

Chapter 296: Slaying All with Double Blades

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The combat platform that Han Sen entered was named Gladiator. As an unofficial combat platform, it would not categorize the players based on their status like an official one would.

On the Gladiator platform, players were able to choose to enter the unevolved section or the evolver section. Since it was not operated by the Alliance, personal information was unknown to the operator.

That was exactly the reason that Han Sen chose Gladiator. Here, he was able to enter the evolver section and compete with evolvers.

As good as Han Sen was, he could gain nothing fighting the unevolved. In order to practice Panorama, he would enter Gladiator to fight evolvers whenever he had time, which helped him practice his skills and learn things from others.

However, his record was not that good. Since entering Gladiator half a year ago, Han Sen had won four times in total. The first time, he encountered an unevolved person who clicked into the wrong section. The second time, his opponent did not finish the combat and had to go take care of something in real life. So, Han Sen have only won twice really. As for his losses, Han Sen did not even bother to count, but the number was for sure four-digit.

At this point, his fitness index had passed 20, which was the best of the best among the unevolved. Very few of the unevolved persons could raise even one indicator above 20, let alone the overall index. It was easy to imagine how strong Han Sen was.

This number was also under the condition of Han Sen not using Heresy Mantra. When Han Sen used Heresy Mantra, his strength would be even more impressive.

However, although it seemed a great number of them on the unevolved. An index of 20 was too weak among evolvers.

For those who were able to hunt mutant creatures in the Second God's Sanctuary, it was very easy for them to reach an index of 20.

When the unevolved became evolvers, they would be awarded a certain strength. The more geno points they had, the better the strength would be.

Those who evolved with their sacred geno points maxed out were normally awarded something called a "sacred body," which would very likely double their fitness index.

As for those who evolved with a low geno point count, their improvement through the evolution was also limited.

Normally speaking, those who evolved with their mutant geno points maxed out would have a fitness index of nearly 20 after evolution. With some geno points gained in Second God's Sanctuary, there fitness index could reach above 20, which was why the fitness index of 20 was nothing among evolvers.

Han Sen did not know what kind of "sacred body" he would be awarded if he evolved with super geno points maxed out, but he was sure that it would be much stronger than someone maxed out on just sacred geno points.

The two evolvers that Han Sen beat before must be newbies in evolvers. Their fitness index should be around 20.

In Gladiator, few players were as weak as this. The weaker players usually choose to play on the official platform. Those who chose Gladiator were usually skilled players.

In addition, Gladiator was the property of Ares Martial Hall. Many students in the martial hall would fight here as well, who were usually advanced.

Han Sen learned about Gladiator from Huangfu Pingqing, who had graduated from Blackhawk and entered Second God's Sanctuary. Han Sen hadn't seen her in a long while.

After entering the evolver section in Gladiator, Han Sen chose to be randomly matched. He did not have a specific purpose in mind, but wanted to learn from opponents of different styles, which would serve as a good supplement to Panorama.

Very soon, Han Sen was matched with someone and sent to a scene mimicking the Colosseum, which was the classic themes in Gladiator.

Standing at the entrance, Han Sen was able to see his opponent's profile while waiting for the countdown.

His opponents ID was "Slaying All with Double Blades," which sounded fierce. He was a man around 30 years old, holding a pair of shamshirs. A player using double Blades for sure, but Han Sen did not know if he could slay all.

Han Sen thought about it, switched to the weapon interface, and picked a pair of shamshirs similar to the one his opponent used. Han Sen's goal was to learn from his opponent, so he would always choose the exact same weapon as used by his opponent. If his opponent did not have a weapon, he would choose not to use any.

"Slaying All with Double Blades" was observing Han Sen as well. He evolved into Second God's Sanctuary before long and it was the first time he entered Gladiator, so his record was zero win and zero loss.

Seeing Han Sen was empty-handed first and then chose to use the same weapon as he did, "Slaying All with Double Blades" was slightly offended. In his eyes, Han Sen was showing contempt to a newbie.

However, Han Sen did not pay any attention to his record and did not even know that he was new. It was what Han Sen did to all his opponents.

"Boy, you will pay for your arrogance." Han Sen's opponents smirked and checked Han Sen's profile.

Han Sen's ID was "A Soldier on Warship," because he would give anything to work on the warship where Ji Yanran served, even just as a soldier.

However, his opponents would often think that he was really a soldier serving on a warship.

"Slaying All with Double Blades" thought the same and scoffed, "Four wins and more than a thousand losses. How dare you a mere soldier despise me? I will teach you a lesson soon."

"Slaying All with Double Blades" was very confident in his shamshir skills. Having practiced since childhood, he was especially good with double blades.

Although He had not been an evolver for long, his weapon skills were among the top among evolvers. Even in Ares Martial Hall, not many could reach the level he did with double blades.

Chapter 297: Thirteen Slashes

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

After the countdown, Han Sen and "Slaying All with Double Blades" entered the game. "Slaying All with Double Blades" licked his lips and stared at Han Sen. He thought, "If I cannot even beat this rookie, then I have wasted all these years I spent on practicing my shamshirs."

"Slaying All with Double Blades" was holding one shamshir in each hand with one facing forward and the other facing backward. This unique gesture made his techniques stand out.

Without saying anything, "Slaying All with Double Blades" rushed toward Han Sen as fierce as thunder.

Han Sen regarded him curiously. It was the first time Han Sen had seen someone holding weapons this way.

Han Sen did not understand such techniques and was still holding his shamshirs the ordinary way, but he had also learned a lot about using double blades from the skeleton, which would be as strong as any S-Class blades skills.

However, Han Sen did not just fight for victory. He intended to learn from different styles so as to improve his understanding of Panorama.

Therefore, Han Sen would never try to end the game quickly and would always observe as much as possible.

This time, his opponent had a skill that was both swift and fierce. The double blades kept coming in both directions, making it impossible to defend himself.

Han Sen became exhilarated. His opponent was not too much stronger than him in fitness index. Han Sen estimated the number should be around 25, higher than his, but not much higher. However, his opponent had an incredible weapon skill, which made the person the ideal opponent of Han Sen's.

If his opponent was too strong in physique and had a fitness index around 30 or 40, Han Sen would lose too fast and would not be able to learn too much from him.

Someone like "Slaying All with Double Blades" was perfect--a bit stronger than Han Sen in physique, but incredibly good at techniques.

Han Sen became focused and fought him with what he learned from the skeleton. Although his opponent was at an advantage, he was never able to cause any fatal damage.

"Slaying All with Double Blades" became more and more astonished. "A Soldier on Warship" was clearly inferior to himself in fitness index, but he had never seen such weird skills.

Every blow from Han Sen and every step he took would cost his opponent lots of trouble. "Slaying All with Double Blades" felt that everything was disordered, which confused him as when to attack.

"Slaying All with Double Blades" knew that he was stronger than his opponent and had better skills, but there was nothing he could do to win. Although he was at an advantage, he did not feel good.

"What kind of skill is this?" He no longer thought Han Sen only picked the shamshirs to mock him, but believed Han Sen was himself a double blades master.

However, that was only the beginning. Although Han Sen was lacking in physique compared to his opponent, his incredible double blades skills made up for his speed and strength, making it impossible for "Slaying All with Double Blades" to beat him.

"I can't continue like this, otherwise I will really lose. I can't imagine how strong people are in Gladiator. Even someone with only four wins and more than a thousand losses had such awe-inspiring skills. I have to show all I have now." Feeling shocked, Han Sen's opponents did not dare to reserve anything and turned the tips of both his shamshirs backward.

"Thirteen Slashes" were one of the hardest techniques to learn. Very few people could actually use Thirteen Slashes, which was one of the secret skills in Ares Martial Hall.

The reason that "Slaying All with Double Blades" could learn Thirteen Slashes was that his father worked as one of the administrator of Ares Martial Hall.

As he used Thirteen Slashes, Han Sen was suddenly under a huge crisis. The two shamshirs kept getting faster and weirder.

After fending off seven blows, Han Sen could not block the eighth slash. He stepped forward and dodged the slash, but the ninth attack cut his skin open.

They were both in a simulated system, so there was no blood. The system notified that Han Sen's health went down by 27%. If the health went down to zero, then the player would be kicked out of the game and deemed the loser.

Unless the player was beheaded or driven through the heart by weapon, the game would end when one's health was drained.

If it were in real life, Han Sen would have been killed by now.

Han Sen's eyes lit up and used Sparticle to avoid the next attack from his opponent.

The shamshirs were like devil's fangs, dancing away in his opponents' hands, leaving one injury after another on Han Sen's body.

However, his opponent did not even feel good about it. Although he had injured Han Sen, he still felt incredibly constrained. Each time he thought he was going to finish Han Sen off, he merely left a small cut on Han Sen.

Very soon, he finished Thirteen Slashes. Although he left many marks on Han Sen, Han Sen's health still only went down by 70%, so it would still be a while until Han Sen was kicked out.

"Dammit! If this is the real world, he would have bled to death by now," cursed Han Sen's opponent.

This was exactly why Han Sen chose to practice in Gladiator. He would not need any time to heal before going into the next fight, which was ideal for him to accumulate combat experience.

"Since I could not kill you with Thirteen Slashes, I will do it all over again,""Slaying All with Double Blades" decided. Han Sen only had 30% of his health left, so he would not be able to last another round.

