suddenly stopped. At this instant, the sword energy vortex suddenly shattered and the sword energy shot out in all directions. Countless cracks appeared near the gaps in the sides of the cliff. The crackling sounds continued, and soon, cracks covered over 1,000 feet up and down the cliff.

"Crack!" Wang Lin's voice was like thunder as it rumbled through the Tide Abyss. More cracks appeared on the cliff, and a large amount of soil fell off the sides of the cliff.

The side of the Tide Abyss lost an inch after being swept by Wang Lin's sword energy.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he used the sword energy again. The sword energy was sent out again, and as he continued, the cliff quickly got shaved away. After 15 minutes, a small opening appeared, and a very faint aura came out from the opening.

This aura didn't belong to Zhou Yi, but it contained extreme tyranny.

Wang Lin's right hand formed a seal and pointed at the gap. The celestial sword flew toward that gap with the half-moon blade close behind it. Large amounts of broken rocks fell from the cliff. In the blink of an eye, a crack hidden 30 feet inside the cliff appeared before Wang Lin.

This gap wasn't large; it was only five feet tall and was pitch black. The moment Wang Lin's divine sense attempted to enter it, it was knocked back by a tyrannical divine sense.

This caused Wang Lin's body to fly back, and he smashed into the cliff on the other side. There was a loud bang as rocks fell from the cliff, and Wang Lin's body was imprinted into the side of the cliff.

Blood surged inside his body and leaked out from the corner of his mouth.

Wang Lin took a deep breath and his eyes became cold. He then moved his body and flew out of the cliff. This movement caused his face to become even more pale. The collision of divine sense just now almost caused his origin soul to collapse!

If he hadn't reached the Ascendant stage, then that simple collision would had been enough to shatter his origin soul!

"How powerful!" Wang Lin stared at the gap. Although he didn't know how deep it went, he was confident that Zhou Yi was inside there!

Because the divine sense that collided with his belonged to only one person, Ling Tianhou!

"Merely a sliver of the divine sense he left behind is enough to kill cultivators below the Ascendant stage. Just exactly what cultivation level is Ling Tianhou at?

"The peak of late stage Ascendant is the end of the first step. Only by passing the trial of the Yin and Yang stage can a cultivator enter the second step, the three realms of Nirvana!

The three realms of Nirvana are Nirvana Scryer, Nirvana Cleaner, and Nirvana Shatterer. Each realm is then split into early, mid, late, and peak stages. The All-Seer once said that he was at the end of the second step. I calculate that he is at the early stage of Nirvana Shatterer. Ling Tianhou and the All-Seer have been rivals for tens of thousands of years, so the their cultivation levels can't be too far apart. He should be at the peak of Nirvana Cleaner…"

Wang Lin's eyes revealed a hint of dedication. Compared to the All-Seer and Ling Tianhou, his cultivation was simply too insignificant. He hadn't even reached the peak of the first step, but Wang Lin was persistent. Ever since he stepped into the cultivation world as a boy, he relied only on himself almost the whole way and now had become an Ascendant powerhouse!

Although an Ascendant powerhouse was a mere ant in the eyes of those in the second step, among the cultivators of the first step, an Ascendant cultivator was still a powerful force to be reckoned with!

Wang Lin took a deep breath and pointed at his forehead. One hundred thousand strands of slaughter energy appeared and turned into life seals that surrounded his body. To be more accurate, it was missing a strand. Wang Lin took his strand and fused it with his soul.

As a result, he can make it so that these life seals would never be destroyed unless the last strand inside his origin soul was broken as well!

He slapped his bag of holding the devil armor appeared and circled around his body as strands of black gas. It slowly turned into armor and a devilish aura shrouded his body.

More than 10 golden symbols surrounded by insects floated around Wang Lin, providing another layer of protection.

After doing all of this, Wang Lin pondered a bit and then took out the one-billion-soul soul flag. He waved the flag and it warped around him. More than 100 million soul fragments roared inside the flag.

Wang Lin revealed a decisive gaze as he stepped forward and charged toward that gap!

Chapter 637 - Saving Zhou Yi

Zhou Yi and Wang Lin don't have a deep relationship, but the their brief moment of interaction at the Celestial Realm was engraved deeply inside Wang Lin's soul.

