

Chapter 296: The Four Guilds

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios

The night scenery of Golden City was mesmerizing and full of enticement. From far away, this city full of gold was dazzling and enchanting at the same time. This was how the name, Golden City, was derived.

Almost everyone who arrived at Golden City admired the night scenery, and members of Starlight were no exception. After dinner, Anne dragged Christie outdoors. But at this moment, Rhode stood by the door and stopped them.

"You're not going anywhere tonight. I have something important to announce," Rhode said with a calm voice.

The excited Anne lowered her head hopelessly like a rooster who had lost its fight. She gave up the thought of heading out and obediently followed Rhode into the living room.

As they entered the living room, others were already present.

Rhode gestured to Anne to take a seat while he walked to the middle and clapped for everyone's attention. Soon enough, everyone turned to him.

"Everyone, I guess you know our purpose in coming to Golden City. I won't be giving motivational speeches here and I think all of you are clear on our situation. We are just an ordinary mercenary group and can't be compared to the guilds."

Lize remained silent while Marlene maintained her usual calmness. As for Lapis, Joey, and Randolf, they felt rather nervous. At this moment, Anne curiously raised her hand and asked, "Leader, Leader! You said that the guilds were powerful, but exactly how powerful are they? Anne feels that they don't have any difference from us apart from having more people?"

"The difference is huge."

Rhode shook his head and answered.

"Put it this way. Taking the previous battles in Paphield into consideration, their standards are similar to a guild's ordinary members or small group leaders. As for a Swordmaster like Sereck, although his status within the 4 guilds isn't considered low, he would still lose to the guild leaders in terms of abilities."

"That strong?"

Many of them were dumbfounded. But they couldn't be blamed since they wouldn't understand if Rhode explained to them in terms of their levels. However, as soon as they knew that even Sereck couldn't be compared to a guild leader, they immediately understood how tough their battles would be.

"So then, we..."

At this moment, Joey finally withdrew his cheeky expression and said worryingly.

"Don't worry about your abilities. Since I brought you guys here, it means that you still have hopes of winning."

As Rhode spoke, he took out a piece of paper and unfolded it before everyone. The paper was written with indecipherable handwriting and drawn with odd shapes that resembled line charts.

"According to the Midsummer Festival rules, there are three unique competitions. The first is individual battles, followed by the group battles. Guild members will participate in these two competitions. The side event competition would be participated by other mercenary groups and those solo mercenaries would take part in individual battles, and the last man standing would gain the rights to battle against the winner of the guild battles. Of course, ordinary participants normally wouldn't stand a chance against members of the guilds, but sometimes there may be upsets... But this has nothing to do with us, as we only need to focus on the individual battles and group battles for guilds."

Rhode extended his hand and pointed at the piece of paper.

"The rules of the individual battles have been categorized into two. The first, all of you have experienced it before, while in the second, both sides will follow a sequence and send out five participants. Three wins in five games. These are the current rules for individual battles, which we will follow. Before heading to the arena, I will arrange the sequence and all of you just need to focus facing your opponent. Next is about how we defeat those who seemed too powerful..."

Rhode softened his voice, but for unknown reasons, the living room, which was warm and homely, suddenly turned ice-cold and sent a shiver down everyone's spines as though an cold wind had blown on them.

At the same time, on the other side of Golden City, there were people who were equally busy.

"It seems like our opponents are rather ambitious."

Laying down the information report on his hand, Barter sneered and turned to a woman who was cladded in a leather armor and looked about 30 years old. She had a curvy figure and a dagger hanging on her waist showed off her martial appearance. To the contrary, her face was strangely ugly—filled with uneven, ghastly scars—and the corner of her eyes were stretched. At a glance, she simply looked like a scary witch from a fairytale who had come to capture and devour little kids.

"Because of Her Highness' announcement, those clowns have the chance to make a din. Now, it seems like they are determined to win this Midsummer Festival and give us a hard time!"

Barter displayed an unpleasant look. As a barbarian warrior, he had a tall stature, where even his frowns were enough to make people shiver. However, his feats weren't only accomplished through his appearance. As the leader of the Purple Lily Guild, he was also a powerful mercenary who had reached the standard of Swordmaster and held fearful, violent tactics.

At the same time, Barter was also a supporter of the King's party. His Purple Lily Guild was established in the Southwest. That area had drought all year long and was once a land of death. However, ever since the Munn Kingdom took over, generations of rulers spent massive amounts of money to improve environmental conditions. They fixed the reservoirs, dug groundwater sources, and after years of hard work, they fixed the land into fertile granaries. Barter always remembered in his heart what the Munn Kingdom had done. He was one of the most devoted supporters of the King's party. As for the Reformist Party's flowery speeches, he had always held them in disdain and contempt. He felt that these people had no rights to find trouble with the King's party. To him, the Reformist Party was just a bunch of idiots who spoke glibly and commented on this and grumbled on that with no intentions to change anything.

With that being the case, why would they even listen to the Reformist Party's crap?

"I have no idea what Her Highness is thinking."

The woman spoke and knocked on the table lightly.

"I received news that the Liberty Wings Guild will be sending out Rosen, who hasn't appeared for a long time. It seems like they're determined to win!"


Barter sulked.

"That old freak will be participating too? It seems like we're in a bad situation this time."

Barter stood up and approached the window. He stared sullenly at the scenery. Although the night scenery in Golden City was mesmerizing, he didn't have the mood to appreciate it. After a few moments, he spoke.

"Oh yes, I heard there's another princess? What's going on? Is it another mischief by the Reformist Party?"

"It doesn't seem so, Leader. From what I gathered, those who paid respects to that lady were from the Battle Angel Army and they were the direct army of Her Highness Lydia. There's no doubt in loyalty, so I guess that the princess may really be true. She also seems to have been accepted by Her Highness Lydia."

"I really can't figure out what Her Highness is thinking. Wouldn't it be easier to just kill the princess?"

Barter grumbled and suddenly a proud, confident voice sounded.

"And that's why you're not Her Highness and she is."

A tall, sturdy man in armor stepped into the room. He had a longsword and a shield that emanated a magical radiance on his back. A soaring falcon was drawn on his pitch-black cape.

"Barter, if you don't change your frank and outspoken habits, they'll bring you trouble."

"If you can change your habits of eavesdropping, your Cole Falcon Guild wouldn't be criticised as only being useful in their ears, Viktor."

Barter retorted with a snort. However, this man, Viktor, wasn't mindful at all as he gestured with his hand that he wasn't here for a quarrel. This man was the Cole Falcon's guild leader, and was Barter's ally and another King's party supporter.

It was obvious that both had a great relationship. As Viktor entered the room, the servants standing by the side let out chuckles and disregarded the ugly face that would spoil one's appetite. Then, he casually pulled out a chair and sat down.

"But ears are useful, don't you know? Barter, that Starlight mercenary group isn't that simple."

"Eh? How so?"

Barter turned to his friend and ally. Viktor pretended to be mysterious and chuckled, before uncovering the riddle.

"Don't you know? The Senia Family's young lady is part of them too."

"Oh? There's such a thing?"

Barter was startled and Viktor helplessly spread his hands apart.

"And that's why I said that you spent too much time here. Barter, now all of Golden City's nobles are aware that Miss Marlene is part of the mercenary group and is one of the main members. Besides, she will be representing Starlight in the competition. Before arriving here, I specially met one of the Senia Family's members... But... I received no information. It seems like my ears aren't doing much. What a pity."

"What exactly happened?"

Barter was left in disarray as he sat back down on the chair and tightened his brows.

"Didn't that mercenary group just gather enough people at the very last minute? How is it possible to have such strong assistance?"

"I heard Miss Marlene wanted to gain more battle experiences, which was why she requested Sereck to bring her to Paphield. Then, for unknown reasons, she joined this Starlight—oh, yes, I also heard that this mercenary group was only established for less than half a year and there were only two members in the beginning."

"You gotta be kidding me."

Barter puckered his brows and gazed at Viktor dubiously. The latter shook his head with a bitter smile.

"I do hope that I'm kidding, but according to my intelligence, this should be the truth. And this Starlight's leader is only a 20 year old man. I heard he came from the Northern Plains and he also knew some rare and strange battle techniques... Yes, to be honest, I think he shouldn't be a threat to us."


"I heard from the Sky Sword's guild leader. That cunning fox Mobis secretly gave an order to take his life! If I've not mistaken, even the parliament has also sent people to participate in this operation."

"That's really..."

Barter took in a deep breath.

"What did that kid do? Knocked up Mobis' daughter's stomach? If it's true, shouldn't we prepare some congratulatory gifts for her?"

"I'm not too sure."

Viktor spread his arms apart with a bitter smile.

"But, I think there must be some tension over there because Miss Marlene is with the 'princess'. I think those guys must be anxious... Haha, I do want to see their sour expressions. This is a great move by Her Highness Lydia."

"We still don't know who will have the last laugh."

Barter stared.

"Since those bastards got that monstrous Rosen for assistance, let's focus on how we should win!"

The burst of laughters came to an abrupt halt.

After a few moments, Viktor spoke.

"Barter, can't you let me forget about that matter for a while?"

