

Chapter 337: Start of a Conspiracy (1/2)

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios

Waltz held the burning wrath inside his mind from exploding. He realised that he had belittled this young man and never did he expect that he would know details about him inside out. Not only did Rhode learn about the 'Tears of Sorrow', but he also knew that he had a son... Waltz had always been protective of his son because he knew that he had many enemies..

But never did he expect to be checkmated.

Who exactly is this man? According to my intel, he came from the Eastern Plains, but didn't those old farts always give no regards to the outside world?

However, now wasn't the time for this. Waltz reached out for his waist, retrieved a dagger, and threw it to Rhode.

Rhode took it and scanned it. On the surface, this short dagger was nothing out of the ordinary. It was dull-looking and definitely didn't seem anything like an incredible magical weapon. Moreover, there was also a layer of dust over it like an unattractive item in the weapon store. However, through the simple design and unique hilt, Rhode identified it as the authentic 'Tears of Sorrow'. Legends said that this short dagger was once the weapon of a legendary Thief and it was named "Death" because anyone who was defeated by it was dead. But, one day, the Thief accidentally injured his beloved woman with the short dagger while escaping the chase of his enemies. As he couldn't cure curses, he could only witness the death of his beloved woman as her fresh blood flowed in his arms. Thereafter, the Thief sealed this short dagger and renamed it 'Tears of Sorrow'.

However, such past times didn't interest Rhode at all. He placed the short dagger on the table. Indeed, the curse effect of this magical dagger was like a demon's lure. Every warrior knew that it would bring a huge impact if there was a way to inflict permanent damage that couldn't be healed. Of course, they didn't know that this was also a double-edged sword. However, the huge satisfaction and glory at the thought of their enemies turning pale after witnessing this weapon was all too tempting.

The demon's lure.

Rhode snorted at the sight of the short dagger. Then, he swung his arm.

The 'Crimson Blade' sprung out in a red flash of lightning, cleaving the short dagger in the middle, instantly splitting the table into half. A powerful whirlwind rose from the impact and pushed the mercenaries back.

What a terrifying man.

Waltz gawked. Just based on this strike, he discovered that Rhode's strength wasn't weakened from the battle he had with Barter at all.


The broken dagger fell to the ground and released a black mist of curse, which hovered in midair and let out ear-piercing screams before disappearing into thin air. Rhode glanced at the pile of wreckage, sheathed his sword, and communicated with Celia. Shortly after, she brought good news for him—Christie's incurable wound had fully recovered and she fell into deep sleep. She just needed a full night of rest and she would recover completely.

"You can give my son back now," Waltz said grimly as he stared. If his son wasn't in Rhode's hands, he would have ran up and finished him off.

"Of course." Rhode smiled to Waltz and revealed one finger.

"My men will send you a message after I leave and the message will direct you to the rightful place. Of course, I urge you not to come up with any funny ideas; if not, I can't guarantee that nothing else will happen. Mr. Waltz, since you have already sacrificed so much, surely you won't want to see your efforts go to waste."

"... What you meant was..."

Waltz clenched his teeth, but he couldn't think of any useful solutions. Although the man was young, he seemed to be experienced in doing such things. From Rhode's expression, Waltz couldn't see any signs of panic, uncertainties, or conflicts of moral conscience. It was as though kidnapping someone wasn't something that he was concerned and mindful of. As a matter of fact, this was true, because in the game, players didn't care if there was justice. As long as they received powerful equipment, mass amount of money, strong techniques, and experiences, then they would do anything. From saving the world to murder, arson, kidnapping, and blackmail, they were all a walk in the park for a veteran player like Rhode.

At this moment, Rhode seemed to be disinterested in continuing their conversation anymore and he gestured to Waltz before casually strolling out of the bar.

"Damn it!"

Waltz smashed his fist on the wall. Not only did he not achieve his expected benefits, but he also wasted his family treasure. This damn bastard...!


At this moment, scarlet fireworks erupted above a nearby warehouse. Waltz rushed to the window hurriedly. Then, he commanded his mercenaries.

"Come! Follow me!"

Rhode hid in the shadow and waited for Waltz and his men to leave the area. Then, he stepped out and let out a sneer. At this moment, a slender figure hopped out.

"Yooo, Master. How's everything?"

"Everything's good."

Rhode twitched his brows and replied. Gillian delightfully narrowed her eyes and revealed a smile.

"That's my Master indeed. But... is this fine? We can use this bait in our hands to make them back out from the competition. This way, those idiots will be so furious, won't they?"

"I don't think that's a good idea."

Rhode thought otherwise and shook his head. It wasn't that Rhode didn't think of this possibility, but he was sure that Waltz wasn't as straightforward as Barter. Even if Rhode managed to make Waltz back out on the competition, the latter would definitely find opportunities to find trouble with him, just like what happened today. Rhode would never allow such things to happen because he was sure that Waltz was holding in a stomach full of rage to be unleashed in the competition tomorrow. No matter how well Waltz restrained himself, he would possibly fight to his death with Rhode.

And this was what Rhode anticipated.

Since Waltz injured Rhode's men, he would need to pay the price. Moreover, since both of them had already fallen out, then there was no point for Waltz to continue living anymore.

Rhode came to a halt in the dark alley. Old Walker, who was concealed under a black cloak, stood in the shadow of the last warehouse. He scanned around to ensure that the coast was clear and scuttled to Rhode.

"Hey kid, what happened exactly? I heard we were ambushed? I went looking for you in the campsite and that angel lady directed me here... What happened? Who has the guts to start a fight in Golden City... Are they sick of living?"

"Alright, Old Walker. I didn't bring you here to listen to your boring grumbles."

Rhode interrupted. Then, he beckoned to the old man to lean over.

"I called you here for an important mission..."

Rhode lowered his voice into Old Walker's ear. The latter opened his eyes wide and after Rhode finished giving his instructions, his eyes were as huge as bronze bells.

"K-Kid, is this for real? All this that you said... is for real?"

"That's right. Follow my instructions and I want you to spread this news across the entire Golden City before midnight!"

Old Walker shivered involuntarily to Rhode's scheming tone and ice-cold expression.

"Alright, I will think of a way. But kid, what's the purpose of this? We don't have evidence, right?"

"We don't need evidence and I don't intend to reason things out like those bullied children crying their way home for their mummies. That's why you only need to heed my instructions and ensure that everyone knows about this matter... What happens next is up to me."

Old Walker lifted his head and looked into Rhode's eyes with a complicated expression. Then, he nodded firmly.

"Alright then, kid. Leave this to me."

Chapter 338: Start of a Conspiracy (2/2)

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios

As the sun ripped through the darkness, the final feast of the Midsummer Festival began.

This time, there were more people entering the arena because this was the climax of the entire event. After two days of competitions, the two winning teams emerged from the individual competition—Starlight and Liberty Wings—and would be engaging in the final match. The winner would receive an incomparable remuneration: any wish to be fulfilled by Lydia.

Due to this reason, the arena was flooded with a sea of audience members. Even though it was so crowded that some audience had to squeeze in the aisles to enjoy the match, they were unconcerned as they looked forward to the battles. Yesterday, Rhode displayed his amazing strength, which sparked a hot topic across Golden City and now, the audience was looking forward for a phenomenal spectacle.

Who will be the final winner?

No one was confident. Rhode was powerful but Rosen was definitely nowhere weaker. But this time, many were sure that this would be an exhilarating matchup because during the night before, many of them heard rumors about members from Starlight being ambushed while on their way back to their campsite. Furthermore, the ambushers were mainly from Liberty Wings, who tried to kidnap a little girl whom they thought to be blood-related to Rhode. All of this was to force Starlight out of the competition, but they failed in the end.

Although this was only a rumor, many of them didn't question its credibility. The previous rumor that Shauna and the others were ambushed had been spread by many, but most of them were only surprised that some idiots were brave enough to start a riot under Lydia's watchful eyes. Were they sick of living already?

As this latest rumor spread, it immediately answered everyone's doubts. After witnessing Rhode's strength, the Liberty Wings must have been afraid and came up with this scheme. If not, why would anyone do such a thing at this timing?

Moreover, they knew that Rhode was enraged by this matter and swore to make those people pay. That was why everyone knew that this would be an exciting matchup.

But, at this moment in the resting room, Waltz stared out the window with an ashen expression and the fury in his heart raged. Last night, his men found his son in a rubbish bin as though he was disposed off like a bag of trash and his conditions weren't looking great. According to a Cleric's diagnosis, his son had been struck with overbearing snake venom and although it wasn't serious enough to snatch his life, his senses were lowered to those of an idiot's. In other words, that once adorable and brave little boy had become an idiot who couldn't care for himself nor speak.

Waltz blew his top, but things didn't end here. Everyone on the streets knew that he had sent men to ambush that bunch of country bumpkins. Although there wasn't any evidence, Waltz was clear that if this rumor got too big, Lydia would surely investigate it. When that happened, the Liberty Wings would face huge trouble. He was clear that as the core strength of the Reformist Party, his guild was always the target to be removed by the King's Party. Once the King's Party found an excuse to do so, they would gladly destroy the guild that Waltz had worked so hard to build up.


Waltz gritted his teeth and glanced at the bracelet on his wrist.

That damn bastard, did he really think that I would give in to this little plot of his? You must be kidding! Kid! I am Waltz! The leader of Liberty Wings Guild! You think that you can destroy me with this scheme of yours? Wishful thinking! Do you really think that I don't have a way to deal with you?