A man so infatuated with a woman that he would rather burn his own origin soul than let her go. His infatuation didn't move anyone. However, the clarity his eyes showed when he burned his origin soul would move anyone who saw it.

He gifted something as precious as the Ascendant Crystal only for Wang Lin to guard the female corpse…

It was such a simple task, but it was all that mattered to him before his death.

Then Zhou Yi became the sword spirit for the Rain Celestial Sword, but the residual soul formed from his infatuation vanished and will no longer existed… At that moment, Zhou Yi heard a sound as if the entire world had shattered before him.

His heart died and his sword energy had no vitality. Using his body as a spirit spirit, he chased Ling Tianhou through the void and vowed to kill Ling Tianhou! The him of that moment was looking for death because his only attachment to life was gone…

Wang Lin witnessed the cruelty of the cultivation world throughout his life. Almost everyone had some hidden agenda in their hearts. Only a few people were worthy of him remembering them in his heart… Situ Nan, Dun Tian[1. Sect leader of the Soul Refining Sect], Chi Hu[2. Guy from Giant Demon Clan who befriend Wang Lin in celestial realm], Zhou Yi…

Back then he was only at the Soul Formation stage. Before Zhou Yi, he was just a humble junior, but today Wang Lin was at the Ascendant stage!

He let out a deep breath and stepped into the gap!

Even though he knew some things were dangerous, as a man with a conscious, there were things he had to do!

Back then, when he saved Thirteen, he battled the demon general on his own. Today, to save Zhou Yi, he wouldn't stop even if he was being guarded by Sword Saint Ling Tianhou's divine sense!

At the moment he stepped into the gap, the divine sense left by Sword Saint Ling Tianhou charged at him with its tyrannical nature. The divine sense attack seemed to solidify as it closed in on him.

This tyrannical divine sense was like a sharp sword that could pierce the heavens, and it stabbed directly toward Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's outermost defense, the soul flag, also released a roar as 100 million soul fragments gathered to form a shield to block the sword.

However, Ling Tianhou's divine sense was too powerful! The shield formed by 100 million soul fragments was penetrated by the sword and continued making its way toward Wang Lin.

At this moment, Wang Lin revealed a hint of determination. He clearly knew that he shouldn't move forward at this moment, but he if were to retreat, he would never have another chance to save Zhou Yi.

In a person's life, there will be things they must do. If they don't, then even if they live for tens of thousands of years, they would look back and see nothing but chaos!

Wang Lin's determination turned into decisiveness and he took another step. At this moment, the sword intent formed from Ling Tianhou's divine sense closed in.

Without a word, Wang Lin waved his right hand and the golden symbols instantly condensed around him. The sword intent landed on Wang Lin's body. White lightning moved between the bodies of the insects on the golden symbol surrounding Wang Lin's body. He took another step forward without any hesitation!

More than half of the insects around him became stiff and fell off the golden symbol. Wang Lin waved his sleeves and collected them inside his bag.

This step triggered a divine sense several times more intense than the last one. A series of thunderous roars echoed through the gap in the cliff. The countless echoes fused together and sounded like the wrath of the heavens that wanted all intruders to die!

The soul fragments from the soul flag couldn't block it at all. It was broken once more and the attack landed directly on the devil armor.

At this moment, the devilish energy in the devil armor collapsed and Wang Lin felt an unimaginable force hitting his body. He had a feeling that if he didn't retreat, he would immediately collapse and die!

However, a feeling was only a feeling; with Wang Lin's self control, he was able to suppress this feeling. His eyes became even more determined and the scattered devil he had been branding for a century was released by him for the first time!

Wang Lin hadn't completely solidified the imprint on this scattered devil, so he hadn't refined it into his second origin soul. After releasing it, a black devil soul with a single horn charged out of Wang Lin's forehead. It came out laughing, and its laughter was filled with devilish energy. Its eyes were filled with confusion as it attempted to devour Ling Tianhou's sword energy.

At the moment the devil soul appeared, devilish energy never seen before by Wang Lin poured endlessly out of the devilish armor. The energy went into the devil, making its body slowly turn corporeal.