Chapter 297: Holy War Ceremony (1/2)

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios

To many people, what was going to happen in the next few days wouldn't be understandable.

In just a matter of two days, news that the Munn Kingdom had another princess spread across Golden City. Although most of the rumors were without much elaboration, those with connections were still able to figure out that this 'princess' was named Lize and was a member of Starlight. These people were also quick to know this young lady's true identity; she was the previous ruler's biological daughter and also Lydia's younger sister. Due to certain accidents, she had to leave Golden City for the Paphield region. And as for what happened afterward... nobody was sure.

Just as Rhode had guessed, this news caused an uproar. However, the majority of the people was only curious as after so many years, they didn't know that Lydia actually had a younger sister. Now that this younger sister had appeared, she was also going to attend the Midsummer Festival. What exactly was going on?

More importantly, Lize's identity wasn't announced by herself, but by Lydia's direct guards... which left many puzzled...

Some people had even attempted to join the mercenary group in order to uncover more information. After all, as they were concerned about Lize, they also wished to know more about the mercenary group that she was in. To these people, digging up information about an ordinary mercenary group wasn't difficult. Shortly after, they learned that this mercenary group had faced a disaster after which only Lize and another person who survived. Then, they met a young noble and the noble helped Lize reconstruct the mercenary group into Starlight. This mercenary group didn't have many members, but they were powerful, and have completed plenty of dangerous missions without failing. They were currently ranked number one in the Paphield region.

However, such information wasn't valuable to them. They wanted to know who the leader of this mercenary group was and where he came from. They heard that he was a noble who had come from the Eastern Plains. But how powerful was he? Did he form this mercenary group out of boredom or he have other intentions? Also, for him to appear next to the 'princess', was it a coincidence? Or did the King's Party send him to watch over the princess?

They had to get all this information clear. Many knew that, currently in the Munn Kingdom, Lydia's reputation was great and the chances of anyone overthrowing her was basically zero. This Archangel was not only smart and sly, but she was also vicious. As soon as she turned around, this 16, 17 years old Angel young lady would turn into a devil. But now, she chose to announce this secret to the public. No one believed that she didn't put in any thought before doing so.

That was why these people tried to gather information through Starlight. Although they could use the forces of the nobles' network to investigate, the nobles of the Eastern Plain were far away from Golden City. This was because they resisted the Dark Dragon's first line of defence, so past rulers of Golden City held much respect for them. Also, these nobles had inherited the reserved nature of people in the Eastern Plains and rarely revealed themselves. But, the nobles in the Munn Kingdom knew that even though the people in Eastern Plains rarely attended parties and social events, they held a strong influence in the King's Party, so it wasn't wise to provoke them.

The safest way was to search for members of Starlight and seek for information. They were confident in this because, after all, Golden City was a popular city that never slept, so everyone who came to Golden City would definitely explore the place. When that happened, they only had to watch the mercenaries attentively and ask for information.

However, when the 'local mafias' buckled up and searched, they made a depressing discovery; Starlight members didn't even leave their residence!

Ever since Rhode led Starlight into the campsite, they had never stepped out. No one knew what they were doing all day long inside. Then, the campsite workers told them that the leader of Starlight kept his members inside for training and forbid them from leaving.

This left them at a loss. They were clear as to why Starlight was able to participate in this Midsummer Festival. After all, this wasn't a secret that Starlight was an extremely lucky mercenary group. A mercenary group like them that was established less than half a year ago and had less than 100 members. How could they even compete with the four guilds?

That was why they thought that this mercenary group was only here to go through the motions. According to them, after arriving Golden City, these people would definitely grab the chance to indulge in drinking, pleasure, and enjoy the nightlife of Golden City before returning to Paphield with the rights to show off. Then—there was no more thens. Because, how could they beat the four guilds?

But now... Could it be that they were still thinking of winning? Were their heads fine? Or could it be that the noble was a brain-dead and he believed that he could win?

Everyone felt ridiculous, as though an ordinary person was going to participate in a heavyweight match where he would be knocked out in one punch and yet he continued to train... What was the point of that?

But no matter how people criticised, all the information they received from the campsite attendants was that Starlight had been training all day and night without anyone stepping in or out.

This information was meaningless to them and they would rather the members of Starlight to attend some fun parties—that would at least bring some interesting news.

The only result they received was that the leader of this mercenary group was a beauty—but was also a man.

What exactly was this mercenary group?!

Actually, from the start, many nobles had guessed wrongly.

They thought that Rhode and his men were country pumpkins who would be dazzled by the flourishing Golden City. But, in fact, it was totally different. It was even more so for Rhode, because in the game, Golden City was almost like his main city. So to him, this was only a trip down memory lane.

As for Marlene and Lize, they grew up in Golden City and even lived in the highest and most luxurious regions of the city. Even though they hadn't returned for a long time, they didn't seem excited.

As for Joey and Randolf, they weren't even in the mood. Thinking back to when they stepped up on the Sacred Arena just a few days ago, they were so nervous that their minds went blank. Luckily, Rhode was there to give them intense training and forced them to forget about unnecessary matters. If not, no one knew what would happen to them.

However, normal beings did exist.

Anne and Lapis were dissatisfied that they were unable to experience the beauty of Golden City. The former had the mindset of a 'country pumpkin' where she felt that coping up in the room the whole day for training was boring. But although Anne grumbled, she was still obedient. Since Rhode said that she couldn't leave, she wouldn't. She could do so after the competition.

As for Lapis, even though she wasn't a main participant and only a substitute, she still wished to explore this beautiful city. The pitiful young lady could only look out of the window while concocting potions...

Although Rhode hoped to lock everyone in until the last day, he was clear of the crooks mixed in with the honest folks as a veteran gamer. Now that there was an incident involving the 'princess', it would definitely be chaotic outside, which was why he had decided not to stir up any trouble and steadily remained in his campsite. Since there was an army of Battle Angels standing on guard, outsiders wouldn't dare enter.

If it was possible, Rhode wished to only release them when the Midsummer Festival began. However, the truth was that, on the evening of the fifth day, the Holy War Ceremony was about to begin with the arrival of the four guilds and Midsummer Festival preparations were completed.

All in all, the leaders of various participating guilds would gather and swear their oaths to the most honorable holy war spear. They would repeat the six commandments and oaths as mercenaries. Then, under the testimony of the holy spirit, they would draw lots to decide on their opponents. Rhode, as the leader of Starlight, naturally had to participate.

That was why Rhode had to give up his plans and bring Marlene and Lapis along.

Rhode didn't bring Lize along because he knew that, as the center of attention of the whole 'princess incident', she would definitely be under scrutiny and admiration, and he still wasn't clear on the King's Party's and Reformist Party's attitude toward her. Although Lydia's view on her wasn't worrying, the King's Party members weren't aligned, so it would be best to avoid provoking any enemies.

That was why he had chosen Marlene and Lapis. Golden City could be considered the base camp for the Senia Family, and even the most foolish person wouldn't dare to start a conflict with the Senia Family's heir.

As for Lapis, Rhode only wished to satisfy her request to roam around the city.Didn't you want to see Golden City's sceneries? See to your heart's content!

When night fell, the Holy War Ceremony finally began in the Lily Garden.

As the ceremony before the commencement of the Midsummer Festival, the Holy War Ceremony received a lot of attention. Not only were the four guild leaders present, but the highest-level authorities of Golden City also attended. As for the Mercenary Association, who was in charge of organising the Midsummer Festival, they had attended too. But this was a ceremony among the mercenaries after all, so it wasn't too grand.

"Tsk, boring."

Barter held his cup and looked at the officials and nobles whispering into one another's ears. His eyes revealed some displeasure. He didn't like such lively and hypocritical occasions, not to mention there were even troublesome rules and the food wasn't enough to fill his stomach!

Whose idea was it to come up with this damn ceremony?

"Although it's boring... It's definitely necessary."

Viktor approached him. This man who led the Cole Falcon guild and crusaded the continent had gracefully stripped off his armor and wore a fitting, black, formal attire. Accompanied by his charming face, he attracted the attention of many young noblewomen.

"Also, this ceremony may not be as boring this time."

"Oh? What do you mean?"

Barter was puzzled. Viktor revealed an interesting smile.

"Don't you have any anticipation for how they will allocate our opponents?"

"Ah? This..."

Barter pondered for a moment. That's right, this Holy War Ceremony was different from the past!

The previous ceremony consisted of only four guilds and the drawing of lots didn't have much suspense. The Purple Lily Guild and Cole Falcon Guild represented the King's Party and the Sky Sword Guild and Liberty Wings Guild represented the Reformist Party. Basically, both camps would fight and as the Midsummer Festival was a festival, the duration of the elimination competition wouldn't be too long. The four guilds would fight in an elimination style, and a winner would be determined from the two winning guilds.

After so many years, the winning and losing rates for either sides were the same. 50/50.

But it was different this year. Due to Starlight's appearance, it changed the scene.

"Viktor, what's the difference? With the addition of a small mercenary group, no matter who faces them, won't it be an easy win?"