Holding the Shamshirs backward, "Slaying All with Double Blades" again used the secret skill, Thirteen Slashes.

Han Sen's eyes were as calm as a deep pool, reflecting each and every move of his opponent.

Chapter 298: Smoothness

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Slaying All with Double Blades used Thirteen Slashes the second time, intending to beat Han Sen as soon as possible. However, he very soon found out that it was not as simple as he thought it would be.

Although Han Sen's speed and strength did not increase, Slaying All with Double Blades felt like it became significantly more difficult for him to hit Han Sen.

The first time he used Thirteen Slashes, he managed to cut Han Sen on the ninth blow. However, this time, only the tenth slash started to leave a small cut on Han Sen and the last three slashes did not work too well either. After the thirteen slashes, Han Sen still had 11% of his health remaining, much more than his opponent thought.

Slaying All with Double Blades could not understand why the second round was so much less effective. However, all he could think about at this point was to get rid of Han Sen as soon as possible. No matter what, after a third round, Han Sen would be out for sure.

In the third round, Han Sen was able to block the first eleven slashes, and only two out of thirteen slashes managed to hurt Han Sen, taking away another 5% of his health.

Although Han Sen only had 5% of his health left, to his opponent's shock, none of the slashes could hurt Han Sen in the fourth round.

Han Sen grinned. Panorama included all sorts of fundamental techniques. Despite that they were not advanced, they served as the basics of the more advanced skills.

He had fought Slaying All with Double Blades for a long time, so he had already gained much understanding of how his opponent used force. After that, Han Sen was even more excited to learn the ultimate double blades skill, Thirteen Slashes.

This fight was the best one for Han Sen in the last six months. Most of his opponents before were much stronger than him in the fitness index. A difference of ten points in the index was decisive at this stage. In Han Sen's previous opponents, most people had a fitness index over thirty, which made it very hard for Han Sen to learn from them.

This time, Han Sen had the luck to encounter an opponent from whom he could learn a lot. In addition, their small difference in fitness level also bought Han Sen enough time to learn Thirteen Slashes.

The key to Thirteen Slashes was its smoothness. There was hardly any pause between one slash and the next. Thirteen slashes seemed to be one. Once cut by one slash, it would be impossible to avoid the following.

There were also some tutorials on how to achieve smoothness between movements in Panorama, which Han Sen had practiced before. However, before the fight, he was not sure how to execute the tutorial in real combat. Having watched his opponent using Thirteen Slashes, Han Sen eventually understood what it took to achieve the smoothness.

While Han Sen was learning, his opponent widened his eyes. Although Han Sen had only 5% of his health left, he could not hit Han Sen again whatsoever. He had used Thirteen Slashes a dozen times, yet failed to harm Han Sen.

After Han Sen forced his opponent to step back, he tossed the shamshirs in the air and caught them with their tips facing backward like his opponent did.

Slaying All with Double Blades was dazed seeing Han Sen copying him. The next moment, he became mad.

Because Han Sen had made his first slash, which looked exactly like the first move of the Thirteen Slashes.

Slaying All with Double Blades wanted to kill Han Sen at this point. He was almost sure that this guy was trying to humiliate him. If Han Sen only chose the same shamshirs as he did, he could understand it; however, Han Sen was even trying to imitate his Thirteen Slashes.

Slaying All with Double Blades bristled and despised his opponent at the same time. Thirteen Slashes was by no means easy to copy. He had started to lay the foundation since he was ten years old and was only able to start practicing Thirteen Slashes since he entered God's Sanctuary at sixteen.

Even with many years of foundation, it still took Slaying All with Double Blades more than a month to learn Thirteen Slashes. Now his opponent had only watched it a dozen times, it should have been impossible for Han Sen to imitate the skill.

Slaying All with Double Blades forced himself to calm down and realized it was a great opportunity in disguise. Since it was impossible for his opponent to copy his moves, he could take the chance to beat Han Sen.

Based on his understanding of Thirteen Slashes, once Han Sen made a small mistake when trying to use Thirteen Slashes, he could easily get rid of Han Sen.

With 5% of health left, Han Sen could easily be eliminated with one mistake.

Here it comes. Slaying All with Double Blades held back his anger and watched Han Sen's moves closely, ready to give him a deadly blow once he saw mistake.

Unfortunately, Slaying All with Double Blades underestimated his opponent. Although Han Sen had never practiced Thirteen Slashes, he had put a lot of effort in practicing the smoothness between his moves. Lacking a point of reference, he had never been able to use it well. Having watched Thirteen Slashes, Han Sen had fully understood the essence of smoothness so that he could easily master his opponent's skill.

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Chapter 299: Difficult Client

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

From a private holographic device, Huang Yulei walked out absentminded. He could not believe what had happened to him in the past hour.

Someone who was not his match to begin with, not only turned the game around, but also used his secret skill Thirteen Slashes to beat him. Huang Yulei was simply speechless.

"Impossible... How is this possible? No matter how talented he is, it is impossible for him to learn Thirteen Slashes in just an hour. Especially the application of the smoothness, that would take a lot of efforts to learn." Huang Yulei suddenly thought of a possibility and his face turned grim.

"That guy must have always known Thirteen Slashes, and just pretended he was a rookie in order to humiliate me. That must be the case! Otherwise how could he learn Thirteen Slashes after watching a dozen times?" Huang Yulei bristled. If he simply lost, that was fine. However, he felt someone was targeting him, which made him feel terrible.

However, Huang Yulei knew very well that he was no match of "A Soldier on Warship," who used Thirteen Slashes even better than he did. Huang Yulei had no confidence to challenge the guy again.

However, the failure was hard to swallow for Huang Yulei. After thinking for a while, Huang Yulei suddenly dialed a number with his commlink.

Very soon, a redhaired young man the same age as Huang Yulei appeared in the holographic image.

The young man smiled and said, "Yulei, you're now an evolver. Why didn't you throw a party to celebrate?"

"Brother, we can talk later about the party. Is our big sister there?" Asked Huang Yulei hurriedly.

"Big sister went to the Queen Restaurant for a show and will return and night. What do you need her for?" Xu Zhu looked at Huang Yulei in surprise, curious why the guy who feared his big sister the most would ask if she was there.

"Nothing," said Huang Yulei quickly, waving his hand and letting out a sigh of relief. He then told Xu Zhu, "Brother, I went to Gladiator today."

"You just evolved! Couldn't wait? Did someone beat you?" Xu Zhu said, grinning. It was normal for Huang Yulei to be beaten since he had not accumulated many geno points in Second God's Sanctuary yet.

Huang Yulei blushed. Something as humiliating as this would have been his secret. However, "A Soldier on Warship" pissed him off so much that he wanted Xu Zhu to kick the guy's ass, which was why he must tell Xu Zhu what happened.

Xu Zhu did not believe Huang Yulei at all. He grinned, "Yulei, if you want me to do you a favor, that is fine. Do not exaggerate though. How is it even plausible that someone learned Thirteen Slashes in one hour and beat you with it?"

"That's why I am so mad. That person must already know Thirteen Slashes and simply want to embarrass me. I cannot let this go." Whenever Huang Yulei thought of the matter, he couldn't help feeling upset.

"That is very likely. Since he knows Thirteen Slashes, it is very likely that he is in Ares Martial Hall. However, the martial hall is too big and has many branches. Since you don't know that person, it is almost impossible to find out who he is. It must be someone you offended before, I believe," Xu Zhu pondered and said.

"Brother, I just evolved. Who can I possibly offend? Even if I did, I would not be so stupid to offend someone who knows Thirteen Slashes." Huang Yulei added, "Just log in on Gladiator. If that person leaves, it will be impossible to find him again."

"I don't have a holographic device nearby. Let me find one. I must go now," said Xu Zhu.

"Hurry then." Huang Yulei was afraid that "A Soldier on Warship" would log out.

After more than half an hour, Xu Zhu found a service station and logged in Gladiator. Huang Yulei quickly sent Han Sen's ID to Xu Zhu and asked Xu Zhu to challenge him.

Xu Zhu did as Huang Yulei told him, but found that Han Sen had already left Gladiator.

Huang Yulei suddenly became upset and said, "Brother, I told you to hurry. Now he has left."

"No worries. Didn't you say that he had four wins and more than a thousand losses? He must be a frequent visitor and I'm sure I could catch him someday," Xu Zhu said with a smile.

Huang Yulei had to accept it.

Han Sen quickly left Gladiator after beating Huang Yulei, because he wanted to teach Zhang Danfeng Thirteen Slashes.

He had promised Zhang Danfeng that he would find the friend a nice blade skill. Zhang Danfeng would not accept an S-Class Saint Hall license, and when he tried to teach Zhang Danfeng the skeleton's daggers skills, Zhang Danfeng could not grasp the essence.

The skeleton's dagger skills were demanding on the user's flexibility and understanding of order. However, Zhang Danfeng always pursued a swift and fierce style, so it was only natural that the skeleton's skills did not fit him.

Thirteen Slashes, however, was very likely Zhang Danfeng's cup of tea. Han Sen was eager to teach it to Zhang Danfeng so that his friend could improve.

Han Sen called Zhang Danfeng who happened to be in the Alliance and showed him Thirteen Slashes via the holographic image, which Zhang Danfeng loved. Praising the amazing skill, Zhang Danfeng asked Han Sen to teach him all about it.