It devoured Ling Tianhou's divine sense and then a violent aura exploded in its body. The tyrannical domain started rampaging inside its body. The devil let out a roar, and there was a hint of clarity in its struggling expression.

Just at this moment, Wang Lin's origin soul trembled as he noticed the devil soul's instability. Without any hesitation, he sent out a sliver of divine sense into the devil soul to activate the imprint. Although the imprint wasn't stable, it had been imprinted for the past hundred years.

Now that it was activated, the devil soul was immediately sucked back into Wang Lin's body. The sound was muffled as if someone was chanting a spell. Even the devil armor around Wang Lin's body seemed to be affected as it turned into black gas and no longer stayed solid. Wang Lin quickly put it back into his bag of holding. He then immediately took another step and this time he moved forward 100 feet!

However, the third divine sense that was even more intense than the last surged out from the depths of the gap. It rumbled like thunder and even seemed to contain Ling Tianhou's voice.

The sound was muffled as if someone was chanting a spell.

The soul flag wasn't powerful enough to resist it, and the devil armor was now gone. The only thing left was the one hundred thousand life seals. At the moment the impact from the third divine sense arrived, the one hundred thousand life seals rapidly swelled to one million. Borrowing the sudden expansion, it was able to block Ling Tianhou's divine sense. However, in just a moment, the one million life seals quickly collapsed.

The veins on Wang Lin's face bulged as he let out a roar and slapped his bag of holding. The God Slaying War Chariot flew out and turned into the thunder beast!

The beast let out a roar, arrived before Wang Lin, and collided with the divine sense. The thunder surrounding the thunder beast began to sizzle.

The thunder beast's body released large amount of thunder and continued to be pushed back by Ling Tianhou's divine sense.

Borrowing this moment of rest, Wang Lin's life seals quickly recovered back to one million. His eyes become cold. Sometimes, passive defense wasn't the best method. If he wanted to charge in, he would need to attack!

Wang Lin took a step forward and the Finger of Death activated in his hand. The celestial spiritual energy inside his body surged as he shot out multiple Fingers of Death toward Ling Tinahou's divine sense that was currently being blocked by the thunder beast.

The black lights created by the Fingers of Death shot out like arrows, leaving behind ripples as they landed on Ling Tianhou's divine sense.

Wang Lin took another step and pointed forward again. The Demonic Finger appeared and the celestial spiritual energy in his body surged. Due to the four drops of celestial liquid from back then, even though he hadn't used any celestial jades, his celestial spiritual energy seemed endless, just like the slaughter energy.

At this moment, the celestial spiritual energy in his body turned into devilish energy, and because of the scattered devil, the devilish energy was extremely pure. This energy shot out from Wang Lin's finger.

There wasn't one shot, but ten!

Shortly after, Wang Lin raised his right hand and the underworld river appeared. He took several more steps as all his spells appeared and bombarded Ling Tianhou's divine sense.

Wang Lin still felt like the power wasn't enough, and his eyes became cold. The one million life seals all turned into slaughter energy; the only one that didn't was the one hidden inside his origin soul. They fused into one strand of slaughter energy and charged out!

As for Ling Tianhou's sword energy, Wang Lin wasn't dumb enough to use it against Ling Tianhou's divine sense. He was afraid it would switch to the other side the moment it appeared!

At this moment, the entire Tide Abyss seemed to be trembling. The dirt and earth of the wall of the cliff seemed to be caught by a mysterious force as they began to float off the cliff wall.

All of the spells suddenly collided with Ling Tianhou's divine sense. At the same time, the thunder beast let out an earth-shattering roar as it turned into a ray of thunder. It charged directly at Ling Tianhou's divine sense along with Wang Lin's spells.

There was a series of muffled sounds coming out from the entrance to the Tide Abyss in the Water Demon Country. The ground constantly shook as if powerful sound waves were passing through it.

At this moment, even Murong Zhuo, who was deeper down in the Tide Abyss, felt the terrifying fluctuations above him. As for the two women beside him, they also quickly looked up, their eyes filled with terror.

"Simply terrifying. This… could this be caused by Wang Lin?" Xu Fei took a deep breath, and that hint of anger from when Wang Lin destroyed her divine sense disappeared. She made up her mind; she wouldn't dare to provoke someone like this.