Barter understood the reason, but he was unconcerned. After all, such things did happen before. Hiller's Burning Blade had once been promoted to a guild and he represented Paphield. Back then, the Mercenary Association ruled that the newly promoted guild had to go through drawing lots to go against one of the four guilds and one of the guild would be vacant without an opponent. After the match up between the new guild and its opponent, the vacant guild would then battle with the winner for a spot in the finals.

Back then, it was so for Hiller's Burning Blade. In the end... They lost terribly in the individual and group match ups. Their opponents, Cole Falcon, easily kicked them home without receiving any damage.

Burning Blade was indeed a tragedy...

That was why Barter felt that Viktor's worries were unnecessary. Starlight wasn't even a guild yet, so they didn't even need to worry about their abilities.

However, Viktor seemed to have a different opinion about this. His smile remained the same and after hearing Barter's question, he shook his head.

"Who knows? Barter, this world is ever changing... Enough said, a good show is coming up."

Viktor pointed to the entrance.

Barter turned around and spotted a pitch-black chariot painted with an unfamiliar emblem. Then, the door opened and a young man with long black hair, a beautiful face, and formal men's attire stepped down from the chariot. He calmly observed the surrounding while everyone turned their attention to him. Then, they were stunned.

"He's a man?"

Barter couldn't believe his eyes. At the same time, he turned to Viktor and burst out into laughter. How was this possible? Rhode was no doubt a beauty. A beautiful face with delicate facial features that complemented his black long hair—he looked exactly like a woman.

However, the perfectly straight formal man's attire proved that he indeed was a man because no matter how flat a woman's chest was, it would never be this flat.

Rhode noticed the attention he was receiving, but he was mentally prepared. Therefore, he maintained his emotionless expression, stood by the side, and extended his hand in a gentlemanly fashion.

Then, a slim, snowy arm stuck out from inside the chariot and grabbed onto his right hand. Marlene, who was dressed in a grand, maroon gown, stepped down from the chariot.

Unlike the usual days, she wore a gown made from a material that fitted nicely on her body, which accentuated her young, slender figure. A silver shawl wrapped around her shoulders and let off a mature feel. Accompanied with her unique, silver-whitish hair and red pupils, she left a deep impression.

The bustling atmosphere came to an abrupt halt. Not only due to her beautiful looks, but it also due to her identity as the heir of the Senia Family, where she was respected in such occasions. Even though the mercenary group she joined wasn't one with high reputation or abilities, this definitely wasn't enough of a reason for others to poke fun at her.

However, no one noticed that as Marlene extended her hand and grabbed onto Rhode's hand, she was blushing and appeared somewhat despondent. However, she was still the heir of a huge noble family and she quickly recovered from such absent-mindedness before anyone noticed.

Although Rhode noticed Marlene's strange reactions, he didn't speak anything about it. After Marlene walked down the chariot, he released his grip on her hand. He didn't walk alongside Marlene. Instead, he returned to the chariot and extended his hand again.

What's going on?

Many of them were astonishment. They thought that the young man would walk alongside her. You should be happy to have the chance to walk beside her. What are you thinking!?

Before everyone received the answers to their doubts, they saw another young lady extend her hand out of the chariot and grab Rhode's.

Unlike the graceful Marlene, Lapis was dressed fresh and clean. She wore a simple, yet elegant white gown, accompanied with a laced mantle that draped over her shoulders and covered her delicate stature.

Rhode had to admit that Lapis had indeed proven herself to be the Behermes' heir. Although she appeared to be in a daze and was always timid, the lessons she received about royalty ceremonies could be seen entirely when it came to such occasions. Although she didn't have the aura of a queen like Marlene, anyone could see that she had received great education just by her standing there with her hands folded before her chest and lowering her head.

Who is she?

Everyone was perplexed. They didn't know who she was but, judging from her looks, she didn't seem to be the rumored 'princess'. So then, this was very worth the thought over. What was the identity of this young lady to stand alongside Miss Marlene?

In actual fact, with Lapis' identity as Behermes' princess, she indeed had the rights to and even stand in front of Marlene. However, Marlene wasn't aware of Lapis' true identity. As for Rhode... he was only thinking that since Lapis wanted to head outside, he would use this chance for her to have a stroll. No matter what, he was considered to be her guardian and to lock her up in the room the whole day seemed brutal. Besides, Lapis had an introverted nature and definitely wouldn't stir up trouble like Anne...

As Rhode entered the ceremonial hall with the two young ladies, he saw an elderly man with a full head of white hair approaching him with a smile.

He was the representative of the Reformist Party—leader of the Sky Sword guild, Mobis.

"Greetings. Long time no see, Miss Marlene."

The elderly man greeted. It seemed like he totally neglected Rhode and Lapis. However, no one thought that the elderly man was being respectful toward Marlene because all they heard was the sneer in his tone.

"Greetings, President Mobis. It's been 3 months, and you seem to be doing well."

Marlene responded by lifting the hem of her skirt and bowed with no signs of fear.

"I thought that my father's 'accidental' miss had left you lying in bed for awhile."

Although Mobis was much more senior than Marlene and logically speaking, she should be respectful to her elders, the relationship between the Reformist Party and King's Party was like fire and water. She, as a representative of the King's Party, definitely wouldn't show any signs of weakness.

Everyone tensed up as they sensed the difference in this young lady's aura. Unlike in the past, Marlene used to react with pride and arrogance, but now, she seemed stronger and even took the initiative to strike back!

Not only that, but everyone could also sense the rivalry between them. Mobis seemed to have done something to the Senia Family in the past but failed and received a punishment. Oh my goodness, could it be that the Sky Sword Guild intended to fall out with the Munn Kingdom's strongest family force?

The crowd looked at Mobis in bewilderment.

Indeed. The elderly man's calm eyes glinted coldly. Then, he stroked his beard and burst into laughter, at the same time spreading his hands apart.

"Hahaha, Miss Marlene doesn't need to worry about me. Although I may be old, such little trouble means nothing to me. How would I give up so easily before reaching my goal?"

Mobis didn't seem like he wished to continue the conversation. He turned to Rhode.

"This... must be the leader of Starlight, Mr. Rhode? Indeed. Seeing is believing, I didn't expect you to be prettier than what the rumors described."

"Thanks for the compliment, President Mobis."

Rhode maintained his expression as he bowed slightly.

"But, to us mercenaries, face isn't important. Strength is."

"Yes, yes, well said! Hahahahaha."

Mobis burst into laughter and give Rhode a pat on his shoulder, which changed Rhode's expression slightly for a second. Mobis didn't realized it and nodded with satisfaction.

"That's right. You're right. Mercenaries depend on strength, which many young people have long forgotten..."

Mobis paused and looked around. After shifting his gaze back at Rhode, his eyes seemed to be much heavier and dignified. As the leader of the Sky Sword Guild, Mobis had long investigated the information regarding this young man. He knew that Rhode was mindful about his face and could even kill someone on the streets over it. Therefore, this was only a rashful part of him in Mobis' eyes. Originally, he had intended to use this chance to infuriate this young man in order to reach his goals. But, for unknown reasons, it seemed that this young man had patience well above his expectations. Not only that, but Mobis also realised that he wasn't able to read what the young man was thinking based on his expression. Furthermore, for unknown reasons, Mobis felt that Rhode wasn't looking at him like he was looking at a human—more like he was looking at a dead man.

What's going on with this young man?

"I hope you have fun in the Midsummer Festival."

Mobis turned around and left as laughed grimly.

Rhode remained silent. At this moment, he felt something soft grabbing onto his left hand. He turned around and saw Marlene looking at him with helplessness and shaking her head lightly.

"Mr. Rhode, Mobis is hard to deal with. He was purposely provoking you, so you mustn't fall for his trap."

"I understand, Marlene. Don't worry."

Rhode nodded and turned to the front. His eyes glinted with harsh coldness at the sight of Mobis' back. He understood what Marlene meant, and in fact, he was familiar with Mobis. As he executed the King's Party's mission, he destroyed the entire Reformist Party, including Mobis. Although this elderly man seemed kind on the outside, he was a treacherous and murderous figure. However, Rhode wasn't too mindful of him. After all, he had murdered this man before and it wouldn't mean too much to kill him again. Therefore, facing Mobis' taunts, Rhode remained calm as ever, which was why his eyes were slightly odd.

But Mobis wasn't aware of that, of course.

The awkward atmosphere slowly faded away and the clamors once again filled the air. Rhode, Marlene, and Lapis used the opportunity to stand by the side and avoid unnecessary attention.

"What do you think?"

At this moment, Viktor withdrew his gaze and smiled. Barter touched his chin and nodded.

"Still alright, and it seems that this young man isn't any sissy. But, as a man, he should look tougher. If it's me, I would've given that old dude a tight slap! Damn old thing, how could he have even lived for so long? Lucky bastard..."

"Alright. Alright, it's no use saying all these now."

Viktor stopped Barter with his lifted cup and nodded. At the same time, he revealed a mysterious smile.

"It's my turn next."


Barter was stunned.

"You're going too?"

"Of course."

Viktor maintained his smile, but his eyes were filled with determination.

"No matter what, the Senia Family is also our alliance in the King's party, so naturally I have to greet Miss Marlene. Besides, how can I let the Reformist Party snatch all the attention?"