It was midnight when Han Sen finished teaching Zhang Danfeng. Planning to go to bed, Han Sen heard his comlink ringing.

It was Yang Manli's number. Han Sen answered the call and saw Yang Manli's holographic image.

"We have a difficult client, and no one could take care of him," Yang Manli said casually.

Han Sen frowned and asked, "Even you?"

"In more than a month, I will evolve and go to Second God's Sanctuary. So, you must take care of the things from now on," said Yang Manli, blinking.

Yang Manli was a terrible liar. Whenever she lied, she would blink. The real reason that Yang Manli asked Han Sen to take care of the client was that she actually failed to do so.

Chapter 300: Can You Do It

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Who is it?" Han Sen noticed Yang Manli's lie but did not want to expose her.

"Yang Zikun, grandson of demigod Senator Yang Xiuwen." Yang Manli then told Han Sen everything about Yang Zikun.

Joan had only turned sixteen and entered God's Sanctuary two weeks ago. He was randomly sent to Steel Armor Shelter, and the Steel Armor Special Squad immediately received an order from the management to provide all the necessary assistance to Yang Zikun and keep him safe.

Growing up in a prominent family, Yang Zikun was well-educated and well-mannered. However, as a highborn young man, despite his courteous and modest manner, he was quite strong-willed. He would not change his mind no matter what other people said.

Obviously, Yang Zikun was too confident in himself, always looking for challenges. Having only been in God's Sanctuary for a few days, he was already looking to hunt mutant creatures. Gambler followed Yang Zikun for a couple of days and was almost scared to death by the kid.

Yang Manli had tried talking to Yang Zikun and asked him to be more down to earth, which did not work at all.

"Epiphanies only come to you when you're struggling between life and death, which is the essence of martial arts..." Yang Manli did not know where Yang Zikun had heard this, but she failed to talk the kid out of it.

If Yang Zikun was not sent by the management, Yang Manli would not care if he wanted to risk his life. However, if anything happened to Yang, the special squad would suffer.

"I'll be in charge. Tomorrow morning, I will go meet the kid." Han Sen hung up the comlink with a smile.

The next day, Han Sen entered Steel Armor Shelter before dawn. To his surprise, Yang Zikun was already practicing boomerang.

Yang Manli introduced Han Sen to Yang Zikun, who was polite and very easy to like. In Han Sen's eyes, he was just a boy.

"Mr. Han, if it is possible, I hope that you could arrange for someone to take me into Dark Swamp." Yang Zikun's words made Han Sen frown. Even those who had maxed out on their mutant geno points would not take Dark Swamp lightly, because few people could make it back, let alone Yang Zikun who only entered God's Sanctuary two weeks ago.

Before Yang Manli spoke, Han Sen gestured her to stop.

"Yang Zikun, why do you want to go to the Dark Swamp?" asked Han Sen with a smile.

"There are a lot of toxic bugs in the Dark Swamp, which would be the perfect targets for me to practice my boomerang." Yang Zikun patted his boomerang kit, which contained two dozen boomerangs, all of which were expensive products with a high content of Z-steel.

"Now I understand. It is indeed a great spot to practice your boomerang skills. However, I don't think your boomerang skill level was high enough for you to go there. Just practice on the copper-toothed beasts in the forest nearby," said Han Sen casually.

"You haven't seen how good I am with boomerang. How can you make the judgment so soon?" Yang Zikun frowned, unhappy about Han Sen's arbitrary decision.

"Let's say it is the instinct of the boomerang player," said Han Sen with a smile.

"You also use boomerang?" Yang Zikun looked Han Sen up and down, doubting if he was serious.

Han Sen did not reply the kid, but said, "Let's do this: I will point at a target. If you could hit the target, I will let someone lead you to the Dark Swamp; if not, you will do what I told you. Fair?"

"Yes. But the target must be within 60 feet from me." Yang Zikun had a lot of confidence in his boomerang skills.

"You can go as close as you want." Han Sen brought the kid to the shooting range of Bullseye, where there were many targets.

Han Sen put a target in front of another with one feet between them.

The targets were both round in shape and about two feet in diameter. With the two targets aligned, the second target could not be seen from the front.

Yang Zikun was confused, and so were the onlookers. No one knew what Han Sen wanted to do.

"Can you hit the bull's eye from such a distance?" Han Sen walked to Yang Zikun, pointing at the targets.

"Of course!" Yang Zikun answered.

"I am talking about the bull's eye of the target in the back. Could you hit it from here?" asked Han Sen.

Yang Zikun frowned and said to Han Sen, "This is unfair. The two targets were so close that even with a curve, it is impossible to hits the bull's eye of the target in the back."

"What if I tell you that I can do that?" Han Sen asked Yang Zikun.

"Are you going to penetrate the target in the front? If you do it that way, I can do it as well." Yang Zikun pursed his lips and said.

"If the boomerang touched the first target, call me a loser," said Han Sen casually.

"Okay. If you could stand here and hit the bull's eye on the target in the back without the boomerang touching the first target, I will listen to you no matter what you say," said Yang Zikun slowly after thinking for a while.

"You're quite thoughtful." Han Sen smiled and asked Yang Zikun, "Is it okay I if I stand right here?"

"Yes." Yang Zikun looked at Han Sen, puzzled.

The confidence of the man made Yang Zikun question himself. But Yang Zikun still believed that there was no way Han Sen could hit the target in the back. The two targets were so close together that even the boomerang followed a curve, it could only hit the edge of the target in the back. Yang Zikun believed there was no way that Han Sen could hit the bull's eye.

However, since Han Sen was so determined, Yang Zikun was curious what he was about to do to achieve this. Yang Zikun was certain that Han Sen was about to use some tricks.

Han Sen, on the other hand, was not thinking about plotting against Yang Zikun at all. Taking out a Z-steel ghost butterfly boomerang, Han Sen threw it at the target.

Chapter 301: Another Nest

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The ghost butterfly boomerang made a curve in the air and flew toward the target.

Yang Zikun couldn't help smiling. He could also make the boomerang fly in such a curve. However, it was impossible to hit the bull's eye on the targets in the back with a curve like this. The two targets were so close together that a curve was never steep enough for the boomerang to hit the bull's eye.

In a second, the boomerang was already next to the first target, and then it made a sudden turn to circle around the first target and hit the second one.

Everybody was shocked. Without remote control, they had never seen a boomerang following such a strange trajectory.

Yang Zikun was also dumbstruck. However, because the target in the front was blocking people's sight, no one could tell where the boomerang hit on the second target. Without a word, Yang Zikun quickly ran to the targets and pushed the target in the front away, exposing the target in the back.

Everybody widened their eyes. The Z-steel ghost butterfly boomerang was in the exact center of the second target, not even slightly skewed.

Yang felt even more shocked and took down the Z-steel ghost butterfly boomerang, placing it in his hands and watching it closely.

It was a delicate but simple design, without any special parts. Obviously, Han Sen made the curve completely relying on the shape of the boomerang and his own skills.

Yang walked to Han Sen with the butterfly boomerang in his hand and said, "I am convinced that you have great boomerang skills with this butterfly boomerang. I will listen whatever you say."

Han Sen smiled and said, "It seems that you are not completely convinced and think I have an advantage with this butterfly boomerang. That's okay. I can give this one to you, and whenever you could reach my level, I will take you to Dark Swamp."

Yang Zikun's eyes lit up, "Do you mean it?"

"Do I look like a liar?" Han Sen smiled and said.

"Rest assured, I will be able to do what you did in a month," Yang Zikun said confidently.

"I sincerely wish you success." Looking at Yang Zikun, Han Sen thought to himself, The boy thinks the shape of the boomerang is all it takes. In fact, that was only a part of the reason. Indeed, the ghost butterfly boomerang is very important, but the key still lies in the combination of the yin and yang forces, which I learned from the spinning spear and Yin Yang Blast. Since you have never learned those, it would be impossible for you to reach my level.

However, Han Sen did not want to ruin Yang Zikun's confidence. It was a good thing that the young man was diligent, which would also save the special squad a lot of effort to cultivate him.

When Yang Zikun had stayed longer in God's Sanctuary, advanced meat would be provided to him. And when he had a better geno point count, it would be less risky for him to go to Dark Swamp.

"Captain, I did not imagine that you have great skills at boomerang as well." Yang Manli walked to Han Sen and gave him a rare compliment.

Han Sen looked at her, pretending to be surprised. "Did I hear this right? Are you paying me a compliment?"

Yang Manli blushed a little and said quickly, "I have reported to the management and will soon go to Second God's Sanctuary. You will have a new deputy very soon."

"Thank you for your hard work in the last two years," said Han Sen cordially. Yang Manli had taken care of most business of the special squad, especially during the time he went AWOL, for which Han Sen owed her gratitude.

"First God's Sanctuary does not deserve too much of your time. You don't belong here," said Yang Manli and left.

Han Sen knew this meant Yang Manli had recognized him as a leader.

Han Sen sighed and thought to himself, "Indeed, I don't belong here. However, there is something I must get in the place. Before getting it, I will not leave."

Seeing his previous enemies, friends, opponents, and lover became evolvers one by one, Han Sen did not feel that he was slower than anyone else. The reason he squatted was to jump higher.