The powerful ripple continued to spread through the walls of the Tide Abyss until it reached the bottom. The bottom of the Tide Abyss was filled with corridors. The moment the sounds entered this area, they immediately reverberated endlessly.

The corridors at the bottom of the Tide Abyss formed a square with a black hole in the center that led to the unknown.

There was a large sword stabbed half way into the wall of the corridor. The moment the sound ripple arrived at the sword, it loosened a bit.

The sound wave spread far as it echoed through the corridor. At this moment, at the exit at the Fire Demon Country where Greed and the Da Lou Sword Sect disciples had been trapped. Greed suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes were bright.

"Ling Tianhou's aura! Could he have arrived early… No, although this aura belongs to Ling Tianhou, it is only part of it… In addition to his, there is another aura… This other aura is unfamiliar, but to appear at a time like this, could it be because of the token…"

Greed seemed casual as he swept the Da Lou Sword Sect disciples before closing his eyes.

When the ripples arrived here, they were already really faint. Aside from Greed, no one else noticed.

In the Da Lou Sword Sect, Ling Tianhou, who was wearing a daoist robe and was cultivating, suddenly opened his eyes…

Chapter 638 - Dead Heart

"The sword spirit's seal…" Ling Tianhou's eyes had a profound gaze.

"The place I sealed that sword spirit was extremely well hidden; how could it have been discovered? However, as long as the sword spirit wishes to die, then the seal will never be broken." Ling Tianhou pondered for a moment before closing his eyes.

In the Tide Abyss where Zhou Yi was sealed, Wang Lin's clothes were being swept back by a violent wind and were flapping in the wind. With his hair floating in the air, he was forced back several steps, then his eyes became cold.

The attack earlier destroyed the third divine sense left by Ling Tianhou. However, the price was great. The thunder beast had shattered and the pieces had to returned to the God Slaying War Chariot.

An opening was made in Ling Tianhou's divine sense, but it quickly began to close and was about to disappear.

The blood inside Wang Lin's body surged and many of his meridians were blocked. The celestial spiritual energy was no longer flowing smoothly though his body, but he didn't immediately adjust his condition. Instead, he took a step and charged like a meteor through the gap in Ling Tianhou's divine sense.

This time Wang Lin used his full speed, and there was a thunderous rumble as a result!

The gap wasn't as narrow as he had imagined, so he charged directly into the depths of the gap, and here he could faintly feel Zhou Yi's aura!

"Trespasser, die!" Ling Tianhou's divine sense appeared once more. This time the divine sense sent a tyrannical message that directly entered Wang Lin's ears. This voice shook him so much that he was involuntarily pushed back.

Cracking sounds came from the entire crack in the cliff due to this divine sense, and countless small cracks appeared on the cliff wall.

Wang Lin's origin soul weakened after being shaken by this divine sense. He coughed out a mouthful of blood and his face immediately paled.

"This Ling Tianhou is too powerful!" Wang Lin took a deep breath. If just the divine sense left behind to seal Zhou Yi was already this powerful, how strong would he be if he arrived personally…

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. He slapped his bag of holding and a crystal clear brush appeared in his hand. Holding the celestial brush, his hand quickly moved before his body and a golden symbol appeared.

The moment this symbol appeared, it immediately lit up the pitch black gap.

Without any hesitation, Wang Lin once again drew. One stroke, two strokes, three strokes, four strokes… without a single pause, he drew seven strokes!

This was the first time Wang Lin had drawn more than one stroke with the brush. Although he drew more than 10 symbols earlier when dealing with the bugs, they were all the most simple one-stroke symbols.

With each stroke, Wang Lin could feel that a part of his origin soul had entered the symbol. The seven-stroke symbol contained seven portions of his origin soul.

Seven strokes was Wang Lin's limit. When he refined the brush back in the Soul Refining Tribe, he tested it out. He couldn't draw the eighth stroke because his origin soul couldn't split into nine parts!

There was a copy in his body, and there was one copy in each of the seven symbols. Unless he gave up his body and had all of his origin soul merged with the symbols, he wouldn't be able to draw the eighth stroke!

At the moment he drew the seventh stroke, all of the celestial spiritual energy charged out of his body like runaway horses and surged into the seven-stroke symbol.