"You're full of trouble, Viktor."

Barter shook his head and sighed as he was clear of Viktor's intentions. Although Viktor was very usually friendly and outspoken, he was much tougher and haughtier on the inside. How could Viktor swallow it down?

But, Viktor had cancelled out everything that Barter said. He approached Rhode with his cup... On the other hand, Barter observed closely.

"No matter how I see it, that guy seems to be heading there to flirt a beautiful young lady."

Barter knew that Rhode was a man, but he couldn't accept this fact...

Chapter 298: Holy War Ceremony (2/2)

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios

Rhode felt that Barter wasn't the only one looking down on him.

He knew that ever since Starlight was established, most problems revolved around the main construction of the mercenary group and him. No matter if it was Anne, Lize, or Marlene, they were all considered beauties. Furthermore, with his pretty face, it gave others a feeling that this mercenary group was made up of only beautiful women and subconsciously, people believed that beauties weren't capable in battles. Not only was this mindset true in this world, but it was also the same in the game too. Many players' first impressions of beautiful players was that they were incapable and only for display.

No matter how grandly they dressed or how powerful their weapons were, no one thought that they earned them with their capabilities but rather with appearances. Moreover, even if they had seen their capabilities during battles, they wouldn't recognise their strengths. Just like 'Mini Bubble Gum' during those days; although that little girl created the PK techniques for Clerics and was also considered the grandmaster of all Clerics, no one regarded her highly due to her overly cute and delicate appearance. There were even people who found excuses for themselves after they had lost, saying how they were unable to lay hands on her because she was too cute, which was why she kept winning. Not only could this protect their reputations, but they could also look down on her achievements at the same time.

But it was never a good idea to mess with a delinquent child. Mini Bubble Gum was furious after hearing the comments. Thereafter, she created a skill that could manipulate and torture the opponent until they begged for mercy. With such scheming battle techniques, many players lost their confidence and pride and quit the game forever... No one ever dared to look down on this cute little girl anymore.

Right now, Starlight was in a similar situation to Mini Bubble Gum. As there were too many females in this mercenary group, they were easily treated as a group of pretty faces. Moreover, Rhode even had a pretty face like Barter just mentioned. It was no wonder that others thought Starlight was a pushover.

Of course, there were both good and bad sides to everything. If Starlight was treated as weak, there would be more troubles searching for them. However, this would also bring their opponents' guard down.

If they treated Starlight as an earthworm that could be easily kneaded, Rhode didn't mind letting them know that they were holding onto a poisonous snake!

One bite would be enough to give them a taste of their own medicine.

After managing a guild for years, Rhode was already experienced in this aspect. He knew that if a guild wished to be popular, they would need to fix their styles. In the game, Starlight was like an attacking tank that crushed from start to end and nobody dared to intervene. This deeply boosted their strengths and also complemented Rhode's image. Due to this reason, almost no one dared to resist Starlight. Furthermore, Starlight's authority in the game wasn't considered too much. They had never forced others to evacuate a place for their training purposes or force others to give up on fighting the BOSSes they had targeted. However, if anyone thought of this behavior as backing down, they would immediately get a taste of how terrifying the strength of this guild. Moreover, in the later part of the game, Starlight had a more than 10,000 players, which occupied one-third of the entire server. No one was capable of overthrowing such a powerful force.

But now, no matter with regards to strength or image, Starlight wasn't suitable for such a style. No one felt that they were powerful and they would get pitied instead, just like a bunch of kids throwing blows and screaming to defeat an adult—no one would treat them seriously. However, deterrence was necessary for any mercenary group, which was why Rhode decided to stick to a more ruthless style. A beautiful and colourful poisonous snake which others had to retreat away from them. Of course, for others to know that this snake was poisonous, they had to show their might. To Rhode, this Midsummer Festival was a precious opportunity.

However, not everyone looked down on them. Rhode didn't detect any sense of malice from Viktor.

In the game, Rhode had participated in the Midsummer Festival and knew the four guilds, including this man, well.

Viktor Laurentius. Unlike mercenaries with poor backgrounds, he was born in a merchant family and learned sword skills from a young age. At 14, he received the rights of a knight and passed the mercenary test. Then, he formed his own mercenary group, Cole Falcon, and displayed outstanding leadership skills. In a matter of three years, he led Cole Falcon into a guild status and expanded in Cortes Plateau like a soaring falcon into the sky.

After Cole Falcon became a guild for two years, they stopped a conspiracy targeting the Munn Kingdom and Viktor was bestowed as a Knight. This was the start of him being in the King's Party.

The development model of Cole Falcon was similar to Rhode's ideal, as Viktor's guild funding was supported from his own family: the Laurentis Trade Association. As he was the second son of the family, he didn't inherit the whole of the trade association (since the person who inherited it wouldn't be able to become a mercenary, anyway). However, in the family, Viktor had a close relationship with his bigger brother. Both brothers were each in charge of the trade association and guild respectively. Such close family ties and the growth of Cole Falcon were inseparable.

However, although Viktor seemed courteous and gracious, Rhode wasn't used to it at all. No matter what, he felt like Viktor was flirting with him... which disgusted him.

In fact, as the second son of a huge trade association, he had been through proper education and he wouldn't be up to any unruly behaviours. But, some things had become a habit to him and Rhode's face was indeed too attractive. As they spoke, Viktor instinctively tried to bring out his best in treating ladies. Then, he realised that he was actually speaking to a man.

This made the deepest part of Viktor's heart filled with tears. In all honesty, he wasn't interested in men at all.

And because of this, both sides were rather awkward. If it were Mobis, maybe it would be better. After all, both sides were definitely enemies and there was no need to hold back. However, Rhode couldn't fall out with Viktor, who was part of the King's Party. At the same time, he was unhappy that Viktor treated him as a woman and even flirted. Moreover, Viktor felt wronged as he didn't think that his behavior was inappropriate. If it were Marlene or Lapis, perhaps he would be considered gentlemanly. But it had to be a guy... What was the point of being gentlemanly before a guy?

Besides, all in all, both sides actually didn't have much to talk about. Although Rhode was in the King's Party too, this wasn't the game where avatar names were indicated above everyone. This was why Viktor was careful in not being too expressive before figuring out Rhode's identity.

This left the atmosphere awkward.

"I've heard about Mr. Rhode's achievements in Paphield."

Viktor's catchphrase was 'I've heard...', so there were many times when he was termed as 'having preternaturally good hearing'. This also held the meaning of belittling and praising Cole Falcon's intelligence-gathering team. It roamed the entire Munn Kingdom, and perhaps other than King's Party, they could be considered the best.

After a meaningless opening, Viktor no longer wished to drag the conversation on and went straight into the main topic. This way, he didn't need to care about the other party's gender.

"I didn't expect that Paphield would produce such a figure like Mr. Rhode."

"We are only a mercenary group, Mr. Viktor."

Rhode calmly replied. He knew that this man wasn't as harmless as he seemed. In fact, Rhode knew that he had made a name for himself in Paphield and it wasn't too possible for the guilds to ignore. However, as long as they belittled Starlight, Starlight would have a chance of victory.

"We are only doing our best in what we can and nothing much."

"But the fact that you guys are standing here proved a lot."

If Rhode's expression was like frozen ice of thousand years, Viktor's smile was like a warm spring breeze. Viktor laughed and passed his wine glass from his left to right hand. Then, he turned to Marlene, who was softly speaking to Lapis. As the heir of a huge family, Marlene saw how a person presented himself in such occasions. Although both of them got in touch a lot of times in the mercenary group, Lapis was always introverted and feared death more than Christie. After such a long time, even Christie was already familiar with Marlene and the rest. However, Lapis had always been disassociated with most people and this was a good opportunity for her to have a closer relationship with others. Before coming to this place, Rhode had reminded Marlene to help Lapis and it seemed like things were going well.

"Also, I believe in Miss Marlene's insight. A mercenary group she was willing to join is definitely special."

Rhode's brows twitched slightly, but before he said anything, a sharp, piercing voice sounded from the side.

"Indeed. Just as Sir Viktor said... A mercenary group who simply kills their enemies is definitely unique."

Viktor's expression slightly changed. Rhode puckered his brows and turned to the source of the voice.

They saw a tall, skinny middle-aged man with both hands behind his back. His face was plastered with a sarcastic smile.

He was the leader of Liberty Wings Guild, Waltz.

All the leaders of the four guilds had assembled.

"Mr. Waltz, what you said seems a little odd."

Viktor forced a smile but quickly restored his previous expression. Rhode swept a glance at Waltz and continued to sip on his wine.

"I don't understand what you mean."

"Hmph. Do you really not understand? Mr. Viktor?"

Waltz let out a sneer and looked down on Rhode. Then, he walked closer and blocked Rhode's line of sight. At this moment, everyone detected that some problems were brewing and retreated. Rhode continued to stare into his wine cup and admired the liquid within while totally ignoring the man before him.

Everyone took in a deep, fearful breaths because Waltz was the person who one shouldn't provoke. This person was vicious, tough, and irascible. Anyone who resisted him wouldn't end up well. Furthermore, he had an equally strong backing—at least for now.