Waltz clenched his fists and stared furiously out the window.

This time, you'll die!

At the same time when Waltz swore, on the other hand, Rhode looked sternly at the folks before him.

"I have told you the situation with today's competition. Now, I want to reiterate. I hope all of you remember that this matchup today will not be an ordinary one. It involves life and death. If anyone is afraid, now is your final chance to back out."

"Anne will never back out!"

Anne sprung up and waved her little fists. Ever since Rhode informed them the truth of the ambush on Christie and the rest, Anne had been acting this way. She longed for this moment to smash those bastards into bits with her shield.

"Me too, Sir!" Randolf stood up with his chest stuck out. "Although I'm inexperienced and the missions assigned to me were always dangerous, I will still do my best!"

"Me too! Those bastards hurt our people and if we don't teach them a lesson, they will really think we are some pushovers!" Joey brandished his dagger and stood up with a furious look on his face.

"Besides, we believe that you surely have a plan and as long as we follow you, the guild members will get to see how good we 'country bumpkins' are!"


Rhode nodded and turned to Lapis.

"Is everything ready?"

"Everything's ready, Sir."

Lapis quickly stood up. Although her movements were still clumsy and panicky, her determination was clearly reflected in her expression. She carefully retrieved a few bottles of potions with various colors and passed them to Rhode.

"These were made following Sir's formula. Everything's normal and there won't be any problems."


Rhode nodded and took over the potions. Then, he handed them to Randolf, Joey, Anne, and Lize.

"Let's go." Rhode turned around and said.

The arena was filled with bustling noises.

Marquis Gunst sat in the VIP lounge with knitted brows. He hated such clamors. If it were possible, he wished that he could send a team of guards to shut the mouths of those who hadn't received proper education so he could quietly ponder. However, this became an extravagant hope. Although the VIP lounge was separated by sound-proof walls and carpet that lowered the noises to their minimum, Marquis Gunst was still annoyed.

At this moment, a butler opened the door and the clamors barged into the peaceful room, which forced Marquis Gunst to turn around irritably. Then, a man dressed luxuriously stepped into the room. As the butler closed the door, the luxuriously-dressed man removed his hat and bowed politely.

"Good afternoon, Marquis Gunst."

"Stop your hypocritical boot-licking, Elman," Gunst said in a foul mood before turning his head back to the arena.

"How's the situation at your side? How's Waltz's attitude?"

"The situation... is still alright. Mr. Waltz is still fuming, but he can't be blamed. A son who he has carefully raised up turned into an idiot overnight. Who on the receiving end would still be in a good mood?"

Viscount Elman displayed an appropriate smile and sat beside Gunst. He looked ahead and there was a golden flag hung at the top of the entire arena. The flag displayed two criss-crossed swords with an angel spreading her wings and soaring in the air. Only one person in the Munn Kingdom had the rights to show it.

"This is our final chance." Gunst lowered his smoking pipe. "That woman obviously intends to eradicate us and we can't sit idly and do nothing. Is everything ready?"

"Everything is going as you asked for, Marquis Gunst. Although it wasn't easy causing a ruckus under her watchful pair of eyes, I still carried out my mission successfully."

"Hmph. Good to hear that."

Gunst's huge chin, which almost covered his entire neck, turned calmer. He struggled to turn his body into a more comfortable position..

"I hope Waltz won't disappoint me. Have you given it to him?"

"Of course, Sir. Mr. Waltz was grateful for your help and promised to fulfill the mission you assigned to him."

"He'd better do it." Gunst sneered. "That young man must die... The King's Party is too powerful now and if another formidable man joins them, we will be in dire straits. Hopefully Waltz can do it."

Gunst sighed.

At this moment, the deep bugle horn sounded.

Chapter 339: Deciding Match (1)

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios


The deep bugle horns and drum rolls filled the arena. At the same time, the angels spread their wings in the air while singing their ancient, holy hymn along with the harmonious music. The audience stood up and admired the glinting, multicolored illuminations while placing their right palms on their chests and quietly soaking in the music.

Rhode looked up at the sky and he wasn't unfamiliar with this hymn either. Almost every players from the Munn Kingdom "grew up" along with it. The contents narrated the Five Creator Dragons rescuing situations that were under the threat of riots, in turn forming an orderly world. This hymn was originally split into five sheets respectively for each of their followers. However, after the Void Dragon disappeared, the hymns also dispersed. Currently, other than the Judgement & Ruling Twin Dragons holding onto the perfect, complete hymn sheets, the Country of Light and Country of Darkness held only the sheets that belonged to them. However, even this sheet in the Country of Light's possession disappeared. After the parliament gave a prohibition order, no one sang the hymn anymore other than the Munn Kingdom. And due to this reason, after the Munn Kingdom withered away, Rhode no longer heard this familiar hymn from the melodious angel voices.

The angels flew around the arena to their rightful positions. This was the first time they appeared in the Sacred Arena, and this only represented one thing. Rhode lowered his head at this thought and shifted his gaze to the golden flag hung on the highest point.

Double Sword Angels.

Her Royal Highness Lydia had appeared in person.

At this moment, an energetic man in his 60s in thick armor stepped onto the arena while lifting the symbol of the Mercenary Association high up in his hands. He was Lauren, the president of the Mercenary Association. As the end of the Midsummer Festival approached, it was about time for him as the organizer to show up proudly.

However, he wasn't in a great mood because the Midsummer Festival was too chaotic this time. He had heard the rumors and mess from yesterday and although the four guilds had always been clashing heads, it was the first time that they had such an acrimonious falling out with one another in Golden City. Although he didn't receive any solid evidence regarding the matter, he was clear that no evidence was needed because he swore on his family's honor that the matter was definitely caused by Waltz and his men!

Lauren couldn't help but fume. Her Royal Highness Lydia had shown discontentment toward the Mercenary Association in terms of managing the disturbances caused by the group of bastards and now, this idiot caused another trouble for him. Damn it, he really thinks that I don't dare to touch him simply because he has the backing of a bunch of cock-sucking southerners?

However, it wasn't a good time to settle this dispute now. He decided that no matter the consequences, the Mercenary Association had to present an unyielding attitude on this matter. If not...

"Everyone, today, we're here on the Sacred Arena, under the eyes of the ancient warriors, with their courage as swords and shields to engage in a majestic battle. The challengers brought forth courage, honor, and beliefs, just to determine the final victor and the rights to achieve supreme glory! The names of the mercenaries will be passed down for generations, until forever!"

Lauren abruptly raised his flag and the audience exploded into cheers. After a few moments, the cheers quietened and he continued.

"Now, as the president and in the name of the Mercenary Association, I announce the start of the finals!"

Lydia shifted her gaze as she languidly laid on the luxurious, comfortable velvet sofa. She held a glass with icy fruit juice and stroked her slender fingers around its edge. Her eyes beamed with craftiness, complacency, and some cheekiness.

"Teacher, shall we have a bet on who's the final victor?"

Amund, who was standing behind her, smiled. He looked at the arena and at this moment, both parties had arrived. He was surprised after scanning the arena.

"What a surprise. Miss Marlene won't be participating?"

"That's indeed interesting... Teacher, do you think this is due to her being cautious?"

"I'm afraid I can't make a guess, Your Highness." Amund stroked his huge beard and shook his head. "To make up any conclusions from nothing is undesirable to a Mage. However, I do agree that this is a good arrangement. But their chances of winning will be much slimmer."

"I don't agree." Lydia smiled and gently waved her finger. "Unlike Teacher, I feel that this is an interesting arrangement. So... want to bet? 10 gold coins?"

"I can't count myself as fortunate even if I win though." Amund helplessly spread his arms and bitterly replied. "Your Highness, I trust your intelligence and guts, however..."

"You got to pay for what you get. Just like how the oasis seems so precious in the presence of the desert. Only adventurers who take risks will have the rights to seek miracles and victory. The strength of courage and knowledge shouldn't be underestimated. Teacher, this will be a fascinating matchup."

Lydia sipped on the juice.

"I guarantee that."

Rhode stepped into the arena and noticed Waltz on the opposite end. He sensed the hatred and vengeance from Waltz through his eyes. If Waltz's stare could kill, perhaps Rhode would have died a long time ago. But it was a pity that no matter how much Waltz stared, he couldn't inflict any sense of fear. Rhode lifted his head and revealed a splendid smile in response.

The crowd broke out into an uproar upon noticing Rhode's smile.

Ever since they came to Golden City, no one had ever seen his smile. A smile could convince one and be used to lower one's threat. However, Rhode didn't care much about such benefits. He always showed up with a stone-cold face, expressionless face. Although some astute and circumspect nobles also concealed their true thoughts with similar expressions, due to Rhode's overly beautiful face, many couldn't help but feel that it was wasteful if he didn't smile for a bit.

But now, this thought vanished.

Rhode's smile seemed oddly beautiful as well as horrifying. Almost everyone who clearly witnessed his smile trembled and subconsciously shut their mouths as though it wasn't a smile, but a viper baring its sharp fangs instead.

Waltz snorted and controlled himself in not jumping ahead and throwing a punch to that irritable face.

Lauren noticed the odd atmosphere between both of them. However, he was also uncertain and only wished that the matchup would continue smoothly without any hiccups.

However, there were many matters in this world that didn't revolve around one's determination.

"Now, we shall make our sacred oath under the flag and in the face of a warrior's spirit..."