The seven strokes fused into one and became a circular symbol. This symbol looked extremely strong as if it contained the universe. It appeared as if the sun had descended from the sky and fell in the gap. Not only were the rays of golden light dazzling, they even hurt the soul.

The celestial symbol that was created with the celestial brush using celestial spiritual energy was considered a complete celestial spell! Its light pierced through the cliff of the Tide Abyss like a sword.

At this moment, if one were to look from the outside, they would be able to clearly see the golden light coming out from the crack. This golden light continued to spread and soon lit up the Water Demon Country Tide Abyss entrance that hadn't been lit up in countless years.

The seven-stroke symbol contained seven portions of Wang Lin's origin soul, allowing him to control it like it was his own body. He drifted it directly toward the depths of the crack.

Ling Tianhou's divine sense began to show signs of disappearing after being pierced by the golden light. However, it immediately stopped dissipating and Ling Tianhou's divine sense let out a roar before charging out. This time the divine sense took the appearance of Ling Tianhou!

A Ling Tianhou wearing a daoist robe with a tyrannical gaze on his face closed in step by step. He then became blurry until he turned into a ray of sword energy and charged directly at the symbol.

When the symbol and sword energy collided, violent shockwaves spread like crazy. The intense rumbling caused countless cracks to collapse. The shockwave was so powerful that it even caused many places in the Water Demon Country to shake and shocked countless people of the Demon Spirit Land.

Wang Lin's expression was extremely pale and he coughed out six mouthfuls of blood. The blood contained celestial spiritual energy, and when it landed on the ground, it created six deep marks.

The symbol shattered and six of the seven divine senses shattered. The last one returned to Wang Lin's body before the symbol collapsed.

As for the sword energy created from Ling Tianhou's divine sense, it had dimmed, but its sharpness had not decreased. However, the symbol that collapsed was, after all, a real celestial spell. Although the symbol had collapsed, countless golden specks had surrounded the sword and formed a golden cage.

Although it couldn't trap the sword energy for long, it could still trap it for a moment!

Damage to the origin soul was considered a great injury for cultivators!

Wang Lin's eyes were completely red, and the heart of slaughter appeared. Since he had already arrived at this point, there was no backing out. He leaped over the trapped sword energy and charged directly toward the depths of the crack!

He closed in with just one step!

There was a purple spirit body hanging before him. This spirit body was Zhou Yi!

Zhou Yi's eyes were closed, and his face was filled with confusion. Aside from the area between his eyebrows, his entire body was covered in purple. This purple seemed to be alive, as it continuously squirmed. The purple on Zhou Yi's face was like a bunch of silk threads that seemed like they were trying to devour the golden light from between his eyebrows.

There was a 30 foot formation on the ground under Zhou Yi. Strands of purple gas were coming out from the formation and entering Zhou Yi's body.

There were four treasured swords stabbed into the ground at the four corners of the formation. The light the four treasured swords emitted slowly fused with the ground.

At the same time, there were fist-sized balls of light on three of the four swords. The balls of light gave off the aura of a powerful divine sense.

"Senior Zhou Yi…" It had been many years since Wang Lin had seen Zhou Yi. However, at this moment, Zhou Yi was surrounded by this purple gas. If that golden light between Zhou Yi's eyebrows was devoured by the purple gas, then Zhou Yi would forever belong to Ling Tianhou with no chance of awakening.

The formation that was sealing and refining Zhou Yi was something that Ling Tianhou made personally. He called it the Celestial Refining Demon Transformation Formation. This formation was very powerful, but the main focus was on the four swords on the ground!

Ling Tianhou once refined four small worlds into four origin soul swords. These four swords were a projection of those four origin soul swords. In order to increase their power, Ling Tianhou left four divine senses above the swords, making the formation even more powerful.

As for the purple gas, it was a demonic aura! It came from the Water Demon Country's remnant ancient demon soul!

The reason why Ling Tianhou secretly came all those years ago to seal Zhou Yi here was because he had some dealings with the ancient demon in the Water Demon Country; they had a good relationship.

The location of this crack was in a hidden vein. This vein was hidden underground and was directly connected to the capital of the Water Demon country. This allowed the ancient demon to send demonic energy through the hidden vein at any time. The demonic spiritual energy would then be absorbed by the formation. Then the formation would convert it into the celestial refining seal and slowly invade Zhou Yi's spirit.