As long as he evolved with his super geno points maxed out, Han Sen would definitely do better than everyone else in Second God's Sanctuary. The difference in their goals determined how far they could go. The others could not even see where Han Sen was going.

Since Han Sen came back, he had been working hard on Heresy Mantra and Panorama. Unless there was an opportunity to hunt sacred-blood creatures, Han Sen would not waste any time.

Even so, just by joining other hunting campaigns, Han Sen had gained another seven sacred geno points, making his sacred geno point count 73, which was not far from 100.

That was not Han Sen's end goal. He still only had 19 super geno points so far. It had been half a year since Han Sen started to feed the cloud beast, which had become a sacred-blood beast three months ago. It was still evolving and growing. Han Sen estimated that he still need another half a year for it to become a super creature, which was to say it would take one year for the black crystal to turn the creature into a super one.

One year was too long for Han Sen. He did not want to wait for more than a decade to evolve, which was why Han Sen wanted to hunt super creatures. However, Han Sen was still trying to complete the third phase of Heresy Mantra and he needed time to finish practicing Panorama. It will still take him some time to get ready to face super creatures.

When Han Sen was about to go back to Blackhawk and practice Panorama in Gladiator, he suddenly heard some astonishing news.

Someone discovered a recently exposed nest in the mountains nearby.

Chapter 302: Creatures at the Door

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Han Sen was excited to hear the news. Where there was a nest, there was an egg. Maybe he even had a chance at a super beast soul, which was crucial to him at this stage.

After learning what had happened, Han Sen became more cheerful. It was the Son of Heaven Gang that discovered this nest first. However, after Son of Heaven and his henchmen evolved and entered Second God's Sanctuary, their gang was not what it used to be. It had become a second-class gang at this point.

Currently, the strongest three forces were the Steel Armor Gang, the Fist Gang, and the Disciples.

The Steel Armor Gang was backed by the special squad and recruited a lot of military school students randomly assigned to the Steel Armor Shelter. Therefore, Steel Armor Gang remained the strongest in the shelter.

The Disciples was something established by Yuan and Qing. With many good men on their team, they were only second to the Steel Armor Gang.

Many of the leaders of the Fist Gang had also evolved and left. Little Finger was the only one who was managing the gang at this point. With some fresh blood, the gang was still considered top three in the shelter, but it was not as strong as before.

Although the Son of Heaven Gang was the first to discover the nest, they did not gain any benefits after entering the nest. Instead, they suffered a great loss.

According to the survivors, there were at least a thousand creatures in the nest, some of which were sacred-blood creatures.

After getting the news, Yang Manli organized the Steel Armor Gang to march toward the nest, and on behalf of the special squad, Han Sen also brought Gambler and the other two special squad members.

At this point, the special squad was basically constituted of new people, except for Han Sen and Gambler.

When they reached the nest, the Disciples and the Fist Gang had also arrived. A bunch of people stopped at the center of the life Lotus, and none dared to enter first.

Seeing Han Sen, Yuan, Qing and Little finger said hi.

"Brothers, we cannot stand here forever. How about we set some rules?" Yuan said with a smile.

"What kind of rules?" Little Finger replied. Since the Fist Gang was the weakest at the moment, he did not want any conflicts.

Yuan thought about it and said, "How about we do a lucky draw to decide which group shall enter the nest first? It will be all about luck."

"Agreed," said Little Finger.

After some discussion, Yang Manli also agreed with Yuan. After all, the entrance to the nest was so narrow that even a large group like the Steel Armor Gang had to go in one by one. If they were attacked in the middle by the other gangs, it would be a lot of trouble.

"Since we all agree, let's do this," Han Sen shrugged and said.

He had heard from the survivors that there were a lot of advanced creatures in the nest, so going in first might not be a good thing.

No one had any different opinions. Yuan then suggested Han Sen make the lots, to which everyone else agreed. Since they all knew who Han Sen was, no one believed he would be playing tricks.

To be fair, Han Sen who was responsible for making the lots had to draw after everyone else. In the end, the one lot left for Han Sen said he should go in the last, after all three other teams.

This case, Han Sen had no one to blame but his own luck.

According to the result of the draw, Little Finger was supposed to be the first to go. He became very excited and believed that as long as his team was careful, sooner or later they could tackle this nest.

Yuan and Qing were quite disappointed, but they could do nothing but watch Little Finger leading his team down the nest.

Originally, the other teams thought Little Finger would spend at least hours in the nest. However, their team emerged from the entrance with several people hurt and several people missing.

The rest looked at the team in surprise, and Qing asked, "Little Finger, what happened?"

Little Finger cursed, "The sons of bitch gang are horrible people. They attracted the attention of God knows how many creatures! A whole lot of mutant creatures and sacred-blood creatures are blocking the way. Since it was very narrow, we could only go one at a time, and no one could fight off so many advanced creatures alone, so we had to come back. What bad luck!"

"It is blocked? Let's go and have a look." Yuan did not believe the creatures were so strong that people could not enter.

Yuan and Qing's team went back even faster than the Fist Gang. However, they were clearly in better shape. Everyone was back, and they were only slightly injured.

"Damn the sons of bitches! It is completely blocked. We can't even tell how many creatures are inside. And the path is so narrow..." muttered Qing after he came back.

Seeing that Yuan and Qing also gave up on entering the nest, Yang Manli was slightly surprised. She picked several strong guys from the Steel Armor Gang to go down with her.

The result turned out to be the same. Yang Manli also gave up on the nest. The advanced creatures made it impossible for everybody.

If the nest had never been entered before, they could still choose to slowly kill off the creatures. However, at this point thousands of creatures were blocking the path, which meant the first person going down would walk into an ambush.

Everybody looked to Han Sen. Han Sen had the least people, only three team members and himself.

"Let's go there and check it out," Han Sen smiled and said to Gambler.

Gambler and the other teammates nodded and followed Han Sen down the nest.

After going through the winding path, the special squad soon arrived at the wall of green gold which was already broken. Several Z-steel shields were put up to block the broken part of the wall. The thick fields were all deformed from attacks, which looked frightening.

Through the gaps, they could still see lots of creatures jostling. Many claws had reached out from the gaps. Seeing the four people, all the creatures near the shields started to screech and knock on the shields which were about to be shattered.

Chapter 303: Slaughter

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"No wonder none of them went inside. This is God damn mission impossible!" Gambler shook his head after seeing what was behind the wall.

"Damn those sons of bitches." The two new members at the special squad Zheng Chi and Zhou Qingyu looked frightened as well.

"Han Sen, let's go back now. There is no way we can go farther. We have to wait for the creatures inside to come out, and by then we can kill them slowly. Afterwards, maybe we can find a chance to go in," said Gambler.

"All right. You guys go back, I can go inside alone," decided Han Sen.

Zheng Chi and Zhou Qingyu widened their eyes and said, "Captain, that is too dangerous."

Han Sen smiled and said, "Although it is dangerous now, there is a chance to break the egg. After the creatures rushed out, everybody would have a chance at the egg then. Just go back to the entrance, I will take a look inside, and if it doesn't work, I would retreat as well."

"Han Sen, I should go with you. It is too dangerous," Gambler gritted his teeth and said.

"That's okay. I can do it alone. There are too many creatures inside, and I would be more efficient alone. I'll be back in a while after I break the egg." Han Sen then summoned the sacred-blood phantom ant armor and three-blade harpoon.

Seeing that Han Sen was determined, Gambler did not say anything. However, he insisted on waiting for Han Sen at the wall, so that it would be safer for Han Sen to come back.

Han Sen nodded and cut the Z-steel sticks supporting the shields. The shields were immediately pushed away by the fierce creatures.

Han Sen waved his harpoon and beheaded a creature coming at him, its blood flowing like a stream.

Han Sen kicked the dead creature in the head and its body blocked the creatures coming after him, making some space for Han Sen to squeeze himself inside.

"Will Captain be fine?" Zheng Chi swallowed and asked. There were so many creatures that even with the protection of sacred-blood armor, safety will not be guaranteed.

"Relax. He is a prudent fellow and would never do something that he is not certain of. Since he dared to go, he could definitely make it." Having spent a lot of time with Han Sen, Gambler knew Han Sen best. If Gambler did not want to evolve with his sacred Geno points maxed out, he would have gone to second God's Sanctuary a long time ago.

In fact, Gambler did not believe too much in his own words. There were simply too many advanced creatures that he saw more than thirty mutant creatures and a sacred-blood black spirit at a glance. Gambler was not sure about the level of the creatures he did not recognize, so there might be more sacred-blood creatures.

Seeing Han Sen besieged by sacred-blood creatures, Zhou Qingyu said with his voice shaking, "It is too risky. Captain did not even know what was going on inside. No one could tell how many sacred-blood creatures there were."

As they spoke, Han Sen had already disappeared in the group of creatures. His team members could only tell their captain was still fighting from the roaring of the creatures.

"Don't just stand there. There are creatures coming out, fight them off..." Gambler exclaimed and slashed his weapon at a creature coming toward the path.

The risky situation in others' eyes was like a walk on the beach for Han Sen. Wherever he went, blood would bloom like flowers. One creature after another fell under his three-blade harpoon. Nothing could touch him other than the splashing blood.

Golden rock worm king was summoned by Han Sen, which was already as large as a tank. Opening its mouth, the worm swallowed all the creatures Han Sen killed.