And that was why this leader had always been acting tough and not many dared to argue and ignore his presence. But now, Rhode actually did it! Waltz stood less than a meter away, but Rhode didn't even blink an eye and continued to admire the delicious wine as though he was non-existent!

This young man had no fear!

Everyone knew of Waltz's irascible temperament. For Rhode to brazenly disregard him, who knew what would happen if he angered this man! Would the young lady from the Senia Family be willing to step up for this young man?

Some of them extremely admired of Rhode's courage. From the start, they had sensed the murderous intent from this horrifying man as he strode toward Rhode.

Rhode didn't have any expression at all and didn't even lift his head!

Just based on this, Rhode gained a lot of respect.

"Hear this, kid."

Waltz's voice wasn't loud, but it rang in Rhode's ears.

"I don't know how you managed to get rid of Frank, but I got to tell you that you have successfully provoked a horrifying enemy and things won't end so simply. I will make you pay for what you have done."

"Is this a threat? Mr. Waltz?"

Marlene stepped forward. She lifted her head and sized up this man proudly. Then, she went up to Rhode and stood beside him.

"I'm not threatening anyone, Miss Marlene."

Waltz's brows twitched.

"I'm only speaking the truth. There are things that people should do and not do, but it's a pity that there will always be someone ignorant who does things their way. This is a ridiculous matter just like your mercenary group—an utter joke."

"Starlight is not my mercenary group, Mr. Waltz."

Marlene finally couldn't hold it in any longer.

"I am only a member of the mercenary group and the leader is Mr. Rhode. Mr. Waltz, please get this right."

"Of course I didn't get it wrong."

Waltz put on a fake smile. He looked at Rhode in disdain and shifted his gaze to Marlene.

"A nominal leader? This is the way you people work? Miss Marlene, I'm too disappointed in your family."

Many were stunned and they immediately understood what Waltz meant by that. Waltz was saying that the Senia Family wished to take over Paphield, which was why they sent Marlene over and set up a mercenary group. However, it would be too glaring for a family heir like Marlene to become a mercenary group leader, which was why they had to find a person like Rhode to substitute her. In short, this young man was like a puppet of the Senia Family, and Marlene was the mastermind behind everything.

The older the wiser. Waltz's remark didn't only instigate the relationship between Rhode and Marlene, but also disregarded the position of Senia Family. Everyone knew that the Senia Family was the most respected family in the Munn Kingdom. Now that they wished to expand their powers, they actually resorted to such methods which didn't fit in well with their identity. In the end, he still successfully turned the situation around that Rhode's unruly behaviour of ignoring him was due to him being a puppet under control. Under such a situation, without Marlene's permission, he wasn't allowed to say anything.

This had been disguised as a mockery.

Marlene sulked and even Lapis who remained silent wasn't able to hold it in any longer. She didn't know who this person was but judging from the way he regarded Rhode as useless, she was furious. She took two steps forward as though she about to comment, but after looking into the man's eyes, she shivered and froze to the spot.

Waltz didn't give up this chance. He noticed Lapis and approached her.

"This lady doesn't seem familiar. Who are you?"

"I... I..."

As Waltz approached, Lapis panicked. Marlene couldn't hold it in any longer and stopped Waltz from moving forward.

"Mr. Waltz, she is a member of our mercenary group. Please be respectful."

"Mercenary group member?"

Waltz came to an abrupt halt and curiously sized up Lapis.

"I didn't expect the Senia Family to have such interest. Miss Marlene, I was wondering if I can pay for a night's stay in your mercenary group? I think it would feel really good."

Marlene snapped. Any normal humans would be able to hear that Waltz was blatantly implying that Starlight was a brothel. How could Marlene tolerate any further?

However, just as she was about to speak, Rhode stopped her. Then, he said something that changed everyone's expression instantly.

"Marlene, don't lower yourself to this old carpenter."

Old carpenter!

Everyone turned ashen.

This dealt a critical hit to Waltz!

When Waltz was young, he wasn't a mercenary but a carpenter. During those times, his life wasn't any different from other ordinary civilians. But later on, a disaster changed his life. His family got dragged into an suppression operation by the armed forces and died. Although the commanding officer was eventually punished, this disaster totally changed Waltz's life. He hated the suppression operations and blamed the King's armed forces. Then, he joined the Liberty Wings Guild of the Southern Reformist Party because he felt that the armed forces had totally neglected his life and the civilians were only devoted to the King. He didn't wish for others to meet the same fate of pain and sadness, which was why he joined the Reformist Party. With his talent and hardwork, he spent 20 years and promoted into a guild leader from an ordinary mercenary.

Under the Southern Reformist Party's propaganda, Waltz became the spokesperson for the poor civilians. Indeed, to many people, his temper was irascible and he was a dangerous person. However, to those poor civilians of the South, this was the way a real man should be. He wasn't as subtle and hypocritical as those soft-spoken nobles. This was the man most real and worthy of their support!

Of course, to the King's Party, he was a dangerous man. He relied on himself to influence the civilians recklessly. Even when the situation wasn't that serious, the matter would become huge and batter the King's Party as long as he brought his men to make a fuss. According to Rhode's way of saying of this world, Waltz was a talent in starting fights between classes.

The King's Party wouldn't be so nice as to believe what he did for the poor civilians was the best. From their perspectives, Waltz purpose of doing that was to smear the image of the King's Party and path a way for the Reformist Party. Due to this reason, the King's Party was dissatisfied with him, but his Liberty Wings had always been located in the huge Reformist Party camp's southern port, where the King's Party wasn't able to take actions against him.

They were clear of Waltz's identity and knew the reasons behind his rebellion, which was why anyone who called him a 'carpenter' only dared to do it behind his back and no one dared to call it in his face.

And now, this young man actually did it before everyone!

Oh my god, what was he thinking? Could it be that this lad is sick of living already?

Even Mobis, who enjoyed the show, turned pale.

Waltz sulked and clenched his fists while staring at Rhode with his fiery eyes. His murderous intent exuded. Many were impressed by this ridiculous young man. They saw that this young lad was extremely courageous!

Moreover, the corner of his eyes didn't even move when he said it. As usual, he totally ignored the presence of Waltz as though he wasn't present.

He didn't put Waltz in his eyes!

At this instant, many felt that the rumors about this noble from the Eastern Plains was true. Other than that ghostly, forbidden place, where else would anyone dare to disregard Waltz?

But... What would become of him?

Many sighed inwardly and took a few steps back subconsciously. To them, this ceremony might turn bloody, so they'd better step away in order not to get dragged into it.

Viktor and Barter exchanged looks of shock. Judging from Rhode and Marlene's actions, they could see that this young man wasn't their enemy. For Marlene to step out and defend him, it proved that he must be a supporter of the King's Party. After all, Marlene, as the heir of the Senia Family, definitely knew what was wrong or right. But... Who exactly was this man?

It didn't just require courage to not be wavered by Waltz. They finally respected Rhode.

It was apparent that this mercenary group wasn't that simple at all.

So then, how would Waltz react to this?

Marlene took a few steps back and placed her staff before Lapis while staring at Waltz. She knew who the enemies of her family were. One could say that a person like Waltz was frank and irascible. But no matter what, he was a dangerous figure.

So then, would he make a move under everyone's watchful eyes?

Rhode lifted his head and gazed at Waltz.

This surprised Waltz.

Same as Mobis, Waltz saw the young man's intentions through his eyes. The young man looked as though he was staring at a dead person and he didn't seem to feel threatened... Just like how he had countlessly gazed at those who resisted him and ended up defeated.

What's going on?

The rage deep in Waltz's heart was totally replaced with hesitation. After being a mercenary for years, he could recognize if a person was lying or not.

What's with this lad?

Waltz stared blankly and his opportunity slipped by, because at this moment, a deep bugle horn sounded and the Holy War Ceremony official began.

Waltz was taken aback. Then, he swept a cold glance at Rhode before turning away. Up until this moment, everyone let out sighs of relief; after all, they didn't wish for such chaos in this ceremony.

"Hey, I think that lad's got guts."

After Viktor returned to Barter's side, he heard of the other parties' comment on Rhode. Now, Barter had a different view on Rhode.

"He actually called Waltz an old carpenter? Hahaha! Old carpenter! Viktor, after so many years, have you ever seen anyone call Waltz that? This lad is brave and I like him! After this ceremony, I'm gonna treat him to a drink!"

"This really is..."

Viktor sighed. He didn't understand Rhode much, but from his previous actions, he knew that he wasn't any pushover...

This time, the ballot ceremony might be rather troublesome.

The ceremony finally began.

The Mercenary Association President held a sacred spear before everyone and the guilds and mercenary group representing the five regions approached the spear, recited the commandments and codes of mercenaries in unison. Then, they swore that they would battle for the honor and tradition of mercenaries. This was all meaningless talk, but what happened was the most crucial.

Ballot Ceremony.

The previous ballot ceremony wasn't followed closely because the King's Party faced the Reformist Party everytime and everyone was used to such arrangements. But it was different this time with the addition of Starlight, which changed the format into a two versus two. One of the guilds would need to battle for an additional match and according to the rules, this would be the first match.