Ling Tianhou and the ancient demon of the Water Demon Country had made a deal. This deal was considered complete after Ling Tianhou sealed Zhou Yi here.

Each of the ancient demon remnant souls in the nine countries had their own plans. The ancient demon of the Water Demon Country was looking for a spirit body that could withstand his own demonic spiritual energy. This process was very slow but also very stable.

As long as the golden light between Zhou Yi's eyebrows was devoured, he would become the Water Demon Country's ancient demon's body!

Ling Tianhou didn't plan this ahead of time, but he was constantly chased by Zhou Yi after leaving the Celestial Realm. Zhou Yi was forcibly made the celestial sword's spirit by the white-robed woman and had gained powerful spells. In addition to that, Ling Tianhou had already suffered injuries from the white-robed woman after they fought several times, so Ling Tianhous was in an extremely embarrassing state.

In Ling Tianhou's view, this sword spirit wanted to die and even use the limited life sword energy of the celestial sword like crazy. It has to be said that the Rain Celestial Sword was the number one treasure of the Rain Celestial Realm. Although he obtained one, he didn't dare to take it out before Zhou Yi. He knew that the moment he took it out, it would be controlled by Zhou Yi.

Although Ling Tianhou was powerful, he was injured by the celestial print. This print was simply too powerful, and its prestige was even greater. Ling Tianhou concluded that this celestial spell was definitely not something a mere celestial general could use. This celestial spell was definitely a high quality celestial spell and was something only the Celestial Emperor could use!

One finger was able to injure him. Then, adding the fact that Zhou Yi had attacked without any regard to his own life and the constant use of the Rain Celestial Sword's life sword energy, Ling Tianhou was forced into such an embarrassing state.

However, there was no doubt about Ling Tianou's power. After all, he was only in an embarrassing state temporarily. Then he lured Zhou Yi to the Demon Spirit Land and sealed him there, completing his agreement with the ancient demon in the Water Demon Country.

This way it was two birds with one stone. However, Ling Tianhou didn't expect that hundreds of years later, Wang Lin would appear and change everything.

Inside the crack, Wang Lin looked at Zhou Yi, who was sealed within the formation. Zhou Yi's body gave off a thick death aura. Back when Ting Er disappeared, his heart had already died!

Chapter 639 - Zhou Yi's Life Sword Energy

Wang Lin whispered, "Senior Zhou Yi!!"

He could feel that aside from external forces, the main reason for Zhou Yi's death aura was himself. He wholeheartedly wanted to die.

After Wang Lin saw the formation before him, he knew that he couldn't break this formation! If anyone could break this formation, it could only be Zhou Yi himself.

Although Wang Lin's voice was soft, it echoed through the cracks. Zhou Yi's eyes trembled as he slowly opened them. His eyes were empty, and within this emptiness there was ultimately sadness. His face was still in a daze.

Just at this moment, Ling Tianhou's divine sense broke through the golden cage. It turned around and charged directly at Wang Lin once more.

A soft sigh echoed across the crack. The sigh came from Zhou Yi, and at the moment the sigh spread across the cave, Ling Tianhou's divine sense charging toward Wang Lin immediately collapsed!

This sword energy dissipated but reformed into a ball of light that floated motionlessly above the fourth sword.

"You should leave…" Zhou Yi still hadn't looked at Wang Lin. He closed his eyes once more.

Wang Lin's origin soul suffered great injuries just to get here, and now he didn't even have the power to leave. His origin soul was now only the size of a baby, and its originally crystal-clear body was now murky.

He had used all of his spells and everything he had to finally reach this point, because Zhou Yi was his benefactor. However, after doing all of this, all he got were those three plain words from Zhou Yi.

"You should leave…"

Wang Lin revealed a thick, mocking smiling. This smile wasn't toward other people but toward himself.

"Your heart is already dead, and I indeed shouldn't have come!" Wang Lin shook his head and turned around to leave. At the moment he entered here and lost six portions of his origin soul, he had already repaid his debt to Zhou Yi.