Although the golden rock worm king had not transformed yet, it's shell was so hard that even a mutant creature could not hurt it.

Except for its bean-sized eyes, it did not have any Achilles' heel. It could only get hurt when a sacred-blood creature launched an attack directly at it.

In the beginning, Gambler, Zheng Chi and Zhou Qingyu felt some pressure trying to stop the creatures from coming at the path, but gradually, they found that the creatures no more came their way.

When they looked inside, they saw a person covered in blood slaying away in the group of creatures, with piles of bodies stacked next to his feet.

The devil-like figure was imprinted in Zheng Chi and Zhou Qingyu's minds. They would never forget about what they saw.

They were new members of the special squad and had never seen Han Sen in a combat. The only time they saw Han Sen showing his strength was with the boomerang.

When they just joined the special squad, rumor had it that Han Sen became the head of the special squad because of nepotism. Many said he had some special relationship with Qin Xuan.

Originally, they did not think too much of Han Sen, because since they came to the special squad, they had barely seen him. Yang Manli was the one who took care of all the matters in the special squad.

Until this point, they came to realize how ridiculous the rumors were. If someone like Han Sen were a gigolo, they would both love to become gigolos as well.

For the time they had entered God's Sanctuary, they had never seen anyone killing creatures like this. Han Sen was slaughtering the creatures as if they were chickens.

The slaughter was so thrilling that even Zheng Chi and Zhou Qingyu wanted to join him and feel the heat of the blood on their skin.

Suddenly, they saw the sacred-blood murky beast throwing itself at Han Sen from his back. The murky beast looked like a cross between a lion and a tiger, with two heads and three tails, covered in steel like feathers.

"Captain... Watch..." Before Zheng Chi and Zhou Qingyu could finish their words, they suddenly froze.

Han Sen moved as fast as electricity. Grabbing a lion like head, Han Sen cut it off with the three-blade harpoon. Throwing it on the ground, he walked toward the sacred-blood murky beast with only one head left.

The beast was scared away, but it was hardly able to maintain its balance with one head cut off.

Chapter 304: Devil Sword

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Zheng Chi and Zhou Qingyu were dumbstruck. They had never seen someone so powerful.

"Incredible." Seeing Han Sen killing the murky beast, Zheng Chi couldn't remove his stare from Han Sen.

The slaughter continued. The creatures were killed by Han Sen one by one.

"He is becoming more and more awesome." Gambler leaned against the stone wall, lit a cigarette, and sighed.

"Gambler, has the captain always been so strong?" Zheng Chi couldn't help asking.

"What should I say... I used to teach him things..." Gambler inhaled deeply and blew a cloud of smoke.

"For real?" Both Zheng Chi and Zhou Qingyu widened their eyes and could not believe that.

"Look at how he draws his weapon. You can't even tell where the weapon was hidden. This is called Sleeveblade, passed down in my family. If Han Sen were not a genius in martial arts, I would never have taught him my family secret. Luckily, he did not let me down..." bragged Gambler, enjoying the worship in Zheng Chi and Zhou Qingyu's eyes.

Gambler would never admit that he only taught Han Sen Sleeveblade for some dirty movies.

As Han Sen cleared his way, the golden rock worm king also enjoyed a satisfying feast. Han Sen only saved the body of sacred-blood murky beast by putting it on the back of the worm king, who had consumed all the other preys of Han Sen's.

There were an astonishing number of creatures in this nest, the majority of which were mutant. Han Sen had killed nearly 100 mutant creatures so far.

"Mutant darkness beast killed. Beast soul of mutant darkness beast gained. Eat its meat to gain 0 to 10 mutant geno points randomly."

It was the third mutant beast soul that Han Sen had gained. And he did not even bother to count how many primitive beast souls he had.

The golden rock worm king only picked out the mutant creatures for food. It did not even look at primitive or ordinary creatures.

Even so, the golden rock worm king still started belching. It was now as big as a minivan.

Eventually, Han Sen had come to the egg. Looking at the giant egg, Han Sen slashed at it without hesitation.

"Identifying beast soul..."

As Han Sen cleared away the remaining creatures absent-mindedly, he again witnessed the formation of a beast soul, which turned out to be a long sword burning with black flames.

"Beast soul identified. Sacred-blood beast soul devil sword gained."

Others might celebrate this result, but Han Sen was slightly disappointed. Despite that a sacred-blood beast soul was precious, what Han Sen needed was a super beast soul.

Since he had come thus far, Han Sen decided to wipe clean all the remaining creatures.

For once, the golden rock worm king could not eat anymore. Although there were mutant creatures left, it stopped moving around.

Han Sen had been feeding the worm king for a long time, but it was the first time he had seen the worm king stopped eating, which amazed Han Sen.

This worked for him as well, as he intended to save some mutant creature meat to give Zheng Chi and Zhou Qingyu for their effort.

As for Gambler, he had maxed out on mutant geno points a long time ago, and was not really interested in the meat.

When Han Sen was fighting underground, Yang Manli who was waiting outside became a bit worried. Since Han Sen had spent too much time in the nest, she wanted to check on him and make sure he was safe.

"Let's go and have a look." Yang Manli led people down the nest.

The other people knew that Yang Manli was Han Sen's deputy in the special squad and did not doubt that she might be plotting against him.

"Shall we go down as well? If something goes wrong, we can be of some help," said Yuan, leading the team to join Yang Manli.

Little Finger hesitated and also took a team member with him. He had suffered quite some loss and did not dare to bring to many people.

The group went under the nest and were shocked by what they saw.

In the Giants nest, dead creatures were lying around. Almost the entire nest was painted with blood. Under the light reflected by the green gold, it looked strange and cruel.

"The four of them had killed all these creatures? " Qing widened his eyes and asked.

"No one is here except for the four of them." Little Finger was also shocked and could not believe that the four of them could have done such damage.

Little Finger thought that even if the entire Fist Gang were here, they could not be so efficient.

"Incredible." People in Steel Armor Gang were also dumbstruck.

Stepping on the blood and dead bodies, they soon spotted Han Sen, Gambler, Zheng Chi and Zhou Qingyu handling the bodies on the ground. It seemed that they were trying to pick out all the mutant creatures.

"Han Sen, in the entire shelter, you're my only idle in addition to Dollar." Qing gave Han Sen a thumbs-up.

"Impressive, Han Sen," said Little Finger with complex feelings.

Yang Manli did not speak, but also had a mix of feelings. She already had a high estimate of Han Sen's ability, but still failed to predict that he was able to wipe out the entire nest with his team.

As a member of the special squad, Yang Manli knew that Zheng Chi and Zhou Qingyu were not the strongest team members, so Gambler and Han Sen must be the ones who really achieved this. However, Gambler was good at playing tricks instead of fighting head on. Obviously, Han Sen was the MVP here.

After the fight in the nest, Han Sen had gained a lot of prestige in Steel Armor Shelter. Because everyone believed Dollar who had not made his appearance in a long time had become an evolver, Han Sen was now considered the number one in the shelter.

Chapter 305: Beast Soul Add-On

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Han Hao was quite upset. He could not understand, for the love of God, why Han Sen, who was the pariah in Steel Armor Shelter, had become a military school student, a movie star in a commercial, and now the number one in the shelter.

The Disciples and the Fist Gang both respected Han Sen a lot. Even their leaders called Han Sen brother. Han Hao had also heard that Yang Manli, who was leading the Steel Armor Gang, turned out to be Han Sen's deputy.

At this point, Han Hao started to regret what he used to do. Had he maintained a better relationship with his cousin, he would have done much better.

Han Hao did not even know when he could max out on his mutant Geno points. Struggling alone in the shelter is so difficult. And the Son of Heaven Gang that he depended on was getting weaker and weaker, making it impossible for him to catch up.

"You can't imagine how fierce Han Sen was. He only had three people with him and they wiped clean the entire nest that none of the gangs were able to tackle..."

Hearing the discussion of Han Sen's bravery, Han Hao felt worse and quickly went back to his own room.

At this time, Han Sen was appreciating his newly gained sacred-blood beast soul devil sword.

Type of beast soul of sacred-blood devil sword: sword add-on.

Han Sen had seen an add-on beast soul before, which was the sacred-blood water spirit beast soul owned by Qin Xuan. However, the weather spirit worked together with a shapeshifting beast soul to enhance the user's physique, while the devil sword could only be used on another sword.

For Han Sen, this was a very useful type of beast soul. If Han Sen was not able to gain a super beast soul weapon, he could only choose to use a sacred-blood weapon when hunting super creatures, which would be very difficult. With this devil sword, a sacred-blood sword could be enhanced. Although the enhanced weapon might still fall short to a super beast soul, it would be undoubtedly much stronger than an ordinary sacred-blood weapon.

Taking up the diamond sword, Han Sen used the devil sword on it. Black smoke suddenly filled the diamond sword, making the crystal-clear sword look like it was made of onyx, exuding brilliance.

Han Sen brandished the sword and tested it on a piece of Z-steel, which was cut in half instantaneously like it was tofu.

"Impressive!" Han Sen became overjoyed. The devil sword was indeed a fantastic add-on. Unwilling to test it on any sacred-blood weapons, Han Sen was not sure how strong it actually was.