As both of them stood before Lauren, the latter read the oath aloud while Rhode and Waltz listened respectfully. From the looks of it, there wasn't anything strange with both sides. However, as Lauren read the final sentence "... The both of you shall obey the oath," Waltz finally coldly said.

"I'm willing to obey the oath, Sir Lauren. For victory and for the honor. I'm willing to dedicate even my entire life!"

Waltz snapped his gaze to Rhode fiercely.

"Not sure if Mr. Rhode has the courage to use our lives as an oath for this battle!"

The entire crowd burst into cheers.

Everyone knew that there was this format in the Midsummer Festival which involved the life and death battle, which wasn't too different from normal competitions. The only difference was that once both sides accepted this challenge, there would be three outcomes: surrendering, falling out of the arena, or one of them dying.

In other words, once the life and death match commenced, the "No Killing" rule would be anulled.

In an instant, many turned their attention to Rhode. Of course, there were others who looked at Waltz astonishingly too. Based on the rumors, now would be the moment when Rhode was utterly discomfited. But instead, it was Waltz who was filled with hatred and Rhode seemed to be as peaceful as ever.

Rhode brought a smile to his face, which piqued Lauren's interest as he twitched his brows and stared at Waltz with discontentment. Damn you, Waltz. You dare to issue a life and death challenge before the Royal Highness. Aren't you making this difficult for us, the Mercenary Association?

Although Lauren criticized inwardly, he eventually couldn't stop the issuance of this challenge. The life and death challenge was the holiest ceremony rule in the Midsummer Festival and as the judge himself, he didn't have the rights to stop it. He could only hope for this pretty and kind-looking young man to reject this meaningless challenge. After all, since the life and death challenge would only be valid once both sides agree, so if Rhode disagreed...

In the end, Lauren's expectations fell short.

Rhode's response was unexpectedly chilly.

"I guarantee that no one from the Liberty Wings will walk away from this arena alive!"

The entire arena was dumbfounded.

They stared at the arena blankly. Even though they were anticipating an intense battle, things had gone out of control. Both sides actually issued death threats in the face of thousands in the Sacred Arena.

They were really in for a killing!

In an instant, many of them subconsciously turned their attention to the VIP lounge just below the flying golden flag. To hold such a bloody ceremony under the eyes of Royal Highness Lydia... was it really fine?

There wasn't the slightest reaction and the arena was oddly silent.

However, compared to the audience, Lauren's expression turned ashen. He stared at both of them at his wits' end. Although Waltz's issuance of challenge enraged him, Rhode's naked threat made him lose it. After being a president for so long, this was the first time someone declared to kill off his opponents before the crowd.

It seemed like this vengeance must be repaid!

Although Lauren was extremely hopeless, he had no other choice as rules were rules and he had no rights to intervene. Originally, he hoped that Lydia would step forth to put a stop to this, but she remained unmoved.

At this moment, both parties had confirmed the rules of this challenge and instantly disregarded the poor president by stepping down from the arena. This left Lauren in an incredibly awkward spot and all he could do was to sigh hopelessly and step off.

Rhode walked down the arena and what reflected in his eyes was the determined faces of his men.

"All of you heard what I said and you should know what to do."

Rhode wiped the smile on his face away and returned to his usual aloof expression. However, Lize and the rest seemed more at ease to witness this face of his. After all, those who were close to Rhode knew that there was trouble whenever he smiled.

"Remember, don't get overwhelmed by your own anger. Show up according to the sequence and do as I instructed. Forget about your honor and neglect their ugly faces. We stand here not to seek honor or recognition. All we need is to win. All of you have to understand this point..."

Rhode let out a deep breath.

"This is the last time that I am asking you. When you step up onto the arena later, your actions may be mocked, ridiculed, and even humiliated by them. Do you still have the guts to step onto the arena after giving up your honor to fight for victory?! If you regret your choice, you can still give up now."

"Anne will never ever back off! Leader!"

Anne took a step forward with her clenched fists.

"Those baddies laid their hands on Anne's friends and even injured Sister Shauna and Christie, so they can't even think about going back alive. Anne isn't afraid of what the cowardly audience will be shouting because they who don't dare to participate in the battles have no rights to question Anne's behavior!"

"I'm not afraid too, Sir."

Although Joey displayed a smile, his eyes were glinting with incomparable seriousness.

"As a newbie, I am already used to being humiliated. Such a small matter won't affect me so don't worry, this time I will win!"

"Joey is right, Sir."

Randolf drew out an arrow from his back.

"Besides, I don't think that this isn't an honorable match. It is already an honor for us to fight for the sake of victory. Sir, you didn't choose Miss Gillian and Miss Marlene for this matchup and chose us instead... We will not disappoint you!"

"Me too, Mr. Rhode."

Lize placed her clenched fists on her chest.

"Starlight is ours and I want to protect it. This is our home and for it, I will not be afraid of any obstacles or dangers."


Rhode scanned everyone's expression and remained silent for a moment before nodding his head.

"Lastly, let me say this again. Come back alive, because your life isn't worth wasting on such garbage."

As Rhode finished his sentence, the audience cheered. Everyone turned around and saw a strong, muscular old man holding two heavy shields stepping onto the arena.

Rosen, indeed, was the first to fight.

He approached the middle of the arena and looked down upon Rhode and the rest.

"You won't let anyone from Liberty Wings leave this arena alive? You've got guts, kid. Do you really think that you're capable enough to do it? Just based on all of you? What rights do you have to spew such words in my face! A bunch of bugs talking about killing? Come up to the arena, kid. I will let you know how worthless you are."


Anne gritted her teeth. She waved her fists, but Rhode held her back and stared coldly at Rosen. Then, he smiled.

"No, you won't have this chance, Rosen. Before I show up, you will be dead."


Rosen was slightly surprised by Rhode's response. Then, Rhode turned around and ordered.

"Lize, you're up."

Chapter 340: Deciding Match (2)

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios

Lize nodded and looked at Rosen firmly.

"Mr. Rhode, I just have to do as you instructed, right?"

"That's right, it's all up to you now."

"I understand."

Lize clenched her fists and stepped onto the arena.

The entire audience abruptly turned silent for a few seconds and whispers filled the place.

"Wait... This young lady... That's a Cleric outfit, right?"

"Ugh... That's right, she's a Cleric..."

"Cleric... Can a Cleric even battle?"

"Don't ask me... I've had battle experience with powerful knights and bishops, but never with an ordinary Cleric..."

The crowd whispered into one another's ears. They racked their brains but couldn't figure out what a Cleric like Lize was doing on the arena. Although she had always been a part of the participating list of mercenaries, most of them disregarded her because Rhode assigned her as a substitute. And to them, the reason why Rhode placed her as a substitute was more just for the sake of convenience in case his men were wounded. This wasn't the first time that they witnessed this arrangement because this arrangement had been used frequently by every guild during individual matches as they wouldn't have the opportunity for the substitutes to participate. However, this was the first time a Cleric turned up for battle and even as the first participant. What exactly was going on?

If this was in the past, this decision would definitely be hissed over a hundred times by the audience. However, after the audience witnessed Rhode's prowess, they immediately became cautious. Humans survived under such profanities and if any ordinary human mentioned outrageous ideas, they would only be seen as freaks or idiots. However, if a genius mentioned the exact same thoughts, these ideas would immediately be treated as amazing and definitely something that not ordinary humans could think of...

It was the same case for the audience. Although they were doubtful, they no longer regarded Starlight as a mercenary group full of country bumpkins. A Cleric for battle—what kind of strength would she display?

"... That's odd."

Viktor adjusted his position and observed.

"What do you think about this, Barter?"

"It's strange, alright. But if you ask me, that kid perhaps planned this scheme to make Rosen retreat willingly because isn't this the rumored princess? Although both sides agreed to a life and death challenge, if Rosen killed her—ha, Royal Highness Lydia will definitely execute him and his whole family."

Barter snorted while rejoicing in Rosen's misfortune. However, Viktor shook his head.

"I don't think so, Barter. It's obvious that Mr. Rhode is genuinely concerned for his men. Normally, a Cleric won't possess any fighting strength. Indeed, just as you said, if we discuss this matter regarding death, it will turn into an issue if Rosen lays hands on her. This stubborn fart has always been devoted to the Reformist Party and it won't be too likely for him to do something that will make Royal Highness Lydia punish them. However, if this young lady is gravely hurt by him, the injuries may be for the rest of her life. Their difference in strength is too huge and it's practically a dream for her to resist against Rosen. Not only will he beat down the flames of the King's Party, but he will also cause unhappiness between Royal Highness Lydia and Mr. Rhode. No matter what, this young lady is Royal Highness' half-sister and Clerics aren't necessarily a class suitable for battles. Therefore, if there are any problems, Mr. Rhode will never be able to answer to Her Royal Highness."

"Eh? Is it that bad?"

Barter questioned and stood up. His expression turned anxious.

"This spells trouble..."

"I haven't finished my sentence yet, Barter. If you don't kick this bad habit of yours, you'll be on the losing end in the future."

Viktor smiled at the frantic Barter. The later pouted and sat down.

"I say... You educated people must have too much time on your hands to drag me into this pile of crap without speaking the main point. By the time you get to it, the enemies are already in our base! Alright, let me hear what you have to say."