"Heart is dead… At the moment Ting Er left, my heart really did die…" The sadness on Zhou Yi's dazed face became even stronger.

In the several hundred years he had been sealed here by Ling Tianhou, he had constantly been in a state of confusion. He knew of the ancient demon's invasion, but he didn't want to stop it. However, the golden light was his love for Ting Er, and he didn't want to throw it away.

After letting out a sigh, Zhou Yi raised his completely purple right hand and flicked his finger. A ray of golden light suddenly appeared, and it contained a very powerful sword energy. This was the same sword energy that put Ling Tianhou in such a sorry state. This was the life sword energy of the Rain Celestial Sword! Zhou Yi only had 99 rays of this sword energy!

When he was hunting Ling Tianhou, he used most of his life sword energy. Now he only had four rays left!

The sword energy charged directly at the ball of light above the fourth sword and directly pierced through it!

Although Ling Tianhou's divine sense was powerful, it couldn't compare to Zhou Yi's Rain Celestial Sword life sword energy!

The ball of light shattered and Ling Tianhou's divine sense was destroyed. The divine sense turned into specks of light. With the help of the sword energy, the specks of light flowed into Wang Lin's body.

At this moment, those specks of light entered Wang Lin's origin soul. His damaged origin soul began to recover at a crazy speed.

In almost an instant, not only did his origin soul completely recover, it also had a feeling of expanding. This feeling slowly stopped, but the remaining specks of light didn't dissipate. They automatically found Ling Tianhou's sword energy inside Wang Lin's origin soul and fused with it.

The sword energy suddenly became 30% more powerful than before!

Zhou Yi slowly said, "My life sword energy can't be stored inside you, so I can't give it to you… You were injured because of me, so I helped you recover. You should go… Don't come back…"

Wang Lin let out a sigh and started walking toward the exit. Then he slapped the bag of holding and the pagoda with Zhou Yi's divine sense appeared. Wang Lin looked at it before throwing it behind him.

"I have already completed the promise from back then. I will no longer guard this pagoda!"

Zhou Yi suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the pagoda. The sadness in his eyes was enough to cover the sky.

"Ting Er…"

Wang Lin's foot stopped, but he didn't turn around. He said, "Her name is not Ting Er. If my guess is correct, her name is Qing Shuang!"

Zhou Yi's spirit body trembled. He raised his head, and the emptiness in his eyes had disappeared. Instead, it was replaced with energy.

"Qing Shuang?"

Wang Lin turned around and looked at Zhou Yi. He didn't speak but threw Qing Lin's jade.

Zhou Yi's eyes narrowed and he caught the jade. He immediately scanned it with his divine sense and his expression changed. After a long time, he bitterly said to himself, "Qing Shuang…"

Wang Lin's voice was calm as he slowly said, "The daughter of Celestial Emperor Qing Lin. This Qing Lin was the most powerful person in the Celestial Realm. Rumors have it that he escaped when the Celestial Realm collapsed. He is hidden in his cave in this Demon Spirit Land, healing!"

The energy in his eyes became even more intense, and a trace of vitality gradually appeared in his body. The purple gas around him began to speed up, but it couldn't stop his vitality from appearing.

"You are saying that Ting… Ting Er's father is healing in a cave here? Wang Lin, are you sure about this?"

Wang Lin looked at Zhou Yi and shook his head. "I didn't see it with my own eyes, so I'm uncertain."

The confusion on Zhou Yi's face gradually disappeared as he muttered, "Right, how can anyone be sure of these kinds of things. Only… If Ting Er's father is really here, then with his cultivation, he must be able to awaken Ting Er…"

The current Zhou Yi seemed to have forgotten that Ting Er was only a residual soul fragment formed in the female corpse from his thousand years of obsession. It was now gone and no longer existed…

"I want to take Ting Er to meet her father and let Ting Er… wake up…" The vitality in Zhou Yi's body became stronger and stronger. The purple gas surrounding him seemed to have gone crazy. It charged at the speck of golden light between his eyebrows like crazy.

"Scatter for me!" His eyes lit up, and the purple gas surrounding him immediately began to struggle in an attempt to retaliate. However, it had no effect and was quickly expelled from Zhou Yi's body. Soon, all of the purple gas was forced out of Zhou Yi's body and the large cloud of purple gas disappeared through the formation on the ground.