"Both the flame lieutenant and devil sword will be great help for me to kill super creatures. These nests are indeed full of treasures. I wished there were more..." Although Han Sen did not gain a super beast soul, he was not too disappointed.

Taking back the beast soul and putting down the diamond sword, Han Sen teleported back to Blackhawk.

The sacred-blood murky beast brought five more sacred geno points to Han Sen. Now he had 78 sacred Geno points.

At this point, unless there was a hunting campaign for sacred-blood creatures, Han Sen rarely went out. He spent most of his time on practicing Panorama, trying to reach a balance of all kinds of abilities. This way, it was easier for him to hunt a super creature while protecting himself.

Han Sen rested for a night and went to the training hall in the morning. He picked a holographic device and logged in Gladiator again.

Huang Yulei and Xu Zhu had waited for him for two days. They were about to give up since Han Sen was never online. This day when Xu Zhu logged in, he sent another invite to "A Soldier on Warship."

This time, he did not hear the prompt tone of the system. Xu Zhu quickly sent a voice message to Huang Yulei, "Huang Yulei, the soldier is online."

"Ah! Where are you? Did he agree to fight? This time we must teach him a lesson," said Huang Yulei hurriedly.

When Xu Zhu was about to answer, he found himself in the Colosseum already. Obviously, his opponent had agreed to the challenge.

"He agreed. Hurry over to watch." Xu Zhu quickly sent Huang Yulei an invite to observe.

Huang Yulei clicked yes and found himself on the stands of the Colosseum and he was not alone.

Huang Yulei was surprised to find someone else there, and he knew that person as well.

"Desperado, how come you're here as well?" Huang Yulei quickly asked the person next to him.

"I was about to ask you the same thing," said Desperado.

"Xu Zhu asked me to watch. Did he invite you as well? He didn't tell me that."

Desperado paused and asked, "Xu Zhu is the opponent of 'A Soldier on Warship'?"

"Yes. So, you're not invited by Xu Zhu?" Huang Yulei looked at Desperado, puzzled.

Desperado shook his head, "Xu Zhu did not invite me. 'A Soldier on Warship' is in my friend list. I saw him entering a fight and chose to watch."

Huang Yulei was shocked and asked, "How come you are his friend? Do you know him?"

Desperado was one of the more advanced evolvers in Ares Martial Hall. He was only second to Queen. If Desperado was the soldier's friend, then it was very likely that the soldier was also a big shot in Ares Martial Hall.

"No, I do not know him. I was only randomly matched with him a couple times. I added him because I found him interesting." Desperado then asked Huang Yulei, "So what is this about?"

Huang Yulei did not answer but asked, "This person is on your level?"

No wonder Huang Yulei was surprised. No evolver could beat Desperado in Ares Martial Hall, except for Queen. Desperado said he had fought the soldier several times, which meant the soldier was on the same level as Desperado. In this case, there was no way that Xu Zhu could beat him.

Chapter 306: Diversion

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"He is not. I was able to beat him each time in a very short amount of time. His fitness is just so-so, but..." Desperado paused.

"But what?" asked Huang Yulei hurriedly.

"This person gave me a strange feeling. Even I was able to beat him easily, I did not feel good about the win. So I added him as a friend and wanted to see his other fights. Just now, I saw him entering a fight and chose to watch. I didn't realize that I would meet you guys here," said Desperado.

"Not feeling good about the win?" Huang Yulei did not quite understand what he meant by the expression.

"Well, I did beat him fast and easy, but I just did not feel good. It is hard for me to explain, which is why I want to watch his other fights more closely." Desperado pondered and was not able to explain very clearly.

Desperado then asked Huang Yulei, "What's happening here?"

With some reluctance, Huang Yulei explained his encounter with the soldier.

"What are you saying? He learned Thirteen Slashes after watching a dozen times?" Desperado regarded Huang Yulei incredulously.

"I suspect that he was hiding his real ability in the beginning. He must have always known Thirteen Slashes, otherwise it was impossible for him to learn in such a short amount of time," said Huang Yulei.

"That is very likely." Desperado nodded and looked to the Colosseum. The fight had begun.

Huang Yulei saw Han Sen and gasped.

"What's wrong?" Desperado looked to Huang Yulei, puzzled.

"This is weird. Why is he not using double blades?" Huang Yulei frowned. If Han Sen was good at double blades, he should be using them.

However, Han Sen was empty-handed like Xu Zhu was.

"Let's wait and see." Desperado also felt strange, but it was too early to tell.

Huang Yulei regarded "A Soldier on Warship." According to what Desperado told him, this person did not have a high fitness index, which Xu Zhu also felt when fighting him. His index should be a little more than 20. Huang Yulei supposed this person should be someone who just evolved with his mutant geno points maxed out.

As for Xu Zhu, Huang Yulei knew very well that his fitness index had reached 30. Although it was not so impressive among evolvers, it should be easy for him to beat a newly evolved person.

In addition, Xu Zhu's specialty was grappling, which could easily make a less fit person suffer. Xu Zhu had a special way to twist joints. Once grabbed by him, his opponent would immediately be put out of action because of the pain.

Of course, in a simulated fight there was no pain involved. However, Xu Zhu's grappling was still very handy on someone weaker than him.

As the fight began, Xu Zhu immediately approached Han Sen. The reason why Huang Yulei asked Xu Zhu to kick Han Sen's ass, in addition to their close relationship, was that Xu Zhu's specialty allowed him to disable Han Sen and force Han Sen to surrender.

The most humiliating way of losing in a simulated fight was undoubtedly to surrender. After all, one could never die in the simulated fight, so everyone would want to fight until the end instead of giving in.

Xu Zhu was glad to see that Han Sen did not try to run from him. After approaching Han Sen, Xu Zhu clawed at Han Sen with one hand.

Han Sen had practiced Ghosthaunt, the main focus of which was also grappling. Although it didn't involve twisting joints, which Xu Zhu was good at, Han Sen was able to tell that Xu Zhu was using grappling.

"Grappling against grappling it is!" Han Sen quickly used the footwork in Ghosthaunt to meet his rival.

"Using grappling against Xu Zhu? What a dork!" Huang Yulei smirked. Xu Zhu's grappling techniques were more than it appeared to be.

Many people in Ares Martial Hall knew how to twist joints, and many practiced other grappling techniques. However, no one with a similar fitness index was Xu Zhu's match.

The reason was that Xu Zhu knew more than grappling. He was also great at Diversion.

Diversion was a technique developed from the ancient martial art "Cicada Shedding Skin." To practice Diversion, one must be highly nimble. Normally speaking, those who could practiced Diversion must start to lay the foundation from a young age when one's bones were still malleable. After one entered God's Sanctuary and gained geno points, one could then start to practice Diversion, although whether or not one could be successful still depended on one's talent.

Diversion could be used not only to defend oneself by diverting the incoming attacks, but also transforming the coming force to attack the opponent. When the opponent tried to grab you, with a single move, you could break your opponent's arm with his own force.

Trying to match Xu Zhu's grappling with a similar technique was a foolish move.

Xu Zhu was thinking the same. Seeing Han Sen trying to seize him, Xu Zhu thought, "Boy, using grappling against me is a great way of suicide. I will show you how effective Diversion is."

As Xu Zhu reached his hand out, he faked getting caught by Han Sen. Seizing Xu Zhu's wrist, Han Sen immediately used Sparticle to dodge Xu Zhu's attack.

When Han Sen was about to twist Xu Zhu's arm, Xu Zhu's wrist in Han Sen's hand suddenly flicked.


Han Sen's right hand which was holding Xu Zhu's wrist was immediately dislocated by this flick.

Xu Zhu's left hand then wound around Han Sen's right arm and put his shoulder out.

With his wrist and shoulder both dislocated, Han Sen had lost all movability of his right arm. If they were in reality, only the pain would make Han Sen scream.

However, this was just a simulated fight. Han Sen was not significantly hurt and was only taken off 7% from his health.

Chapter 307: A Soldier in Opponent's Territory

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Han Sen stepped back and dodged Xu Zhu's following attacks. Regarding Xu Zhu calmly, Han Sen felt somewhat surprised.

He had been in Gladiator for a long time. Because of his low winning rate, barely any one would invite him to fight. He almost always chose to be matched randomly.

However, someone invited him this time. Han Sen thought his opponent must be a newbie trying to find someone even weaker.

However, as the fight started, Han Sen found that his opponent was great at grappling and even better at Diversion. The way he used the incoming force to hurt Han Sen was a very smart way of fighting.

Panorama also included similar techniques, which Han Sen had practiced in the recent half-year.

If he was able to accomplish the same, it would be impossible for his opponent to catch him. This technique was very useful when it came to fighting the creatures with lots of arms or tentacles.

However, Diversion was very hard to practice. The key to practice Diversion was to do it in real combat. Currently, Han Sen still only understood Diversion from a theoretical perspective.

Luckily, Han Sen had practiced Ghosthaunt before, so he was no stranger to such techniques. Even so, it would still take Han Sen quite a while to perform Diversion in the real combat.

Seeing Xu Zhu's Diversion, Han Sen felt very impressed.

The evolvers indeed all have great techniques. Fortunately, we are using simulated bodies. Otherwise if they use the hyper geno arts that could change their body cells, there is no way I could be their match. Han Sen thought to himself.

Seeing Han Sen trying to retreat, Xu Zhu immediately followed up. Suddenly, Xu Zhu saw Han Sen grabbing his own right arm with his left hand and put the dislocated joints back to place.