"It's simple. It isn't that Mr. Rhode isn't aware of the situation. Besides, I feel that he didn't send her up first to threaten his opponent. Instead, the life and death challenge aren't bound by rules. If Mr. Rhode used her to affect the political strength, he would have chosen to send her when he was up against Sky Sword and your Purple Lily to guarantee a victory. That old fox, Mobis, would definitely not risk it and perhaps even you wouldn't dare to harm Her Royal Highness' sister right?"

"That... makes sense."

Barter rubbed his chin and nodded in agreement. Indeed, he was on the King's Party side and how could he allow his men to harm Her Royal Highness' sister? Even though Barter who wasn't as smart as Viktor knew that this wasn't possible.

"And then?"

"So I think... Mr. Rhode is confident in winning this match."

"But, that girl is a Cleric..."

"Yes, a Cleric. But, none of us have engaged in battles with Clerics before. Of course, Clerics usually won't partake in any frontal battles because they are mainly supporting roles. But, does this mean that Clerics definitely can't battle?"

Viktor shook his head.

"I'm rather suspicious of this. We have never seen a Cleric used any attacking spells in battles, but Mr. Rhode actually sent one up. Indeed, for the other classes to face Rosen now with their current strength is definitely asking for death. But, a Cleric may show different results..."

Barter turned his attention to the arena.

At this moment, in the VIP lounge, Amund made the same conclusion.

"... However, Your Highness, please pardon my rudeness. I have lived long enough and fought against Soul Knights, Guardian Knights, and even the Holy Bishops, but I have never battled a Cleric. After all, that's too..."

Amund couldn't find an expression to describe his feelings.

"I understand what you meant, Teacher."

Lydia sat up and looked at the arena. However, her gaze wasn't directed at Lize who was preparing herself, but was targeted at Rhode who crossed his arms. Lydia's eyes glinted in a burning radiance, like a kid who just discovered an amusing toy or like an artist who witnessed a beautiful artwork.

"I think I want you even more now... Mr. Rhode Alander."

Amund rolled his eyes and at the same time looked at Rhode with pitiful eyes.

I wish you luck, young man.

The bugle horns sounded.

Lize drew a distance away from Rosen. She focused her attention on him, at the same time reciting Rhode's instructions. This was the second time she stood on the arena and she wasn't nervous at all. The support she received from her companions behind her was like a comforting, solid wall.

I will not fail. I will win as long as I follow Mr. Rhode's orders!

Lauren stood between them and looked at Lize with a bitter smile. As the president of the Mercenary Association, he had definitely heard rumors regarding this 'princess'. He thought that as Lize stood on the arena, Her Royal Highness Lydia would definitely give certain orders, but there were none.

What exactly is this boiling down to?!

Lauren felt hopeless, but there wasn't any chance for him to intervene. In the end, he moved aside and swung his arm...

Battle start!

Lize instantly cast a defensive barrier around her while Rosen let out a grunt. Just as Viktor predicted, Rosen had no intentions of killing her and he wouldn't be that dumb to commit a crime for Her Royal Highness Lydia to punish him. However, it wouldn't be difficult for him to teach this little girl a lesson.

"Girl, this isn't your playhouse."

Rosen lifted his shields and coldly stared. Lize looked at him in silence.

Rosen revealed a grim smile and charged forward like a rhinoceros!

The audience held their breaths. In every battle, Rosen always pushed forward and smashed anything that was in his way and seldom did his challengers withstand his strength as they flew off the arena. Some luckier ones dodged, but were eventually caught off guard by his next rolling attack.

Not to mention, it was a fragile young lady before him that was about to withstand his powerful strength.

Then, something happened and left them dumbfounded.

Rosen, who had taken up to five steps, suddenly lost his balance and slipped. Luckily for him, his reactions were quick enough for him to smash the arena with his shield to provide support.


His heavy shield crushed the arena and gravel burst into midair. Then, he brandished and swept them forward like bullets.

Fortunately, this wasn't dangerous for Lize. After experiencing the torturous training sessions, she was familiarized with the Holy Book that Rhode retrieved from the Necromancer. Although Rosen was a top-class Swordsmaster, these hurriedly fired attacks weren't a concern for her fortified defense spell. The bullet-like gravel struck the barrier and was negated entirely.

What happened?

The audience couldn't figure out why Rosen, who initiated the attack, stopped all of a sudden.

Something's wrong!

Rosen lifted his head and scanned Lize.

The young lady didn't move one step. She looked at him with both hands hanging by her sides, as though she did nothing. However, Rosen was sure that when he charged forward with his right foot, his speed increased more drastically than usual and it was that instant that his perfect pace was disrupted.

What exactly happened?

Rhode nodded in contentment.


The biggest difference between spiritual spells and magical spells was that spiritual spells could be dodged, but never resisted. In other words, all spiritual spells cast by even the weakest of all Clerics were effective on legendary beings. If the opponents failed to dodge, the spiritual spell would still be effective. Of course, due to the difference in levels, the spiritual spells' effectiveness would be greatly reduced in terms of duration and cooldown. But there would never be any situations where the opponents were immune. Unlike magical spells, spiritual spells were cast from spiritual energy and therefore, all living things would be affected by them. Itt was the same even for special beings like Gillian and Lydia. Of course, due to the gap in strength, as long as they didn't dodge, any ordinary Cleric's spiritual spell would still take effect on them despite only lasting for a millisecond.

Therefore, after the 'Treating foes as friends' tactic was created, it became a norm for Clerics to issue PVP challenges to opponents with much higher levels. Of course, there was a higher requirement for such battles. As mentioned, for the spiritual spells to be effective, the Clerics needed to lock onto their opponents' positions in order to cast their spiritual spells. Once their opponents dodged, the spiritual spell would be useless.

If Rosen was a swordsman with agility as his main forte like Rhode, or a fast-moving class like Thief or Ranger, Rhode would definitely not send Lize for this battle. But Rosen was a Shield Warrior with incredibly high defense and movement speed that was slightly quicker than a normal human.

This kind of opponent was the Clerics' favourite in PVP challenges.

Due to this reason, Rhode didn't reveal Lize and only now did he finally send her. Next, it would depend on her ability to adapt to the situation.

At this moment, Lize cast two more defensive barriers and they became almost impenetrable. Unlike the warm-up matches, Lize didn't give up her defense in order to bait an attack from the opponent. With Rosen's strength, she would probably be defeated instantly if she didn't put up her strongest defenses. She wasn't strong enough to withstand his attack yet.

Tch, little tricks. Did she really think that she can stop me? Ignorant!

Rosen's expression turned ice-cold. He took a step forward, shifted his left shield into position, and prepared to charge forward. Suddenly, he felt an unknown boost in strength, but he was ready for it this time and quickly straightened his posture.


Rosen frowned. He felt that his strength increased dramatically and as a result, his body wasn't ready for it. The imbalance of strength immediately restricted him from moving ahead.

What's going on?

From the start, Rosen thought that his slip was only an accident. Of course, he did doubt his old age or abilities to capture the right moment in strength, but it made him dubious after it happened twice.

After all, that was too odd.

Could this be another trick from that rascal?

Rosen gazed at Lize grimly.

What's this sorcery?

Chapter 341: Deciding Match (3)

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios


Lydia's eyes glinted as she gazed steadily at Lize while revealing a thought-provoking smile.

"What do you think, Teacher?"

"Please pardon my bluntness... This is the first time that I've witnessed such a battle technique."

Amund repositioned himself to the window. Anyone who reached this level of mastery in skills like himself could easily read the situation.

"But... Never did I think that a Cleric could be so capable."

"If used appropriately, it indeed can bring down threats to a certain extent."

Lydia nodded and rested her chin on her hand. She narrowed her eyes and observed with anticipation.

"But... To face someone whose strength is so much stronger... How far can Lize even go? Exciting."

As Lydia and Amund exchanged opinions, the audience finally realised that something wasn't right. Although they weren't too sure what exactly happened, Rosen's strange performance raised speculations.

"Something's up with that young lady," Barter said. On the other hand, Viktor also nodded in agreement.

"I knew things wouldn't be that simple and it seems that... Mr. Rhode is indeed impressive. How did he even come up with this?"

"Yea... Look over there."

Barter let out a mischievous laugh. Not far away on the platform, there were several men dressed in priesthood robes who put up shocked and joyful faces.

"You could tell from their expressions that this technique that the young lady used is probably unheard of by the church... If that's true, it's going to be much more interesting."

"However, just this won't be enough."

Viktor swept a glance at Barter before turning his attention to the arena. To Victor, this matchup was more crucial than the emotions of some bishops with grandeur statuses.

Viktor was right.

Rosen realised the source of the problem. In any case, he was in the Master Stage and although he couldn't figure out what Lize did exactly, he was sure that it was all her doing. Rosen groaned and admitted that this strange battle technique discomforted him. Furthermore, he couldn't find a corresponding solution... But, why must he face this odd battle technique of hers?

Could it be that she thought she could defeat myself by using such techniques? Dream on!

Rosen took half a step forward and tilted his body to the right. Then, he swung his left arm abruptly.

Along with the crisp sound of chains, the huge, pitch-black shield projected forward. This time, Lize was totally caught off guard. His movements weren't drastic but his fake move distracted her for one second and it was this one second which cost her.

The pitch-black shield whizzed forward and forced her back subconsciously. However, she quickly came back to her senses and swung her left arm.

A golden barrier emerged like a flower at full bloom. At this moment, the pitch-black shield arrived.