Zhou Yi was the Rain Celestial Sword's sword spirit. If the ancient demon of the Water Demon Country personally came, then Zhou Yi might not stand a chance since he only had three life sword energies left.

However, simply expelling the ancient demon's demonic spiritual energy was not difficult for Zhou Yi.

The purple gas disappeared and Zhou Yi's body was crystal-clear like flowing water. He looked at the pagoda and waved his right hand. A ray of sword energy immediately flew out from the tower!

This sword was small and it was obvious from its appearance that it was made for a female. This sword was one of the Rain Celestial Swords!

Zhou Yi was the rain Celestial Sword's sword spirit. His body turned into a ray of light and immediately flew into this small sword. At this moment, the crack was filled with sword energy!

Just at this moment, the remaining three balls of light immediately flew into the air. They turned into divine sense and flew at Zhou Yi.

A cold snort came from the sword, and a ray of Zhou Yi's life sword energy immediately flew out. An earth-shattering sound suddenly echoed across the entire Tide Abyss. It was as if the fierce sword energy wanted to cut open the entire Tide Abyss.

The three balls of light immediately shattered and were devoured by Zhou Yi. As for the projections of the four swords on the ground, they were also shattered by the life sword energy. The formation on the ground shattered with the swords.

The crack that sealed Zhou Yi immediately collapsed!

"Ling Tianhou, although you had me sealed for hundreds of years, if it wasn't for the fact my heart was dead, how could your seal trap me!? I'm the Rain Celestial Sword's sword spirit. My life is as long as the heavens and earth and I inherited the Four Great Sword Intent from ancient times! Although I can't kill you, unless I allow it, you can't seal me!

"In these hundreds of years, although my heart was dead, I could constantly feel the inheritance of the ancient sword intent. If we meet again, let us see whether or not my cultivation is still the same as before!" Zhou Yi flew out the moment before the crack collapsed.

Wang Lin immediately followed Zhou Yi. One sword and one person appeared outside the crack.

Zhou Yi appeared from the celestial sword. He still looked the same as before, only it looked like more time had passed. He held the pagoda in his hand. After looking at the pagoda, he sent it to Wang Lin.

"Wang Lin, keep this safe for me!"

Wang Lin nodded. He caught the pagoda and put it inside his bag of holding.

Zhou Yi's gaze fell on Wang Lin, and there was a hint of gratitude in his eyes. He said, "For you to reach this step in just a few hundred years is worthy of congratulations!"

Wang Lin let out a sigh and said, "Thanks to Senior for the Ascendant Crystal. Otherwise…" Wang Lin shook his head and didn't go on.

"The Ascendant Crystal was your reward for guarding Ting Er, so there is no need to thank me. If there is any thanks to be said, it should be me thanking you… I didn't think that the two of us would meet again after several hundred years. Thinking about it now, if it wasn't for the fact that you were determined to find me, we wouldn't have met today." Zhou Yi saw that Wang Lin wanted to speak, but he waved his hand to stop Wang Lin. He pondered for a bit and asked, "Wang Lin, I remember there were two celestial swords in the pagoda… Do you still have the other one?"

Wang Lin slapped his bag of holding and the celestial sword Xu Liguo was in flew out.

Xu Liguo was inside the celestial sword and immediately felt Zhou Yi's existence. He was also a spirit body, so the feeling he had at this moment was very strong. The other was like the master of all sword spirits, and he was in awe. He even felt that this person was the real sword spirit of the sword he was in! He was merely in someone else's home.

"Eh?" After Zhou Yi saw the celestial sword, his eyes lit up. He pointed with his right hand and Xu Liguo immediately flew out from the celestial sword. His face was filled with the urge to flatter; this was even more intense than when he was facing Wang Lin.

"Senior, junior's name is Xu Liguo. It was my master who made me live inside the celestial sword; it was not because I wanted to."

Wang Lin's expression immediately became ugly and he coldly looked at Xu Liguo.

Zhou Yi laughed and said to Wang Lin, "Wang Lin, I can't pass my spells on to you, but this spirit body is pretty good. I can allow him to comprehend the ancient sword intent and accelerate his growth until he can completely control this celestial sword!"