Just as Barter thought, none of the guilds regarded Starlight highly. With their current strength, they would definitely be the first to be eliminated.

However, as Marlene was around, it made things awkward. Everyone knew that the Senia Family was the core of the King's Party, so if Starlight drew a match against Purple Lily or Cole Falcon, wouldn't that mean an internal strife? The latter definitely was a loyal supporter of the King's Party, but the Senia Family was the core of the King's Party. If Marlene lost, the Senia Family would be upset. Furthermore, what if the family's heir was injured before everyone...

Everyone in the Reformist Party couldn't help but hide their smiles at this thought.

On the contrary, Barter and Viktor put up serious expressions as they knew clearly what consequences this would bring. But what else could they do?

The Mercenary Association's ballot ceremony wasn't any different from ordinary ones. Six swords would be pierced in a row and the leaders would step ahead and draw a sword each. The color indicated at the tip of the swords would determine their opponents. The ones with the same colors would fight each other.

First up was Waltz. After receiving the blessings from the Mercenary Association President, he drew one of the swords—blue.

Then, Waltz raised and showed the sword with both hands before shooting a look at Rhode who was at the end of the queue.

Barter was next. He took big steps forward and drew a sword without any hesitation.


Barter shrugged and left without saying a word.

Then, it was Viktor. Unlike Barter, Viktor maintained his elegant self. He confidently stepped forward and bowed before extending his arm.


Viktor sulked slightly but restored his smile. He cursed his bad luck inwardly. He knew clearly that the Liberty Wings had invited the powerful beast, Rosen, in order to secure their victory. Would he still stand a chance?

Viktor stepped down the platform in uncertainty.

Mobis was next.

He revealed a meaningful smile before drawing a sword. He turned around and gazed at the other four leaders. Then, he extended his hand and pulled out a sword.


Just as everyone predicted, this year's Midsummer Festival would still be a show between the King's Party and Reformist Party without any suspense. So then, what happened next was the real suspense. Which color would Starlight receive?

Rhode stepped onto the stage.

He stood before the president and bowed respectfully. The latter nodded with a smile.

"Mr. Rhode, your Starlight Mercenary Group has been performing well in Paphield. I hope you can keep up this phenomenal performance in the Midsummer Festival."

He was obviously lying through his teeth.

"I'll do my best."

Rhode calmly replied and shifted his gaze to the remaining two swords — Each of the sword represented red or blue respectively.

Marlene stared at Rhode nervously from below. Lapis opened her eyes wide and clutched onto Marlene's hands. Although she was only here as a substitute, she was nervous too.

Rhode didn't consider much as he stretched his right hand and pulled out the sword on the right.

The color of bloody red was oddly glaring.

And Rhode's opponents were therefore decided.

They would face the Reformist Party's loyal supporter, the Sky Sword Guild.

Chapter 299: Void Follower

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios

Upper City, Magical Garden.

The heavy brown door slid open and revealed a path to the young lady. The magical radiance extended along the red carpet and removed all darkness. Marlene quietly observed everything before her until the magical radiance reached its end and she lifted her head, gripping her staff and walking forward.

A humble magical servant with a face made of runes emerged beside her. She bent over slightly and followed Marlene closely.

"How's Dad?"

"Everything's fine, Miss Senia."

The servant softly answered. It maintained a rhythm where she pulled a distance apart from Marlene.

"Master has always been healthy, so there aren't any issues."

"Are there anything that concerns me?"

"Yes, Miss Senia. Master Sonia was hoping that you could find time and return to school as she wishes to see your growth and progress. Also, you have a few messages from your schoolmates who are hoping to meet up with you during the Midsummer Festival."

"My schoolmates?"

Marlene slowed down and quietly stared forward with complex emotions. Then, she shook her head slightly.

"Inform Master Sonia that I will find time to return to school after the Midsummer Festival. As for the schoolmates... I'm sorry. I'm still a member of Starlight, so before the festival ends, I will stay with my mercenary group. I can't promise their date."

"Miss Ellenson was one of them."

The servant paused for a moment before continuing. Marlene pondered in silence and eventually shook her head.

"I know, but I can't. I have something important to handle right now. Inform her that I'm busy and I will find time to accompany her after the festival."

"Yes, Miss Senia."

Marlene had reached the end of the hallway. The servant vanished into thin air. Then, the heavy doors opened. Marlene tidied her clothes and proudly stepped into the room with her head held high.

The room was pitch-black, but Marlene wasn't worried at all. She walked to the middle of the room and shut her eyes. Soon enough, as the colorful magical radiance reappeared, six beings in white masks appeared with staffs in their hands and dressed in black long gowns. They surrounded the young lady and observed her in silence.

Marlene reopened her eyes. She slightly lowered her head and bowed.

"Marlene Senia is here to report to the Magic Council... I hope I'm on time."

"You arrived just in time, Marlene."

Soon enough, one of them said in a muffled voice and couldn't be differentiated as male or female.

"We intended to leave before the start of the Midsummer Festival, but after receiving your report, we decided to wait for your return. So then, can you explain everything to us now? We heard you found the guardian knight in Paphield? Is this true?"

"That's true."

Marlene nodded and lifted her staff.

The gem on the tip of the staff emanated a magical radiance. Then, scenes of images emerged in the air. From the battle in the pitch-black ruins to the battle with the devil in Blackrock Depths, everything was clearly displayed. If Rhode were here, he would have quickly recognised that those were his previous battle journeys.

"Summon Spirit!"

Within the magical images, a black-haired man extended his arm and the card on his hand immediately turned into a beautiful Battle Angel. Everyone uttered in surprise.

"This is the technique of a Spirit Swordsman!"

"Yes, everyone."

Marlene continued.

"Just as I have previously reported, Mr. Rhode completely fitted in as our Senia Family's historical description of a Spirit Swordsman. He was able to summon incredibly strong spirits by using miraculous cards to battle alongside him. Furthermore, just as I reported, he seems to have a bunch of powerful companions in the past and they have been to the Deepest Labyrinth."

"Oh gosh!"

All the six masked beings couldn't help but take in deep breaths.

"Are you sure? Marlene?"

"I'm sorry, I'm unable to confirm. But all I can say is that, through various methods, I can confirm that his past companions were indeed powerful. Also—" Marlene paused for a moment as a young lady dressed in a gown and cheekily smiling at her emerged in her mind. Then, she continued. "Also... They're at least in the Master Stage."

"Is it real?"

One of them questioned and Marlene nodded.

"Yes, Mr. Rhode held strength in the Master Stage. But, it is a pity that his companions seemed to have lost their lives."

Marlene felt pitiful for them. In the mirage, she got along well with Canary. Although she wasn't a real human and was only an illusionary image who couldn't communicate with Marlene, Marlene felt that Canary's character seemed to match well with hers. Although Canary was a self-taught Mage, she possessed strength that could make Marlene accept defeat wholeheartedly. If she were still alive, perhaps they could even be friends...

Marlene sighed. However, the six beings didn't seem too mindful.

"That indeed was a pity."

Another one said. Although his motive might be completely different from Marlene's, the meaning that both sides conveyed was still the same.

"But, this shouldn't be something of our concern. I think you are clear of your mission, Marlene."


Marlene lowered her head and quietly stared at the black slab on the ground. It was unimaginable that a few months ago, as she was about to leave, deep inside her heart she was actually uncertain of this mission. But now... Why weren't there any hesitations at all? Instead, she was even more excited and looking forward to it?

Maybe she knew the answer but didn't wish to face it.

Marlene was distracted for a moment and a sharp voice regained her senses.

"... We have seen how this Mr. Rhode performed in the Holy War Ceremony. Marlene, what do you think of his stance?"

Marlene considered for a moment before answering.

"I think that Mr. Rhode shouldn't be a member of the Reformist Party. As per my observations, he was biased toward the King's party and didn't have a good relationship with the Reformist Party. Just as I have reported previously... Mr .Rhode seems to have some conflicts with the Reformist Party. Besides, I feel that he didn't have too many opinions about Her Highness Lydia."

"This sounds like a good news for us... But..."

The six beings responded and discussed while Marlene stared at her staff with complicated emotions. On one hand, Marlene felt happy, but on the other hand, she was worried and afraid. Although she knew by doing this, it wouldn't bring any harm to Rhode, she felt guilty for unknown reasons. She felt that to discuss about Rhode's matters behind his back was an act of betrayal which made her felt terrible.


Marlene was taken aback.

Why do I need to feel terrible? This should be my mission in the first place, besides... This isn't bad for Mr, Rhode, right? Although by doing this, I may be guilty of betraying Mr. Rhode, but I, after all, am the heir of Senia Family and held the responsibility of a 'Selector'. This is my mission for my family. Shouldn't this be inevitable and right?

But... Why? Whenever Marlene thought of Rhode's expressionless face, she felt that she had done something wrong. Could it be that she was worried about Rhode finding out?

Marlene had mixed feelings and was speechless.