The first layer of the defense barrier shattered into dust. There was no doubt that his massive strength resembled a wild, enormous beast charging forward.


Rosen raved and brandished his other shield. It was apparent that this was his tactic to utterly destroy the defense spell that Lize cast to protect herself and also divert her attention.

A beam of radiance flashed.


He stooped over and plunged his shield before him. Just as he looked forward, he saw the other pitch-black shield revolving back toward him, to which he triggered the mechanical button to instantly drag the shield back to his left hand using the connected chains.

This time, all he saw was Lize's calm, determined face and the restored defense barrier.

I failed?

Rosen was taken aback. How was that possible? His opponent was only a weak Cleric. Although it was true that many Clerics had powerful defensive spells, most of them couldn't resist a Swordsmaster like him. He had experienced thousands of battles and even though he had never fought against a Cleric, he still had experiences in battling enemies who were supported by the Clerics. His attack was at least 70 percent of his full strength and should have been enough to shatter all of her defenses.

But now, what's going on?


Lize let out a sigh of relief. In fact, she thought that his attack would destroy her barrier. She subconsciously swept a glance to Rhode who stood behind her.

It's quite effective.

Rhode nodded in satisfaction. Before the match started, he made Lize consume a bottle of the "Guardian Mixture."

This potion wasn't used to increase one's strength. After all, it wasn't that easy to boost strength, just like when Rhode initially jumped from the Elite to Legendary Stage previously. if it weren't for Lize's healing spells and Lapis' potion buffs, perhaps he would have been dead from the pressure that his body couldn't withstand. Rosen might be powerful and although Rhode's men had been through harsh training sessions, they weren't powerful enough. Although their strength could be boosted to similar levels to Rosen, the price they had to pay was equally demanding. Permanent enhancement would diminish one's lifespan while temporary enhancement would bring countless side effects to their future developments and most players couldn't tolerate attribute damage, not to mention natives.

However, if it was only used to enhance a certain aspect, it wouldn't be an issue.

The "Guardian Mixture" that Lize consumed was a booster potion for Clerics before they entered dungeons. It increased a Cleric's defense points by three points. Although this enhancement was nothing out of the ordinary, it was popular among the players due to its affordable price, non-existing side effects, and fairly simple creation process. Although Rhode didn't learn alchemy skills, he was fortunate to remember the formulas. Furthermore, since Golden City wasn't a backcountry like Deep Stone City, the prices for ingredients to make the 'Guardian Mixture' weren't too expensive. Moreover, with an Alchemist Master like Lapis around, there weren't other issues.

After consuming the 'Guardian Mixture', Lize's defensive spells were strengthened. If this happened in the game, Lize would be around level 17 to 18 and would be about to enter the Elite Stage. Furthermore, with the aid of the Guardian Mixture and her half-angel bloodline, the defense spells that Lize cast were boosted to the Intermediate Elite Stage.

"Hmph, little tricks."

Rosen frowned as he discovered that things were out of his expectations. The strength that she displayed and the strength that her body possessed didn't match. In simple terms, an ant that he could easily crush actually resisted his finger.

After Lize repaired the barrier, she stood quietly on the same spot and observed Rosen.

What is this? Isn't this a life and death challenge? She's just going to defend all the way until she gets the victory?

The audience pondered.

Although Clerics possessed attacking spells with some of them being actually powerful, they were all basically useless. A Mage could cast any two magic attacks and their threat could be as strong as a mid-range spell attack. Furthermore, a Mage required only a short span of time to cast long-range magic attacks. Therefore, even if Clerics were to battle, they wouldn't have any chance of attacking, not to mention killing one.

Rosen wasn't the type that would be easily killed because he was a Shield Warrior.

So then, what was the point in continuing this match?

Rosen struck.

This time, he didn't hold back. He lifted the shields before him in a crisscross stance and crushed Lize's defense barrier.

But at this moment, a silver-whitish defensive barrier emerged around her to stand against the menacing shields. At the same time, the cracked defense barrier restored quickly to its best condition.

This time, Lize lifted her arms and a glaring holy power coalesced in her hands.

Is this a counterattack?

Rosen let out a snarl before swiftly withdrawing with his shields. At the same time, he stayed vigilant against the young lady even though a Cleric's spell attack wasn't as powerful as a Mage's. It could also be said that a Cleric's attacking spell was purer and stronger in penetration power than the Mage's.

If it was in the past, Rosen wouldn't care what Lize was chanting and would instantly dash forward. But now, he discovered an obvious difference in strength between the spells that she casted and the actual strength she held. Rosen decided to observe carefully before making any drastic moves. After all, she was basically defenseless when casting spells and as long as she was within reach, he would dash forward to give her a whipping.

Lize's chant ended. She abruptly spread her arms apart and countless mysterious runes emerged. Then, along with her movements, the runes spread out to form layers of barriers, which revolved around her.

Rosen's expression turned sour immediately.

Because what Lize cast wasn't an attacking spell, but an extremely tough defensive spell which Rosen was very familiar with: Rune Vows.

What's this damn woman trying to do?

Rosen had almost gone insane.

Lize didn't attack at all from the start. Instead, she kept defending, defending, and defending. Of course, even when he overcame her defense, she would come up with weird tricks to turn the situation around.

How is this even a life and death challenge?

The Rune Vows was the strongest defensive spell of Clerics. If Lize was said to be protected by a small fort, she would be seeking shelter in the tenth underground floor now. Although defensive spells didn't usually require chanting, some stronger defensive spells would still require guidance from the spell caster. The Rune Vows belonged to the latter category.

This was the first time that Rosen felt that things were getting thorny. However, he quickly calmed himself in just a few seconds. It was obvious that this young lady was trying to taunt himself to make a move, and since that was the case, he would just stand still to see how patient she was!

In an instant, both sides went into a deadlock.

To the audience, this was merely a temporary one, but,it turned out rather long. Almost thirty minutes had passed since the start of the battle and they still stood firmly. Lize timely replenished her defensive spells before recasting another Rune Vows. It seemed that she was determined to wait for her opponent to lose his patience. On the other hand, Rosen was equally patient and didn't move an inch like a statue.

20 minutes... 25 minutes...

The arena was dead silent.

"What the hell's going on?"

"Go on and fight! What are you standing there for?"

The audience lost their patience. Of course, most of them were instigating Rosen. After all, he was stronger in strength and the young lady was only a fragile Cleric. It was unbearable for the audience to witness the much stronger Rosen not doing anything.

"What's this Rosen doing?"

Gunst's expression turned sour as he turned his head and pointed.

"This is the pride of our Reformist Party? This is our 'Crazy Rosen'? He's just a pig that's as timid as a mouse! Get Waltz to make this bastard move, damn it! She's only a Cleric and he dragged this match on for so long. Is he intending to make the Reformist Party a joke?!!"

Gunst's fat stature shook as he berated. The butler scrambled out the room and Gunst sat back down while panting for air.

"That old fart is getting useless!"


Rosen frowned at Waltz's gesture and looked at the VIP lounge above. He knew who gave this order and was also aware of their worries. But ... is this the right move?

Rosen had no rights of choice. Waltz communicated with him that if he chose not to attack, Waltz would have no other choice but to follow the orders from the 'top' to announce that Rosen admitted defeat.

So then, I shall just try.

Rosen lifted his head and sized up to Lize. The young lady's gaze was as determined as ever even though she was only defending. Rosen sensed the courage and willpower from her that she would never back off from danger.

How can she be so determined? But everything ends now!


Rosen snarled and dashed forward like a whirlwind.

Lize shifted her left hand slightly.

Rosen once again lost his balance but this time, he didn't stop. He adjusted his footing to regain his balance.

"You want to defeat me with such little tricks? Dream on!"

He took half a step forward and raised his right shield. He gritted his teeth while resisting the mysterious effects taking over his body. Then he charged forward!

Lize changed her stance.


In an instant, Rosen threw out the other shield on his left hand and it smashed onto her defense barrier.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Rosen darted forward like an aggressive bear who brandished its huge, sharp claws onto her barrier. Lize gritted her teeth, frantically strengthening her barrier layer by layer and using the 'Treat foes as friends' tactic to break his momentum. However, he disregarded all the disturbance from the spells, overcame the obstacles, and struck out like a machine.


His shield smashed the barrier and the Rune Vows cracked before disappearing into the air in golden specks of dust. He gasped, lifted his left shield, and brandished it again.

A gentle radiance emerged abruptly.

Rosen lost his balance, but he pulled through. He grunted and slashed his shield forward. Although he lost his accuracy due to the excessive reaction force, the massive shield easily crushed holes in the defensive barrier.

Lize gritted her teeth and cast a series of defensive barriers to make up for the broken holes.

"You're asking for death!"

Rosen unleashed all his strength and lifted his hands high. Shortly after, whizzing spiritual aura burst from his body! Then, the shape of his shields transformed and struck out!


A whirlwind rose from level ground and almost destroyed half of the audience stands. The barrier before Lize was ripped apart like pieces of thin paper and the spiritual radiance scattered under the powerful gales.

Hu... Hu...

Rosen stood within the mighty whirlwind and his line of sight was concealed by the fluttering dust and gravel.

Where's the young lady?

He looked ahead.

Then, after the smoke dispersed, what remained was only a crushed arena.

On the other side, Lize looked up from below the arena while a thin barrier protected her.

"I admit defeat," Lize said and turned to Rhode.