Xu Zhu couldn't help frowning. Han Sen was very skilled at it that he must be someone who had practiced similar skills before.

However, Xu Zhu did not pay too much attention to that. Han Sen was so much worse in fitness than Xu Zhu that even if Han Sen had practiced Diversion, he would not be able to compare to Xu Zhu.

Xu Zhu threw himself at Han Sen one more time. The two were ten points apart in their fitness index. Even if Han Sen wanted to run away, it could not be done.

Without moving a muscle, Han Sen's heart suddenly started to beat much stronger and faster than a normal person's.

Motivated by the heartbeat, the qi and blood in his body started to flow at a high speed, pushing Han Sen's fitness to a high level.

Although Han Sen's fitness index was still lower than 30, but his strength and speed must be around 28.

It was rare that Han Sen met someone good at Diversion, whose fitness index was not too much higher than him either. Han Sen did not want to lose too fast. He wanted to see how Diversion worked more closely.

"Indeed, he was faking it. His fitness level is not that low!" Huang Yulei exclaimed when he saw Han Sen's speed and strength got much better.

Watching Han Sen, Desperado remained silent. He felt Han Sen's behaviors were strange, but he could not tell how so.

Han Sen and Xu Zhu were once again at each other's throat. Although Han Sen had used Heresy Mantra to enhance his fitness level, he was still much less stronger than Xu Zhu. In addition, Xu Zhu's grappling and Diversion techniques were both much better than Han Sen's. Therefore, Han Sen was still at an absolute disadvantage.

Han Sen's arms were dislocated by Xu Zhu a couple more times, but he survived each time using Ghosthaunt and the disordered footwork of the white jade skeleton. Although he was caught multiple times by Xu Zhu, he always managed to run away.

Although Ghosthaunt was not as advanced as Diversion, it was taught to Han Sen by a veteran who had survived many battles. Many of the techniques were extremely practical, and helped Han Sen in this extreme situation.

Although Xu Zhu was always at an advantage, he was never able to truly lock Han Sen down. In addition, in a simulated fight, grappling could cause much less damage than other attacks. After more than half an hour, although Han Sen was hurt many times, he still had about 40% of his health left.

As Huang Yulei watched the game, he started to feel familiar. In his fight with Han Sen, he was also at an absolute advantage in the beginning, but lost to Han Sen under his own Thirteen Slashes.

"No way... There is no way he could learn Diversion from Xu Zhu..." Huang Yulei shook his head and denied his own speculation. Diversion was much more demanding on the user than Thirteen Slashes. One must lay the foundation since little. He had hardly heard someone could succeed starting as an adult.

Huang Yulei did not believe that Han Sen could learn Diversion during this fight, as he did not even believe that Han Sen learned Thirteen Slashes on the spot when fighting himself.

As the fight continued, Huang Yulei's face became stiff. Indeed, Han Sen was making incredible progress. He could tell that Han Sen was less likely to be caught by Xu Zhu and faster when trying to wriggle free.

"No way..." Huang Yulei became anxious and could not believe his own thought that he could no longer deny.

Desperado knitted his brows and did not say anything, watching Han Sen's every move closely.

In the Colosseum, Xu Zhu was also shocked. As even Huang Yulei was able to tell Han Sen's progress, Xu Zhu felt stronger as Han Sen's opponent.

He could clearly sense that his opponent was getting better at grappling so fast that it frightened him.

Xu Zhu found that there was little he could do against this opponent. Although he was still at an advantage, it was hard for him to beat Han Sen.

A Soldier on Warship was like a soldier in opponent's territory, fighting fearless and looking death calmly in the face. And he could do nothing to the soldier, but watch him getting stronger and stronger.

Chapter 308: Who Is He

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Diversion! Impossible..." Huang Yulei's pupils contracted as he saw Xu Zhu's arm broken at a flick of Han Sen's wrist.

Xu Zhu was shocked as well. He did not expect his opponent could really use Diversion well.

Xu Zhu still did not believe Han Sen could have learned everything in such a short amount of time. Putting his arm back in place, Xu Zhu once again tried to grab Han Sen. This time, however, his target was not Han Sen's arm, but leg.

The reason why it was hard to practice Diversion was that one must be able to perform Diversion in each body part.

Indeed, Han Sen was not able to perform Diversion with his other body parts. However, to Xu Zhu's shock, as Han Sen became familiarized with the technique, he learned to do it with more and more body parts. Huang Yulei was rendered speechless. "A Soldier on Warship" did learn Diversion from Xu Zhu in this combat.

Huang Yulei now somewhat believed that maybe he also learned Thirteen Slashes in their fight.

However, this did not even make sense to him. Although he had heard of geniuses who could learn others' martial arts while watching, he had never seen anyone could actually do it.

"I know why I would feel bad when beating him," exclaimed Desperado suddenly.

"He was copying my moves. When he fought me, he did the same thing. No wonder I felt bad... He wanted to beat me with my own techniques." After watching Xu Zhu and Han Sen's fight, Desperado finally understood why he had that feeling.

When he was fighting Han Sen, although Han Sen used a seemingly disordered footwork, it was not the root of his discomfort. He was upset because Han Sen wanted to use his own moves against him.

Because Han Sen lost too fast, Desperado thought it was a coincidence that the guy practiced the same type of martial arts.

Now thinking back, it was not at all a coincidence. Han Sen was copying him on purpose.

"This guy..." Huang Yulei looked at Han Sen with complex emotions. Han Sen was always trying to learn from his opponents' tricks. No wonder he had lost so many times. It must have something to do with this.

In the Colosseum, Han Sen was gaining momentum. Shattered psychologically, Xu Zhu found harder and harder to cope with Han Sen's attacks.


When Xu Zhu clawed Han Sen's chest, Han Sen dislocated Xu Zhu's wrist with a shrug. Then he quickly threw himself at Xu Zhu.

At this point, Han Sen had edited Ghosthaunt with Xu Zhu's techniques, so it was now even stronger than Diversion.

Locked down by Han Sen, Xu Zhu found him unable to divert Han Sen's force since Han Sen's haunting techniques prevented him from doing that.

Unable to wriggle free, Xu Zhu had to surrender and end the game.

Having learned the tricks of Diversion, Han Sen was exhilarated. He stopped looking for other opponents but left Gladiator. As he still remembered everything, he decided to practice Diversion a bit more.

Although the simulated body moved exactly how he did, he couldn't feel anything, so it was still different.

Xu Zhu came out chagrined at his failure. Seeing Desperado together with Huang Yulei, he was dazed. Huang Yulei quickly asked, "Brother, you think he learned Diversion during your combat?"

Xu Zhu smiled bitterly and nodded. "He did learn it from fighting with me. There is no question in that. This person is such a fast learner. I think he also learned Thirteen Slashes from you and did not know how to use it before your fight."

"Indeed, this person learns so fast. I wonder who he is," said Desperado.

"Desperado, aren't you his friend? Send him a text and ask him," said Huang Yulei.

"I'll try. Although I added him, I have never talked to him, so not sure if he will reply." Desperado checked and saw Han Sen had already left Gladiator.

"He is offline now. I'll do it next time," said Desperado.

Xu Zhu nodded absentmindedly. Beaten like this, he was devastated.

Huang Yulei's eyes suddenly lit up. He suggested, "Do you think that person would be interested in him?"

"Which person?" Xu Zhu and Desperado both looked to Huang Yulei, not sure who he was talking about.

"The person who is the apple of the eye of our president," said Huang Yulei with his lips curled downward.

"This is a great idea. That person might really be interested in this soldier guy. Then we can all be freed." Xu Zhu's eyes also lit up.

The person they were talking about was Qian Hezhen, the youngest students of the president of Ares martial Hall Daniel. Qian Hezhen was gifted and learned everything fast, which was why Huangfu Xiongcheng saw his youngest student as his successor.

Qian Hezhen did not abuse the president's confidence in him either. He had just evolved and already succeeded in practicing several secret martial arts of Ares Martial Hall.

However, Qian Hezhen was not satisfied with what he had achieved but kept challenging the renowned students in Ares Martial Hall. Even a master like Desperado was annoyed to death by him. The students could not turn Qian Hezhen down because he was backed by Hungfu, which was why their heads hurt whenever seeing Qian Hezhen.

Chapter 309: Threaten

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

After Han Sen left the training hall, he felt extremely sore. Blue veins stood out all over his body, which looked frightening.

Han Sen knew that it was because he had used Heresy Mantra for too long, which was a heavy burden on his body.

Had his heart and veins not been strengthened during the first phase of Heresy Mantra, his organs would probably have exploded.

Even after the enhancement, his body still couldn't stand the tremendous burden. At this time, Han Sen became so exhausted that he could barely stand.

He originally wanted to practice Diversion a bit more, but could no longer do that. Sitting alone in the training hall, Han Sen decided to go back to the dormitory after he recovered.

News was playing in the training hall, most of which was about God's Sanctuary, such as someone had gone to the Fourth God's Sanctuary, someone had become a demigod, and someone had become a sacred-blood aristocrat.

After watching a while, Han Sen's attention was suddenly caught by a specific message. It was a short story read by the anchor, which was soon drowned in many similar stories.