If this continued... Maybe one of these days, the Senia Family would need to interact with Mr. Rhode. When that happened, how would Rhode think of her when he realised that she had been doing such things all along. After spending so much time with Rhode, she knew that he wasn't interested in benefiting the majority of the people. He was calm, had plans in mind, and also worked things his way. Of course. Marlene faintly noticed that sometimes the way Rhode did things wasn't too similar to what she imagined. However, as a person from a noble family, she knew that, in this world, if one didn't work one's way through, one would be dead. That was why whenever she noticed Rhode doing something odd, she would act like she didn't notice as long as it was unrelated to her.

Just as Rhode had thought, although Marlene had accepted such things, it didn't mean that she agreed to them.

As for her...

"... Marlene?"

"Ah. Yes!"

Marlene lifted her head instantly. The six beings exchanged looks, but due to their masks, the young lady wasn't able to see their expressions. Soon, they continued and said, "You can do what you want in this Midsummer Festival. The Senia Family will unconditionally support you... If you can teach the Reformist Party a lesson, it will be for the best."

"Yes, I understand."

"So then, that's all for today... Don't forget your mission, Marlene Senia. Everything is for the Limitless Void Astrology."

"Everything for the Limitless Void Astrology."

The colorful magical radiance dissipated and darkness fell upon her once again. After a few moments, the magical radiance before her lit up. Then, the man who had been standing before her approached. He removed his mask and revealed a stern expression.

Marlene revealed a sincere smile.

"Dad... I'm back."

"Good to see you back, Marlene."

The man revealed a gratified smile as he extended his hand and caressed the young lady's smooth hair. His face was filled with kindness and reluctance.

"You have been out for so long and lost so much weight... Have a good rest at home today. Although I know the Midsummer Festival will be starting tomorrow, the true battle hasn't begun for you..." The man paused for a moment and the smile on his face faded.

"Marlene, are you willing to forgive me?"


Marlene looked at her father with doubtful eyes.

"I don't understand what you mean..."

"This responsibility shouldn't be beared by you, my child."

The man continued to caress her long hair while his eyes were filled with solidarity.

"Initially, I didn't think that you would be the one in the prophecy... As a matter of fact, although it wouldn't be nice for the family to say this, I wish you were only my daughter and the heir of Senia Family and didn't need to carry such heavy responsibilities and this mission. But now..."

"I don't think that this is anything bad, Dad."

Marlene shook her head as she looked at her father with a gentle smile.

"I admit that when I left Golden City for Paphield to follow the prophecy, I was indeed worried and uncertain because I wasn't sure who the person in the prophecy would be like. I was even more afraid and resistive. Dad, during that period of time, I wished that my mission was only an imaginative dream where everything wasn't real... But now, I feel that I am fortunate. At least... From what I see, I don't think that this is worth of regretting. I'm glad to have chosen to be determined and not escape."

Marlene shut her eyes and placed her right hand on her chest.

"This body—this soul—will be presented to the Limitless Void Astrology. Dad, I have decided that no matter what consequences we need to pay, we must fulfill the goal that our family have been chasing for... For that, I am willing to offer my everything."

The man stared blankly and let out a laughter.

"Marlene, you must know that personal feelings aren't allowed in a mission."


Marlene blushed instantly. She widened her eyes and protested.

"I am serious in my work!"

"I'm also serious about this, Marlene."

The man sighed and let out a giggle. Although Marlene denied it, how could he not realize his daughter's true thoughts as the head of the family? She eventually would grow up...

The man lifted his head.

"That's for the best, Marlene... Don't forget the meaning of the Senias."

"Yes... Dad. I will never forget it."

Marlene raised her head and faced the dome in the hall.

Under the shine of the magical radiance, the drafted Limitless Void Astrology and shining spots of stars in the dome linked up and formed a soaring huge dragon with its wings spread open. It lifted its head high and overlooked from above.

As though looking over all living creatures in this world.

Chapter 300: Start of the Midsummer Festival

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios

The Midsummer Festival couldn't be considered popular because it focused on mercenaries, and everyone else would just gather for food and drinks. Thereafter, the Mercenary Association decided to 'join in the fun' and promote it into a festival. But, even so, the Midsummer Festival still wasn't regarded highly by others because the nature of mercenaries was always loud and rowdy, and all of them would eat and drink gluttonously. Unlike other festivals, the Midsummer Festival didn't have any procedures like giving speeches of missions and all—mercenaries wouldn't know if they could see another day, so expectations and ideals were equal to nothing for them. As for missions, what were their missions other than earning money?

That was why the previous Midsummer Festivals had always been cold and cheerless. Just like the previous Holy War Ceremony, everyone started eating and drinking after the ballot and vows. The civilians only wished to gather to the arena for a good show, where the competition between guilds or ceremony were unimportant matters.

But this time, after Lydia took over as organizer, how could she tolerate having a meaningless and empty festival as a person who was termed as luxurious, extravagant, and gorgeous?

Therefore, a unique grand festival had begun as morning arrived.

Accompanied with deep, loud saluting gun explosions, countless magical fireworks erupted, spiralling into the sky and exploding in all directions before merging with the sun's first ray. In an instant, the highest point of Golden City seemed to have awakened under the dazzling sun.

Rhode looked at the scenery with widened eyes, whereas Lize, Anne, and the rest were totally stunned.

Over just one night, Golden City seemed to have transformed. Flags representing various guilds and associations waved in the blue skies. The golden sun rays were like a shapeless river flowing in the air with countless petals falling from above. The lightly scented aroma gave them a comfortable sensation...

"This is... the Midsummer Festival?"

Joey was overwhelmed. He stared at everything in panic—that's right, panic. Lydia loved huge occasions, but this didn't mean that others would equally love such bustling scenes, especially the mercenaries that were participating in the opening matches. The larger the occasion, the more nervous they would get, and the worse they would perform. This was only natural for any normal human, unlike rare cases like Anne, who couldn't wait to jump onto the arena and wreck her opponents.

"Alright, this is nothing. Calm down."

Rhode didn't have any reactions. Although the scale of this fesivatal was huge, it was only compared to the usual Midsummer Festival. If this was to be compared to the official festivals, this scale was actually rather similar. The most ridiculous festival was the Dragon Soul Ceremony; that was the true festival for the whole nation. Compared to this, that was the real deal.

But, even so, Rhode let out an inward sigh. This ruler definitely found a lot of trouble for him by turning the festival into such a bustling scene. Wouldn't his men become even more nervous? Luckily, he was already prepared for this; if not, he wouldn't know how it would turn out.

Rhode withdrew his gaze and turned to everyone.

"Get prepared and we will move out soon— Before that, spend some time to admire the scenery."

Rhode paused for a moment and subconsciously swept a glance at everyone. Marlene wasn't with them. This was pretty normal as, after the ceremony the day before, she informed him that she would return home and head directly to the Sacred Arena. Rhode approved of her request because he knew that the Senias were located in Golden City and since Marlene was back, it wouldn't be right not to let her return home. That was why he didn't object and since they were cooped up in the campsite for so long and the Senia Family didn't look for them, wouldn't it be too much to not allow her? To keep their family's heir with the mercenary group and not allow her home; even though the Midsummer Festival was indeed important, it wasn't to this extent...

In the end, Rhode agreed to Marlene's 'leave application'.

But Rhode felt strange to not see Marlene around. Ever since Marlene joined the mercenary group, he had gotten used to this young lady quietly following him around. And unlike Lize, Marlene's observation on many matters were sensitive and helped him manage many issues on hand. If Marlene was around and noticed Rhode's glance, she definitely would have stepped out and questioned him.

Rhode shook his head and threw this thought to the back of his head. No matter what, she was the heir of the Senia Family and it was already great that she could come to Starlight and be his assistant for such a long time. Actually, Rhode had mentally prepared himself that after the Midsummer Festival, Marlene might leave the mercenary group. He didn't forget that the reason this young lady joined the mercenary group was to gain a certain level of battle experience.

Now that Marlene had no lack of battle experiences as she had improved over the course in the mirage training, this Midsummer Festival actually could be considered the end of term examinations. If this young lady performed well, it would mean that she passed the test. She wouldn't have anymore reasons to stay in Starlight.

With regards to Marlene leaving the group, Rhode would be lying if he said he didn't feel a least bit of pity. Marlene was the first ever to request to join Starlight as a mercenary. She could be said to be the one who participated in the mercenary group's formation and been through its various changes. This young lady was also reasonable and extremely cool headed, also understanding circumstances. Of course, she might be rather proud, but to Rhode, this wasn't a flaw. She was respected and loved within the mercenary group and held enough authority in managing matters according to his wishes. Even without Rhode around to give commands, Marlene also knew what was the best for the mercenary group. As the heir of a huge family, she learnt a lot on this aspect as she would need to lead all of them in the future.

Frankly speaking, Rhode definitely didn't wish to give up on such an outstanding assistant like her. Although Gillian could work well with him too, she was more suitable to be a leader than as an assistant. On the other hand, although Lize was obedient, she didn't have her own constructive opinions. In addition, she had a gentle and loving nature, but wasn't experienced in leading and commanding others. Whenever Rhode was around, she didn't seem to have any issues but once Rhode went away, there definitely would.

As for Anne—he didn't even need to think about it.