Chapter 342: Deciding Match (4)

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios


Marlene let out a sigh of relief and sat back down.

She looked at the arena with complex emotions. This wasn't the first time Marlene participated in the Midsummer Festival and every time, she sat in this grand, comfortable VIP lounge which belonged to the Senia Family. However, she didn't like this arrangement as she preferred to stand in the arena alongside Rhode and the others to withstand the harsh test.

This time, Marlene wasn't allowed to participate as her identity was too sensitive as the heir of the Senia Family. If she were to kill a member of Liberty Wings who supported the Reformist Party, it could easily be deemed as an official falling out, which would set the Senia Family and the Reformist Party against each other. Therefore, she could only observe her fellow companions in battle from above.

It's unbearable.

Marlene subconsciously placed her palms on her chest. Her heart beat faster, yet she didn't know why. Was this due to her not being able to stand alongside the others or because she suspected that Rhode made this arrangement to keep her away?

Thinking of the latter possibility, Marlene felt terrible and seemed to lose her mood to watch the following matches. Regarding the matter that happened to her previously, she accepted it tacitly. Furthermore, her body would sooner or later belong to Rhode and that was her fate from birth. But now, she didn't know how to explain to Rhode and neither did she know how to be honest with him on that matter. Regarding the secrets of the Senia Family, she couldn't make them known to him. But on the other hand, for her to speak to Rhode personally on this—Marlene blushed at the thought. After all, she was still a young lady who didn't get into a love relationship. Spending her time in the social circles of nobles led her to receive many compliments and confessions. However, for her to be the one confessing was totally opposite from receiving them. Oh my goodness. The anxiety was enough to make her pass out...


Marlene did her utmost to shake off this feeling.

At this moment, Randolf stepped onto the arena.

The entire place remained in an awkward silence. No one expected that Lize would jump down the arena and admit defeat. The tension between Rhode and Waltz led to a high expectation that the upcoming matches would be a good fight, but it got really disappointing.

What the hell? What the hell's going on?

Randolf sensed the murderous gaze from Rosen. He held his bow and skipped to loosen the tension in his body. Then, he lifted his head and nodded to Lauren for the start of battle. Lauren watched his complex emotions and swung his arm down.

"Second battle, start!"

Rosen violently swung his shield. He was fuming from the previous battle and what angered him more was that his opponent actually kept backing off from him and admitted defeat. Rosen urgently needed a target to vent this frustration and was delighted to witness a little hare like Randolf.

"Go to hell!"

He threw his pitch-black shield forward. However, Randolf seemed to have predicted his every move. The instant when Rosen launched his attack, Randolf dashed along the circumference of the arena and became illusionary. The shield crashed onto the arena like a cannonball, but it failed to hit Randolf.

"Hmm?" Rosen frowned.

At this moment, Randolf initiated his counter attack.

He flipped his wrist around and stretched five arrows that were shimmering in elemental radiance on the bowstring. Then, he released them.

"Little tricks!"

Rosen dragged the steel chains to his shield and threw it across the air, which rose in a pitch-black whirlwind that deflected all arrows.

At this moment, the situation abruptly changed.


A series of explosions sounded. The elemental radiances flashed in midair before darting down the chains like lightning bolts.

"Magic Arrows?"

Rosen was stunned. The magic arrows were the strongest weapon a Ranger could have. These magic arrows could activate instantly and didn't require any enchantments or preparations. The only flaw was that the production price was too costly, where the price of one cost up to thousands of gold coins.

The exploding magic arrows blasted the heavy, steel shield away. The lightning bolts flowed along the chains, but Rosen's experience was more than adequate for this situation. He crooned and released the chains in his hand. At the same time, Rosen brandished the shield in his right hand.

The shield whizzed toward Randolf. Randolf shifted his right arm and projected five more magic arrows.


Magical radiance flashed.

A series of explosions sounded. Flames and lightning bolts merged into a huge web that shrouded Rosen entirely.

Damn rascal, do you really think that this attack will be effective on me?

Rosen sneered. He clutched his shield with both hands, struck off Randolf's attack, and brandished his shield.

Randolf failed to avoid Rosen's attack.


The shield brushed his shoulder and the mighty force pushed him off balance. Randolf pushed himself off the ground and flipped in midair to regain his balance. Five shimmering arrows once again emerged in his hand.

Rays of magical radiance projected from his hands. However, the magic arrows didn't aim for Rosen as expected by the crowd. Instead, they streaked across the sky and created a dense net full of flames and lightning bolts.


The audience was speechless. The experts among them noticed that Randolf's all-out aggression in his attacks successfully suffocated Rosen. The magic arrows weren't those of the highest grade, but even so, if they were to be exchanged as gold coins, they could form a golden mountain to crush Rosen!

However, were they useful enough?

Randolf paced along the edge of the arena with his shoulder injuries. He gritted his teeth and acted out his plans to release more magic arrows.


Randolf's movement were sluggish but quickly returned to normal. Even though he consumed the 'Blast Mixture', the crazy amount of shooting went beyond his limits. But even so, he toughened on and moved forward in accordance with Rhode's command.

He drew an arrow from the quiver and shot it without aiming. Then, he drew another arrow again. Randolf bit his teeth and bore the pain as he repeated his motions like a machine. Right now, in the middle of the arena, Rosen was surrounded by a sea of flames and lightning bolts.

Damn this bastard!

Rosen defended himself with his shields in the sea of elements. If he were in his normal form, he wouldn't even need to defend against such lowly magic arrows. But after he used up most of his strength in his match with Lize, the spiritual energy within him was in disorder. He had no idea how to totally defend against the damage from the magic arrows. Indeed, Randolf wasn't powerful. But the powers of the magic arrows didn't need to rely on the user's strength. Although one or two arrows couldn't pose many problems, quantitative change would lead to qualitative change, after all, where even a person of Rosen's caliber had to defend himself when so many of them exploded around him.


Rosen realised that this scene was familiar. Yes! Didn't that young lady do the same thing?

Although the defensive spells that she cast didn't threaten him, he had a hard time trying to break them.

Damn it. Could this guy be thinking of doing the same thing?! No wonder!

Rosen quickly understood what Rhode was up to. Then, he responded.


Another arrow exploded by his feet. The swirling lightning bolts fluttered into the air and formed a huge net which concealed the audience's line of sight.


Randolf drew another arrow and aimed at the arena. At this moment, the cloud of smoke dispersed and a violent whirlwind erupted. A dark figure darted toward him swiftly.


As this thought flashed in Randolf's head, he quickly somersaulted backward. The sturdy shield dashed under him and swept the whirlwind that flung him off.

At this moment, Randolf heard a whistle.

That's the signal!

Randolf pondered no more and discarded his bow and arrow before rolling on the ground strickenedly. But this time, he had no intentions of regaining his balance. Instead, he rolled on the ground, stood on both feet, and leaped up.

But a dark figure emerged above him.


Randolf looked up in astonishment and witnessed Rosen's ferocious smile that was just within reach.

"It all ends here! Kid!"

Rosen's shield smashed into Randolf's chest and the latter flew off like an artillery shell. He crashed into the wall and slowly slid to the ground.

The clean white wall was smeared with fresh blood.


Lize and Lapis rushed to his side. His chest had split open and it revealed ghastly white bones. Lapis shrieked in horror and almost fainted. On the contrary, Lize was more poised. She extended her hands and cast a spiritual spell over him.

"Quick, Lapis! Get the item that Mr. Rhode had you prepare!"

"Ah, ah! Okay!"

Lapis returned to her senses before frantically searching and retrieving a bottle of white potion. Lize took it and poured it into Randolf's mouth. Soon enough, the bloody mess on his chest healed before their eyes and his weak, short breaths became calmer.

Rhode felt relieved after Lize gestured to him that everything was fine. He shifted his gaze to the arena. Rosen proudly lifted his head and looked down upon Rhode.

"Kid, do you think your little tricks will work on me? If you're a man, come up and have a battle with me fair and square! Ball-less bastard! Do you have the guts to accept my challenge!?"

His voice resounded throughout the entire arena.

The audience knew what Rhode was up to now. They watched attentively with complicated emotions. However, even under the pressure, Rhode remained expressionless. He simply turned to Joey and neglected Rosen.

"Are you afraid?"

"That's for sure, Sir. But... I'm not afraid anymore since Randolf was rescued. Heh heh, but then again, if everything goes according to your plan... I will still feel honorable for giving such a well known and strong opponent some trouble."


Rhode nodded in satisfaction and took a step back.

"Alright, go on."

Chapter 343: Deciding Match (5)

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios

Waltz gazed nervously at the battle in the arena.

The competition had exceeded his expectations. Indeed, although he thought that Rosen might not match up against Rhode, handling the other members of Starlight shouldn't have posed a problem. Waltz became much more confident after knowing that Marlene and Gillian weren't participating. However, never did he expect this situation. Since the start of this competition, not only did Rosen not kill anyone, but he also seemed to be lacking his mighty presence. The Rosen who conquered all obstacles was nowhere to be seen.

What exactly is going on?

Waltz couldn't figure it out. How were weak opponents able to constrict Rosen's movements and even escape death?

What exactly is causing this? Why did it become like this?

Waltz witnessed the fatigue on Rosen's face and his heart sank to the bottom. He finally understood what scheme was Rhode plotting.