However, Han Sen suddenly became excited. He quickly turned on his comlink and started searching on the Skynet. Very soon, Han Sen found some useful information and his eyes lit up.

The news was about the Glory Shelter in First God's Sanctuary. Someone found a strong sacred-blood creature in the mountains near Glory Shelter. Almost the entire Glory Shelter teamed up to hunt the creature, but they were not even able to hurt it, even at the cost of many lives.

Han Sen found the comments on this matter from people in Glory Shelter. Because many of them had seen the sacred-blood creature, their description of it was rather clear.

It was a turtle-like creature, dark as ink and large as a car. Its body was so stiff that even sacred-blood weapons could not scratch its shell. Many people died in its teeth.

The huge turtle was not fast, otherwise more people might have died.

Many believed that this black turtle was even stronger than a sacred-blood crystal-shelled turtle, and should be the strongest turtle creature that people had ever witnessed in First God's Sanctuary.

Many people described the fighting scene, which convinced Han Sen that it was very likely to be a super creature.

According to people from Glory Shelter, the black turtle was obviously much stronger than a typical sacred-blood creature. No sacred-blood weapons could hurt it. And its only weakness was its speed. Otherwise more than half of the Glory Shelter would die there.

If they were not exaggerating too much, Han Sen believed the turtle must be a super creature.

For half a year, Han Sen had been improving his own strength and asking around about super creatures. After all, even if he was able to kill a super creature, there must be one for him to kill.

However, super creatures were even more rare than sacred-blood creatures. This turtle was the only candidate Han Sen had seen in half a year.

Han Sen viewed all the discussions about the turtle again and knew that the black turtle came out from the ocean. Someone tried to hunt it after spotting it. They not only failed but also lost a lot of good men.

The black turtle had now climbed into the copper mountains. Because people from Glory Shelter had no way to kill it, they did not bother to track it down. At this point, all they knew was that it was somewhere in the Copper Mountains.

Han Sen was still thinking whether he should go to Glory Shelter. He had been there once and knew the way very well. If he flew over the dark swamp, he could get there in a fortnight.

However, he had not yet completed the third phase longevity of Heresy Mantra. Han Sen was not sure if he was strong enough to kill a super creature, which was why he was still hesitating.

"Brother, you spent a long time using the holographic device and you are soaked. Keep hydrated." Someone suddenly appeared next to Han Sen, throwing a bottle of water to him.

To his surprise, it was Jing Jiya. Jing Jiya had been waiting for Han Sen to challenge him proactively, but nothing had happened in days. Jing Jiya realized that Han Sen was much more mature than he thought, completely unaffected by the rumors.

However, Jing Jiya was not someone who would easily give up. Getting the message that Han Sen was in the training hall, he quickly came over and waited for Han Sen there.

In fact, he had been here for quite a while. After Han Sen came out from the device, he was sitting near Jing Jiya, but Jing Jiya did not come to him right away. The freshman first went to purchase two bottles of water before he sat down next to Han Sen.

"Relax, I did not poison the water," said Jing Jiya with a smile.

"Thank you then." Han Sen opened the bottle and drank more than half of the water. He did sweat a lot and was dehydrated. Because of his exhaustion, Han Sen did not bother to get up and buy water. Now that Jing Jiya was handing him a bottle, he gladly accepted it.

Jing Jiya looked at him, interested. "You're really not afraid that I might poison the water?"

"The younger brother of Jing Jiwu would not use that kind of scheme," said Han Sen casually. In fact, he would not even be scared if there were poison in it. In addition, it made no sense for Jing Jiya to do it in public, since cameras were installed everywhere, and he would have no way to exonerate himself.

Han Sen's words made Jing Jiya pause. The freshman did not realize that Han Sen would have such respect for his older brother.

However, Jing Jiya was someone who had to reach his goal. He smiled and said to Han Sen softly, "I am not my brother. Just because he won't use these schemes, it does not mean that I will not. If you are not willing to accept my challenge, then I will have to use some dirty tricks even if I don't want to."

"Such as?" Han Sen took another sip of water and asked.

"I know that your mom's name is Luo Sulan and the shelter she belonged to in Second God's Sanctuary. And you have a sister named Han Yan. She is very cute and studies..." Jing Jiya always had a faint smile on his face and looked harmless. When girls saw him, their hearts would race.

Chapter 310: As You Wish

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Hearing Jing Jiya's words, Han Sen smiled and patted him on the shoulder. "Jing Jiya, if you want to threaten someone, you'll have to be smart. When you speak, try to act like a tough guy so that I might be scared."

Jing Jiya's face became grim. He said, "Brother, I am not joking."

Leaning against the back of his chair, Han Sen stretched and said slowly, "Since you have investigated my family, you should know who I am. Do you dare to touch them? Now tell me again you're not joking."

Jing Jiya smiled and said, "Brother, you're right. I do not dare to touch your family, but your friends might not be as lucky. I don't dare to do anything to Wang Mengmeng or Lu Meng either, but Shi Zhikang and Zhang Yang were under no one's protection."

"I would be interested to know how you plan to hurt them in Blackhawk," said Han Sen.

Jing Jiya was still smiling. "It will not be easy for me to injure them on campus, and it's gonna be a waste of time to hurt their family. But do you think I could seduce their girlfriends? You think I'm going to succeed?"

"Jing Jiya, there are things that you should never do," replied Han Sen solemnly. Whether Jing Jiya could succeed or not, he will not let it happen.

"If you're angry, you can take it out on me during our duel anytime," said Jing Jiya with politely.

"As you wish then." Although Han Sen did not want to waste his time, he no longer wanted to tolerate the kid's provocation. He would take care of what should be taken care of.

Jing Jiya appeared to be exhilarated. "I will be waiting for you. Please keep your words, otherwise..."

Jing Jiya did not finish his sentence, but even an idiot could understand him. Han Sen smiled and said, "Jing Jiwu did not teach his brother well, so I will be a good friend and do that for him."

Jing Jiya was a bit upset hearing that, but he did not talk back. Since Han Sen had agreed to his challenge, all he needed to do was beating Han Sen. It was pointless to win an argument.

Jing Jiya had always thought that only by defeating Han Sen could he avenge his brother.

Seeing Jing Jiya left, Han Sen immediately moved on to consider his trip to Glory Shelter. Although he might still be a bit weak, maybe he could give it a shot.

Flame lieutenant, devil sword and the second phase of Heresy Mantra, those might be all that it took for him to kill a super creature. Most importantly, the black turtle was not very fast, so he could always run away.

"It seems I should make the trip. Tomorrow after I kick the kid's ass, I'll leave for Glory Shelter." Han Sen did not want to miss the opportunity. After all, super creatures were so rare that he did not know when he would see the next one if he missed this turtle.

After Jing Jiya left, he spread the news that he was about to challenge Han Sen the next day on the archery range. In order to clear his brother's name, he would like for everyone to know how he beat Han Sen.

Jing Jiya had even thought of his line after beating Han Sen, "Although you are quite good, you're still nothing compared to me, and even less than nothing compared to my older brother. Your one win was just based on pure luck."

Soon the entire Blackhawk knew about the duel. Almost everyone hearing the news became excited.

Han Sen was the legend of Blackhawk, and Jing Jiya was another monster after his older brother, so their duel attracted a lot of attention.

Even many professors decided to have a look after hearing about it.

The next morning, before Han Sen and Jing Jiya got there, the stands around the archery range was packed with audience.

"Who do you think will win?"

"The genius of course. Even Jing Jiwu was not his match, let alone Jing Jiya." The senior students who had witnessed how strong Han Sen was mostly supported him.

"I don't think so. You have all seen Jing Jiya's record, which is probably even better than Jing Jiwu when he was at school. Han Sen only beat Jing Jiwu because of good luck and he had not done much in recent two years. I'm afraid he will lose to Jing Jiya..."

Among freshmen, more people supported Jing Jiya, especially the girls. Jing Jiya's good looks won him a lot of popularity.

"Ms. Chen, you're also here to see the duel?" Situ Xiang looked at Chen Ling in surprise.

"Yes, Han Sen once represented the Martial Arts Society and I have come to support him," said Chen Ling with a smile.

"Come and join me. The view is better here." Situ Xiang brought Chen Ling to the coach's bench.

"Coach, who do you think he has a better chance, Han Sen or Jing Jiya?" Chen Ling asked.

"It is very hard to say. So many things had happened to Han Sen in the recent two years, and I can say that Jing Jiya has even surpassed his brother," replied Situ Xiang with a bitter smile.

Chen Ling knew what the coach was saying, so she nodded and did not speak again.

Han Sen's roommates also came to cheer him up, and Wang Mengmeng came with them as well. However, the stands were so full they had to watch on their feet.

"Can Han Sen win? That Jing Jiya kid is quite something," said Shi Zhikang with his brows knitted. He had seen Jing Jiya's match and the kid was indeed quite talented.

Jing Jiya was also in the Archery Department, so Shi Zhikang had competed with him a few times. Shi Zhikang sensed even more stress facing Jing Jiya than when he met Jing Jiwu.

Zhang Yang and Lu Meng did not speak. In fact, they both had fought Jing Jiya and suffered terrible losses. They felt the same as Shi Zhikang did: Jing Jiya was even more formidable than Jing Jiwu.

"Brother Han will definitely win." Wang Mengmeng was Han Sen's diehard fan and believed in him as always.