Actually, from another perspective, Celia and Celestina suited Rhode's requirement. However, as spirits of the card deck, they couldn't be outside 24/7, which was why it was hopeless. Thinking of having the need to choose a new assistant after this Midsummer Festival, Rhode felt a little depressed.

And deep in his heart, he admitted that he indeed didn't wish for Marlene to leave his side.

Of course, the reason was other than the reasons stated above.

But Rhode was clear that the reason was hard to explain.

"... What's wrong? Rhode...?"

Rhode lowered his head and turned to the direction of the voice. He realised that Christie had tugged on his sleeve and looked at him worriedly.

"... Rhode seems pale... Are you ok...?"

"No, Christie, I just thought of something troublesome, that's all."

Rhode smiled (which was a rare opportunity for everyone to see his smile), squatted down, and looked at Christie while caressing her hair.

"I was only thinking... if Marlene were to leave us, what should I do next?"

"... Sister Marlene is leaving...?"

Christie widened her eyes in astonishment. Although Christie wasn't as close with the rest as Rhode was, she had considered Marlene to be someone familiar after spending so many days together. She wouldn't bear separating from this strict and friendly older sister.

"... Why must Sister Marlene leave? Rhode.... Everyone, stay together... isn't that good?"

Rhode shrugged hopelessly and shook his head with a bitter smile.

"She has her life and we have ours... Besides, this is only a possibility, not for sure yet."

"... Sister Marlene would never leave..."

Christie revealed a confident smile.

"... I know, because Sister Marlene loves everyone... so she wouldn't leave..."

"I hope so."

Rhode didn't say much as he lightly fondled with her hair once more before standing up and staring out the window.

The Sacred Arena was shining so ever brightly under the dazzling sun rays.

It was their turn to fight soon.

Chapter 301: Before the Competition

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios

It was already noon when Rhode arrived at the Sacred Arena. After the glorious opening ceremony, the bustling festival quietened. Just like waves, there were peaks and lows. Got to say, Lydia had good control over this. After a whole morning of splendid celebrations, everyone was fatigued. Comfortable music and the sound of bells could be heard all over Golden City for everyone to calm their nerves and get ready for the next highlight.

At this moment, Rhode and the rest were led to the entrance of the Sacred Arena by the Battle Angels.

At this moment, all of them finally got to see how huge and tall this whole arena was.

As the most reputable building in the Munn Kingdom, the Sacred Arena was eye catching. This arena covered 23,000 square meters, had 150m tall high walls, and a huge arched door. When Rhode's group stood before the arched door, they sensed a stress as though this sky-piercing construction would suddenly collapse and devour them.

The newbies like Joey and Randolf couldn't help but swallow their saliva. Of course, they couldn't admire this magnificent construction with pure appreciation and exclaim like Lapis and Christie because they needed to withstand the pressure from the competition later on. Furthermore, over 100k people in the audience would be watching their fights, which left Joey and Randolf shivering at the thought...

Rhode remained as calm as ever. After gaining the likes of the Munn Kingdom to the 'Worship' level, Rhode once challenged for the title of 'Sacred Guardian' and won. Back then, he fought under the gazes of 100k people, which wasn't any different from this.

Of course, Rhode did notice the psychological changes in his men. Gillian was acting normally as she followed closely. As an Elemental Lord, she wasn't mindful with matters of such standards. On the other hand, Lapis was free from pressure as she knew that she wasn't going to participate. As for Lize... She had been calm on their trip here. But now, she held her hands placed on her chest with a pale expression.

Whereas for Anne, she carried her heavy shield and hopped around energetically. No one knew if she wasn't nervous at all or purposely putting an act to conceal her senses. According to Rhode's understanding, the former was more probable...

"Let's go."

Rhode turned to the side, tapped on Christie's shoulder, and looked at Shauna. The rest of the mercenary group had also arrived at Golden City and settled in at the campsite. However, as the competition was about to start, they couldn't follow the participants. According to the Midsummer Festival rules, various guild members were arranged to be seated behind their participating members. This could strengthen their momentum and also show off their strengths. However, to Rhode, it was impossible to strengthen the momentum of this new mercenary group of his. But, he still allowed them to crowd around for the sake of cohesiveness. At the same time, this served as a test because he was clear of the situation his men would face in the Midsummer Festival, which would naturally affect the mercenary group's cohesiveness. That was why he allowed most of the members to join in and cheer for their members and also secretly polish the entire mercenary group. Rhode was sure that Starlight wouldn't be one of the favourites in the Midsummer Festival and would be disregarded by many. Under such circumstances, as newly joined mercenaries, would they be able to withstand this pressure?

Previously in the game, Starlight being overly powerful had faced many hostilities from players. Some had even formed alliances just to defeat Starlight. At that point in time, many players who joined Starlight felt that they were hated by the whole community and many chose to leave the guild under the pressure. However, at the same time, many stayed and became the pillar and foundation of Starlight's growth and development. Now, Rhode decided to use the same method to test their cohesiveness. If one couldn't withstand the pressure, one could leave.This also saved Rhode's time so he didn't need to understand and observe them.

"Alright. Shauna, I'll leave Christie in your hands."

"Please be assured, Sir."

Shauna nodded hurriedly. She had led a comfortable life in Starlight because in this mercenary group, she seldom heard of anyone gossiping about her using her body to seduce the leader in order to reach her current status. This wasn't a surprise. After all, there were many more young ladies who were more beautiful than Shauna. In terms of identity, Marlene was more grandeur. In terms of temperament, Lize was purer. In terms of body, Anne was hotter. The mercenaries' aesthetic conceptions were basically normal and they wouldn't believe that Rhode would give up the three beauties by his side and go for Shauna with average looks and figure. This in turn left Shauna at ease, but of course, still depressed her a lot. After all, she was still a woman...

But, the latter was only her personal issues.

After spending a long time in the stronghold, Christie was familiar with most of the mercenaries. Therefore, she was used to Rhode's entrustment and no longer hid behind his back whenever she met other mercenaries. Although she didn't bear to leave, she obediently nodded and followed Shauna to the other side of the entrance after hearing his words.

Rhode turned around after Christie disappeared by the corner.

"Let's go."

The preparation room was much better than the underground colosseum, with no sinister and terrifying atmosphere. It was lit brightly and there was a holy mural carved on the walls. The room was decorated with exquisite tables and chairs and hanged with various weapons on the walls. Of course, these were only decorations.

Marlene happened to arrive at this moment and out of Rhode's expectations, she seemed to have transformed from head to toe after one night... Of course, this didn't mean that Marlene went for plastic surgery. Instead, it was the shiny reflections on her which he couldn't gaze at directly.

Medusa's Necklace, Nightmare robe, Moon bracelet, and crystal ear drops—All these god-tier accessories and equipment almost blinded Rhode's eyes. Natives indeed couldn't be messed with. The risk that Rhode had taken and time spent in building the mercenary group couldn't even be compared to half of the equipment that Marlene was wearing. Judging from the equipment, Rhode felt that if Marlene stood in the players' arena, the opponent would immediately leave the game followed by a quick 'GG'.

However, this was naturally good news for Rhode. From this, he discovered that the Senia Family was supportive of him. If not, she wouldn't be equipped with so much good equipment in just one night.

... Even though her previous equipment wasn't actually that bad.

After Marlene arrived, all the members were ready. Rhode nodded at Marlene and she replied with an unnatural smile. However, Rhode didn't notice it as he clapped his hand and everyone lifted their heads to attention.

"Alright, I'm sure you guys are clear that our match is about to begin," Rhode said. His peaceful voice and expression calmed the tensed crowd. Now, their breathing and heartbeats weren't as fast as before.

"I think all of you are clear that we cannot lose this competition. Others don't think we aren't capable of defeating the Sky Sword Guild. Just as I said, we aren't the favorites here and will only receive threats and humiliations. However, we are not here to do a catwalk on stage and simply go home."

Rhode's expression turned slightly stern.

"Don't forget that all of you have defeated the mercenary group elites in Paphield. You have proved to them that you're better, so if we lose here, what meaning would it serve to them that we're stronger?"

Rhode spread his arms apart.

"Could it be that all of you wish to return and hear their sarcastic sneers like 'Ha, since you're still defeated in the first round, does it make a difference if we attended or you attended'?"

Joey and Randolf twitched their brows and clenched their fists. Anne, on the other hand, jumped.

"That's impossible, Leader. Anne will not lose. Anne guarantees that the whatever Sky Sword Guild can't defeat me!"

"That's right."

Rhode nodded with satisfaction. He turned to Marlene and Lize and continued.

"Our goal is to win. Not only this round, but also the next few rounds... No matter who our opponents are."

Rhode paused for a moment.

"Now, I will arrange the sequence... Joey, you're up first. Next is Marlene, Gillian, Anne, then myself."

Rhode finished his sentence and turned to Joey who was dumbstruck. Joey thought that he wouldn't be the first to fight in such an important competition, but it seemed that things were out of his expectations, which forced him to stand up nervously.

"Sir, I-I..."

"Joey, I assign the most important mission to you..."

Rhode raised his hand to interrupt Joey's words. Then, he said something which left everyone stunned.

"This match, you need to lose."