Rosen was only one step away from the Legendary Stage, but this gap was massive. At the same time, it was the difference between an ordinary human and a godly being. Indeed, Rosen was powerful. But as he didn't breakthrough this limitation, he was still considered a human and there was something about being a human that couldn't be avoided.


At the age of 68, Rosen seemed so mighty that he had never fallen. However, as a matter of fact, time was slowly consuming him and it was obvious that this was what Rhode was planning to exploit. Rhode clearly knew about the flaws in Rosen's non-lasting explosive strength and this was why he ordered his men to carry out such shameless tactics to drag and drain his energy. Indeed, Rosen was full of battle experiences, but everything was equal in the face of time and there were no exceptions for anyone. His aged body could no longer enjoy the freedom it did in its youth and sustain much longer. Many Swordsmasters failed to advance to the Legendary Stage due to this reason. Even though they were mentally young, filled with desire and passion, their bodies couldn't keep up.

Waltz just couldn't understand how Rhode's men were able to achieve this. In the previous matches, Waltz sent Rosen to deal with opponents which included Elites and Swordsmasters. Similarly, he was so much stronger than useless opponents that he never showed such a bad form. But this time, why did Rosen fall into that man's trap?

Not only was Waltz thinking about this question, but the audience was also equally confused. Even though Rhode used such shameless tactics, it shouldn't pose an issue for a top-class Swordsmaster, right? But right now, Rosen was clearly showing signs of weaknesses which Waltz had never seen before.

Where's the source of the problem?

"Lize was the cause of this entire situation."

Without a care in the world, Lydia laid on the soft sofa and frivolously chuckled. As an Archangel, Lydia definitely saw through Rhode's tricks.

Indeed, according to normal circumstances, even if Rhode sent his men to drag time and drain Rosen's energy, the situation wouldn't favor Rhode so easily since Rosen was a top-class Swordsmaster. But he was too careless during his battle with Lize. Even though Lize's 'Treat foes as friends' tactic didn't inflict any damage, it perfectly messed with his rhythm. A human body was like a precise machine. If everything worked well from the beginning, humans would only get better and better. But if humans couldn't get into form from the beginning, they would crumble in fierce battles. Not to mention, Rosen's body had entered an old age which was apparent to everyone.

"I'm speechless..."

Amund sighed and shook his head. Of course, after breaking through the limits into the Legendary Stage, he didn't have this problem which Rosen faced. However, he couldn't help but sympathize. After all, he wasn't young either.

"I have to admit that this kid is truly scheming and appears to be really confident... But, Your Highness..."

Amund paused to the clamors from the arena where the audience lashed out at Rhode for being a shameless person. However, these reactions were to be expected since Rhode and his men were just a bunch of ordinary mercenaries and they could only carry out such tactics in order to win. But now, Rhode held the strength to defeat Rosen, but he chose to engage in such a shameless method that enraged the audience. Not only that, but even the neutral audience members started siding with the opposition. To them, Rhode was young and energetic enough to defeat Rosen, so why didn't he fight like a man? Must he use such despicable ways to drain the old man's strength? Where's the honor and glory even if he won?

"... What are your thoughts on this?"

"Huhuhu, I don't think that this is despicable, Teacher."

Lydia caressed the window edge and shifted her attention to Rhode, who remained unwavered as if he didn't hear anything from the rowdy crowd.

"In order to reach his goal, no matter the obstacles before him... This attitude in seeking victory... Isn't it glaringly beautiful? Humans are always affected by wealth and status. From certain perspectives, some care less about their reputations and use any means that they can in order to seek victory. Wouldn't this be considered being detached philosophically? Humans should do as they please and not mind others. I do take a liking to him."

Amund shrugged hopelessly and revealed a bitter smile. Then, he shifted his gaze to Rhode. He had to admit that Lydia's comments were reasonable and he felt that Rhode and Lydia belonged to the same kind. They valued personal goals and ideals without any concern about others as if they were unaffected. Every year, Lydia spent huge amounts on her 'interests' extravagantly and often revealed her luxurious enjoyments. Many men in her service tried to convince her that even though it was nice to enjoy her life, there wasn't a need to display everything to the public. However, Lydia had never taken their advice to heart because she was the owner of this country and everything belonged to her. She worked hard and reaped what she sowed, all for this enjoyment, which was a matter of course.

Due to this reason, although she was criticised for being an incapable and licentious tyrant, she wasn't affected at all. As years passed, the country prospered as she enjoyed her luxurious life, and this was why the rumors and criticisms gradually died down. The civilians couldn't do anything apart from sighing helplessly.

But... Lydia was an Archangel, after all. But what about this young man? How was he able to maintain this willpower?

Back in the gaming days when Rhode gloriously led Starlight, hateful comments filled entire gaming forums. There were even players who spent huge amounts of money just to publicly insult and demean him.

A tall tree attracted the wind—the hate that he attracted never died and he was used to leading such a life. In fact, the disses in real life couldn't even be compared to the toxicity on the Internet. Due to this reason, he was more concerned about Joey's match than anything else at the moment.

Rosen's movements slowed down.

His condition didn't return to its prime after his match with Lize. Moreover, he also withstood the wrath of the magic arrows thereafter. At this moment, he showed obvious signs of fatigue.


Joey screamed frantically and crashed on the arena. Feeling battered, he quickly stood up and dodged. At the same time, the shield swung by and smashed into the position where he stood just a second ago, creating a huge crater on the sleek, flat slab. The gravel struck him, but he gritted his teeth and vanished from the arena in the blink of an eye.

"It seems like it's too difficult for him."

Rhode frowned while Gillian swayed her fluffy tail casually.

"Master, your plan is great, but there will always be minor changes during the execution... You must have also predicted this, right?"

"We shall see."

Rhode gave a short reply.

At this moment, Anne who cheered for Joey shifted her gaze to Rhode. She sneaked to the entrance of the passageway where Lize and Lapis were attending to Randolf's wounds. Rosen's attack on him was too powerful and Randolf was totally crushed. If it weren't for the 'Protection Cloak' that Rhode had given to him, Rosen's shield would have pierced his body and ripped his heart out.

"How's Randolf doing?" Anne quietly asked and Lapis looked up.

"He's doing fine... The serious wounds have healed, but his internal injuries are still rather serious. Although they were healed by Miss Lize's spell, they will still need some time to recover fully."

"I see..."

Anne nodded. Then, she leaned in to Lapis's ear and asked, "Lapis, I remember that you made a strong potion, right?"

"Hmm? Yes..." Lapis gazed dubiously at Anne. "... Is there a problem?"

"Hehe... Can you give me one bottle?"


Lapis startled in astonishment.

"What are you trying to do? Leader warned you that this potion shouldn't be consumed without proper guidance, didn't he? Also, if you consume too much of it, it will trigger intense side effects."

"Don't worry about Anne, Lapis. Can you give it to Anne? Just one will do... That old man seems really strong and Anne is just worried that we can't defeat him. So, give Anne a bottle, just one will do. Anne will keep it a secret from leader, okay? Don't worry, Lapis. As long as we don't speak about it, no one will know! Don't you want me to seek revenge for Randolf?"

"But... the effects are really strong..."

Lapis hesitated. A refined potion shouldn't be consumed without guidance, not to mention the strong potion that Anne requested that was also warned against by Rhode.

However, she saw that Anne was determined through her pretty, round puppy eyes.

"Lapis, you are aware of what leader will do in this battle. If Anne doesn't defeat that irritable old man, it will be leader's turn to face him. What if the old man turns desperate and injures leader? If it's Anne who faces him, he will not be that wary against me. So, Anne wants to use this chance to utterly defeat him once and for all!"

Anne pounded her fist on the ground.

"Anne will fail!"


Lapis slowly dug into her pouch for a small bottle of maroon potion.

"Do you really want it, Miss Anne?"

"Don't worry, Lapis. Anne can handle it!"

With a complacent smile, Anne took over the potion.

At this moment, the outcome of the battle was decided.

Although Joey followed Rhode's instructions to use his concealment technique to disrupt Rosen's movements, there was a tendency for the Thief classes to be vulnerable while facing classes with high defense. Therefore, even though Rosen's movement speed decreased, his damage output hadn't lowered. If it weren't for a Thief's nimbleness in fleeing, Joey would have been defeated more than ten times now.

Joey felt his head spinning and couldn't differentiate between sky and ground. He panted and struggled to stand on his feet with fuzzy vision. Almost there—it would be the final blow next!

Joey stooped over and vanished from the arena once more.


Rosen sneered in disdain. However, he sensed his strength flowing in disarray and gradually showed uncontrollable signs.

If I give him another ten minutes —just ten minutes...

Rosen turned around and along with the sound of mechanical clicks, the shield on his right arm expanded and enveloped him. At the same time, Joey dashed and emerged before Rosen while the latter brandished his shield.

"Get lost!"

"Damn it!"

Joey felt a strong attraction force from Rosen's shield that tightly clasped onto his dagger. Then, a shadow shrouded him entirely.


Rosen brandished his left shield and coordinated with his right shield like a large pincer. All Joey could do was to defend with the other dagger in his right hand.

But no one noticed Joey's cheeky smile.


The shield collided and shattered the steel dagger into fragments. Then, the powerful force threw Joey into the air like a rag doll.

At the same time, a green smoke erupted from the shattered dagger and shrouded Rosen. However, it only lasted for a second as it was instantly dispersed by a raising whirlwind.

Then, Rosen sprung up to pounce on Joey.


Joey rolled and leaped to the edge of the arena. He escaped from the iron shield by merely an inch, which caused him to break into a cold sweat.

Then, Joey landed frantically and instantly raised his arms with a complete lack of grace.

"I admit defeat! I admit defeat!"

I missed? How is that possible?

Rosen was baffled because never did he expect that his counterattack would miss. He watched in fatigue as the newbie Thief scuttled off the arena. He had never felt this exhausted.

Chapter 344: Deciding Match (6)

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios

"Woah, so damn close... I thought I was dead."

Joey frantically fled to his group. Fortunately for him, he wasn't hurt as badly as Randolf was. But he was covered in blood from head to toe. For a Thief with low defense, even a scratch from Rosen could leave him screaming for his life.

But, even so, Joey didn't feel great. His right arm had been broken and right now, it was twisted to the side in a strange way. Although he screamed in pain, he continued to put up a smile.

"Everything as you expected, Sir. Woah, that old dude is so much stronger than those mercenaries we fought in Paphield."

"You don't say."

Rhode shot a glance at Joey before shaking his head.

"Go get treated. Take care of yourself. And..."

"I'm here, Leader. Is it Anne's turn?"

Anne hopped out and raised her right arm like a little child asking for a toy from her father. Then, before Rhode could answer, she leaped onto the arena in a scuttle.

"Don't worry, Leader. Anne will complete this mission!"

Anne gestured and shifted her attention to her opponent. Rhode frowned and at this moment, Gillian appeared beside him.

"Is this fine, Master?"

"We shall see the situation. Rosen isn't as strong now and he even missed his attack on a newbie like Joey. It seems like there shouldn't be any huge problems for Anne. If there's any danger, I will get her to admit defeat straightaway."

"Miss Anne seems to not heed your instructions at times though."


Rhode raised his brows as Gillian made sense. In fact, there were many instances when Anne disobeyed his orders and acted on her own accord, which led to her injuries. Besides, he sensed that Anne seemed to hold a special attachment to Starlight and was even willing to sacrifice herself. If she were a player, he would definitely praise and recognise her for her affections. However, this wasn't the game and the dead couldn't be revived. Therefore, Anne's behavior gave Rhode a headache. As an important force in Starlight, he wished to polish and groom her. After all, it was necessary to have a solid, main tanker.

However, her reckless behaviour gave Rhode a huge headache. Although it was the duty of a Shield Warrior to protect others, her own safety was equally important too. Even though Rhode gave her stern punishments for acting on her own accord, she always promised to not commit the same mistakes again with her watery, puppy eyes. However, she would forget everything about her promise whenever she was enraged.

It seemed that lecturing wouldn't work too well on a person like Anne, who relied on her instincts to survive.

"All in all, I will observe and if there are any signs... I will get her to back down."

"Huhuhu, didn't you tell Rosen that he will be dead before you face him? Are you really going to swallow those words?"

"Doesn't matter. It's just honor, and I don't care. I'll just swallow them."

Rhode sneered and turned to the arena.

"Gillian, there are two kinds of people in this world: victor and loser. Glory and honor do not mean anything to me. All I need is to win. Only the victor has the rights to ask for everything and the loser only has to kneel on the ground. What do glory and honor even do in my path to fulfill my goals?"

Rhode groaned and shifted his attention to the audience.

"Just like these guys. No matter how loudly they yell, they can't change the results of our victory. The ones that can change are ourselves. No matter if we win in cheers or hisses, it doesn't matter to me at all."

Rhode sulked and clenched his fists.

"Gillian, you should get prepared too. Be careful, don't get discovered by others."

"I understand, Master. I'll get going now..."

Gillian lifted the hem of her skirt and bowed dramatically with an adorable smile.


Anne plunged her shield to the ground.

"Yo, old man, you ready? Anne is here to defeat you."

"Hmph. Arrogant, little girl."

Rosen breathed faintly as he scrutinised Anne's frame. Although Rhode's methods were scheming, Rosen had to admit that they were effective, where he had even considered backing down from the arena after his attack missed Joey. However, this thought only emerged for a split second. He wouldn't behave like that scheming and shameless young man.

If you're a man, you should face your challenges fair and square!

That was Rosen's way of doing things and he wouldn't give up until the end. Also, didn't Rhode mention that Rosen would be defeated even before they faced each other? If that were the case, Rosen had decide to hang on all the way until Rhode fought him and see if he had anything else to say!

Rosen shifted his attention to Anne before extending his arms and clashing his shields together to release an ear-deafening sound.

"Come on!"

The battle began.

Anne was nowhere polite towards him as she lifted her shield with one hand and snarled as she charged forward. The sound of wind whizzed by her shield as she leapt and brandished an arc in midair.


Rosen knitted his brows and held his shield up for the clash. The immense impact numbed his arms and not only that, but he also felt that this intensity was beyond him, which left him rather dizzy for a split second.

I can't release my powers? And I'm feeling dizzy?

Rosen was baffled. Then, he recalled the green mist that was released from Joey's broken dagger.

Could it be that I'm affected by it?!

Despicable and shameless!

Rosen sulked and struck out his right shield. Anne backed off immediately and at the same time, Rosen brandished his left shield.

Amongst everyone who fought against him, Anne was the only one who confronted him bravely. He didn't hold back because he wished to quickly finish her and settle his feud with that despicable young man.

Rosen released a devastating move which instantly exposed the difference in strength between them.

Storm Shielding: a violent whirlwind on the plains which no one could resist. It rose from his left shield and struck out at Anne.

She retreated instantly. Then, she held her shield with both hands and smashed towards the ground.

But Rosen's left shield had arrived just in time.

Their shields collided, but the powerful whirlwind overpowered her grip. She gritted her teeth and hung on strongly.


Anne let out a snarl and sprung over Rosen. She brandished her shield.

"Don't overestimate yourself!"

Rosen stood firmly and swung his right shield to sweep Anne's attack away.


His shield smashed into her where she shrieked and flew off upon impact like a rag doll that landed heavily on the ground.

Anne struggled to lift her head while Rosen leapt up and his shadow enveloped her entirely.

"Go to hell!"

Rosen swung his shield down. This time, he was determined because Anne was a Shield Warrior like him and neither a Cleric nor nimble mouse like a Ranger or Thief. This boosted his confidence.

She must die. She definitely and absolutely must die—that kid must pay a price for taunting me!

It was obvious who was about to win this match.

But Anne didn't dodge.

"Anne will never admit defeat!"

Anne snarled, lifted her shield, and activated the mechanism in her left hand.


Her shield expanded abruptly and almost doubled in size. At this moment, Rosen's shields landed!


Anne withstood his menacing attack and the ground beneath her feet sunk as though she stood in a sandbox. A whirlwind rose from level ground and engulfed both of them entirely.


Rosen's veins swelled while Anne gritted her teeth and revealed a malevolent expression. She pushed her shield with both hands and resisted the powerful whirlwind simultaneously. Her arms trembled and her muscles ruptured. The ghastly scars from her palms to elbows ripped through her flesh. Fresh blood spewed and stained her leather armor.

"Anne... Anne... is not afraaaaaaid!"

She abruptly lifted her head and a green radiance flickered in her eyes.


Rosen sensed a powerful resistance as though a ferocious beast was about to devour him.


He withdrew his shields, protected himself, and rolled to dodge the backlash of this force. Meanwhile, the whirlwind that shrouded them lost its energy source and dispersed instantly.

"Hu... Hu..."

Anne stood up slowly with lacerations on her arms. Half of her pretty face was smeared with fresh blood and not only that, her legs were also trembling. If it weren't for the half-beast bloodline in her and the alchemist potion, perhaps she would have been shredded into pieces.

"... It seems like Leader's potion was effective. But... it didn't work as well as I thought it would."

Anne grumbled and wiped the bloodstains on her cheeks. At this moment, she heard a whistle.

That's the sign to back off.


Anne turned her head dubiously to Rhode.

So fast—and I'm going down? I just started not long ago. What's the point of everything if I retreat now?

Anne shifted her gaze from the unconscious Randolf to Joey who was accepting treatment from Lize.

Everyone worked so hard, so it should be fine if Anne works a little harder... right? But if I don't obey Leader's orders... Leader will be angry... When that happens...

Suddenly, a dark figure flitted by.

A pitch-black shield missed Anne and smashed into the wall behind her. Screams were heard from behind.

Anne subconsciously turned around and was startled.

The wall crumbled to the pitch-black shield and revealed the bewildering faces of Shauna and the others who sat there.

"Where do you think you're going, little girl?"

Rosen pulled his shield back and pointed it at Anne.

"You should know those people behind you... If you wish to leave, then I will not miss the next strike."


Anne gritted her teeth.

"It's Anne's duty to protect everyone and Anne has never thought of backing off. Never!"


Rosen revealed a sinister smile and swung his arm violently. Once again, the shield in his hand shot out towards Anne like a meteor hammer.


Although Anne lifted her shield on time to defend the attack, her injuries restricted her movements. As a result, she shrieked, flew off upon impact, and rolled miserably on the ground before coming to a halt.

"Argh... This old man is indeed powerful..."

Anne gritted her teeth and mumbled under her breath.

"Sorry, Leader, Anne will work harder to protect everyone. Anne will work harder... Sorry Leader..."

She reached out for a hidden slot in her shield and retrieved a bottle of red potion. Then, she consumed it in a single gulp.

She stood up slowly.

At this moment, Rosen's ice-cold shield crushed her chest.